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Both should have an impact from this as theyre blood types are linked. New science, then, tells us that all matter, including our physical bodies, consist of forms of light and therefore is pure energy in essence. Check Price. Or is because I have reduce my milk consumption. Metals usually do not form any diatomic bonding (in a chunk of the stuff, we're not talking about funky coordination complexes) as they just have a basic crystalline structure sharing electrons throughout. The result is believed to possess special properties that make it a powerful healing agent and energy source capable of improving physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. If it does improve my knees. That allows a greater influx of oxygen which displaces carbon dioxide trapped in the cells and also increases the uptake of any other nutrients present. I started to to take Energold that l bought on e-bay, then l found Monoatomic red gold on E-bay too, lve been taking it for 2 months now and l felt different, happier, peaceful, and l stop taking medication for cholesterol and Thyrod, l feel pretty good, more energetic, but l dont take it at night because l have problems sleeping, l got another bottle with 8 different monoatomic metals, l will start that tomorrow, but at the same time l dont eat meat and lm starting to stop ingesting dairy, so far l like it. For AFM imaging, the DNA was ligated Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave Fig. How long did your hair continue to fall out? Monoatomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and is thus a rejuvenation agent. How long were you taking it before you noticed the effects? Given what little information is available, it is advisable for individuals considering taking either of these substances to speak with their physician or health care practitioner before doing so. Acts As A Flash Powder To Cause Explosions Of Lights Are we possibly dealing with a very long-term agenda somehow extending all I have heard that would Mount Saint Helen exploded. The material is not here to cure aids. It has an entirely modified atom structure compared to the original metallic state. Icke on Monoatomic Gold The lecture was titled Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found?. A lasting warmth just above my navel, and around my chest. How long did it take to see results? knew the cabala very well, it seems likely that he understands what Adam To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. They have been the subject of much speculation in the scientific community. Semveta. A kundalini awakened American engineer named Gary, in one of his private posts to me, described one of the greatest dangers of mistaking the signpost for the destination: "Hudson's mind is not open to new ideas at this point, and he will stay like that for some time. Like to find out if I could get some of the ashes from it. But experts in cellular chemistry, chemical biology and neurology have told AAP FactCheck . None of the detection techniques of analytical chemistry can detect monatomic elements. These materials are sold as nutritional supplements and come with a wide variety of names. If you have any suggestions and queries you can contact us on the below details. Barry Carter wrote this summary recently about the past experiences of the pioneers of this research: The material that Hudson supplied to people contained about half a percent of ORMUS gold. We are an old family., Monotomic GoldAgain (Jan. 24, 2007) Gold is reduced to its molecular state in two forms. Thank you so much for your time and any info you can provide! In ancient Egypt, it was called Mfkzt. Colloidal gold is in the form of . From ancient alchemists to modern breakthroughs, this mineral has certainly had its fair share of attention! Magnetic levitation. It is cram packed with all the nutrients necessary to encourage and promote optimum health. Monoatomic Gold and other monoatomic elements also occurs in nature in minimal amounts. Through his research Gardner has ascertained that this white substance called "Mfkzt" was a Monoatomic powdered gold. In other words, a chemical process which takes a few days with metallic chemistry may take months or years using this shadow chemistry. For the sake of consistency, we might want to call this shadow chemistry alchemy.. Particles with an average The claim falls down on multiple scientific grounds. Superconductivity. Light, as proven by fiber optics, can carry more information than other storage forms. Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket Quality of Life Kinoko Platinum AHCC: Immune System Boost. Mary, All Answers (1) The obvious answer is that they are very different. That's not the way the circuit is set up in your system. Until you understand how far away the average persons behaviours are from being productive - in line with the Truth - it is almost impossible to understand what I am suggesting here. Black goo was extracted from World War 2 SS black stones, very similar stones that have been used in pagan rituals, similar to black stone found in the Kaaba in Mecca. I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. David Hudson, the guy who first discovered monoatomic gold, reportedly spent $5 million obtaining his samples of ORMUS. 1 in stock. bound to the DNA. But there are very, very few people who do. Radio Interviews |Ten Best Sites | Biologic Dentistry | Dr. Hulda Clark| Planet X Sequel | 'Undocumented Immigrants' | Donald Marshall & Cloning Station "nicks" along the DNA backbone. Scientific studies have proven that this substance can actually keep your cells protected and safe from different types of diseases by doing so. eating the sho-bread. Kundalini amplifies arrogance, just like everything else, and I find I still have problems with it myself, despite 7 years of steady work on it. I am wondering if the people that are actually feeling something are the 15% of RH(-) on the planet. Craig, My husband served in Iraq and has PTSD along with TBI. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged., Anna, Update: Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) on Monoatomic Gold But until recently, no one knew about their relationship with Ormus. to decrease the probability for one particle binding to many amino groups But, these are times without precedent, and when much is at stake, the risks and costs are correspondingly high. hellohow long did you take the product?which product exactly did you use?any negative effects?.i am just getting into thisive purchased products from zp tech any help appreciated. It literally is the spirit. All Rights Reserved. This is a question for nuclear scientists to ponder. it into science. They are found in aloe vera plants, carrots, grapes and grape seeds, watercress and in ocean water. the body is highly psychic, but it does. Monoatomic gold is backed by no high-quality scientific studies or clinical research. ORMUS in Mesopotamia Your chakras and realizations are not built that way. It's the breaking through of the cosmic egg, and he literally becomes a light being, capable of levitating and capable of bio-locating. applications in optical devices, nanometer-sized sensors, advanced computer de Sion. When more hydrogen is present, the surface tension of water (or any other liquid) is reduced. What exactly does that mean? In fact the gentleman who did the fast suggested that it was not true at all when he said: "I knew what to do. Heres what Hudson said about superconductors in one of his lectures: The superconducting field is the same energy as the bosonic field of the nucleus, and so when the whole material is enveloped in the superconductivity field the rigidity well, for instance a nucleus that is in a superconductor when it is superconducting, you no longer have electrons, everything is just bosonic light and there is no resistance in the nucleus to this light. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. Mini Silver Terminator (MST) | Chembusters & Orgone Generators | Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator | Smart Phone Dangers | Contact Us/ E-mail This is a hoax. What is my purpose? long, had one gold binding site per DNA molecule, and, after ligation, a Monoatomic gold sometimes referred to as the philosophers stone or star fire, is thought to be produced through the reduction process known as Alchemical Dew Transmutation. Bloodline, of the de Guise lineage), discovered and patented white gold. This liquid crystal comes on Earth from outer space. I got to thinking. to produce longer molecules that would be easier to image. When does the flu give u dementia? to a gold surface. I hope it helps. Monoatomic gold also supports the functions of the pineal and pituitary glands. This color of Monatomic Andara crystal has chosen the name Celestial Gold. It's also called Ormus or Etherium Gold and unfortunately, it seems to be really popular with the wu-wu pyramids and flying saucers crowd. potabile, liquid gold, a sovereign remedy, because gold being itself perfect Fig. At the same time, you can become more open and aware . David no longer supports Internet Explorer. Specific product names include Sola, Mountain Manna, C-Gro, and Cleopatra's Milk. to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. As crazy as those benefits sound, David Hudson has talked about all of the above benefits. Finding the perfect Monoatomic Gold Supplement is not rocket science and doesn't require extensive research. After ingesting the white gold for over David Hudson also implied that this gentleman was going through the "Egyptian Rite of Passage" which was a nine month process which started with a fast and ended with the person becoming a "light being" himself: "According to the "Secrets of the Golden Flower", it takes 10 lunar months, which happens to be the same as the Egyptian's said, 9 solar months, same time frame, but at the end of this, at the ninth month, he literally becomes a light being. Some benefits of Monatomic Gold include helping improve physical and mental energy. The separation The Youtube videos about it have a disappointing . increase our base vibratory frequency and ascend into the fourth dimension @ancientsecretdiscoveries Steve Mera, the UK's most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken to discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as. There is only one thing to say: Look were modern Science has brought us! We have designed and demonstrated a new approach for binding nanoparticles There is no evidence that this is true. Gundry MD E-Balance: Protective Hormone Disruptor Balance Regulator? ORMUS metals, also known as ORMEs metals, are metals purported to be in a unique plain of existence. Science (Physics, Quantum Physics, and Subquantum Physics). But the sad fact is that the Truth hurts, and the average seeker quickly discovers that they don't want the Truth and the "responsibility" that comes with it. The center of the period chart of elements consists of transition elements. These elements can transition from monatomic to diatomic under certain treatments., Mono Atomic Gold: What's the Sense of it? When you find it please let me know as Im looking for the same Please! Any other info possibly? How To Use HIPAA-Compliant Texting, The Hair Straightener-Uterine Cancer Connection: Filing Lawsuits and Claiming Settlements, 5 Easy Habits to Help You Lose Weight and Keep It Off, Role of Feedback in Googles Onboarding Process., 'I Want My Colloidal Gold!' 1. Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005) Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved. with two different passivating coatings were tested. It has to do with the theory of analytical chemistry. By taking Monatomic Gold, you can effectively take the steps necessary to neutralize all of the negativity that can be found within your cells and body overall. Matter is light whose frequency has been slowed down and lowered - matter is light of a higher density; matter is light . AlchemyA Mix of Chemistry and Occultism. Take gold for example. What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. Thank you.. Jerrina, is your need for this kind of information still relevant? In other words, these monoatomic elements could reduce a person's mass, boost the energy level of the body, and regulate numerous other unbalanced aspects on a biological and spiritual level. One of the central beliefs of monoatomic gold and ORMUS metals is that they work as superconductors. Your internal gold is your light energy, your fire, or your spirit. ORMUS/ORMEs stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. After reading the above statement, one observer commented that the statement is not altogether true. architectures, ultra dense memories, and quantum-information science and Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. islands, or quantum dots, may exhibit a variety of quantum phenomena, with Conduit, for example, claims to be a monoatomic brain alloy with 600ppm of gold, platinum, copper, iron, zinc, and manganese. radio interview show he's appeared on for the past few years (along with I felt happy for the first time in years. Instead, its a powerful pro-life force: This is pro-life. and similarity to the methylene side chain containing the amino group on True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished. is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth dimension. Laurence Gardner, a high Illuminati insider (and full blooded Reptilian) Monoatomic Gold, Ormus Benefits Of Monatomic Gold. It also contains large amounts of naturally sourced Monatomic Gold. Monoatomic Gold, also known as ORMUS gold, is purported to lead to powerful health benefits including a total cure for cancer and AIDS. of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. You might wonder why there is one equilibrium state at a certain deformation level and a different equilibrium state at a different level of deformation. ORMUS MONATOMIC GOLD - Monatomic Gold Ormus Suspended In Colloidal Gold - Gold Health Ormus Spiritual Supplement - 30ml - Ormus. and, if a sensitivity becomes apparent, cease use immediately. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. think twice about mono atomic gold. Hayes on Mono Atomic Gold: A Hidden Reptilian Agenda to Undermine DNA Activation When it is chemically inert, it can be ingested to energize the body and the mind at the cellular level. says that the promotion of mono atomic gold is an Illuminati deception. Improves the nervous system. If this takes place, it will be explained as the Earth unexpectedly encountering and passing through a cloud of energetically ionized krypton gas; such is to be acknowledged, but is only a small, ancillary physical-level effect, and hardly the First Cause. I suspect that the extra electromagnetic energy breaks the Cooper paired electrons and that the sulfur gives them something to grab onto. Most of these supplements contain water-soluble forms of various precious metals. Due to its chemistry and what it does for the body, it would seem that it would benefit the RH (-) STAR FOOD for your mind, body and spirit Alkaline yur body lemin juice baking soda. Thus, being confined to the 3rd dimension, the Illuminati Respiratory infections that kill u?? It seems to contain a lot in purple food. 8-15-5 Zenergy It does not, in fact, produce any "release" from the cycle of birth-and-death.

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