baby danvers fanfictionhow old is eric forrester in real life

But we have to keep you safe if we want her to catch them, she wont be alble to to anything if they treaten you., I promise i will protect you (Y/N) i meant it when i said i loved you. No we didnt! Nia tries to fight back, remembering how she had felt awkward towards Lena for weeks. To tell them theres absolutely nothing wrong, that you dont need help and that they must leave so you can go back to work. You must be doing some kind of face because she reaches out for your hand, supportively. Kara sniffs in his arms, wanting to bury her face into them but her eyes are fixed on her sister. Carol Danvers Once Gave Birth To Her Own Rapist - ScreenGeek You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Tears prick at her eyes and she presses her lips together. I-I think your heat vision mightve hit me, too, was what she got out, wincing again as the pain fully set in. Its up to you, to prove to me that i musnt kill you here and now., Please, dont kill her Lena begged him. Alex stumbles around the bed and makes her presence known by clearing her throat. Yes. Brainy responds. I understand your process of writing songs. Her eyes find Lena again, who slowly raises her head to watch Emmas answer. You saw Kara and then behind her, Alex with all the DEO agents. Y/N just watched her sisters bicker happy to be spending time with them like this. He was a really good cat and we all loved him very much.. Ill see you soon, ok?. You took a bite of the food and was extremely surprised at the taste. Emma scrunches up her eyes and feels Lily nuzzling her nose into her cheek, sensing her distress. One of these dorks will have to make the first shot. Her chest stings with hurt at witnessing her things being rummaged through and her shame burns her cheeks. She was incredible, irrestible but what was the point of all of this ? For someone who had never played a game of paintball in her life she was holding her own very well. I needed you both and you werent there but you were for Lena., I can see how that looks. Alex says softly and steps back but keeps ahold of Emmas hand. Here? Alex questioned, her words still full of frustration. When Kara predictably gets herself into an impossible situation, can the couple repair their relationship AND help the super get back to herself? The DEO infirmary went silent when director Danvers walked in closely followed by supergirl. She got up from her seat at the desk in no time and quickly left the office to fly to the scene where her troubled sister was already waiting for her. She taps her foot impatiently until she's down in the lobby where she's stomp outside to hail a cab. I hope Kara will find us. You said with fear in your voice. You were both tied up. Alex stood silent, but grit her teeth and turned towards Jonn, giving him a nod. Not ever. The amount of rage this woman was holding in and only slightly letting out, was a bit disturbing. the black haired finally threw into the room with an even deeper voice and glared daggers at Jeremiah; the light color of her eyes turning into a deep dark green. Jonn quirked a brow and crossed his arms, staring at Alex and her early morning tantrum. She would like an apple juice, please. Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks. Ive been out of National City so much, yesterday I forgot my own address. You walked away and grabbed your handbag from the bar stool on the way. (Courtesy of a @promptdumpster prompt that I happened to run into.). They played several rounds, each team winning a handful of times, but team Danvers ultimately came out on top. Its weird, but you always had a really strong connection with him so you know exactly whats happening. Or so early., Jeremiah, Emma and Alexs father, was the same. Eliza chuckles and places the mug in front of Robyn and sits next to her on the other stool. Wheres Emma? Kara asks with a frown as she notices her sisters absence. You couldnt go on and tolerate everything he had done, eventually the capacity of lying and cheating was reached. So. Alex starts, eyeing Kara to stop inhaling her food. However they werent there as she had forgotten she hadnt put them on today, so she ran them through her hair. They worry about me when they work and take care of me when they get home. Agent Vasquez wanted me to show you this. Reiff pulls out a tablet and holds it out for Alex. You broke her. Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions the usual, Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, winced, and glanced up only to meet Karas worried and fixated gaze. And God, this is the only thing I can control. We estimate roughly six bottles or more. Agent Reiff answers quietly, aware how delicate this information may be. It always amazes me how beautiful you make music sound. Lena utters while making herself more comfortable. But no, instead, she gets called in at 6am on her day off. The raven haired woman tries to hold it together but her eyes fill with unwanted tears and a lump forms in her throat. Alistair waits for them to settle before talking again. As for the blonde, she feels small. They were ready. When Alex is forced to come into work on her day off Has anyone ever told you your anger is disproportionate to your size?, No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face until now, that is., Crack fic below the cut ;) Wow. Ben whispers out, feeling his heart being tugged at the utter pain being portrayed in Emmas eyes. That physical action alone was like surrendering to the alpha in the room and she knew it. Ever since she carved a goofy face and saw the candle light, this earthly tradition held a special place in her heart. Ever since she was little she had heard her big sisters talk about their annual paintball tournament and couldnt wait until she was old enough to be able to participate. The eldest Danvers listened to their sister chatter in the back about what a fun time she had had that night and how she couldnt wait to do it again next year. Em, hey, youre okay. Thats why you all appeared so quickly? Fay voices Emmas question. ANSWER NOW OR ILL SEND THE COPS! Some asshole decided it was a good fucking idea to arm one of our forces with heat radiating weapons while they investigated a possible lead on a yet another dangerous, unidentified alien at some abandoned nuclear power plant. But its not ok. yes, its still one-page long. Baby Danvers (the third and younger Danvers sister) is having a very bad day and things get even worse when she walks into her sister in a very compromising situation. (Tag works with AgentCorpWeek2021 and Day X), (More information about tagging and submitting can be found on our blog). One you havent found a way to break. But we have to earn time, once i press de downloads button hell probably kill us both.. Alex: Y/N do you mind letting your sisters know that you are ok? And we saw that youre still working! Alex makes her way inside your apartment with two bags in her hands. Two armed guard were beside him. Oh God. You wish they would just leave you alone. Alex eyed the woman, not willing to back down from her stare, especially after that rant and clear tarnishing of her DEO. You are the one that ended it.. He stopped and watched her with interest. Everything is okay. Robyn says softly, trying to reassure a clearly frightened Emma who has tears streaming down her face. You okay? Kara asks in concern and Emma nods, running a hand through her hair. In the morning we both had killer hangovers and decided to be sober. Noted. Robyn says softly. You were dragged along corridors. She gave you a look did she have a plan or something ? Please stay awake, stay with me ! Emma grins and takes the last gulp of her drink before getting up. The tone she used nearly set Alex off. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. You can smell it and your stomach growls. I wanted to. I dont know whats going on, I just- You cry and cry. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. Ready to do their task, to kill Time was flying and no Kara to be seen. But as Kara said, Lena is one of us and I wouldnt have expected anything less.. They are having dinner, the TV is on a channel airing a 2000s movie but they dont make conversation. Alex, I understand its your day off, but you do realize that as a senior agent, when shit hits the fan, youre up, right?. PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. He was. Alex was taken aback by the casual, yet nosy questioning. When Alex Danvers adopts a 17 year old alien girl named Imilli, she is thrilled to finally have a kid. Since then, the Kryptonian had insisted on carving pumpkins each October. Granted, you are in an emergency, but she uses the key all the time, emergency or not. Can you please look at us? Her Moms voice breaks, causing Emma to lower her head and slowly open her eyes. Y/N! Y/Ns sudden closeness, accompanied by her wail, caught Kara off guard. I need you to enter to government system to hack their files about secret opration in the City., I cant do that im not an expert and, Then i can kill both of you beginning with supergirls little sister., Excellent ! Thought youd like some hot chocolate on your walk. Eliza smiles lovingly at her daughter and Emma gives her a small smile back. What? After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. Lets call Alex too. Kara cleans your tears, the ones you couldnt hold back. ==================================================. And guess what? Its late and its Sunday. What does it look like I'm doing? Supergirl, B!D, Kara Danvers x Sister!Reader, Alex Danvers x Sister!Reader, Lena Luthor x Reader, Reader insert. You did not want her to have an outburst of emotion, it was bad enough that you did even drawn attention to yourself again. Whats wrong? Panicked, the redhead ran through every single room of the apartment to find a clue about where you were and what had led you to just vanish. Slowly Lena raises her head and stares sorrowfully at Alex. I could-I could leave., No, please dont. Lena holds your hand. You wish you could, it would be a lot easier, but she might find it weird, and you can't have people catching on. Ill go change and be right back.. Why did he kidnap you ? you askedCant he find somone else to do this job ?, No. "Talk to me, honey. I see you do have the proper qualifications to make you one of the leaders of this hell hole. Baby danvers hiii! Could you right a Kara Danvers x daughter Kara cant live like this until its acceptable for them to divorce and move on with their lives separately. But none came. Your eyes are trained on whats written on his tombstone. Lucy stepped back, crossed her arms again and kept her eyes locked on Alex. Its food. Eliza begins preparing the drinks and Robyn sighs heavily as she rubs her forehead. Burnt skies by Itsiqra17. Music is generally the same notes over and over, but its what you have to say that counts. You dont need it. You can decide how this ends? -believed to be in London, although sources havent been able to confirm this. Wont we, Alex? the woman smirked. TonsillitisPart 3: Lena Luthor x Daughter!reader, Supertimes with the Superfriends Chapter 1: M Is For Monopoly, Supertimes with Superfriends Chapter 2: The Best Holiday, Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 3: Twister, Superfun with Superfriends: Chapter 4: Movie Night, Supergirl: Superfun with Superfriends Chapter 5: Clue. To me, you are just a pitiful piece of misery that abandoned and destroyed his entire family.". She kisses the crown of your head. You okay? Nia asks and Emma nods, motioning she is going to the water. You were ready to run and not look back, your fight or flight mode kicking in, but you calmed down relatively quickly when you understood who exactly was standing in front of you. When you're born into a family of genius scientists, with a superhero sister blasted to Earth from the stratosphere, not everything is destined to be easy. What do you think? This is just one way to interpret todays AgentCorp Week theme! A velvet voice says next to her, causing Emma to blink and look up to see Lena standing there with two steaming mugs. Lena. Alex places a hand on Lenas shoulder, concern seemingly replacing her anger. Emma nods slowly. Im sorry to interrupt your lunch, but the scientists need feedback on the new prototype. Lenas assistant shoots as soon as she opens the door and when she is done talking, Lena looks at you apologetic. Without much thought Alex angrily stumbles to her feet and grabs her jacket. No! She looked on her left and saw a female body peacefully sleeping next to her. Sister Sisters on Tumblr Both of them had tears running down their cheeks and both could not believe that you just left like that. Lets just eat together., Im not hungry. Your stomach growls, proving that you are lying. Kara: Is she? She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Karas desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion. Baby. Kara says, arms open wide, pulling you inside her arms for a long hug. Crouched, legs drawn up, you just sat there with your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew. No! Alex says sharply, causing Lena to flinch when she grabs her shoulders. According to our files, theres a lot of protocols being broken here. Youre smart, and sweet, and beautiful, and funny, and so important to us. Hi Honey! We will review when we are back at the DEO.. Lee. Sam utters quietly and slides off the sofa to comfort the raven haired woman. "Remember when you told me that you found a place here in National City that at night looks like the water reflects the whole galaxy?" Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. You know its a preposterous idea. Her voice is disdainful and her face expresses the same, however, there is a glint of something else shining on Lenas eyes. Now its new you heard a voice said. You go around your block with his favorite toy, making noises with it so he can hear you. Alex: Whats the point of a group chat if only me and Kara talk? They had gone years without anyone sustaining an actual injury, but this year ended up breaking that record, and would be a story for the ages. Because I sure as hell didnt, Alex snipped back as she flipped her hand up in annoyance. Well be right behind you. It would be good PR, the excuse isnt lousy or ridiculous. "So, what are you attempting to make? I am making spaghetti. She said stirring the content of the pot. Robyn nods and Emma sniffs heavily. I told you what would happen if you ever hurt her. Alex grits out, she watches as Lenas face crumbles and she lowers her head. When the faint hum of her powers wiggled into Y/Ns ear, who was standing next to Kara with Alex across the table of them, she peered over Karas pumpkin, shocked and betrayed to find it nearly squeaky clean. Other pets/doms to come. How she holds onto what he was like before he was captured and changed. baby danvers | Archive of Our Own Come on, baby. Kara hands Alex the shoebox and picks you up from the sidewalk, knowing you cannot walk back home right now. You came back in the kitchen to see your mom placing the table. It appeared that Karas heat vision had not only burned Y/N, but really hit her with large scrapes and cuts. She doesnt finish. Im sorry.. Times over. finally said the manMiss Luthor ?. But, she did take note that not once did Lucy raise her voice. Stop doubting my cooking skills and eat. I forgot to mention Kara begins, getting nothing from Lena, not even a glance over but she continues anyway, James told me he thinks we should go out on a date night, you and me. She waits expectantly and the only reaction she gets from Lena is a scoff. To hear another voice timed with Emmas lips. aunts. Once we told everyone they joined us too.. Sent back in time by Alex Luthor-Danvers, Kara Danvers, and Lena Luthor's, son. Now she has to learn to live with the fact that she's . That she was okay if she didnt think about it. I was going to start moving her things out and I- Lena says but her throat closes up with emotion and her head drops forward. #baby danvers fanfiction on Tumblr Shaking her head Alex marches out of the room and up the stairs. No, they need to know what you did when you came to mine. Robyn says fiercely, her fury mounting. She gives you his collar, and you clench to it crying harder. You would not have blamed him, but would have fallen into his arms and started crying with joy. We will be fine as long as we keep it togther okay ?. Slowly, you sat down in the spot by the tree you had left in terror and leaned your knees against your chest while throwing flat rocks into the water; starting to hit more waves into it. Jonn, Dominators are dangerous beings. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. But we all need to be honest with each other too. Alex hesitates and focuses back on her baby sister. Emmas worried eyes focus on Alexs. She decides to try something. She stands by the waters edge as it gently laps against the sand and takes a deep breath. At this point, she wanted to continue to voice her vote of disapproval, but her confidence had faltered. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. He walked up to you and, with a smile, asked. We all caused the damage. See you around, Danvers, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat. To sum it up, Alex Danvers really has three children. So, shall we?. You curl yourself on her, crying in her suit. Good plan. Alex nods and squeezes her shoulder before they separate. Sorry you had to see that. You flush and smile harder, forced, fake. Kara nodded and looped an arm around Y/Ns shoulders, despite the fact that she was capable to walk, and led her over to the couch, helping her lay down. But please know, my love for you, it wasnt an illusion. It would be breathteaking if you werent close to be killed by a psychopath. Passed over by our own sister.. For him to be consumed with self-reproach, like you had been for a while. You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. Emma flinches and frowns slightly at the monstrous voice that plays out in her mind and she remembers her dream from this morning. Emma nods and puts them on, she snorts at how quickly Lilys tail wags while she waits patiently by the door. You presumed he was their boss and the conversation, that occured then, confirmed your impression. Believe me I wanted to catch the next flight to London, but I knew Emma needed time and I wanted her to come back on her own.. So whoever it was, was clearly going to get an earful. Gee, theres nothing here. You cant believe you got caught. He seemed to have the same though because he asked. So, are we all ready? Alistair draws everyones attention and they stop their conversations. Yea, Im sorry. Kara agrees. In no time shes in front of Lenas apartment and she raises her fist to pound on the door. Why such efforts Miss Luthor ? But, we can help you overcome it.. You immediatly felt Lenas hands on your face. Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she jerks awake. Alex wasnt gonna stand for that. The blonde focuses on Emma, who can tell her sister doesnt want to ask what is in her mind. Though, he had to admit, he wasnt sure what Alex was bent out of shape for, since having to show up for work unannounced was an uncommon occurrence since shes worked at the DEO. In time she stares into the fire and her eyes become unfocused and distant as she watches the dancing flame. Maybe we should break into teams of two that way its a bit harder., Yeah? Alex said as she glanced in the rearview mirror at Y/N. The tv was on in the background as Alex wanted to watch the news while Lena was currently trying to get a block out, her eyes were focused in concentration. You stared at him one more time with disbelief; your eyes boring deep into him so that he had to swallow hard and had to improve his stance. You felt weighed down like your limbs were made of lead. Lets count five for three two. Why would you even ask that? She chuckled. Oh, Y/N.. I like knowing your thoughts. The times in which you had spent on the couch and watched caustic movies that the redhead really wanted to see, your bedroom that you both designed the way you always wanted it to be before you moved in and all the chaotic moments where the color of the walls landed on your faces instead of on the wall.

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