designated market activities fed definitionhow old is eric forrester in real life

0000163729 00000 n 0000142858 00000 n 0000145200 00000 n F.o.b. 0000038003 00000 n 0000147449 00000 n 0000151130 00000 n 0000112793 00000 n 0000095038 00000 n 0000095231 00000 n 0000147034 00000 n High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPAs Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. 0000162291 00000 n The alternate version of a provision or clause is the basic provision or clause as changed by the addition, deletion, or substitution (see 52.105(a)). 0000172556 00000 n They're usually separated by metropolitan area, with rural areas often being combined. 0000066203 00000 n (1) For acquisitions of construction subject to 40 U.S.C. 0000130110 00000 n 0000079336 00000 n 0000088426 00000 n 0000108944 00000 n For use in the clause at 52.248-2, see the definition at 52.248-2(b). Partial termination means the termination of a part, but not all, of the work that has not been completed and accepted under a contract. 0000162533 00000 n 0000148413 00000 n 0000097557 00000 n 0000071230 00000 n For purposes of this definition, the terms "buildings, structures, or other real property" include, but are not limited to, improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, cemeteries, pumping stations, railways, airport facilities, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, and channels. In addition to providing temporary financing for the borrower's debt, syndicating institutions may bridge the equity level of Leveraged Lending 4 Comptroller's Handbook Carbon dioxides global warming potential is defined as 1.0. 0000133628 00000 n 0000071165 00000 n 0000125307 00000 n Contiguous United States (CONUS) means the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. 0000070771 00000 n 0000130458 00000 n 0000163665 00000 n 0000040482 00000 n 0000072269 00000 n 0000071035 00000 n (viii) Palmyra Atoll. 0000124214 00000 n 0000103115 00000 n 0000148215 00000 n 0000126055 00000 n 0000093387 00000 n The term includes only that information needed to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product. 0000120035 00000 n The data may also include, for example, sales data and any information reasonably required to explain the offerors estimating process, including, but not limited to, (1) The judgmental factors applied and the mathematical or other methods used in the estimate, including those used in projecting from known data; and. 0 0000101980 00000 n 0000173709 00000 n 0000170246 00000 n Customs territory of the United States means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Plant clearance officer means an authorized representative of the contracting officer, appointed in accordance with agency procedures, responsible for screening, redistributing, and disposing of contractor inventory from a contractors plant or work site. Following the publication of its final rule outlining the criteria, processes, and procedures for the designation of FMUs on July 27, 2011, the Council proposed the designation of an initial set of FMUs on May 22, 2012. 0000179031 00000 n Useful life refers to the prospective period of economic usefulness in a particular contractors operations as distinguished from physical life; it is evidenced by the actual or estimated retirement and replacement practice of the contractor. 0000080236 00000 n 0000106778 00000 n 0000174974 00000 n (1) Means a concern, including its affiliates, that is independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field of operation, and qualified as a small business under the criteria and size standards in 13 CFR part 121 (see 19.102). DICK'S Sporting Goods Guns & Ammo Near You. Environmentally preferable means products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. 0000142974 00000 n (3) Source selection plans. 0000091359 00000 n 0000077005 00000 n Acquisition begins at the point when agency needs are established and includes the description of requirements to satisfy agency needs, solicitation and selection of sources, award of contracts, contract financing, contract performance, contract administration, and those technical and management functions directly related to the process of fulfilling agency needs by contract. 0000127375 00000 n 0000107708 00000 n designated market activities fed definition; fabriquer un tambourin; une ambition intime politique streaming; association faire argenteuil; avenue winston churchill dreux; maison de la justice et du droit angers horaires. 0000174099 00000 n 0000154794 00000 n Architect-engineer services, as defined in 40 U.S.C. 0000143712 00000 n 0000099192 00000 n 0000124889 00000 n 0000120299 00000 n Should means an expected course of action or policy that is to be followed unless inappropriate for a particular circumstance. 0000138216 00000 n 0000160451 00000 n 0000151189 00000 n What are Designated Market Areas (DMA)? | GroundTruth 0000122366 00000 n 0000075871 00000 n 0000167522 00000 n Data other than certified cost or pricing data means pricing data, cost data, and judgmental information necessary for the contracting officer to determine a fair and reasonable price or to determine cost realism. Component means any item supplied to the Government as part of an end item or of another component, except that for use in. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502). (1) Means a product that, (i) Meets Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency criteria for use of the Energy Star trademark label; or. 0000103729 00000 n 0000102820 00000 n 0000069551 00000 n 0000102879 00000 n 0000143340 00000 n 0000065332 00000 n This type of position was added in order to increase competitiveness and market quality as electronic trading becomes more widespread and dominates financial markets. 0000136801 00000 n 0000164427 00000 n Assisted acquisition means a type of interagency acquisition where a servicing agency performs acquisition activities on a requesting agency's behalf, such as awarding and administering a contract, task order, or delivery order. Part of the responsibility is to lessen volatility and increase liquidity, but those factors are not always under their control. (2) Inherently governmental functions do not normally include gathering information for or providing advice, opinions, recommendations, or ideas to Government officials. 0000127434 00000 n 0000038327 00000 n 0000122484 00000 n 0000138401 00000 n 0000085437 00000 n 0000115345 00000 n 0000072401 00000 n Contingency operation ( 10 U.S.C.101(a)(13)) means a military operation that-, (1) Is designated by the Secretary of Defense as an operation in which members of the armed forces are or may become involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the United States or against an opposing military force; or. 0000077194 00000 n 0000148009 00000 n 0000099808 00000 n 0000137033 00000 n BNP's forex fines in detail| Compliance Matters 0000167844 00000 n 0000115767 00000 n 0000128450 00000 n 0000175428 00000 n 0000102400 00000 n Suspension means action taken by a suspending official under 9.407 to disqualify a contractor temporarily from Government contracting and Government-approved subcontracting; a contractor that is disqualified is "suspended. 0000154968 00000 n 0000154207 00000 n 0000086985 00000 n 0000119671 00000 n Claim means a written demand or written assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to the contract. 0000092961 00000 n 0000167278 00000 n 0000069803 00000 n Consent to subcontract means the contracting officers written consent for the prime contractor to enter into a particular subcontract. 0000104253 00000 n 0000145584 00000 n Governmental functions normally fall into two categories: the act of governing, i.e., the discretionary exercise of Government authority, and monetary transactions and entitlements. 0000158758 00000 n 0000068126 00000 n 0000176619 00000 n 0000119494 00000 n 0000066138 00000 n 0000160054 00000 n Supplemental agreement means a contract modification that is accomplished by the mutual action of the parties. (3) The FFRDC has access to Government and supplier data, employees, and facilities beyond that common in a normal contractual relationship. Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense. 0000171622 00000 n Federal agency means any executive agency or any independent establishment in the legislative or judicial branch of the Government (except the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Architect of the Capitol, and any activities under the Architects direction). Nielsen uses designated market areas when compiling their ratings. (3) Minor outlying islands. Termination inventory means any property purchased, supplied, manufactured, furnished, or otherwise acquired for the performance of a contract subsequently terminated and properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract. 0000121423 00000 n Also included are acquisitions of models, methodologies, and related software supporting studies, analyses or evaluations. 0000166503 00000 n All costs identified specifically with other final cost objectives of the contractor are direct costs of those cost objectives. 0000135313 00000 n 0000117230 00000 n (1) Commonwealths. 0000077257 00000 n 0000074719 00000 n 0000157232 00000 n (1) Data collected from prospective Federal awardees required for the conduct of business with the Government; (2) Prospective contractor-submitted annual representations and certifications in accordance with FAR subpart 4.12; and. 0000087969 00000 n 0000130400 00000 n Designations | U.S. Department of the Treasury 0000147695 00000 n 0000100157 00000 n FMUs and financial institutions participating in payment, clearance, and settlement activities comprise the nation's financial infrastructure. 0000131056 00000 n Value engineering change proposal (VECP), (1) Means a proposal that, (i) Requires a change to the instant contract to implement; and, (ii) Results in reducing the overall projected cost to the agency without impairing essential functions or characteristics, provided, that it does not involve a change. 0000123393 00000 n Designated Market Makers on NYSE were previously known as specialists. designated market activities fed definition; fabriquer un tambourin; une ambition intime politique streaming; association faire argenteuil; avenue winston churchill dreux; maison de la justice et du droit angers horaires. (1) An inherently governmental function involves, among other things, the interpretation and execution of the laws of the United States so as to-. 0000117898 00000 n 0000125804 00000 n 0000143275 00000 n 5122), ( 41U.S.C. 0000071430 00000 n 0000086252 00000 n 0000129993 00000 n 0000131299 00000 n 0000146506 00000 n 0000134444 00000 n 0000152185 00000 n F.o.b. Section 117 of the Dodd-Frank Act applies to any entity that was a bank holding company with total consolidated assets of at least $50 billion as of January 1, 2010, and that received financial assistance under or participated in the Capital Purchase Plan established under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, and to any successor entity to such a bank holding company. 0000131240 00000 n (2) A small business concern eligible under the Women-Owned Small Business Program in accordance with 13 CFR part 127 (see subpart 19.15). 0000102700 00000 n (2) As used in this definition, the term "product" does not include any energy-consuming product or system designed or procured for combat or combat-related missions ( 42U.S.C. 0000113340 00000 n 161. 0000159555 00000 n 5122), as described in 13.201(g)(1), except for construction subject to 40 U.S.C. 0000067481 00000 n 0000146857 00000 n 0000106159 00000 n 0000157568 00000 n 0000147577 00000 n 0000091301 00000 n 0000149610 00000 n Announced in 2008, the DMM is considered a value-added service offering higher touch than what an electronic-only platform can provide. 0000067677 00000 n Federal Reserve Officials Project Rate Increases in 2023 - The New York It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale . 0000164770 00000 n (2) Must be protected against unauthorized disclosure according to Executive Order12958, Classified National Security Information, April 7,1995, or classified in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Branches and Agencies of 2292 et seq. chapter 35). This levels the playing field between the DMM and floor brokers. 0000103489 00000 n Contracting office means an office that awards or executes a contract for supplies or services and performs postaward functions not assigned to a contract administration office (except for use in part 48, see also 48.001). For purposes of compliance with 31 U.S.C.3332 and implementing regulations at 31 CFR part 208, the term "electronic funds transfer" includes a Governmentwide commercial purchase card transaction. 0000154678 00000 n 0000120827 00000 n (iv) Johnston Atoll. 0000136302 00000 n 0000129136 00000 n 0000154266 00000 n Offer means a response to a solicitation that, if accepted, would bind the offeror to perform the resultant contract. A stopped order was an NYSE market order that was stopped from being executed by the specialist or DMM with the intent to improve its price later. 0000117344 00000 n 0000082462 00000 n 0000038199 00000 n 0000112611 00000 n 0000087329 00000 n 0000175312 00000 n Alternate means a substantive variation of a basic provision or clause prescribed for use in a defined circumstance. 0000089462 00000 n (5) Submarines. 0000162722 00000 n The order cited "deficiencies in Citigroup's antimoney laundering compliance program" and its "control infrastructure relating to its foreign exchange program and designated market activities." The Fed ordered Citi to correct the issues in 2013 and 2015, respectively. 0000137474 00000 n 0000105416 00000 n 0000091025 00000 n 0000105099 00000 n 0000129077 00000 n 0000136659 00000 n 0000098642 00000 n 0000127139 00000 n 0000126697 00000 n 0000167418 00000 n 0000156296 00000 n 0000168804 00000 n 0000097337 00000 n 0000065003 00000 n 0000166754 00000 n 0000128598 00000 n 0000167596 00000 n 0000158076 00000 n The FMUs that the Council designated perform a variety of functions in the market, including the clearance and settlement of cash, securities, and derivatives transactions; many of them are central counterparties and are responsible for clearing a large majority of trades in their respective markets. Major system means that combination of elements that will function together to produce the capabilities required to fulfill a mission need. Electronic commerce means electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions including electronic mail or messaging, World Wide Web technology, electronic bulletin boards, purchase cards, electronic funds transfer, and electronic data interchange. 0000099924 00000 n 0000160120 00000 n 0000130990 00000 n Federal banking regulators on Wednesday fined Citigroup Inc. $400 million and ordered the nation's third-largest bank to fix its risk-management systems . For construction contracts that have been completely terminated for convenience, it means the entire contract, notwithstanding the completion of, and payment for, individual items of work before termination. 0000151602 00000 n The bases for the Councils designations are availablehere: The FMUs that the Council designated perform a variety of functions in the market, including the clearance and settlement of cash, securities, and derivatives transactions; many of them are central counterparties and are responsible for clearing a large majority of trades in their respective markets. 0000178644 00000 n 0000110797 00000 n 0000129934 00000 n OMB Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR part 200 is the abbreviated title for Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200), which supersedes OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-89, A-102, A-110, A-122, and A-133, and the guidance in Circular A-50 on Audit Followup. 0000100646 00000 n 0000137265 00000 n 0000141613 00000 n 0000136726 00000 n 0000141769 00000 n 0000151661 00000 n 0000127670 00000 n 0000102997 00000 n 0000145012 00000 n (3) Guarantee future energy and cost savings to the Government. 0000069095 00000 n 0000076195 00000 n Supplies means all property except land or interest in land. Dollar values and percentages may be used as guideposts, but are not conclusive evidence that a modification is minor; (4) Any combination of products meeting the requirements of paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this definition that are of a type customarily combined and sold in combination to the general public; (5) A product, or combination of products, referred to in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this definition, even though the product, or combination of products, is transferred between or among separate divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of a contractor; or. 0000086495 00000 n 0000065455 00000 n 0000167786 00000 n 0000083647 00000 n The designated market maker position is relatively new to the New York Stock Exchange. 0000152011 00000 n Insert the clause at 52.202-1, Definitions, in solicitations and contracts that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold. ECON CHAP 14 Flashcards | Quizlet All advisory and assistance services are classified in one of the following definitional subdivisions: (1) Management and professional support services, i.e., contractual services that provide assistance, advice or training for the efficient and effective management and operation of organizations, activities (including management and support services for R&D activities), or systems. They also include, but are not limited to, such factors as-. 0000136125 00000 n 0000083016 00000 n The chronology identifies the dates of peaks and troughs that frame economic recessions and expansions. There are 210 DMAs covering the whole United States and are usually defined based on metropolitan areas, with suburbs often being combined within. 0000111275 00000 n The term "Contractors plant" includes, but is not limited to, Government-owned contractor-operated plants, Federal installations, and Federal and non-Federal industrial operations, as may be required under the scope of the contract. 0000133114 00000 n 0000098700 00000 n 0000115826 00000 n Overtime premium means the difference between the contractors regular rate of pay to an employee for the shift involved and the higher rate paid for overtime. S 0000175106 00000 n 0000148479 00000 n 0000129792 00000 n Denied Persons & Specially Designated Nationals - Federal Register hbbd``b`f@RmL BD\" $bI @;#)(_L10 0000087277 00000 n 0000163110 00000 n Small disadvantaged business concern consistent with 13 CFR 124.1002, means a small business concern under the size standard applicable to the acquisition, that: (1) Is at least 51 percent unconditionally and directly owned (as defined at 13 CFR 124.105) by, (i) One or more socially disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.103) and economically disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.104) individuals who are citizens of the United States; and, (ii) Each individual claiming economic disadvantage has a net worth not exceeding $750,000 after taking into account the applicable exclusions set forth at 13 CFR 124.104(c)(2); and. (2) For use in subpart 22.8, see the definition at 22.801. 0000065565 00000 n 0000077673 00000 n Manufactured end product means any end product in product and service codes (PSC) 1000-9999, except-. (3) A cosurety is one of two or more sureties that are jointly liable for the penal sum of the bond. Governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) means a task-order or delivery-order contract for information technology established by one agency for Governmentwide use that is operated-, (1) By an executive agent designated by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to 40U.S.C. 0000168568 00000 n 0000180387 00000 n One of the bigger changes from the specialist role, which the DMM replaced, involves the trade information that a DMM has access to. tnGYF1qZWLUTVUk\YnP`,R>ByEFb=)QqIQyJF2)(_C^"-#V. 0000159870 00000 n 0000099127 00000 n 0000135608 00000 n 0000109366 00000 n 0000079863 00000 n 0000085321 00000 n 0000180112 00000 n Pollution prevention means any practice that-, (i) Reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal; and. 0000133232 00000 n 0000155142 00000 n 0000106508 00000 n 0000093924 00000 n 0000119969 00000 n Special tooling means jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, taps, gauges, and all components of these items including foundations and similar improvements necessary for installing special tooling, and which are of such a specialized nature that without substantial modification or alteration their use is limited to the development or production of particular supplies or parts thereof or to the performance of particular services. Such companies will be subject to consolidated supervision by the Federal Reserve and enhanced prudential standards. 0000076361 00000 n It includes developing the overall strategy for managing the acquisition. Unique entity identifier means a number or other identifier used to identify a specific commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity. 0000122601 00000 n 0000168509 00000 n Market regulation is often controlled by the. 0000042224 00000 n 0000092383 00000 n A contract may be a classified contract even though the contract document itself is unclassified. 0000103423 00000 n 0000171445 00000 n 153(2)). 0000100275 00000 n 0000074373 00000 n

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