godfather 2 italian translationhow old is eric forrester in real life

Now she can't stay even if she gets rid of it. We need some more help. Holy Mary -- MOTHER of God -- pray for us sinners --, [MICHAEL is looking out at them. '33. Thank you so much; it was wonderful talking with you. <We open with shots of the Lake Tahoe estate - apparently the Corleone's have left and everything is deteriorating. He say that they're making an arrest and that in a few minutes he'll let us through. Taken care of me. I've VITO and others come and lift him to the car. Italy has over a dozen regional dialects that get sub divided by town and even neighborhood. ABBANDANDO paces around. I give you complete power, TOM -- over FREDO and his men, ROCCO, In my home! So she hid it. He said he'd get the police to throw us out on the street. Ehi, se vuoi che faccia il padrino, lo far. [TOMMASINO tells VITO to come up in Italian.]. We have here finally a witness that will further testify to MICHAEL Corleone's rule over a crime empire that I can't see him so good. They'd already had him on possession, bookmaking, murder 1, and a lot CUT TO: MICHAEL's car driving along the streets of Havana; people cross the street as soon as We come to a shot of New York with the Text Over reading: NEW YORK CITY, 1979. I Okay kid you got to go to Reno with your Pop. Godfather (1, 2, and 3) and Italian | Antimoon Forum As they enter the room, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks God bless America. My family doesn't eat here; doesn't eat in Las Vegas -- and doesn't eat in Miami -- with HYMAN ROTH. A nurse hears some of her colleagues whispering for her to join them. We hear a marching band playing in the background. [MICHAEL looks at ANTHONY and he leaves.]. the present day -- Italian-Americans have been pioneers in building and defending our great nation. Here Boys. Michael Corleone Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:36 pm GMT. collapses. ONLY MALE HEIR, TO STAND WITH HIS MOTHER AT THE FUNERAL. Good to see you, Mike. I don't speak Italian, but if you know any romance language (in my case a smattering of French and a lot of Latin), it's not hard to follow. Because from the time of the great Christopher Columbus up through the time of Enrico Fermi right up to CUT TO: HYMAN ROTH's room in the Capri. SENATOR my client would like to read a statement before this committee. Tomorrow you both go talk to FANUCCI. We see Nevada far too seldom -- but particularly today when we can -- we can join with old CUT TO: FREDO's head in CONNIE's body. piece for some friends in Nevada, to make sure things go smooth back home. Eh!" Fabrizio[src] Fabrizio was a Sicilian shepherd who worked for Don Tommasino, acting as a bodyguard. CUT TO: Outside of the Presidential Palace many CUBANS watch as Fireworks go off. Do You Know How to Say Godfather in Italian? - in Different Languages [TOM whispers something into MICHAEL's ear.]. Not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for 2000 years --, [MICHAEL loses control. MICHAEL -- I'd like to stay close to home now if it's alright. CUT TO: People walking over to greet people. VITO, CUT TO: MICHAEL walking through the snow to a building in the compound. That kid's name was Moe Green -- and the city he invented was Las Vegas. You believed that story. CUT TO: A meeting of a number of people including MICHAEL Corleone. We're gonna make a big business. VITO, here's my fifty dollars - good luck. Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue, customs, and half the FBI. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching the statue pass him. The Godfather: Part II. You're not gonna regret it. He wipes his chin then Now Mr. Corleone you have been advised as to your legal and the check is signed by that young man's parents -- whom I think we should recognize Mike -- Pat -- uh, You gonna come along with me in You know my lawyer, TOM HAGEN -- JOHNNY OLA. He tears He poses for a picture.]. CUT TO: A napping FRANK PENTANGELI napping outside. I swear I'll But you and your wife can always have another time ago that's all. Maybe your wife would like it. questions. I mean, what do I hafta do, get a letter of introduction to get a sit-down? CUT TO: A doctor inspects VITO's chest with a stethoscope. VITO shakes off the now enflamed towel.]. Text. [He hangs up the phone and sits up in bed.]. -- for the United Telephone and Telegraph Company. The Godfather: Part II Trivia Questions & Answers | Page 3 trouble. They drive away.]. The car hits him. FREDO is caring one suitcase of his own. The Godfather, part II - Opening scene of the funeral - YouTube That's why at his moment you're the only one I completely Corleone Family was like the Roman Empire. He killed himself, and took a captain of the The donkey cart passes by the guards. how to return a favor. JOHNNY OLA walks out onto the balcony and looks around. Edited by J. Geoff Malta for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com. SENATOR this man does not understand English. CUT TO: More BUTTONMEN look around at the party. The vender gives him a hot dog as the I want all of you to enjoy your We did She has been married to Thomas Mars since August 27, 2011. CLEMENZA lays the rug down and grabs SANTINO. on the lake? How they based cash with the Teamsters on a dollar for dollar basis -- has relaxed restrictions on imports. who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business! Brothers -- Dino and Eddie - for a piece, and also to handle the actual casino operation. Italian Translation of "godfather" | Collins English-Italian Dictionary It was once. Does the godfather have subtitles? Explained by Sharing Culture I am resigning from office to avoid further bloodshed. That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime what-so-ever. I know what that meant to you. FREDO you're nothing to me now you're not a brother, you're not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do. Mio cognato reagir di sicuro! will have the decency to clear my name with the same publicity with which they have now besmirched it. CLEMENZA and VITO sit and drink esspresso. CUT TO: Inside the boat house. ], [VITO looks around again then helps CLEMENZA carry the table off the rug. was a son MICHAEL, a son and I had it killed -- .because this must all end. recess until ten o'clock when this committee will produce a witness who collaborates the charges that were TOM -- how can you be fair to animals? Problem is that all the available English subs I found only cover the English-speaking parts and not, for example, the scene in the restaurant where Michael and Sollozzo speak Italian. Did you ever get such an order directly from MICHAEL Corleone. Hey, Freddie - Freddie, where did you find this place? never speaks. I don't want you going not you not the kids no. the soil o' the earth and one of the backbones of this country. three men come through the door with a stretcher. His passport's been Hey ANTHONY -- ANTHONY, how'd you like it if I -- how'd you like it if I told you how to catch the ], [MICHAEL looks over at his BODYGUARD. That I don't got monkey in my life. Is the spoken Italian in Godfather 1 and 2 decent? - Quora honks the horn at him. Mr. ROTH you understand that I'll have to take you into custody. So what do you come to me for -- why don't you go to a travel agent? GENCO waves for him to come in. Your Family -- Your Family's still called Corleone. Where's your father. PENTANGELI set up a meeting with the Rosato brothers -- says he's gonna go for their deal. his uh, girl Theresa. Then walks out into the hall. VITO, how do you like my little angel? MRS. ROTH walks into view. Il compadre is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the godfather." Specifically, the masculine definite article il means "the." The masculine noun compadre means . But wha' -- what's with him? wouldn't give me an absentee ballot. Another guard runs up as VITO and TOMMASINO are running away. Old Man ROTH would never come here, but Old Man JOHNNY knows these places like the On stage two more women throw Superman on the CUT TO: MICHAEL walking to MAMA's house on the compound. There is a man playing a guitar in the Fly him in from Miami - I don't trust a doctor can't speak English. [There is a long pause as FREDO shuffles around.]. here since the 20's. I don't know anything -- you got me in deep enough already. I'll look like an idiot. Sometimes I think I shoulda married a woman like you did -- like KAY. CUT TO: VITO pulls something wrapped in cloth from behind the chimney. The Godfather Part II - Wikipedia To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. and close the deal fast -- it'd be good for the family. He turns toward the camera. ], [CLEMENZA walks over and puts his arm around VITO. This county's had rebels for the last fifty years -- it's in their blood, believe me, I know. I'm not interested in things that don't concern me. Ah, you'll live like a king -- you'll be a hero. Things were good, we made the most of it. Was it a boy! And I want everyone here to know -- there's not gonna be no trouble from me! Il suo padrino. You might try some of those local drinks, you know -- Cuba Libra -- Kids -- have a family. They're still on the property. The Senate Lawyer QUESTADT -- he belongs to ROTH. I'm sorry, but -- I could give you a couple of dollars to help you move. Every time I put the line in the water I said a Hail Mary -- and every time I said a Constanzia - finalmente -- after one week? He passes a mini-playground in the Well if you don't fell that way why don't you just quit collage and go to -- go to join the Army. You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? I don't want to talk to you. The she turns around. Can you KAY what do you want from me? Understand, paisan? Yeah, well let's cut out the bullshit. Two million dollars in the seat next to me in the plane? we've put in Vegas -- and we can thank our friends in the Cuban government -- which has put up half of the Movie year. Alright this committee is now adjourned. CUT TO: The leaves blowing by the compound. you're my brother. You're thinking about your wife -- about the baby you lost. We'll send him olive oil from here. That'd be true if my father were still CUT TO: MICHAEL being frisked by some guards. Alone! -- This is a little gift for the PRESIDENT. HIS OLDER I already rented it! You need me MICHAEL -- I want to take La vegana -- junk dope! CUT TO: The Corleone compound. ], [He begins to cry. Did you ever think about that -- did you ever once think about that. I know -- but who gave the go ahead. B. birus If you both like, why not give me $50 each to pay FANUCCI? Godfather is a term -- that was used by his friends -- one of affection -- one of respect. them and talking to them in Italian. How's business? The Godfather, Part III - Transcript And I worked. CUT TO: VITO wrapping the gun in the towel. Well -- when the boss says push a button on I guy -- I push a button. CUT TO: DEANNA and another man dance. A man playing a violin as everyone is talking in different languages. CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. JOHNNY & "Capo Paulie" DREW WELSH for The Godfather Trilogy website at: "Hey, hey, hey, take me to America, G.I.! People are screaming.]. Your kindness to that widow made me ashamed of myself. Ah, you couldn't belt your MAMA. And if it do not -- I hope they And by less, I mean -- a hundred bucks less. It wasn't a miscarriage -- it was an abortion. Hey, I just came in to clean up a little -- you know. We sent him on a wild goose chase -- Christmas shopping. [We see OFFICERS making an arrest of a rebel.]. That I served my country There is a lot of commotion. He then enters the stairway. He follows them and sees the room ROTH is in. Was it a boy! whispers into DON CICCIO's ear. Those rebels, you know, they're lunatics. deferment. ], [He reaches into his coat and pulls out a small lever. It was ROTH all along. Mr. Robert Allen of South American Sugar. CUT TO: VITO unlocks the rooftop door with a metal rod. Viaggia con Max (Messina): All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go If I can help you, let me know. She opens the door. Right -- this is SENATOR PAYTON from Florida. MICHAEL asks him something in Italian. On his website Behind the Name Mike Campbell states that the name "Vito" is the Italian and Spanish form of the name "Vitus" and that in turn is "Derived from the roman name which was derived from Latin vita "life" (Campbell, 2016), Campbell also . And everything with them is whores -- whores! But VITO is only nine. Yea, Counselor -- MICHAEL Corleone -- right. game? National Anthem plays. In my home! [MICHAEL turns and signals to his BODYGUARD then turns back. I didn't believe him -- but seein' is believin', With Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro. TRANSCRIPT. brothers dead! In The Godfather, there is an important scene in an Italian Restaurant with dialogue between Michael Corleone and Virgil Sollozzo. CUT TO: Outside a siren rings and dogs bark. The Godfather II. Come on, Frankie, you know my father did business with HYMAN ROTH -- he respected him. You don't think that they had something to do with this. Looks like they were hired out of New York, I don't recognize them. And that there was something in it for me if I'd help 'em out. Where my children come and play with their toys. I believe in America. He walks off.]. Nobody else could catch one except me. She'd say, uh - "You don't belong to me; you were left on the Tell me something, Ma. Wha'? American way of life, without a blemish on their name and background -- I have appeared before this This used to be my father's old study -- it's changed. The family's making an investment in Havana --, [MICHAEL takes the briefcase over to a guard.]. thing. Here's six months increase in advance. bene sai. Mort' -- my life -- my life won't be worth a nickel after tomorrow. [We hear a gun battle outside and see PENTANGELI barely alive.]. What is the Italian translation of 'the godfather'? CUT TO: VITO picks up an olive and lets MICHAEL try it. It was on my pillow. godfather. What language did they speak in Godfather I and II and why? - AR-15 What we'll do together in the next few months will make history, I understood he was commin'? Where is it? Americans. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking up the stairs and looking for his key in his pocket. CLEMENZA, GENCO ,and HYMAN ROTHSTEIN walk out to the sign. gift --. let their families keep their fortunes. GENCO smiles. Anything you can tell me now. CUT TO: VITO and TOMMASINO walking towards the Villa. I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. it possible. You own, or, you control, two major hotels in ANTHONY, everything's gonna be all right. What's kept Mr. ROTH? Now they didn't know it was Pop's birthday. family. do. ], [He hugs Mary and walks out the door. The two million never got to the island. We also have as a special added attraction, the Sierra Boys Choir. ANTHONY -- kiss MAMA good bye. registered owners are Jacob Lawrence, Allen Barclay - they're both Beverly Hills Attorneys. We're putting a call into your office -- explain that you'll be All right, all right -- some people have to play little games. CUT TO: A car driving up to gates of a building. No respect! DISSOLVE TO: The Senate Committee MICHAEL sits at the table before the Senate. You don't have to remember -- just do as I say. What are the Italian words in 'The Godfather'? - Answers This court is adjured. or something -- are you on their side? Not even your father would dream that such a thing You've got to see her. godfather | translate English to Italian: Cambridge Dictionary And while Italian regional dialects usually sound like distinct languages to foreigners, they are the same. These are wonderful things that we've In my bedroom, were my wife sleeps! Two men walk away from No -- uh -- no -- we called it the Corleone family SENATOR -- we called it the family. Hey, REEVES -- what's protocol -- how long should we stay around? Connie - Connie, Connie, Connie, Connie, Connie -- I wanna be reasonable CUT TO: VITO and his mother walk down the path some more. You've always been good to me, ever since I came here. Transcribed by Matthew Hamill - Many, many thanks! CUT TO: More CUBANS leaping as a band plays. godfather verb noun grammar . CUT TO: The Jesus statue has stopped in front of the San Rocco building. The Godfather is an American film and the dialogue is in English with the exception of this dialogue between Sollozzo and Michael. Cuban-born/Actor's Studio-trained Tomas Milian had become one of Spaghetti Westerns' most popular stars. VITO follows him, holding up the wrapped gun. Human translations with examples: il padrino, the godfather, il padrino sono io. JOHNNY OLA told me about this place. That is very kind of him. I'm gonna leave here tonight. CONNIE walks in. Forget that. This is Al Pacino's best performance and quite possibly it might be the best performance.The Godfather is a film about Michael being drawn into a world he doesn't originally want to be part of and this is perhaps the defining scene in that story.Michael is a war hero and his brother Sonny earlier says how killing someone up close is . [He tosses VITO a bag. Ladies and Gentlemen a most distinguished guest would like to say a few words. Subtitles for The Godfather: Part II | isubdb.com [ROBERTO asks something and GENCO responds.]. one more thing: don't you contact me again -- ever. Someone is saying something to him. ROCCO leaves and FREDO stays in his chair. Then he puts the bag in the bathtub You're very lucky -- my brother FREDO operates this place, he was called before anyone. CUT TO: Inside the Corleone home. faithfully and honorably in World War two and -- was awarded the Navy Cross for action in defense of my Just like the people there. MICHAEL, we're bigger than U.S. Steel. I find it a great dishonor for me personally to have As he does, everyone claps. I hope my age is correct -- I'm always accurate about my age. CUT TO: Inside an Army Barrack PENTANGELI sits on a couch. Got you a new suit, a new shirt, new tie -- .I'm gonna shave you myself in the Were you a member of the Corleone family? I hear you and your friends cleared $600 each. Brazilian Portuguese: padrinho. It's not easy to be his son -- it's not easy. How to say "Godfather" in Italian and in 45 More languages. He wants double from everybody. [On stage, two women in black drag a girl out on stage and tie her to a pole. Well, if you'll just give us a list, we'll pick up anything you like. MICHAEL walks up to him. I'm a retired investor living on a pension. OLD. [DON CICCIO inspects the GENCO can that TOMMASINO gave him.]. "The Godfather: Part II" (1974) - American Rhetoric Just go along, everything will be alright FREDO -- PENTANGELI says he's willing to make the deal. covers his face with his hand. Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. I didn't mean to say WOP. I heard you had some trouble. Yourself, and your whole fucking family. He opens the window to see Surprise -- For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow -- that nobody can deny -- that nobody [The rebel pushes a police captain into the car and explodes a grenade that he had hidden in his SONNY come on we don't have to talk about the war. Michael: Leave it alone. And my old friend and associate from Florida --, I would like to take this opportunity to thank United Telephone and Telegraph for their lovely Christmas FREDO walks out of the Dance Hall. Yea -- but only the rich guys TOM. Tha's -- Tha'sa -- That's what I'm here to see your brother Mike about. A car pulls up the gate. And this cute little thing over here -- this is my sister CONNIE. CUT TO: Many people running to the docks. PRESIDENT.]. CUT TO: CUBANS running in excitement; one is on a lamp post. we cut it. (Perhaps there is some non-English dialogue while Michael courts Apollonia, but I cannot remember) This answer provides the English translation for the conversation between Sollozzo and Michael. CUT TO: A man on the street flings a torch around as many people watch. Hey VITO, what do you think? Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime. CLEMENZA.]. At this moment I fell no love for you at all -- I never thought that would happen -- but it has. CUT TO: MICHAEL siting in the back of the car. Jesus Christ, what a trip -- the whole time I'm thinkin' what if somebody knows what I got in here. CUT TO: Inside ROTH's Havana room in the Capri. The Simpsons Game, a group of 91 people. Bonasera asks Don Corleone to avenge the brutal rape of his daughter. Now, why don't you stay with us - with the family. I FANUCCI's mad. A kid comes up to me in a white jacket, gives me a Ritz cracker, and uh, chopped liver, he says Canaps. He knows they have nobody to protect them. morning -- and you're gonna look respectable for fifty million of your fellow Americans. Meyer Klingman runs Ah that's great -- that's beautiful -- some deal I made. Now -- Jesus Christ, Mike, Jesus Christ. Dante's Inferno, a group of 100 people. guest2 Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:18 pm GMT. Cicc', a Don't you feel well? You were around the old timers -- and meeting up on how the family should be organized. a shame. He starts to Ask me another time! CUT TO: SENATOR GEARY talking to some girls and a Cuban politician. B. He came at his own expense to aid his brother in his time The people in the room are MICHAEL, clean country in your oily hair -- dressed up in those silk suits - and try to pass yourselves off as decent You met MERLE -- he was with me in Vegas. VITO Corleone. Our people with the New York detectives said he was half dead, scared stiff, and calling I never lie to my friends. play with him. people. wipes off his hands. godfather translation in Italian | English-Italian dictionary - Reverso another six months. Emperors. When the landlord found out, he got mad and told He said that -- he said that -- you were bein' tough on the negotiations. [TOMMASINO tells DON CICCIO something in Italian.]. Well, if you're sure you're felling better. WILLIE CICCI wakes him and they walk The Godfather Part 2 1974 - Full Movie 1080p. CUT TO: Miami, Florida. Translation for 'The Godfather Part II' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. [FREDO walks over to MICHAEL's BODYGUARD. All right -- come on kids, we're going back to the house. But before I leave I Relax, Seor ROTH, we're taking you to the hospital. MICHAEL --, [ROTH tilts his head, a sign for MICHAEL to talk to him alone. It's not impossible. And I won't forget it. Right, yea a buffer -- the family had a lot of buffers. He's got connections with the cops, too. silverware. THE GODFATHER by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola . She's a poor widow, she has nobody to take care of her. Open menu. and J Geoff Malta for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com. I'd like to book passage on The Queen. KAY -- stand up please -- stand up, let the folks see you. French le parrain. I don't want money. Come on. It's almost over -- you following the football That's what I want him to think. In fact, th. And he's gonna give you a prescription. Ah, say -- what do you think of the nerve those Japs -- those slanty eyed bastards, huh. Because after all, Don VITO, money isn't everything. I do remember that she was laughingwe'd done it before -- and I know that I couldn't've hurt -- that girl. Who the hell are you to come and give me orders? BODYGUARD into the room were ROTH is. DISSOLVE TO: "The Moshulu" entering New York Harbor, passing in front of the Statue of Liberty. [FREDO doesn't answer. All that's left is -- you're still my brother -- FREDO! Briton. TOM -- what do I do now? shake hands. They pass through DON CICCIO's gate. I was just making some lunch -- would you like a That a boy. CONNIE looks over at the kids.]. of him in that town! He told he to get rid of the And what's your fathers name? I suppose that I always knew you were to smart to let any of them beat VITO picks him up and rocks him.]. Uh -- Mr. CICCI could you, uh -- amplify your answer a bit? WILLIE CICCI walk up to CARMINE ROSATO. Since these are from the movie's dialogue, several may not be "grammatically perfect" expressions. [The crowd claps. the door and screams. That's my business. Honey, we have to go -- we're 30 minutes late. You're my brother, FREDO, you don't have to apologize to me.

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