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He asks Todd to teach him how to be tough. The lawyer informs Todd that it isn't legal and that he'll see him in court. Mr. Peanutbutter did so mostly out of vanity, even though he actually liked Woodchuck's policies, but eventually dropped out and endorsed Woodchuck. His doctor tells him the Sad Dog meme always cheers him up however, Mr. Peanutbutter told his doctor he is Sad Dog from the meme. Mr. Peanutbutter tells him that if their women don't feel safe in that space, then they need to find new women. Mr. Peanutbutter in the meanwhile gets his driver's license suspended for chasing after mailmen. He thanks her and says they got picked up for more episodes, but Diane reveals she isn't going back to Philbert. Pickles Aplenty | BoJack Horseman Wiki | Fandom As Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles eat a large plate of spaghetti together, they both start to confess things that they'd normally not say on a date. Mr. Peanutbutter married actress Jessica Biel sometime before 2004. Mr. Peanutbutter then gets back in the car and BoJack tells him he wants to go back to prison as he doesn't feel like he can be around people. He assures her he won't leave her again, but he goes to talk to Erica, with the excuse she can't talk to two people at once because of her split-brain surgery. The show's working title was "Untitled Horsin' Around Knockoff," and BoJack Horseman was resentful of the show because he rightly assumed it was a knockoff, and showed annoyance and resentment towards Mr. Peanutbutter. He tells her they'll talk about this when she comes home. Mr. Peanutbutter says he wants them to be even somehow. Mr. Peanutbutter responds by saying thats my girl," and walks past Princess Carolyn who mistakenly thinks that Mr. Peanutbutter is talking to her. He can also be described as a "man-child," as he is around BoJack's age but still acts like a twenty-something-year-old party animal. He fails and shakes tomato sauce all over Princess Carolyn and the bedroom. When Mr. Peanutbutter tries asking Pickles if she heard someone say something, Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter not to change the subject and tearfully asks if Mr. Peanutbutter truly cheated on her. Also, the house is filled with spaghetti strainers. Meanwhile, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter again and tells him that his idea to start including male customers was a success, loving the safe spaces for women more than the women themselves. Sassy wakes up, and Philbert tells her the pieces are starting to fit together. Flea Daniels subsequently pulls the plug on Birthday Dad, much to Mr. Peanutbutter's dismay, and tells him to go home. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. Meanwhile, BoJack didn't have a costume so he asks Princess Carolyn for help. At the desert, an upset Pickles doesn't want to sit on the blanket with Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Max that BoJack sold the restaurant to him and Joey Pogo. BoJack is annoyed Daniel keeps getting easy questions and the game is essentially set up in his favor, and thinks Mr. Peanutbutter is being a "dick.". Mr. Peanutbutter asks for credit for the surprise party, in which Diane says she didn't want it. They go into their living room and he says he waits all day for her to come home. Due to her old age, Mr. Peanutbutter's mother got sick with Parkinson's. She leaves, and BoJack swallows a few more pills. Mr. Peauntbutter responds that the best years of her life are happening now and BoJack says the joke's on him because he couldn't even waste the correct best years of her life. He excuses himself to go run the costume contest. Mr. Peanutbutter then realizes that all of his ex's used to be fun, but turned bitter and cruel after being with him but can't figure out the common denominator. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, he thinks this is why all his relationships fail and why his exes went from fun and happy to bitter and meanbut Diane tells him it's because he dates young women, and they just grow up while he continues to act like a "man-child" who places all the responsibilities, including himself, on them, which tires them and leads them to end their relationship with him. BoJack is still on the phone with his mom. Mr. Peanutbutter loves honeydew, while BoJack hates it. The next day she tells BoJack she has enough information to finish the book, in order to indirectly avoid him. In A Horse Walks Into Rehab, Princess Carolyn then gets a call from Mr. Peanutbutter. This angers Mr. Peanutbutter and he interrupts the show to have BoJack sit across from him as he confronts him about kissing Diane. While they wait, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter and asks him if he should also have Cabracadabra available as a safe space for men, and Mr. Peanutbutter thinks that's a great idea. Princess Carolyn answers the door to find three teenage Trick-or-Treaters. Philbert uses his landline phone to hit Fritz in the face. Mr. Peanutbutter returns with two different types of boba, one with whip cream and one without after Pickles gets out of the bath. Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. In The New Client, Mr. Peanutbutter is with Princess Carolyn andFlea Daniels reviewing a scene for his upcoming movie Birthday Dad. Flip tells him he's never been to his houseit's supposed to represent how John Philbert feels: spare and lonely. When Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter to take her to the park he agrees. Meanwhile, as the therapist pointed out, even though she's a writer, Diane does not express her feeling for Mr Peanutbutter (save for the influence of drugs) yet he accepts Diane for her way (or lack thereof) of expressing herself so in that sense it's an uneven relationship. He has it removed in the following episode, Yesterdayland, where he also wants to get involved with Todd's Disneyland because he built it while working for PB Livin' and Todd, who wanted it to be his own thing, reluctantly agrees. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her other than being away from her he is having the time of his life being depressed. Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he won't screw it up. Mr. Peanutbutter says that they're here for the Halloween party that he's had for the last eleven years, as BoJack always says at the end of the parties to do it again next year. Mr. Peanutbutter goes to WhatTimeIsItRightNow, telling Todd, that Hollywoo producers don't think he's tough enough. Pickles is getting annoyed he keeps bringing up all his ex-wives. Mr. Peanutbutter says they need to think of someone. She started out as fun and cheerful and they were happily married. When Diane asks if they can go soon, because being around so many famous people made her nervous, Mr. Peanutbutter instead insists she go talk to BoJack. Of course, hes on board with the idea. Mr. Peanutbutter then remarks Diane is indeed a true Chicagoan. Todd reluctantly agrees. He goes on to say you think you are protecting them, but it comes out in other ways, and it infects everything. Whereas in other relationships she felt like she was "her" in a relationship. Mr. Peanutbutter laughs nervously at this. He asks her if she's okay because the other night she left his party crying. He proposes to her in the season finale to avoid admitting he cheated on her by sleeping with Diane. Although off-screen, BoJack then reminds Mr. Peanutbutter that he was in a rehab facility, and Mr. Peanutbutter subsequently leaves. Diane is still upset about BoJack, but Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that he won't even remember that he met her. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane travel to his hometown on the Labrador Peninsula in Old Acquaintance to celebrate New Years with his older brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who picks them up from the airport. They drive up to Griffith Park Observatory and BoJack questions if this is where the wedding is happening. Fritz escapes by jumping out the window. In Zos and Zeldas, Diane's ex-boyfriend Wayne follows Mr. Peanutbutter as he claims he is writing a Buzzfeed article on him. Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern, that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between themand asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. Joey then says he can't even imagine getting married right now and that he can't even commit to a social media director. Eventually, he goes back to the upstairs bedroom not noticing BoJack, Ruthie, Princess Carolyn or Diane, and asks Pickles if she wants whip cream with her drink, not realizing that Pickles was actually in the bathroom and wearing headphones. Mr. Peanutbutter was born on the Labrador Peninsula in rural Canada on August 20, 1969. Mr. Peanutbutter celebrates Diane's thirty-fifth birthday with her in After the Party. Following the phone call, Mr. Peanutbutter immediately contacts Princess Carolyn, in seek of assistance. Mr. Peanutbutter goes into the bar. Diane tells him he can either date older women or grow up, both options sir which he isn't too thrilled about. Salinger pitches and idea for a game show to Wanda at MBN, where Hollywoo stars and celebrities answer questions and the audience finds out what they know and if they know things. He takes out the engagement ring she threw at him earlier and asks if she still wants to marry him. Flip tells the cameraman to turn the camera back in. Mr. Peanutbutter naively believes Todd is actually there to apply to be his personal driver and hires Todd after an impromptu interview. Max says sure he puts on a good front and puts up a good fight but if Pickles were to confess her love it would drop his heart down an elevator shaft and bring it back up to his throat. She is not excited to see him either, but explains that his heroic deeds have intrigued someone she works for and that she now has an opportunity for him: she asks if he wants to be the governor. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. Diane then tells him she's moving to Houston with her boyfriend. BoJack later shows up at Mr. Peanutbutter's house after losing his home. I mean, at the Halloween party, she reassured Pickles, and said that PB would love her unconditionally, and Diane was no longer the person he loved, now it was her. Just then, Mr. Peanutbutter gets a text from Pickles saying they have broken up forever. He also doesn't like baths and gets scared when there are strangers in his yard. Mr. Peanutbutter would continue to do this every yeardespite BoJack hating the parties, although he would always get extremely drunk by the end and would always tell the leaving guests to do it again next year. BoJack, annoyed, questions what they're doing here. He attended Herb Kazzaz's funeral in Still Broken, although he didn't know Herb personally and only went to the funeral to schmooze. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he can't believe that they've been having this party since 1993, to which Pickles exclaims that was the year she was born. Mr. Peanutbutter and Captain Peanutbutter are excited to spend the holiday together, although whenever Diane is alone with him Captain Peanutbutter talks in a nihilistic manner to her. BoJack tells the production assistant to write all this down. As soon as the scene is cut, Mr. Peanutbutter tries to complement Melodie on her acting but she walks away in disgust. It is also shown how nervous Mr. Peanutbutter was after he proposed to Pickles and how happy she was not knowing that he had previously cheated on her twice with his ex-wife Diane. Mr. Peanutbutter appears behind him and after BoJack questions why hes here, he explains hes the face of depression, to BoJacks confusion. An upset Diane tells Mr. Peanutbutter she made a fool of herself in front of BoJack, and questions why he made her talk to him. BoJack says he's aware. Mr. Peanutbutter is standing outside the bathroom, trying to get Pickles to come out. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. He tells her is just distracted as he feels lonely in his big house after Pickles left. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells her he went to see his doctor in order see if he could make him feel better. While in the store, Mr. Peanutbutter asks him what he's in for. Diane then apologizes saying that was a weird thing to tell her ex-husband. Todd takes Mr. Peanutbutter to the baddest bar in Hollywoo, where the paparazzi birds are waiting outside. BoJack says of Mr.. Mr. Peanutbutter tries to be tough with them, shoving them into some trash cans, but actually cures them of their ailments. He tells BoJack "all I ever wanted was to be your friend, and you treat me like a big joke.". Later, at Elefante, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he needs to talk to her, which upsets her, but she assures him whatever happensshe wont stop loving him. On set, Sassy tries to fight off Philbert, but he pins her down and begins violently strangling her. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are at the hospital, where Diane's wrist has been put in a cast. However, he goes there the following day and apologizes to Todd. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles to keep having sex with guys until she finds someone with whom she has an intimate connection. Both have key moments with BoJack Mr. Peanutbutter picks him up from prison, and Todd watches the fireworks stop his shoulders on the beach. He says they are both two equally accomplished book writers. Mr. Peanutbutter | BoJack Horseman Wiki | Fandom In The Stopped Show, the filming for Season 2 of Philbert has started. She notices a cardboard cutout that looks like Mr. Peanutbutter behind a bookcase and discovers he wrote a memoir. The "D" incident inspired the film Mr. Peanutbutter's Hollywoo Heist, directed by Quentin Tarantulino. This refers to twin sisters from the show Mr. Peanutbutter's HouseZelda was a happy extrovert, Zo was a cynical introvert. Their meeting goes well, but Stefani asks Diane if she'd ever be willing to write an article against Mr. Peanutbutter in the event that he does something problematic, in which Diane replies that she wouldn't write an article, she would talk directly with her husband. When Diane tries to tell Mr. Peanutbutter and wonders if it's about her abortion, Mr. Peanutbutter assures her Captain Peanutbutter is probably just joking around with her. Joey then wishes Pickles best of luck with the wedding and that he hopes to have what Pickles has with Mr. Peanutbutter. He says things like they'll all die one day, and it's cruel to let people love you because you're just promising one day you'll break their hearts. Recap / Bojack Horseman S 5 E 08 Mr Peanutbutters Boos Mr. Peanutbutter, alone at home, still sad after calling his ill brother, gets a call from Shep Von Trapp, who offers him the role of Oscar nominee announcer. Mr. Peanutbutter asks if he can pick her up from the airport, and she says sure. When Doug asks if its better not to tell his wife about him cheating on her, Mr. Peanutbutter gets mad and tells Doug that not telling her would be really convenient for him, going on to call him stupid selfish and inconsiderate. Mr. Peanutbutter starts to say they should set a date for the wedding but he is interrupted by Pickles telling him about the job opportunity with Joey Pogo. When Pickles said she doesnt want to be mad at him, Mr. Peanutbutter begins to say something but he stops himself and lets Pickles continue. He attends the wedding without incident, and Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane get married after seven years of dating. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Paige and Max the story about his and Pickles plan to be even with each other due to his infidelity and Max tells him Pickles and Joey are in love. However, he is not as dumb as he might be letting on, as stupidity is part of his persona and a result of his naivety, and he can at times show hidden depth. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her she isn't. The two then engage in passionate a. Princess Carolyn gets ready to drive over, to help them, while telling them not to enter the house. However, he is not as dumb as he might be letting on, as stupidity is part of his persona and a result of his naivety, and he can at times show hidden depth. After trying and failing to make it work, Diane confessed she was no longer happy and the two ended up getting divorced in season 5. Diane goes to the party alone but runs into Todd. Princess Carolyn approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and asks if it's just her or does seem that the cast and crew have really turned on him. He immediately guesses what Diane's costume too, and in an annoyed tone asks what she wants. Whenever she said something, Mr. Peanutbutter would stop himself from verbally replying, only responding to what Pickles says by nodding his head, and replied verbally when Pickles wanted an answer from him on how to make things right. After they calm down, Diane says she thinks their marriage is like a magic eye poster, as at first glance, it's messy and doesn't make sense, but if you squint hard enough, everything lines up. When a paparazzo tries to ask Mr. Peanutbutter why he tried to kill himself, Princess Carolyn answers that Mr. Peanutbutter is a sad dog. Diane wants to leave but is her car is trapped between two vehicles. He asks them if they remember the time one woman freaked out because she saw a mummy. BoJack gets angry at his mockery and tells him Diane went to Cordovia to get away from her failing marriage. He asks her if he should improvise the script Flip is writing and Princess Carolyn tells him no but he thinks she is saying yes. Mr. Peanutbutter goes outside and asks Captain Peanutbutter if everything is OK with him. Flip yells cut. He proposes to Diane, and she accepts. She says it's because she auditioned for The Mummy movie for the role of the mummy with Brendan Fraserand didn't get the part. Diane continues to explain she didn't like parties and big gestures and has told him countless times before. They shake hands but before she leaves Mr. Peanutbutter tells her about how he's seeing someone romantically. Mr. Peanutbutter then excused himself as Katrina had her hand down a busboy's pants. BoJack Horseman Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. BoJack tries to give her a compliment, but Diane's response is taken the wrong way. Traveha 4 yr. ago Hey not to be that guy but I hope they don't divorce. She tells Pickles Mr. Peanutbutter is fully devoted to whoever he is in a serious romantic relationship with and she tells Pickles that she's that girl now. Mr. Peanutbutter says anytime he went to a Halloween party with Katrina, they always got in a big fight, but Jessica tells him she isn't Katrina, and they'll have fun. Director Amy Winfrey Writers Raphael Bob-Waksberg Joanna Calo Stars Will Arnett (voice) Amy Sedaris (voice) Alison Brie (voice) See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix BoJack asks if they can take this part of the conversation elsewhere. In The Face of Depression, BoJack is seen at the airport looking at the flight listings and walks past the bar where Joey Pogo is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter. She tells him that the sex was great, but there was no emotional connection. Mr. Peanutbutter later calls Diane, who is in Ojai with BoJack, very early in the morning. Mr. Peanutbutter begins his campaign for governor, although he cannot run unless they get enough backers to recall the current governor, Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz. When Mr. Peanutbutter is told she had to endear that for half an hour, he cheerfully says "I guess time flies when youre having fun!," which finally makes Katrina snap and she angrily shouts "I am not having fun!" Pickles is excited, however, she tells Mr. Peanutbutter a wise person in the bathroom gave advice that makes her worry they're moving too fast, and they should wait a little bit before going on their next date. He also tells them how Diane never got her jacket back and tells them they should ask her about it.

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