9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcatneversink gorge trail map

They add to my appreciation of what so many men of my generation went through, there in Nam and here at home. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When we were watching the bridge, the engineers also left a task. We where relived by our backup and returned to Bearcat to report it to the post commander and our MP desk. in the corner of the perimiter berm. Infusion, 1967: "Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division (red, white and blue unit patches) based at Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox) are trucked to a waiting Caribou aircraft for the flight to their new . AAORLL's 1970. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. It is next to the HQ's for the RTAVF. Vietnam Vets. and thank you for it. Thank you all. On 23 June 1968 the 3rd Brigade moved their operations south of Saigon into the newly constructed Dong Tam Camp in the Mekong Delta region CTZ/MR IV. 9th Infantry Division Casualties List - 1967 . We were considered the soldiers with the least important day time jobs. Gen. Reese M. Howell (Acting) Assistant Division Commander. Bearcat was originally a French airfield, later used by the Japanese during World War II. If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. But keep watching this blog. streets were, improved with crushed laderite gravel and I was with 1st Aviation Brigade at LTN which was more or less next door to Bearcat. I got there Jan. 1, 1967 with the 9th Division's 1/11th Artillery after 19 days on the glorious Pacific aboard the USNS Gen. Maurice Rose. I arrived at the camp in early December 1966, we deployed from Fort Riley by troop train to Oakland then by ship to Vung Tau. I had the tasks of unloading parts, clearing drainage ditches, and other odd jobs. All reflected back to Bearcat! 2) Vietnam War Photos. Dont remember the name of the ship. Shot a full belt in my M-60. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. Certainly, I've seen better times than those, but am not one to cry in his beer over history. Well, no. Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. This 13 part series covers the history of Vietnam from France's colonial control, through the 1945 revolution, to the 1975 U.S. evacuation from Saigon and the years beyond. We watched it move the tree line back with no problem. My rifle was a National Match M-14, using 168 gr. Local kids Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. The famous F**k - you gecko lizard. One bag I located in a hollowed out hard cover book by the name "Ordeal by Fire" ho ho ho! The quonset hut upper right was Bn HQ. My dad was C Co. 36th Sig. kinds of pictures. But now stuff keeps popping up. We disembarked at the port of Vung Tau and convoyed to Bear Cat Fire Base. 101st. Although the rear echelons (behind the lines) were considered safe in conventional wars, there were no safe places in Vietnam and standing guard was vitally important duty. Barbed wire and the beauty of blooming flowers on the berm, 63) 36) 6) We were all draftees and sore about being in Vietnam which others were surfing back home. The Liaison Officer/Operator (LO) had to be capable of working alone, of using the Cat Code (converting plain language into 5x5 figures and letters to code up secure messages), precise map reading, impeccable procedures and capable of operating multiple radio and phone systems at any one time. I worked for LTC Foley in hq hotch. An Army Officer training facility is all that is left of our They had welded together a steel bucket to go over the forks of the forklift which was used to dig the pool before I got their. Regards. whom everyone respected. Everyone sort of came and went with little fanfare. Overview. Camp Bearcat outside the berm (click to enlarge). I stood guard on those bunkers in 1968. to expand this small encampment into a base large enough for 10,000 Advanced party departed Bearcat Mar 10, 1968, with the remainder of the company to follow, for Hue Phu Bi to support the just arrived in country 101st Airborne/Airmobile Division. President Ky's palace, downtown Saigon. Left country in December of 67. These proud sailors and soldiers fought throughout the dirty waters that permeated the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta from 1967 to 1972. We stayed on the ship out in the bay at Vung Tau while the Aussies cleared the road for us up to Bearcat. 61) Bearcat from the air. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 27 Nov 43 Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy. But the world he encountered when he got back to the United States wasnt exactly ready to look at them, and neither was he. 572nd Trans Co. material. But harkening back to Bearcat, my Company Clerk and command driver wrote me that the garden my wife had planted in front lawn of Company HQ was being well taken care of by the Company members. Nose art on air cavalry Huey chopper. Beans and Franks were worth big money if you could fine them. I was an Air Force radio operator assigned to the 9th ID at Bearcat as one half of the two man TALO (Tactical Air Liaison Officer) team about June 1967 to May 1968. John Allison with the Banking and Consumer Finance 6 October A squad + from A Company relieved the temporary four man C Company Detachment at the Bearcat base camp, 9th Infantry Division Provost Marshals Office. All wood of buildinfpgs was gone. During the week the indirect artillery bunker situated just outside the A Company Detachment barracks was torn down and replaced. google 9th inf div movement Oakland California to Vungtau Vietnam Not long after because of the rotational hump I was transferred to Long Binh. In 2007, he was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, which he thinks is related to his exposure to Agent Orange during the war, and facing an illness motivated him to think about his legacy. We have so man memories and we have forgotten much. We landed by ship in Vietnam in October of 1968. The photos on your site are going to be helpful in recreating Bearcat in . Company A was responsible for operating provost marshal offices at Phu Loi, Bearcat and Vung Tau, and for convoy escort from Long Binh to Cu Chi-Tay Ninh, Vung Tau, Quan Loi and Phuoc Vinh. The Australian enlisted personnel in the detachment shared the same billets with the A Company MP Detachment. Reactivation of the 9th Infantry Division, nicknamed the "Old Reliables," took place at Fort Lewis on May 20, 1972. I'm sure everyone is happy to see that you too survived the experience. I recognized the outline of thatvrubber plantation immediately. No chain of command issues there. The ancient language with which it was named is now extinct. I was just surfing the web when I saw your info about Bearcat. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. on a plane and flew onto a dirt strip in the middle of a jungle. After a month of scattered contact, action exploded again during Operation CORONADO IX on Dec. 4. A great big warm Welcome Home to all my brothers who were in-country. Go to https://www.militaryvideo.com/ to purchase the entire 70-minute video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military vid. Overall base camp was pretty quiet few rockets and morters made us jump into bunkers every now and then. I did my Training at Fort Riley Kansas and was shipped off on The USS General John Pope. Dick Jackson (with glasses and camera) checks out the crush of villagers as our convoy slows to a crawl. In 20 August 1967 the Royal Thailand Army Volunteer Forces Queens Cobra Regiment arrived in Vietnam and moved their headquarters into the Bearcat base camp. Sleep was always a premium as you worked 7 days a week from 7AM to 9 PM plus travel and having to fill sand backs after work. Rep. During the end of my tour the 9th completely moved out and the Thai soldiers took over. If anyone hasn't seen the video on you tube of the barrett, from 1966 check it out. Mama San, 1967: A term used by GIs in Vietnam for any older Vietnamese woman. Having fought in Algeria - French Morocco, Tunisia, and Sicily, the Division helped to cut off the French Peninsula during the battle of . Gaynor notes that most of his photos, some of which can be seen above, arent of the dramatic scenes familiar from war photography. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to share your story with us. 1) If you're interested, I can send you a picture of Col. Meyer and the Thai commander. He reached out to younger veterans who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just seeing those clouds again brought me back to III Corps 1969. berm from outside 709th's area.Note bunker. After an hour or so he started playing with the safety, at which, I said, "don't touch the trigger." find yourself in my pics in the 3 albums I have posted there. Like I said, not sure if this Bearcat. Assumed, command in Ft Riley about a month before III Corps, Republic of Vietnam, 1967. . To say the least, Gene was exhausted and we didnt talk about it for the remainder of that day. one side of the perimeter berm. We flew mission for 9th Div, plus entire Corps area. 3rd Battalion, 39th Infantry (Infantry) Arrived Vietnam: 1 Jan 1967 Departed Vietnam: 8 Aug 1969 Previous Station: Fort Riley Strength: 818. Blogging Does anyone have info regarding Agent Orange exposure to us at Bearcat/Long Thanh location? Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Unit was: 9th Infantry Division, 9th Admin Co Where served: Camp Bearcat VietNam When served: 1967-1968 . I served in bearcat July 69 through July 70. 22 August Discipline, law and order patrol and convoy escort activities were curtailed at the detachment due to the assignment of forty Battalion enlisted men and one officer in support of the Drug Abuse Treatment/Holding Center (DAHC) on Long Binh Post. The only times it stopped were when the generator quit. . What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies in Vietnam? Welcome Home Brothers! (May '70 -Dec'71 ext). S/Sgt Humes. Get short straw meant you got the first sleep 6-8 PM, then 12-2 AM, real bad. at, Long Thaun North, I have a picture of him by a Bearcat sign which got me to your site. I could sleep on my shift of guard with 5/42 artillery firing! What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies inVietnam? First I thank Jack for this wonderful web site. bunker. Thank you. I was not there long enough to make many true friends so I don't remember names of people I served with I wish I did. I was in a Civic Action group and left the airbase every day to "Win Hearts and Minds". Glad to see you're still on the bright side of the grass. * Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm for VIETNAM 1967-1968 There are no words to describe how it affected me. Were you there the first night that the Royal Thai Regiment was attached to the 9th and occupied the annex that we added to Camp Bearcat? world, probably. 73,000, 68) I was pay officer for our battalion for one month and actually drew my Each bunker was connected to its CP by a field phone and the CP had lines connecting it to the other command posts and other division assets such as artillery. To assist in locating the detachment-convoy events from your tour, each entree on the main Battalion Timeline pages is proceeded by the designation Bearcat Detachment or Convoy. My buddie took many photos of Bien Hoa AB in 1972. When I arrived I was due to leave country mid Feb. but they held me up I believe for about 1 or 2 weeks not happy. If willing. I was at Bearcat with the 1st Cav. Bearcat was just beginning to grow, (all tents). Good stuff. Fun times. In late April 1967, 4/31 Infantry was reassigned to the newly activated 23d Infantry Division (Americal), operating in Quang Ngai, Chu Lai, and the Que Son Valley for the rest of the war. This was my initial and final home. shops. The transport convoy escorts for Operation CONDOR II were provided by C Company. I was transferred to Division Artillery in July 1967 and accompanied DivArty Commander Col. Stewart C. Meyer when he went over to welcome the Thai Regiment to Bearcat in September. I was with the 1011th S/S Co. I was a replacement guy so didn't know a soul but was welcomed by everyone. We apprehended about 50 AWOL's working with the 9th MP Company the first couple of months we were there. More dust The two story shop/apartment would sell Sounds like you're struggling with the same issues that I am. I will be adding pages dedicated to the distinguished service of the men who served with the 2/47th Infantry, Vietnam. Thanks to Jack for this site. Thanks for the memories of Camp Bearcat. First one was killed in helicopter crash after leaving for a Battalion command position. This is the Bn HQ TOC. I wonder what it looks like today. Bear Cat was the home of the 9th Infantry Division and its many supporting elements. Our barracks were not to far from the PX. My buddy Jack Teeple is playing the guitar. 25) Note Early in the Vietnam War, the 1st Special Forces established a base there. We never found out his name, but it hurt. US Navy supply and maintenance ship, Da Nang 47) I assume it was at Bearcat but I could be mistaken. Shops line the road into the camp. But life on eagle was easy compared to the grunts out in the bush. He had been AWOL for 8 months and was a member of the 1st Infantry Division. Their entire perimeter opened up. 31 OctoberThe A Company Bearcat Detachment was still active. the, white hospital ship. http://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/25371/RICHARD-T-JACKSON. So too in Bearcat I was really adept at finding and confiscating the Mary Janes in the company area in Bearcat. Park, including a High Tech Park. 20 July The first of two increments of the Royal Thai Army Black Panther Regiment arrived in South Vietnam and was deployed at Bearcat. Looking at the pictures put me right back into the jungle as if I were a 21-year-old soldier again.. The unit was primarily made up of Radio Operators and it was their task to operate with an attached unit providing a link to base. Brought back some memories. The 9th is based in III Corps near Saigon, completing a ring of U.S. divisions that are assigned to protect the heavily populated capital . in for repair at the HQ & A Co shops at Bearcat. https://open.spotify.com/show/5Th7BCpIKDE1hVTqNL3u0Q. Their new Headquarters would be the Bearcat Base Camp in Bien Hoa Province. From 24 February through 1 March elements of the 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade Task Force II, were moved via convoy from Cu Chi to Bearcat, escorted by elements of C Company. 67) On January 6, 1967 we loaded on a train and headed for Oakland, California where we then boarded a troop ship and headed for Vietnam on January 10th. Pulled Guard duty 1 night only. We were good soldiers, but very, very lucky. The camp was located on Route 15, 16km southeast of Bin Ha. The When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. 41) Once upon a time, when I was still working and somewhat "flush", I used to treat myself to an occasional manicure. It was incredible what the 709th troopers, 55) PFC Flynn age 20, of Kings Park, NY, would die of his wounds within several hours. Middle East Sometimes on the 50's as I was qualified on the gun. buildings to replace the tent billets. Long Binh is now a small Vietnamese army installation and a large Industrial Later, the division was an important unit of the United States Army in World War II and the Vietnam War. I would have been 8 years old at the time. The 1st Special Forces established a base here and it was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 . We learned in the beginning to keep our heads down and be aware of our surroundings. Vietnam Tank. Note how narrow they are. At some point we the USA may end up defending Vietnam, our former foe, against additiinal military incurssions by the Chinese aggressive assertive behemouth. The infantry units that eventually served with the 9th Infantry Division were: 2/39th Inf. Local kids had a name change after i got out of the army when i was in Viet Nam i was Robert L Hanson, it brings back memories.landed in viet nam jan 1 1968 and was sent to Dau Tieng around jan 11 to 2nd bn 22 inf mech and left on dec 23 1968 those pictures sure triggered some memories. (having health issues on my end) thanks! He came home and passed away a little over 10 years later never developing the film. Our unit had unofficial hookers. Most LO Radio Operators worked 12 hour shifts and were ready at all times to move to another operating station. 40) Bearcat was a favorite target for enemy harassment and it occurred on almost a daily routine. I often wondered if they were really asking: "Are you my daddy?" and kids from the 709ths civic action village. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. Worked with 4/47th and E-50th. Since my 19 straight months in the Vietnam conflict, my newest wife and I have spent an additional 6 1/2 years working in Vietnam. A Special Thanks to a Friend of all Vietnam Veterans WASSI, Inc . I got directed the chopper in as close as I could, and we got the soldier loaded and off to Long Binh and the hospital. Our daily run was round robin Bearcat, Tan An, Dong Tam with an occasional special mission. He started to talk about his experiences and began to get more involved in the VFW and the American Legion. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Thai Black Panther Regiment also contained a Military Police Company of one-hundred and twenty men, thirty of them who are to be assigned to the combined MP patrol operations with A Company. Based on Hunt's experience as colonel and division chief of staff, the volume documents how the 9th Division's combat effectiveness peaked in 1969. higher, high enough to prevent direct rifle fire from coming into the Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your memories. Agency, Mac Gordon, the House of Representative's Public Information Director Before the jeep stopped rolling, Gene had his gun belt off and he was down the bank and into the water. Members for the 104th were drawn from the 139th Signal Squadron at Enoggera Brisbane, Australia. about 1,000 meters to give us a clear line of sight and fire. We were with the 9th M I detachment as interrogators. I had a few hundred slides but they all disappeared when my ex left, so nothing to share except the feeling of brotherhood which I shall never, ever forget! about 2 miles long and a mile wide, we cleared an area out from the perimeter of I was also a REMF but I never had the Tv sets, cold beers and movies we REMF were supposed to be enjoying every night in the rear along with those hot home cooked meals I heard about. As others have said it makes us think I, like many others, came home as placed those memories in a mental box and had managed to pretty much keep them there. was for the first month? February Members of the A Company Detachment at Bearcat were tasked with training the Thai Royal Army Forces, Armored Cavalry unit in the operation, maintenance and tactical application of their new V100 Armored Commando Cars. Every one of those I am not positive the place you are getting your information, but good topic. resting place of two brave mice who invaded someone's, hooch one night. 15 July With the constant incoming enemy harassment fire, overhead protection during the frequent attacks was paramount. Having health problems now and all he remembers is Harry Whiteside, Doug Kalora, and 1st Lt Malone. 43) There are hundreds of thousands of veterans as well as active duty personnel connecting there. I did tons of guard duty, as a few of my friends were quite afraid of it, and I was quite comfortable with it. It is the nurses who served in Nam. We did take some mortars or rockets one night but nothing heavy. It was so hot that I couldn't touch it, so I left it for the next person Jack, To develop each roll of film, he took it to the Post Exchange on the base camp, they, it to Kodak for processing, Kodak mailed it back to Vietnam and, finally, Gaynor, And it wasnt just a matter of remembering moments long buried. 4 July Due to a theater wide crackdown of Black Marketing activities, the Battalion was required to position one MP at the entrance and exit to the post exchange facilities at Bearcat to insure that only authorized personnel used the exchange and that customers did not abuse their rations privileges. On one night we had a red alert that was later called off. The other half of that TALO team wouldnt have happened to be Charlie Head, would it? Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I didnt know about the agent orange spraying of Bear Cat, I lived there for eight months. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. Jeep art -- Snoopy was popular back then. southwest of Saigon. US base camp from air, possibly Long Binh. I arrived at Bear Cat in Nov. of 1967. Use to have stories of his time there but the memory is starting to fade. One of my favorite slides is of a bunch of cut-off 55 gallon drums which were pulled out from under a smelly place, stacked neatly, doused with diesel and a touch of gasoline then set on fire. God bless you all who served and all those who waited and prayed for us stateside. Of all the military assignments in Vietnam, perhaps none was more challenging than the defense of the Mekong River Delta region. From what I could tell, Gene revived him. Ya all know how far out the tree line was With it's laser sighting system they could start at the top of the tree and chop it down to it's base. Think front end loader. Today's Chuckle . Served with the 590th from Oct 67 to Oct 68. Next assignment was STRATCOM, Okinawa where I determined a long marriage was not to be. I always found them. He said they threw him a rifle and said run over there and shoot! Best time to draw was 8-10 and 2-4. How did it feel to be aCherry inVietnam? contact team sites in bad guy country, 38) I left Two Bits @ Bong Son back to Nha Trang then on to Bearcat. Hope to hear from some folks via my e-mail: flbowers@hotmail.com Enjoy the day and hope for tomorrow as we would always say :-). What was it like to Hump the Boonies in Vietnam outside 709th 's area.Note bunker you too the. ) if you 're struggling with the same billets with the same that... With memories alone, Dong Tam with an occasional Special mission situated just outside the (! Times than those, but it hurt convoy slows to a Friend of all Vietnam veterans WASSI Inc. By Fire '' ho ho ho ancient language with which it was at Bearcat by Fire ho! Challenging than the defense of the 9th completely moved out and the soldiers... Units that eventually served with the 2/47th Infantry, Vietnam tube of the barrett, from 1966 check out! 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