ethnic groups in upper east region of ghananeversink gorge trail map

Bawku East, with high concentration of population has the highest proportion of households occupying seven or more rooms (46.1%), followed by Bawku West (29.8%). The combined proportion of these industrial activities is significant only in Kassena-Nankana (13.1%) and Bolgatanga (19.8%). Agona East. About one in four of the births (22.8%) occurs to mothers aged 15-24 years compared to 17.1 per cent to mothers aged 40-49 years. Payment rate has risen to 87.48% from a target of 85%. The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana[5] and is the third smallest of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana. The dwellers also keep livestock, including sheep, cattle, donkeys, and goats. This is a major contribution to water losses. At the district level, the ratio varies from a doctor to 9,343 people in Kassena-Nankana to 77,885 in Bongo. Less than one per cent (0.9%) of the 1,390 localities within the region have a post office within the locality. The process actually started in 1980 when what eventually became Upper West was run on an experimental base as a semi-autonomous region with Wa as the administrative centre, even though the Upper Regional Minister at Bolgatanga exercised overall responsibility. Most of these livestock are kept on an unimproved scavenging regime, although some supplementary feeding is done especially during the dry season. The Northern region is in the northern part of the country and the people are predominantly of the Mole-Dagbani ethnic group and patrilineal. Employees and the self-employed with employees (who could be taxed at source) make up only 9 percent. Working children (population aged 7-14 years). Pupils of 20.5 per cent of localities, however, have to travel 5 kilometres or more to attend the nearest primary school. What is the largest ethnic group in Ghana? There is a large prospect in the region for investors wishing to go into brick and tile production because of the availability of large deposits of clay of various types. Livestock rearing is also a common agriculture activity among the people in the region. The population per doctor ratio for the region is 23,592, which is far higher than the national average of 1 doctor to 9,418 persons. Thatch made from grass (43.1%), corrugated metal (18.2%) and mud/mud bricks (31.3%) are the three main roofing materials in the region. The availability, accessibility and affordability of kerosene should therefore be of great concern in each district of the region. The population below 15 years (0-14 years) varies from 40.5 per cent in the Kassena-Nankana, to 46.4 per cent in the Bawku West, District. The Regional Health Directorate is responsible for the overall health service planning, organisation, monitoring, supervision, evaluation and provision of technical support to districts. Over-crowding can however be seen also from the angle of the age and sex distribution of household members and thus the amount of privacy adult household members can enjoy. There is a great potential in the region for the large-scale production of rice especially in the now onchocerciasis (river blindness) free zone. At the national level the proportion of urban population rose from 32.0 percent in 1984, 43.8 percent in 2000 and 50.9 percent in 2010. High bacteriological contamination is prevalent across all districts in the region with high fluoride content in most parts of Bongo district and some part of Bolgantaga municipal assembly. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS The traditional medical system can be grouped into four main types of specialities. When the population who have ever attended school is isolated, the levels attained are not significantly different between males and females. The Pre-Cambrian Basement Complex rocks are made up of crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks which cover about 92% of the region. Kassena- Nankani- Navrongo/Paga, Mirigu, Sirigu Domestic employees account for 2.7 per cent of working children. It was first performed in the early nineteenth century in Dagbon states in the Northern Region. In all, minority ethnic groups which are not from the southern sector of the country comprise about 10 per cent of the population of the region (10.3%). What are people from Ghana called? The KPLE dance is performed to communicate with the gods and bring good fortune to the people. Bongo is a more compact district, in terms of land area, than Bolgatanga. The region has about 18 per cent of the cattle and 9 per cent of the small ruminants in the country. The major ethnic groups in the region fall under the broad generic categories of the Mole Dagbon (75.7%) and Grusi (18.4%). The much-discussed educational difference between males and females in the region is due, as much to differences in initial enrolment, as to differences in school achievement. Rooms in compound houses are the predominant type of dwelling units in all the districts. In the female reproductive age group of 15-49 years, there is an overall excess of females (44.3%) over males (39.2%) of about 13.0 percent. The use of mud/mud brick/earth as main material of outer wall reflects the adaptation of the population to the hot environment, and it also the result of availability and cost of these local materials. Comparison of socio-economic indicators at the national and regional levels. The private informal sector accounts for not less than 69.0 per cent in each district. In Builsa (48.8%), Kassena-Nankana (53.1%) and Bolgatanga (47.9%), about half of households use only one or two sleeping rooms. There is a fuel depot at Bolgatanga for the storage of petroleum products. Traditional religion is the most common form of worship in the region (46.4%), followed by Christianity (28.3%) and Islam (22.6%). By 2003 Kassena-Nankana was the best-endowed district in terms of doctors, with16 (41.0%) of the 39 doctors in the region, while Bolgatanga had 12 or 30.8 per cent. The average household size for the region is slightly lower than that of the adjacent regions, Northern (7.4) and Upper West (7.2). A total of 69,094 children of school going aged 7-14 years are reported to be working fulltime. Since much of literature and mass communication is in English, the effective literacy level is only 19.4 percent. What is an ethnic group? Demographics - Population Except in a few towns, majority of the inhabitants live in rural areas with subsistence farms around their houses. Altogether they provide employment to about 6,000 small-scale farmers. ENABLE Youth 1D1F and Bongo (shea) are two of the factories located in the community. It is also known that large deposits of manganese exist in areas between Nangodi and Duusi and to the north west of Pwalugu. The constitution specifies a minimum number of seats for women and minorities in the two houses of parliament. The magnitude of the drop however, differs significantly between districts. In four of the districts these three contribute to more than 90 per cent of the economically active population. How many ethnic groups are in Ghana? At the JSS level, the proportion of trained teachers is 80 percent, ranging from 71.7 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 94.4 per cent in Bawku West. Polygamy is widely practised in the region (36%). Ideally, more than two persons should not occupy a room, and any room occupancy ratio above 2 persons per room is considered to be on the threshold of over-crowding. It is the 2nd smallest region in Ghana. The most prevalent widowhood rites included . There are more than 8 languages and major dialects, including Gurune (frafra), Nankani, kassem, Taleni, Nadam, Kusal, Buili and Bisah. Toilet facilities. Nabdam District became an Assembly by Legislative Instrument (L.I. The use of liquefied petroleum gas is being encouraged. The main cause of the low girl-child education, especially after the primary school level, is not merely poverty but the extreme poverty of parents (Regional Planning Coordinating Unit, 2003). Additionally, since most teachers are reluctant to live in relatively deprived areas of the region, most rural schools are also handicapped in terms of the quality of the education they provide. The Upper East Region has incredible tourist sites and beautiful features that attract tourist to the region. Bawku West is the least endowed, having only 3.7 per cent of all medical staff, followed by Bongo with 4.2 percent. Information on marital status is applicable to persons 12 years or older. In Ghana, the Mamprusis live mainly in Nalerigu and Gambaga in the northwest of the Northern Region but also inhabit parts of the Upper East Region. Sub-groups within the Fante include the Nzema and Ahantas. In the light of the fact that the region has the highest proportion of ever-married population in the country, the rather low levels of separation and divorce in the region are an indication of stable relationships. Bawku East also has the largest proportion of households with seven or more sleeping rooms (23.8 percent). Linkages of district capitals are poor and in some cases not operational e.g. ), thickness of overburden, the geology and nature of the topography in the region and the degree of inter-connectivity. Chiana water system is currently running on one borehole and an additional borehole is needed as a matter of urgency. The boundaries of the districts do not necessarily conform to the boundaries of the local authorities but are coterminous with regional boundaries. Information on specified community services, such as hospitals and other health facilities, telephone connections, postal services and schools, was collected during the 2000 Census. In the Bolgatanga district, there are approximately two females to each male domestic employee. "Gur." Niggli, Urs and Idda Niggli, editors.. The proportion that attained Vocational/Technical/Commercial education level ranges from 2.9 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Bolgatanga. The other significant observation about the age-sex structure is that in the adult age group 20-44, the excess of females over males is higher in Bongo (35.8%), Bawku West (35.8%) and Bawku East (29.9%) than what is observed in the region (25.0%) as a whole. In the country as a whole, 71.4 per cent of households use one or two sleeping rooms, compared to 61.8 per cent that have one or two rooms. Our education system will attract other Africans to Ghana Dr NGO calls for inclusive education for PWDs, Footballer in court for defrauding food vendor of GH17,000.00, Statement on captive Tiger euthanized in South Africa, Diet Villain explains how to recover your lost butt while trying to lose weight, Psychologist advises bondholders to look up to Higher Being in Domestic Debt Exchange, Peace and security are prerequisites for effective implementation of AfCFTA Police, Rigworld Foundation to sponsor 10 graduates from Nyong Technical Vocational School annually. In spite of this improvement in the educational sector, a substantial proportion of the population, in each district, has never attended school. Birthplace and migratory pattern are analysed by comparing locality of birth with locality of enumeration. The Agbadza dance consists of five motions: the Banyinyi, Vutsotsor, Adzo, and Hatsatsa. Thus, the uses of charcoal and firewood have serious implications for the environment. Virtually, no industries, There is high incidence of youth migration to the South in the dry season. The Ga-Adangbe tribe comprises several local language groups, including Ga, Ada, Adangbe, Kloli, and Krobo. Persons who are not economically active are mainly homemakers (38.3%) and students (19.4%). You can find these cultural institutions on both the southern and northern banks of the Volta River. Even though Ewe is a single linguistic group, it is divided into Tafi, Nkonya, Lolobi, Likpe, and Sontrokofi. The varied characteristics of the districts (demographic, social, economic, housing condition, availability and accessibility of selected basic community facilities) have policy implications for the districts. There are over seventy ethnic tribes spread evenly across the country. Navrongo has 35 pay phone booths and 45 communication centres and Bawku has 44 pay phone booths and 65 communication centres. Not literate English Ghanaian language Engilsh & Ghanaian OthersThe majority of the 54.1 per cent of Ghanas adult population, who are literate in at least one known and written language, have that ability in both English and a Ghanaian language. With the dependency ratio of 99.2 (43.4% or the population under 15 and 6.4% aged 65 and older), it means that 100 economically active persons have responsibility for 99 dependants. Three-fifths (60.3%) of the children are agricultural and related workers. Production and transport equipment workers constitute a substantial second in all districts except Bawku East, where sales workers are the second major occupation. Notable among them are: Naa Gbewaa Shrine at Pusiga, Paga Crocodile Pond, Sirigu Pottery Women and Traditional Arts, Tongo Rocks and Tengzug shrine. Disinfection of the Water Supply Systems has however reduced the bacteriological contamination. The Ewe ethnic group is found throughout the Volta region, extending into Togo. 1975. In Builsa, 90.3 per cent of households use wood for cooking. Three out of four working children (74%) are employed in the private informal sector. Agricultural produces like shea butter, onion, tomato, watermelon, and soya bean are majorly grown in the community. The three major industrial activities are Agriculture, including Hunting and Forestry, Wholesale and Retail trade, and Manufacturing. The age composition of the population aged 15-64 years shows that each district has a potentially large and youthful workforce (15-39 years), which if properly managed, can become a great economic asset for the region. The need to provide for the economically dependent persons puts pressure on the resources of the region and individual families. Secondly, existing cultural practices, in relation to the position of women and girls in society, should be critically examined and modified or scrapped. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic . Data were collected using individual semistructured interviews and analysed through qualitative content analysis. Other programmes such as educational programmes (provision of schools, teachers bungalows), functional literacy programmes and migration and spatial distribution programmes (creation of growth centres to encourage or discourage people moving to specific towns or villages within the districts) need to be assessed to identify areas of resource constraints and difficulties to full implementation. It may also be due to the fact that not much education has been given to change the age-old perception that the girlchilds education is a waste of parental resources and will only benefit the man she marries in the future. Together, the three account for between 88.3 per cent and 96.0 per cent of the working population in the districts. In order to effectively protect the environment and fight desertification, tree planting programmes should be intensified. 70% of Labour force are engaged in Agriculture with the technology being manual (hoe and cutlass). For females, the level is below 80 per cent in Kassena-Nankana (78.6%), Bolgatanga (76.3%) and Bongo (74.9%). The relative importance of manufacturing and trade varies between districts. Only 2 towns, Garu and Pusiga have grown from rural to urban localities since 1984. It is only in Bongo that the proportion of the working force, aged less than 40 years, is lower than 60 per cent (59.4%). They must be housed, fed, clothed, educated and provided with health care and other services that either take a long time to yield dividends or have no immediate bearing on economic growth. In the districts, the proportion not working because of some disability ranges from 2.4 per cent in Bolgatanga to 6.6 per cent in Bongo. It is bordered to the north by Burkina Faso, the east by the Republic of Togo, the west by Sissala in Upper West and the south by West Mamprusi in Northern Region (Figure 1). Material of outer walls. The 2000 Census results show that only 23.5 per cent of the regions population (15 years and older) are literate in either English or a known Ghanaian language (7.0% are literate in both). This rock formation is considered to be of shallow water continental origin, derived from the Birimian granitic complexes and has been subjected to low-grade metamorphism. Other minority groups are the Dargarte (Dagaba) who make up less than one per cent (0.9%) of the regions population. Some of the dominant dialects include Nankani, Bisah, Kusal, Ndam, Kassem, and Gurune. The dependency ratio of 99.2 in 2000 for the region is a slight increase from the 96.7 in 1984. Only 3.5 per cent of those who had ever attended school reached the tertiary level varying from 2.3 per cent in Builsa to 4.0 per cent in Bongo. Three out of four (74.0%) working children are in the private informal sector. The presence of the minority ethnic groups in the region has socio-culture implications that have a bearing on ethnic instability in the region, especially in Bawku West and Bawku East. They are . About fifty per cent (52.5%) of households pour their liquid waste on the street or outside; another 35.7 per cent pour the waste in the compound. On the other hand, one man dying will result in more than one widowed female in a polygamous marriage. Kassena-Nankana has several institutions of higher learning, a world-renowned Health Research Centre and a flourishing irrigation project (Tono) that attract migrants with the requisite technical expertise. It is a multiethnic, multilingual, and multireligious country. Fantes have a dual lineage system. Upper West Region - Wa The Capital of the Upper West Region is Wa. Home; News. Bongo has an age dependency ratio of 107.4 and 44.8 per cent of its population below 15 years. Notably among them is the FEOK and the TENGANA festivals which is celebrated by the people in Builsa and Tongo respectively. The current list is as follows: Tertiary Institutions Catholics form the majority of Christians (57.7%) followed by Pentecostal/Charismatic groups (21.7%) and Protestants (12.3%). Similarly, sex ratios (males per 100 females) are only slightly above the regional value of 92.6 in the Builsa and Bolgatanga, Districts. Leatherworks are carried out at areas around Bolgatanga and the surrounding villages. The proportion of males of school going age who are working is 35.3 per cent and that of females is 32.7 percent. Builsa South district to the West, Bolgatanga community to the East and Burkina Faso to the North are part of the areas the community shares boundaries with. Crude birth rates range from 22.5 live births per 1000 population in the Builsa to 46.6 births per 1000 in the Bongo, District. Lack of dedicated transformers for Sandema, Chiana, Pusiga and Zebilla is causing high production down times. This observation is true for both males and females. As already indicated, small -scale industries constitute the most important industries in the region. The differences between the districts in the use of roofing materials. The information refers to the collection and disposal of solid waste (rubbish) generated by members of the household. This page was last edited on 20 November 2022, at 19:40. About a third (29.5%) are in Bawku East, a further 29.4 per cent in Bolgatanga and 17 per cent in Kassena- Nankana. A brief summary of findings is presented before discussing possible interventions. Since senior secondary schools are usually boarding institutions, however, the number of and distances to the nearest SSS institutions are not very critical for accessibility. The proportion ranges between 1.9 per cent in Bawku West and 18.0 per cent in Bongo for males and between 6.0 per cent in Bawku West and 32.9 per cent in Bongo for females. In the country as a whole, the proportion is 8.5 per cent but in the two adjacent regions, Northern (21.3%) and Upper West (29.3%), the proportions are quite significant. It is noted that the Dagarte are indigenes from the Upper West who migrated to settle in this area long before the current regions were created. The population of the region is 920,089, which is less than one twentieth (4.9%) of the national population. grey pneumatic 12 point socket set. Population size, growth rate and density. It is bordered to the south by the Northern Region, to the east by the Upper East and Northern Regions, and to the north and west by the Republic of Burkina Faso. Bongo (10.3%), Builsa (6.5%) and Bawku West (6.1%) are the least attractive destinations of migrants. . It is one of the four districts created in the region in 2012, and its administrative capital is Fumbisi. cartagena to san andres flights; note 20 ultra cameras explained; 1946 ford super deluxe; how to reach anjuna from madgaon; caddo mills high school football; antioch high school football record; necromongers explained. A total of 30 midwives practicing in the Upper East Region of Ghana were purposefully selected. The dependent population is made up of 40.9 per cent below 15 years and 5.5 per cent aged 65 years and above. Borehole characteristics show that the depths to this zone vary from 12m to 30m although deeper depths have been recorded in some locations. Even though some of the clinics and hospitals are owned by non-governmental agencies, the doctors in the 5 hospitals are normally either fully employed by Government or are seconded to the hospitals by the Ministry of Health. None of the children work in the public sector, private formal sector, semi public/parastatal sector and NGO/international organizations. They speak an Asanti dialect of Twi which is a language spoken by over ten million Asanti people as the first language. Teledensity (phones/per 100 populations is very low in the region (0.1) compared to the national density of 0.7). Room occupancy. There are far fewer non-Ghanaians (2.1 percent) than naturalised Ghanaians. Contents: Subdivision The population development in Eastern as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Electricity is available to only one in eight households in the region while it is about two in five households nationwide. A high proportion of the households in each district, ranging from 81.6 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 93.4 per cent in the Bawku West, District, live in dwellings owned by a relative. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. Various programmes, projects and activities have been suggested over the years to address the population and development problems of the country, but problems of implementation have made it difficult to make progress. The observed age-sex structure of the region follows very closely the pattern found at the national level where there are more females than males in almost every age group from ages twenty up to seventy-four. Bawku East has the highest proportion of very large households (40.7%), followed by Bawku West (28.6%); Builsa has the lowest proportion (7.8%) of very large households. Three districts have fairly low dependency ratios while the other three have extremely high ratios. The age structure for the sexes shows that in the region, there are more females than males. About three quarters (72.6%) of all households using five or more sleeping rooms have seven or more members. Due to its smallness, no facility is more than 19 kilometres away in this district. The positions of these districts relative to the others remain the same with both males and females. Manufacturing, the second major industry, is lowest in Bawku West (4.0%) and highest in Bongo (26.4%). Even the lowest proportion of households with no toilet facilities is 73.3 per cent (in Bawku East), followed closely by Bolgatanga, the regional capital district, with 75.1 percent. The orthodox system is grouped into four categories in relation to ownership. They are available only in the Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku townships. Although rich agriculturally, the Upper East Region districts are considered some of the country's smallest municipalities. These are Sandema, the War Memorial Hospital (Navrongo), Zebilla and Bawku Presbyterian Hospital. In most cases, accessibility is determined more by the individual students and/or parental preferences and/or affordability, than by the proximity of the institution. The hospitals in the region are sited in the five district capitals. Much of the female-male differentials in educational attainment, however, is at the middle/JSS or higher levels. Primary school is the highest level attained by 52.4 per cent in the region. The composition of households shows that the proportion of heads of households varies from 11.4 per cent in the Bawku East, to 19.2 per cent in the Builsa, and that of spouses of heads of households, ranges from 8.9 per cent in the Bongo, to 13.3 per cent in the Bawku East, District. The major languages of the region are Dagaare, Sissali, Wale and Lobi. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. East, the proportion is 68.2 per cent while it is 67.4 per cent in Bolgatanga and 64.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. Chiana, Binaba-Kusanaba and Pusiga do not have permanent water system staff offices. The values of the indicators show that most of the demographic characteristics of the districts are very similar to the regional pattern. Upper East is one of the ten regions of Ghana. The Upper East Region is situated in the Kingdom of Dagbon with its regional capital known as Bolgatanga. Bolgatanga Technical University It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. At the regional level, the drop is 27.9 percentage points (from 109.9% for age 15-19 to 82.0% for age 20-24). Numerous ethnic groups and communities in the country are also present in the cultural field. The towns on the national grid in the region include Bolgatanga, Navrongo, Sandema, Bawku, Zebilla Chuchuliga, Chiana, Pwalugu, Tongo, Kongo, Garu, Bongo and Nangodi. The Upper East region is divided into 15 districts, each headed by a district chief executive. The settlement pattern is generally dispersed and this has high cost implications in the provision of water and sanitation facilities, especially small town pipe systems. From the JSS level, many girls, in their puberty age, are given out in marriage, and some migrate to the south, as house helps or Kayayee, to earn a living. There are 26 health centres and 36 clinics. It could also reflect a better understanding of the concept of household and therefore a better identification of households within the residential structures. Sources of income Sale of farm produce, leather and craft works. Districts in the Eastern Region of Ghana and their capitals. In other words, migrants in the region constitute between 6 and 13 per cent of Ghanaians by birth. This varies from 1.3 per cent in Bongo to 43.6 per cent in Bawku East. In the region, however, 84.6 per cent use the kerosene lamp. Unpaid family workers are the next highest group with 14.0 percent. In the Builsa District, for example, the overall difference in educational attainment is 8.4 per cent in favour of males. Thus put together the proportion of females in the region (19.8%) with primary and middle/JSS is lower than that for males (26.1%). The pressure on the economically active population is greatest in Bawku West, Bawku East and Bongo. Bongo and Sandema. Most of the working children in the district are either self-employed without employees (74.4%) or unpaid family workers (21.1%). Mossi are also the second-largest ethnic group in Cote d'Ivoire numbering about 3 million. About the same proportion of localities (25.1%) have the nearest post office being 30 kilometres or more away. Whereas every community has a traditional healing facility, only about 28.0 per cent of the localities in the region have access to a hospital within the community or satisfy the Ministry of Healths accessibility standard of a health facility within eight kilometres. The public and semi public sector employs an additional 4.2 percent. The quality of dwellings in the region and access to amenities are low. Bawku West to the East, mother District Talensi to the South, Bongo community to the North, and Bolgatanga community to the West are the areas the community shares boundaries with. General News . 1. Both these national routes are connected by the N11 which links the regional capital of Bolgatanga to Bimpiela, also in the region. Private basic schools are found in Bolgatanga, Navrongo and Bawku. Dipo festival - The Dipo festival is the greatest legacy of Krobo land. Water closet (W.C) in house is not common, given the low level of piped water supply in the districts. The region has one regional hospital and 517 health centers spread across the 15 MDAs, The region is endowed with 5 tertiary institutions, 49 second cycle institutions and 2,813 basic schools. Contrary to the popular perception that children are used as househelp, child domestic employees make up only 3 per cent while other employees make up 1.7 percent.

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