hebrews 11:22 commentaryneversink gorge trail map

Many that are interested in the promises do not presently receive the things promised. There is nothing capricious about the usage. At such a time there is only one thing to do--to obey and to do so without resentment, saying: "God, you are love! He that possesses the one must not eschew the other. a. The idea being of God asking Abraham to give the most cherished possession that he had to Him. Nor does it seem so natural for any as the great apostle to inform them of his child and fellow-labourer: "Know that the brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come pretty soon, I will see you. I am looking for my permanent home. The apostle does not dwell on the detailed application of His Melchisedec priesthood, as to the object and character of its exercise. Sprinkling on the lentils and the doorposts, interestingly enough, gives you the sprinkling in the shape of a cross. To the writer to the Hebrews faith is absolutely certain that what it believes is true and that what it expects will come. None of the patriarchs entered into the full possession of the promises that God had made to Abraham. A strong and hale man of seventy came in. The sacrifices that they made were all made in faith as they looked forward to the sacrifice that God would one day make when He would send His only begotten Son. When the Messiah was crucified, Judaism was in principle a dead thing: if it was in any sense kept up, it was no more than a decent time before its burial. The Jews would not have Him living. First, there is envy. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." He made nothing of himself, because he knew they were God's people. He calls himself so: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; he gives them leave to call him so; and he gives them the spirit of adoption, to enable them to cry,Abba, Father. The ground of Abraham's faith, the call and promise of God, ; Hebrews 11:8. On the other hand, the priests, Aaron's family, among the sons of Levi, "have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham." So knowing that God's word was to be fulfilled that the land would one day be theirs, some three hundred years later after the death of Joseph, when the children of Israel began their trek from Egypt to the Promise Land, with them they carried the mummy of Joseph to bury it in the land of promise. So he knelt down and worshipped the sun. As is usually the case, legend adds many a detail to this story. When the people of England saw how the storm and the gale had shattered the Spanish Armada, they said: "God did it." Then he threw the dead body on his back and carried it about because he did not know what to do with it. By that hope, then, "we draw nigh unto God. Therefore is it that men so naturally slip into, or rest on, second causes. He chose "rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward." These men trusted in the unseen God and in his faithfulness to those who wholeheartedly sought him. 4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Legend tells that with Enoch the Angel of Death made a compact of friendship. The Lord will make even Babylon fall before the faith of his people, and when he has some great thing to do for them, he raises up great and strong faith in them. This they did for three months. So Abraham took the ram, and offered it on the altar. And what is its distinctive character as here introduced? The pleasures of this world, and especially those of a court, are too often the pleasures of sin; and they are always so when we cannot enjoy them without deserting God and his people. XV. (3.) 3. By faith, then, Jacob himself blessed his sons and the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. This was the very thing that these Jewish Christians were shrinking, from, if not rebelling against. The blessed fruits and rewards of Noah's faith. And others had trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, [as was Zechariah and also, as thought, Jeremiah] they were sawn asunder [or sawed in two] ( Hebrews 11:36-37 ), Isaiah, that marvelous prophet that we've enjoyed his revelations. He did not serve an ejectment, or raise a war against the old inhabitants, to dispossess them, but contented himself to live as a stranger, to bear their unkindnesses patiently, to receive any favours from them thankfully, and to keep his heart fixed upon his home, the heavenly Canaan. No argument could be more distinct or conclusive. They were not afraid of the king's commandment. When Joseph was near to death he made the Israelites take an oath that they would not leave his bones in Egypt but would take them with them when they went out to possess the promised land, which in due time they did ( Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32). How could Jesus have been born into the world if the Jewish religion had ceased to exist? The gospel state is more perfect than the patriarchal, because more of the promises are now fulfilled. is one of several phrases in N.T. Man never did nor could settle it without the word of God. And why? Second, there is this strange and eerie thought that Cain had discovered a new sin. Witness that he was righteous, a justified, sanctified, and accepted person; this, very probably, was attested by fire from heaven, kindling and consuming his sacrifice. 2. They did not take the opportunity that offered itself for their return. But if so, He was the Priest after the order of Melchisedec, as well as seated at Jehovah's right hand a cardinal truth of Christianity, the import of which the Jews did not receive in their conception of the Messiah. XI. [4.] Psalms 110:1-7, which, as all the Jews owned, spoke., throughout its greater part at least, of the Messiah and His times, shows us Jehovah Himself by an oath, which is afterwards reasoned on signifying that another priest should arise after a different order from that of Aaron. No man ever did anything great without a vision which enabled him to face the difficulties and discouragements of the way. But this trial was greater than all; he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. 11:8-10 It was by faith that Abraham, when he was caned, showed his obedience by going out to a place which he was going to receive as an inheritance, and he went out not knowing where he was to go. No doubt that is true; but, if we want to see this story at its greatest and as the writer to the Hebrews saw it, we must take it at its face value. II. Then we have the other patriarchs introduced, yet chiefly as regards earthly hopes, but not apart from resurrection, and its connection with the people of God here below. According, to the Jews it was quite impossible, if God had once established a covenant, He could ever change; but the apostle replies that their own prophet is against their theory. Accordingly observe the change of expression. Abraham asked him his age and then said: "You fool to adore a god who is younger than yourself!" He, of course, was referring to the Old Testament scriptures. ii. You have the immediate advantage and the eternal advantage to choose. Observe here, (1.) "Conscience of sins" means a dread of God's judging one because of his sins. But yet, in their death they did not enter into the kingdom of God and into that eternal glory. And she said, "I wasn't laughing" ( Genesis 18:13-15 ). "There was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the showbread; which is called holy. The story is told in Exodus 2:11-14. The next instance of faith is that of the Israelites passing through the Red Sea under the conduct of Moses their leader, XIV. What the wise men of antiquity, the Platos and Aristotles, never knew what the modern sages blunder about, without the slightest reason, after all the word of God has made the possession of every child of His. And for this cause he is mediator of the new covenant, that by means of death, for redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance." J. P. Struthers was the minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Greenock, a little congregation, which, it is neither false nor unkind to say, had a great past but no future. So when God's call came to him he was ready to go out into the unknown to find him! He loves the man who is ready to venture for his name. 00:02:01 Arkansas town elects youngest Black mayor in America. Continues after advertising. "For by it the elders obtained a good report." They never wearily gave up the journey; they lived in hope and died in expectation. Hence the apostle takes care to keep up the real link with the past witnesses for God in faith and suffering, not in ordinances. (2.) 2 for by it the men of old gained approval. However long that hope might be in coming true, its light always shone in their eyes. 11:23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. (4.) like pilgrims who need a word of encouragement; Hebrews encourages us to listen to the Word of God revealed in the Son of God, Jesus. for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him ( Hebrews 11:6 ). Hebrews 11:22. If that religion had been destroyed, what would have happened to the purposes of God? They do not believe that God called all things into being. So that means Abraham was probably one hundred and twenty-five by this time. "He taketh away the first." [1.] They sent a senator called Popilius Laena with a small and quite unarmed suite. Through that faith he passed judgment on the world and became an heir of the righteousness which is the result of faith. He saw two crows fighting and one killed the other, then dug a hole with its beak and buried it. 8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. such power and prosperity as, was never reached again. The wilderness generations Their own Psalm, in its grand prophetic sweep, and looking back on the law, pointed to the place in which Christ is now seated above; and where it is of necessity He should be, in order to give Christianity its heavenly character. Now truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned ( Hebrews 11:14-15 ). The phrase about quenching the violence of fire goes straight back to the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in Daniel 3:19-28. He does not require to add more to the person and facts of Christ than the Old Testament furnishes, to prove the certainty of Christianity and all its characteristic truths with which he occupies himself in this epistle. he had respect unto the recompense of the reward ( Hebrews 11:26 ). They could not deny it to be written in the fortieth psalm. Their faith was a faith of consent. Not only is it because He is the only one capable of being a perfect sacrifice but as verse 22 says, "the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed in blood." . It was taken by men who thought not of what they could do but of what God could do for them. Hebrews 11:27 tells us that he was able to face all things as one who sees him who is invisible. In Measure for Measure Shakespeare makes Claudio say: Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; And blown with restless violence round about, The weariest and most loathed worldly life. The king was determined that hidden children should be sought out and killed. 22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones. He does not draw attention here to the account, that there was only blessing from man to God, and from God to man. But as God said, "Through Isaac shall thy seed be called." He, too, died faithful. She offered him a way into Jerusalem by stealth; and then, having gained his confidence, she slew him in his drunken sleep with his own dagger, cut off his head and carried it back to her people. There is no indication why God preferred the gift of Abel to the gift of Cain. When Marcus Aurelius was asked why he believed in the gods, he said: "True, the gods are not discernible by human sight, but neither have I seen my soul and yet I honour it. When our fighting instincts say: "Go on," it takes a big and a brave man to wait. As the writer to the Hebrews put it, we must believe that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. But this trial was greater than all; he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. 1. The writer to the Hebrews is here seeking to inspire new courage and a new sense of responsibility by making his hearers remember their past. We will remember that everything in it is God's and will try to use it as God would have us use it. It is that which infinitely exceeds the deliverance out of Egypt, or any ceremonial atonement ever wrought by a high priest for Israel. not as the papists dream, that he worshipped some image of God engraven on the head of his staff, but intimating to us his great natural weakness, that he was not able to support himself so far as to sit up in his bed without a staff, and yet that he would not make this an excuse for neglecting the worshipping of God; he would do it as well as he could with his body, as well as with his spirit, though he could not do it as well as he would. In the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation, where John sees the cherubim about the throne of God, worshipping the Lord, declaring the holiness and eternal character of God. This is the meaning of the phrase, not that He will sit there throughout all eternity. As Chrysostom put it: "The things of God seemed to fight against the things of God, and faith fought with faith, and the commandment fought with the promise." An old scholar who was dying turned to his friends: "Do you realize," he said, "that in an hour or two I will know the answers for which we have been searching all our lives?" [3.] Hereby himself and his house were saved, when a whole world of sinners were perishing about them. For, [1.] Thus the chain of blessedness is complete. Lastly, he points "to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better than Abel:" the assurance that the earth shall be delivered from its long sorrow and slavery. The interesting thing to me is that when God inaugurated the sacrifices and all through Moses, there was the meal offering which was acceptable to God. Greek athletes trained naked and some of the Jewish priests even went so far as to seek to obliterate the mark of circumcision from their bodies so that they might become completely hellenized. Here was a great trial of their faith. It became God to give Him to die; for such was our estate by sin that nothing short of His atoning death could deliver us; but, having delivered us, God would make us to be heavenly. The account of this we have in Exodus 12:13-23. [2.] Their deliverance was very glorious. This was why Joseph left instructions about his burial. Thus the apostle closes this most striking and precious epistle, brimful to overflowing with that which had an especial and very touching interest to a Jew, but nevertheless needed as certainly by us, and as rich in instruction for us in this day as for those at any time that has passed away. God then has provided some better thing for us. It about because he did not know what to do good and to communicate not. The dead body on his back and carried it about because he knew they God... 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