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Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Special Permit Application based upon a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the Standards in Section 6.15.7, Section 7.5 of this By-Law or adequately protect water resources, as required herein. ], [ THE CURRENT LANGUAGE REGULATIONG ADMINISTRATION FOLLOWS AND IS ALSO SHOWN ADJACENT TO THE NEW SECTION 12 FOR EASY COMPARISON. The applicant shall submit such material as may be required by the Planning Board regarding measures proposed to prevent pollution of surface or ground water, soil erosion, increased runoff, changes in groundwater level, and flooding, and regarding design features intended to integrate the proposal into the existing landscape, to preserve the same, to enhance aesthetic, and to screen objectionable features from neighbors. Acid and basic cleaning solutions, Antifreeze and Coolants, Arsenic and arsenic compounds, Bleaches and peroxides, Brake and transmission fluids, Brine solution, Casting & Foundry chemicals, Caulking agents and sealants, Cleaning solvents, Corrosion and rust prevention solutions, Cutting fluids, Degreasing solvents, Disinfectants, Electroplating solutions, Explosives, Fertilizers, Fire extinguishing chemicals, Food processing wastes, Formaldehyde, Fuels and additives, Gasolines, Glues, adhesives and resins, Greases, Hydraulic fluid, Indicators, Industrial and commercial janitorial supplies, Industrial sludges and stillbottoms, Inks, printing and photocopying chemicals, Laboratory chemicals, Liquid storage batteries, Medical, pharmaceutical, dental, veterinary and hospital solutions, Mercury and mercury compounds, Metals finishing solutions, Oils, Paints, primers, thinners, dyes, stains, wood preservatives, varnishing, and cleaning compounds, Painting solvents, PCB's, Pesticides and herbicides, Plastic resins, plasticizers and catalysts, Photo development chemicals, Poisons, Polishes, Pool chemicals in concentrated form, Processed dust, and particulates, Radioactive sources, Reagents and standards, Refrigerants, Roofing chemicals and sealers, Sanitizers, disinfectants, bactericides and algaecides, Soaps, detergents and surfactants, Solders and fluxes, Stripping compounds, Tanning industry chemicals, Transformer and capacitor oils/fluids, Water and wastewater treatment chemicals. The degree to which public safety will be threatened by a RCC Development; 6. Appropriate stormwater management controls shall be in place and operative throughout the construction phase of the project. Zoning Bylaw Recodification and Update - What and Why? such determination, the SPGA shall give consideration to the simplicity, reliability and feasibility of the control measures proposed and the degree. Zoning Board is the SPGA. Encourage the permanent preservation of open space, agricultural and forestry land, other natural resources including water bodies and wetlands, and historical and archeological resources. For instance, handling Regulated Substances in the proximity of water bodies or wetlands may be improper. There are also several items to consider when erecting a fence: No owner of a dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, shall permit such dog to run at large off the premises of the owner except when it is under the control of the owner or the authorized agent of the owner by leash, cord, or chain. The exact boundaries of the District shall be defined by the 100-year base flood elevations shown on the FIRM and further defined by the Essex County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated July 16, 2013, as those documents were updated by FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) dated March 12, 2017, for panels 25009C0453G and 25009C0454G, effective as of July 25, 2017. The Zoning By-Law of the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea is adopted pursuant to and under the authority of Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975, The Zoning Act. Such expansion, alteration, or modification may result from increased square footage of production or storage capacity, or increased quantities of Regulated Substances, or changes in types of Regulated Substances beyond those square footages, quantities, and types upon which the permit was issued. The Plan shall be designed to meet the Massachusetts Stormwater Management Standards as set forth in Part B of this section and DEP Stormwater Management Handbook Volumes I and II. 3. In some locations, where surface and ground water drainage are not coincident, Zone III shall consist of both the surface drainage and the ground water drainage areas. All storage sheds less than 150 square feet require a Zoning Certificate from the Town of Manchester . Plans shall be approved provided that the Planning Board determines that, subject to any conditions that may be imposed, the requirements of Section 6.2 will be satisfied, and that no other conflicts between the proposal and the Zoning By-Laws have been observed. It has also been designated the Inland Wetlands Agency and the Aquifer Protection Agency. Electronic sensing devices may be employed as part of the inspection process, if approved by the SPGA, and provided the sensing system is checked daily for malfunctions. The pick up begins very early. A. It is bounded by the groundwater divides, which result from pumping the well, and by the contact of the aquifer with less permeable materials such as till or bedrock. b) If the applicant or co-applicant will be represented by an agent, the name, address and telephone shall be provided as well as original signature authorizing the agent to represent the applicant and/or co-applicant. Use - Unit of Measure Number of Off-Street, One dwelling unit 2, Two dwelling units 3, Three dwelling units 5, Four dwelling units 6. commenced by such date, except for good cause shown. 2. We will provide you the secure enterprise solutions with integrated backend systems. 8.3.5 General Requirements and Conditions. 7. a) Specifications for the proposed WECF or Met Tower shall be provided for all equipment and attendant facilities. The site owner or his agent shall file a completed application package for a Stormwater Management Special Permit (SMSP) as follows: one copy (with the filing fee) with the Town Clerk and ten (10) additional copies with the Planning Board (by delivery with the above copy to the Town Clerk). Pursuant to the site plan review process, the project proponent shall provide the following documents: i. [Amended 2007]. Any request for a renewal of a Special Permitshall be subject to publication notice requirements as required for an originalapplication for a Special Permit. Stormwater management systems must be designed so that post-development peak discharge rates do not exceed pre-development peak discharge rates. Each free-standing WECF and Met Tower shall be set back from property lines, any structures permitting human occupancy, and roadways, excepting the access roadway, by at least one and one-half times the height of the WECF, and from any residential property lines, including those in abutting towns, by at least thirteen hundred (1300) feet. required by the Planning Board to be left in a natural state. The owner or operator shall physically remove the installation no more than ninety (90) days after the date of discontinued operations, which period may be extended with written permission of the Building Inspector for no more than sixty (60) days. Determination of whether the proposed location is not suitable for an RCC Development shall be based upon the opinion and judgment of the Planning Board, after consultation with its advisors and staff and may include the following criteria: 1. The Stormwater Management Plan shall fully describe the project in drawings, and narrative. April 2020 - The Town of Manchesters Planning Board, members of the Board of Appeals, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Town Planner and others have been working with the Towns legal consultant since June of 2019 to recodify and update the Towns Zoning Bylaws. Upon request, the permit holder shall provide evidence to the Building Inspector demonstrating continued use of the WECF or Met Tower. 5. Distances, at grade, from the proposed WECF to each building on the site plan shall be shown; c) Proposed location of WECF, including all turbines, fencing, associated ground equipment, transmission infrastructure and access roads. 13. Therefore, this email communication may be subject to public disclosure.******. Without limitation of the generality of the foregoing, Green Activities include the annual addition of up to twelve (12) inches of soil or other material to any area. Note: Carroll County dog licenses are now being sold at the Manchester Town Office. Authorized Structures/Drives Activities means construction, maintenance or other changes (A) within the layout of any street, or sidelines of any easement for any common driveway on which the lot has frontage, or (B) under the Subdivision Rules and Regulations or this Zoning By-Law within the footprint of buildings and other structures, and sidelines of driveways and turnarounds, authorized (with specific reference to any ledge removal permitted) by either the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals or (C) within the footprint of a residential building, provided that any excavation does not exceed a depth of fifteen (15)feet from the pre-construction grade and is authorized by a building permit issued by the Building Inspector. This plan shall include a description of the lottery or other process to be used for selecting buyers. Prior to the submission of an application for a special permit under this By-Law, the applicant is strongly encouraged to meet with the Planning Board at a public meeting to discuss the proposed WECF in general terms and to clarify the filing requirements. 3.3.3 Boundaries which appear to run parallel to the sidelines of streets shall be regarded as parallel to such lines. 1. This inspection shall also evaluate the effectiveness of the system in an actual storm. All accessory buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 5 feet inside rear and side property lines unless otherwise noted in regulations. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 9. [Added 1988], from the traveled portion or from the curb of any street or way open to public use in the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea for the purpose of passing to or from abutting property nor cut any curbing for any purpose without applying for and receiving a permit from the Planning Board, under such conditions and restrictions as the Board shall determine to be necessary to protect public safety, to prevent erosion and sedimentation, to assure proper drainage and for related purposes. 1.Uses. By a covenant executed and duly recorded by the owner of record, running with the land, whereby said construction will be completed before such buildings or appurtenances thereto may be eligible for an occupancy permit as required by Section 7.3 of the Manchester-by-the-Sea Zoning By-Laws. In a riverine situation, the following must be notified of any alteration or relocation of a watercourse: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region I. No variance authorizing a use or activity not otherwise permitted in the Limited Commercial District shall occur without a written finding by the Board of Appeals that, in addition to the requirements set forth in Section 7.4.6, the specific considerations (1-7) outlined in Section 7.5.2 of the Manchester-by-the-Sea Zoning By-Law have been addressed. Related Documents Recognizing that the portion of Manchester-by-the-Sea zoned Limited Commercial may contribute significant recharge to the town's municipal drinking water supply, and recognizing further that inappropriate development, or development with inappropriate safeguards may threaten said water supply, no special permit or site plan approval for any use within the Limited Commercial District shall be granted without adherence to the following guidelines: 5.10.1 Design and Operations Guidelines: The following design and operation guidelines shall be observed within the Limited Commercial District. Blueprints or drawings of the solar photovoltaic installation signed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts showing the proposed layout of the system and any potential shading from nearby structures; iv. Special, permits shall be granted only in conformance with this By-Law, Section. (a) The units within the structure shall connect with the municipal sanitary sewer; (b) The new or expanded structure is appropriate in terms of bulk, shape, location on the lot and relationship to abutting properties and existing structures within the immediate and general neighborhood; (c) Off-street parking regulations of Section 6.2 of this By-Law are met; (d) The converted two-unit structure may not be substantially different in character from the existing building, except in a case where changes in building facade or design would better reflect the overall character of the surrounding neighborhood; (e) The resulting structure will be in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. (d) Relationship to Subdivision Control Law: Nothing contained herein shall exempt a proposed subdivision from compliance with other applicable provisions of these Bylaws or the Subdivision Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board, nor shall it affect the right of the Board of Health and of the Planning Board to approve, condition or disapprove a subdivision plan in accordance with the provision of such Rules and Regulations and of the Subdivision Control Law. (b) Conditions: The Planning Board shall impose conditions in its decision as, necessary to ensure compliance with the purposes of this Bylaw. Chapter 40A, Section 9 and Section 7.5 of the Zoning By-Law, with the exception that a public hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days after the filing of a complete application with the Town Clerk, and the Zoning Board of Appeals at a regularly scheduled Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. 7. The MyHomeCT Program offers help to eligible Connecticut homeowners by paying mortgage and/or other qualified housing expenses. "Person" means any agency or political subdivision of the federal government or the Commonwealth, any state, public or private corporation or authority, individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, partnership, association, or other entity, and any officer, employee, or agent of such person, and any group of persons. The Board of Appeals may not grant a variance authorizing a use or activity not otherwise permitted in the district in which land or structure is located, except that this limitation shall not apply to land or structures located in the Limited Commercial District or General District. The purpose of this section is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare through the preservation of the Town's water resources to ensure a future supply of safe and healthful drinking water for the residents and employees of the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea and the general public. The conversion of a structure existing on the lot as of May 6, 1991, that does not involve any increase in the size, height or volume of the structure, including the construction of exterior stairways, porches, patios or decks, shall not require a special permit. The final step is to draw the lot lines. ORWs include vernal pools certified by the Natural Heritage Program of the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement, all Class A designated public water supplies with their bordering vegetated wetlands, and other waters specifically designated. WECFs and Met Towers shall also be located in a manner that does not have significant negative impacts on animal species in the vicinity (particularly avian species, bats, etc.). 9. Upon application the Planning Board may extend the term of the special permit upon a finding of satisfactory operation of the WECF. Submittals: In applying for a special permit required by this By-, Law, the information listed below shall be submitted to the SPGA, as the. Within 45 days of their receipt of the application/plans, these agencies shall submit any recommendations to the Planning Board. 4.1.9 Accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incident to any of the above permitted uses, or to the uses permitted in accordance with the following section 4.1.10, and not detrimental to a residential neighborhood, including specifically the following: As part of an existing garage, stable or other existing structure approved by special permit of the Board of Appeals, family living quarters for and to be occupied only by an employee of the owner occupant of the dwelling while such garage, stable or other existing structure, approved by the Board of Appeals, is an accessory use. Provide the following documents: i - What and Why be subject publication... Dog licenses are now being sold at the Manchester Town Office fully describe the project proponent provide... Sold at the Manchester Town Office wetlands may be improper of satisfactory of. 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