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I have configured the openweathermap add-on to get the current wind speed. not be activated yet. The service allows you to regularly download current weather and forecast data in JSON format. The Khumbu Valley observational data are available from, last access: 19December2022. Solanki, R., Singh, N., Kiran Kumar, N.V.P., Rajeev, K., Imasu, R., Meteorol. Wagner, J. S., Gohm, A., and Rotach, M. W.: Influence of along-valley terrain heterogeneity on exchange processes over idealized valleys, Atmos. The simulation consists of four nested domains (referred to as d01, which is the outer domain, and d02, d03 and d04, which comprise the inner domain) that are illustrated in Fig.2a. Called by: When you subscribe to our service, you can join us to help with donation of just of 20. OpenWeather. Interactive weather map allows you to watch for current temperature and weather conditions in your city or any other location on the interactive global map. And if you have any query regarding this then leave your comment. Overall, the model manages to simulate the diurnal cycle of the winds that was evident in the observations. Thanks for your help! The data are plotted every 30min. In the case of the two westernmost valleys the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys the valley centre lines were extended due south over the perpendicular barrier from the valley entrance instead of continuing with the algorithm until the plain is reached. The border of Nepal is shown in red in Fig.1, and the study area is located in the north-eastern part of Nepal. Karki, R., ulHasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., and Bhner, J.: Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas, Earth Syst. However, the use of these identified ridgelines allows us to approximately estimate the average depth of the valley atmosphere in these valleys. 25072522. The land surface scheme used in the simulation was the Unified Noah land surface model (Tewari etal.,2004). When I started learning about Python; I though I should create a blog to share my Python Knowledge, and hence I've created. Ek, M., Meng, J., Wei, H., Yang, R., Lord, S., vanden Dool, H., Kumar, A., Although in the cross-valley circulation the subsiding air causes local warming in the core of the valley atmosphere, the net effect of the cross-valley circulation is to export heat out of the valley atmosphere due to the overshooting up-slope winds at the valley crests (Schmidli,2013). For the same horizontal area above the valley and above the plain, the air volume in the valley is smaller than that above the plain. Local time is shown on the xaxes. Figure10 shows the potential temperature at 15:00LT minus the potential temperature at 09:00LT as a vertical cross-section above the valley centre lines on20 and 21December. Meteorol. At the lowest model level (approximately 25m above the surface; Fig.11a, b, c, d), the diurnal cycle has a larger amplitude over the plain (up to 8K) than in the valleys (46K), but the amplitude decreases rapidly with height over the plain. reanalysis, Q. J. Roy. Phys., 15, 65896603,, 2015.a, b, c, d, e, f, g, Whiteman, C. D.: Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications, New York, Oxford University Press, If you need to convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around automatically, please use our Geocoding API. Realizei a requisio atravs da funo fetch e depois utilizei o mtodo .json() para conseguir manipular as informaes recebidas nesse formato. As discussed in Sect.4.2, the daytime plain-to-valley winds cross this barrier in a shallow layer of a few hundred metres. Bianchi, F., Junninen, H., Bigi, A., Sinclair, V., Dada, L., Hoyle, C., Zha, Meteorological impacts of a novel debris-covered glacier category in a Sub-grid-scale processes were parameterised as follows: the Thompson scheme for microphysics (Thompson etal.,2008), the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for General Circulation Model (RRTMG) scheme for long-wave and short-wave radiation (Iacono etal.,2008), the MellorYamadaJanji (Eta) turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) scheme for boundary-layer turbulence and the Eta similarity scheme for the surface layer (Janjic,1994). G., Villani, P., Vuillermoz, E., and Cristofanelli, P.: Atmospheric Brown Res., 19, 111, 2002.. and Land Surface Datasets, Atmosphere, 9, 196. Whiteman, C. D.: Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications, New York, Oxford University Press. It access current weather data for any location on Earth including over, Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than, In openweathermap API data is available in, OpenWeatherMap provides many kinds of weather maps including, It was founded in 2012 and its founder is, Here i have passed two parameters, one is. Whiteman, C.D. and Doran, J.C.: The Relationship between Overlying In the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys, these strong valley entrance jets (Fig.S4e and g in the Supplement) could potentially be explained by the local strong temperature difference (discussed in detail in Sect.4.2) between the valley and the plain, which would result in forcing of plain-to-valley winds. Automatic Weather Station (GEN-AWS) in Khumbu region, Nepal Himalayas, OpenWeather. The number of missing time steps due to neglected wind speed measurements is two for Namche at night-time, three for Lukla during daytime and nine for Lukla at night-time. Such a single circulation cell spans the whole cross-valley direction and can be identified if there are daytime up-slope winds at one slope and down-slope winds at the other slope (Fig.S3h in the Supplement). This app brings the OpenWeatherMap API to Homey. On 18December, the diurnal cycle is more interrupted than during the 1921December period, and the simulated night-time down-valley winds are caused by the channelling of the north-westerlies into the valleys. The nudging was only performed above the atmospheric boundary layer. (2015) suggested that the increase in wind speed was due to both the reduction in the valley volume by 50% and the additional buoyancy forcing from the slope wind effect. This is seen as mostly horizontal isentropes between the valley atmosphere and the air above the plain (i.e. A recent study showed that Khumbu Valley could act as a source of pre-industrial aerosol in the free troposphere: model results indicate that the biogenic vapours emitted in Khumbu Valley were oxidised and then transported to free troposphere by the daytime up-valley winds (Bianchi etal.,2021). The wind is averaged over 12:0015:00LT for each day of the simulation. The perpendicular barrier at the valley entrance potentially interrupts the daytime plain-to-valley wind propagation, which is seen as weaker daytime up-valley winds at the valley entrance and potentially leads to weaker up-valley winds further up in the valley. diSarra, A.G., Evangelisti, F., Duchi, R., Facchini, M., Fuzzi, S., Gobbi, The supplement related to this article is available online at: In the result you can see the complete weather data of city ID 2172797. These aims are addressed primarily by analysing a 4d simulation performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, as the network of meteorological observations is rather scarce in this region. Figure4 shows the 400hPa wind in the outer domain (d01) in the WRF simulation at 12:00LT (noon) on 1821December2014. Hey u/dannyk6 - any chance that you can change the default metric units for wind speed from m/s to kph? ", Accessing Data For Cities Within A Rectangle Zone, " Here are two methods that can help transform the JSON wind data returned by Openweathermap API into units that users will find easier to understand. The number of days selectable. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. Res.-Atmos., 113, D13,, 2008.a, Inness, P. and Dorling, S.: Operational Weather Forecasting,John Wiley&Sons,Ltd,, 2012.a, Inoue, J.: Climate of Khumbu Himal, J. Jpn. In all four valleys, the strongest up-valley winds occur at the entrances of the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys and 30km into the Gaurishankar Valley (around along-valley grid point 70). Hydrometeorol., 19, 15651581. Glaciol. Correspondence: Johannes Mikkola ( The along- and cross-valley wind characteristics in each of the four valleys are described in Sect.4. The depth of the up-valley wind layer is defined based on the model level at which the clear diurnal cycle vanishes in the along-valley wind time series (not shown, but one model level is shown in Fig.6). To make this data optional within your string you can surround it with the caret symbols. The valley depth (the difference between the ridge and valley centre line heights) is lowest in the Gaurishankar Valley. J. A local time of 12:00 is considered because the main focus of the study is the daytime local winds. Learn more, 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, Min/max temperature in current weather API and forecast API, List of all API parameters with available units, Geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude)., 2021.a, b, c, d, e, f, Bollasina, M., Bertolani, L., and Tartari, G.: Meteorological observations at The simulation was initialised using the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (Saha etal.,2010) which has a horizontal grid spacing of 0.5. reanalysis, Q. J. Roy. The version used in this study is WRF3.6.1. Note: If text is selected in the current document when these commands are run, it will be replaced by the inserted weather string. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science since 2014. The Australian Open introduced a new Heat Stress Scale from 1-5 in 2019 with five the highest possible and requiring play to be suspended after a tie-break or after an even number of games in a set. the Nepalese Himalaya, Int. Simply enter a return to add a new line and the \n will be added to the saved settings file. Before you start What is OpenWeather? Meteorol., 43, 170181, Sci., 70, 40414066,, It normally resides on the GNOME panel and offers you precise weather data via the OpenWeather API. Soc., 95, 10211028. However, the cross-valley wind component is not always directed in exactly the same direction as the local slope on the valley sidewalls. The depth of the up-valley wind layer and the vertical extent of the amplified diurnal cycle of potential temperature were defined based on the model level at which the clear diurnal cycle vanishes compared to the plain in the along-valley wind time series (not shown, but one model level is shown in Fig.6) and in the amplitude of the diurnal cycle of potential temperature (not shown, but three model levels are shown in Fig.11) respectively. The time period these sensors use depends on the forecast mode selected when configuring the integration: hourly or onecall_hourly will show conditions for the current hour of the day, while daily or onecall_daily will show conditions for the current day. 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, 8,000+ OpenWeatherMap weather API repositories on GitHub, Google Weather-Based Campaign Management with OpenWeatherMap API, Connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap, Get weather data for free for open source project, Vegetation indicies statistics by each recognised field, Climate data for regions and particular field, Vegetation indices and Historical NDVI chart, Current, Forecast and Historical weather data. Part II: Implementation of a New Snow Parameterization, Mon. This paper was edited by Peter Haynes and reviewed by two anonymous referees. During large-scale north-westerlies (18December), the daily cycle of along-valley winds is interrupted more compared with days with large-scale westerlies (2021December), especially at the tops of the Gaurishankar, Khumbu and Makalu valleys. The simulation was kept on track by nudging the temperature, horizontal wind components and specific humidity in the outer domain (d01) towards the reanalysis every 6h. Liu, Q., Chen, Y., Han, Y., Cucurull, L., Reynolds, R.W., Rutledge, G., and The valley centre lines (in yellow in Fig.2b) were identified using a simple algorithm. Figure9Vertical cross-section of potential temperature (grey contours) and the along-valley wind component (shading) above the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2) on 20December at 15:00LT. Snow The easternmost valley, Kanchanjunga, is an exception here because it is surrounded by sufficiently high ridges on the sides and at the valley top (Fig.3d) that shelter the valley atmosphere from the large-scale flow channelling. Thin solid lines denote the country borders. You might need to cast it to a QuantityType first. standard, metric, and imperial units are available. Lai, Y., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Chen, D., and Zhaxi, S.: Impacts of the Westerlies The second aim is to identify notable differences between the four valleys in terms of their local wind systems. Kistler, R., Woollen, J., Behringer, D., Liu, H., Stokes, D., Grumbine, R., Janjic, Z.I.: The Step-Mountain Eta Coordinate Model: Further Developments of Diamantakis, M., Dragani, R., Flemming, J., Forbes, R., Fuentes, M., Geer, geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc. Wind direction, degrees (meteorological). Giovannini, L., Antonacci, G., Zardi, D., Laiti, L., and Panziera, L.:, 2014b.a, Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Hirahara, S., Hornyi, A., The yellow lines in Fig.2b were manually extended from the valley entrance to reach over the adjacent plain. These results, obtained from a relatively short but high spatial and temporal resolution WRF simulation, present the local along-valley winds under relatively uniform forcing by the large-scale flow. The strong winds at this location can be explained by the Venturi effect (Whiteman,2000). All Logos & Trademark Belongs To Their Respective Owners . Figure8Vertical cross-section of potential temperature (grey contours) and the along-valley wind component (shading) above the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2) on 20December at 09:00LT. As this study concentrates on the daytime up-valley wind layer, the colour map for the wind shading is not optimal for wind speeds exceeding 10ms1. Meteorol., Question 2: In the bottom right, click on the Up to 10ms1 wind speeds are simulated at the surface at higher elevations (i.e in the top parts of the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys; Fig.7a, b, c, d). A heat policy was first implemented in the 1998 Australian Open. in the valley atmosphere) would correlate with the depth of the daytime up-valley wind layer if pressure is horizontally homogeneous above the heated layer. The comparison is separated to daytime (06:0018:00LT) and night-time (18:0006:00LT) time steps. Dev., resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya, Openweather will add 40 to each donation and send it to Disastrous Emergency Committees (DEC) Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal. You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language. on 2017-04-24 denotes metres above sea level. Gets weather forecast for the specific time (corrected to zero minutes) from OpenWeather with specifying latitude and longitude of the world. (2021) analysed in their study. The WRF simulation is evaluated by comparing the modelled near-surface temperature and winds to meteorological observations from three automatic weather stations (AWSs) in the Khumbu Valley (Table1). Amazing stuff. Climatol., 38, 17481759,, 2018.a, b. # JSON data works just similar to python dictionary and you can access the value using []., 2014.a, b, Saha, S., Moorthi, S., Pan, H.-L., Wu, X., Wang, J., Nadiga, S., Tripp, P., You can also access weather data of cities within a rectangle zone. The 40-year December average of the 400hPa wind is mostly westerly with the subtropical jet located on average at around 30N. The black star indicates the location of the Nepal Climate Observatory Pyramid (NCO-P) station. Figure4The 400hPa wind speed (shading) and direction (white vectors) in the d01 domain at 12:00LT (noon) on 1821December2014. The along- and cross-valley wind components are the wind components parallel and perpendicular to the valley centre line respectively (described in Sect.2.3.1). In Kanchanjunga Valley, the floor inclination ranges between 1 and 3 in the top half of the valley, between grid points 20 and 60. Novak Djokovic received a hero's welcome at Melbourne Park before normal service resumed . Sellegri, K., Yan, C., Worsnop, D., Kulmala, M., Baltensperger, U., and Thompson was locked in a fierce battle with American J.J. Wolf on Court 3 when play was halted. The night-time down-valley winds are found more during the large-scale northerlies, which is most likely due to channelling of above-valley winds into the valley atmosphere. Ebisuzaki, W., Lin, R., Xie, P., Chen, M., Zhou, S., Higgins, W., Zou, C.-Z., The OpenWeatherMap integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.32, and it's used by, Longitude for weather forecast and sensor. Climatol., 34, 11111131. Wind Speed %wind-speed% - Km/h for Metric, Mp/h for Imperial, Wind Direction %wind-dir% - Eg. Dynam., 8, 507528,, 2017.a, b, kkeene44: Finalize WRFV4.4.2 by merging release-v4.4.2 branch onto master, Github [data set], (last access: 11 January 2023), 2022.a, Lai, Y., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Chen, D., and Zhaxi, S.: Impacts of the Westerlies The RMSE in the 2m temperature ranges from 2.5 to 2.7K for daytime (06:0018:00LT) and from 2.2 to 3.5 for night-time (18:0006:00LT) (Table2). Weather You need an API key, which is free, but requires a registration. The Kanchanjunga and Khumbu valleys have the most persistent diurnal cycle with respect to the up-valley winds in this 4d simulation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sellegri, K., Yan, C., Worsnop, D., Kulmala, M., Baltensperger, U., and (cities, zip codes). Unseeded Aussie takes down Kanepi! Once in the free troposphere, aerosols are less subject to removal processes and can undergo chemical transformation and long-range transport; thus, ventilated aerosols can effect areas remote from the actual valley in which they were formed. After 60 grid points (approximately 60km) into the valley, the valley floors start to incline towards the valley top. Res.-Atmos., 120, 98829896, Although the jet is located around 5 south of the 40-year average during our study period, the relatively large standard deviation implies that the study period is still representative of the area's climatological large-scale wind conditions. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science since 2014. The up-slope winds occur most often in the middle parts of the valleys, seen as red and purple time series in Fig.7. I found a very similar issue in OH1 : JM performed the data analysis and wrote most of the paper with input from VS. VS performed the WRF simulation and helped with planning the analysis. Plain-to-valley winds, and further along-valley winds, stem from the uneven warming of the valley atmosphere and the air above the adjacent plain. The vertical extent of the amplified diurnal cycle of temperature seems to correlate with the up-valley wind layer depth in the valleys: where the amplified diurnal cycle of temperature reaches higher, the daytime up-valley winds also reach higher. The simulation used in this study is identical to the simulation that Bianchi etal. Meteorol., 43, 170181. The along-valley wind component at the valley grid point i, AVWi, is then calculated using Eq.(4): The cross-valley wind component is calculated using the same approach. The outer domain covers an area of 36182997km and was run with a horizontal grid spacing of 27km. Chem. Day-to-day weather in mountain valleys is affected by thermally driven local winds that commonly form under clear skies. Geosci. We use the vector Ai=x(xi+3-xi-3)+y(yi+3-yi-3) to describe the local orientation of the valley at the ith grid point on the valley centre line. Phys., 23, 821842,, 2023. Temperature is available in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin units. The wind component parallel to the valley centre lines is plotted on each model level. Chem. Here, we define the amplitude of the diurnal cycle to be the difference between the maximum and minimum value of - in Fig.11. Bollasina etal. The warming is 12K stronger on21December than on20December, which is consistent with the up-valley wind speeds being stronger on21December compared with20December (Fig.6). The valley entrances are significantly different between the valleys. speed Get current up-to-date real-time weather conditions to be able to make better business decisions by understanding how weather conditions can affect your drivers. In Khumbu Valley, the daytime up-valley winds have maximum respective values of 3, 5, 45 and 23ms1 at the four marked locations between 20 and 21December, listed from the valley entrance to the valley top (Fig.6b). A free OpenWeather API key is required for the plugin to work. (2018), which has the same horizontal grid spacing and spin-up time as our simulation, the mean RMSE over all stations in Lang-tang Catchment is 8.0K, which is notably larger than in our simulation. Collier, E. and Immerzeel, W.W.: High-resolution modeling of atmospheric The along-valley winds at night are weak in all four valleys and generally remain in the up-valley direction (night-time is shown using shading in Fig.6). The cross-valley wind component is considered here as a wind component perpendicular to the valley centre lines (introduced in Sect.2.3.1) and, thus, perpendicular to the along-valley wind component directly above the valley centre line. Rajeev, K., Gunthe, S.S., and Kotamarthi, V.R.: Effects of spatial Manage deliveries with confidence by using tools that help you route accordingly. Keep in mind when configuring this integration, that you new API key might not be activated yet. Thus, the decay of up-valley winds at this location is delayed by 3h compared with the other valleys. OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial Getting Started With OpenWeatherMap API, OpenWeatherMapAPI Python Tutorial -Access Current Weather Data For One Location, " Singh, J., Singh, N., Ojha, N., Sharma, A., Pozzer, A., KiranKumar, N., The Venturi effect ( Whiteman,2000 ): When you subscribe to our service, you can the. Lang parameter to get the output in your language are significantly different between the valleys,... Time i comment 12:00 is considered because the main focus of the valley top and valleys! 06:0018:00Lt ) and night-time ( 18:0006:00LT ) time steps o mtodo.json ( ) para conseguir manipular as recebidas... 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