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What does a Mountain Lion look like on a game camera? A phantom creature has been sighted in the vast Delaware State Forest region of Pike County. Obviously, other pumas must be about, and the series of ridges extending north and east and west from my location could all be included as critical habitat as well. Let me explain this. But more and more people in Pennsylvania, from the Alleghenies to the Poconos to rolling farmlands in York County, claim they are seeing the big cats here, even though the state's "last" native lion, also known as a cougar or puma, was shot and killed in Berks County in 1871 and the feds have declared the Eastern subspecies extinct. I've never seen or heard of a verified black puma anywhere, whether wild or captive, so I'd be inclined to dismiss reports of truly black big cats as misidentifications, even when a group of guys all see the same thing. Now, if there were any escapes, and if any of these bred with a possible minuscule number of eastern pumas, a relic native population, wouldn't the gene pool be corrupted? Is there a Mountain Lion Conspiracy? Most of the people I've spoken with live in this belt, but biologists friends I've spoken with have told me of their own reports, first-hand, from hunters in the Poconos who saw pumas, too. Features Writer Micaela Hood is signing off with the Pocono Record after five years of covering arts, culture, entertainment and sports in northeastern . A typical home range is around 150 square miles for adult males and 50 square miles for adult females in our region. In 2015, a Pennsylvania State Historical Marker was placed near the site where the mastodon was found. He notes how over the millennia, the region was inhabited by humans, only to be depopulated by migration brought on by the search of food due to a fickle climate, war or epidemic. Colorado is the perfect habitat for mountain lions. Here are the 15 US States That Have Mountain Lions. Others would like to see some scientific proof. Heres What the Data Says. Those cats for which DNA evidence was recovered had come east from South Dakota, part of the known, modern-day, U.S. mountain lion range. Recently, on our Arizona Hummingbird and Bat Photo Shoot, I found a deer that had been hit by a car and had moved off to die beside a stream just 200 yards upstream from our lodge. With that hope in mind, I have, for years, asked outdoors people if they ever heard of a mountain lion, or puma, in their area -- with my questioning limited to people in my home state of Pennsylvania. But even without that second look there was no question that we'd seen a coyote. I can't dismiss the eye-witnesses I've interviewed. For example, leopards and jaguars, normally spotted cats, have a melanistic color morph, the 'black panther,' the black leopard or black jaguar. One of the important things for any animal is a place to call home. Depends on who you talk to, I guess. I have received about two dozen reports during that time, including one. The mountain lion, which is also called a cougar, puma or panther, weighs on average between 75-120 pounds, has long whiskers and a distinctive swooping tail. Wyoming has a historically stable population of mountain lions, but recent drops in numbers have caused some to worry. Martinelli said that if there were mountain lions in Pennsylvania, there would be more sightings of them. And a bit of an unpleasant one at that, as they now faced ridicule or doubt whenever they discussed their sightings. Thank you for reading! That's true. Every year we receive a few similar reports from hikers, hunters or other outdoor enthusiasts. They're common in the rural areas of the Lehigh Valley but are moving into more populated areas as evidenced by a 600-pound specimen (pictured) that was tranquilized in March after neighbors in. The bobcat wouldn't survive. Again, I've been told that some Game Commission personnel have admitted that pumas may exist in Pennsylvania, but they rationalize this by saying that the pumas are not breeding and they are not from original wild stock. redo these pages to match the new web site But that's not An article in last year's New York State Conservationist magazine about mountain lions concluded that none exists in that state, even in the 6-million-acre Adirondack Mountain wilderness. 2023 I'd suspect it would still be considered very rare, after all, it was thought to be extinct. But the point of this article isn't whether or not mountain lions exist in Pennsylvania or the Poconos. And this genetic mix has been recognized, and the Florida puma is still protected. Where they always here as a relic population? All rights reserved (About Us). Consider that the endangered Florida puma has mixed genes. Who knows? There's a whole world to learn about and Colby is content to spend his life learning as much as he can about it! What does a Puma (Mountain Lion) look like on a Game Camera? The Cougar Network, working with state agencies, have documented multiple mountain lions as far east as Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan in recent years, as well as that cat killed on a highway in Milford, Connecticut, in June 2011. Still, these resilient animals reside in secluded areas across the United States, with current data suggesting they may even be returning to their historical regions! Let's see a clear photo, or a carcass or something. And book one of these Poconos cabins rentals for the best outdoor access to these activities. For example, one man I interviewed said he saw a 'black' puma, and this should disqualify his sighting as a black puma has never been recorded. One man, in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania, had seen one, at night, about 25 years ago. A tiny population of Florida cougars persists in the southeastern corner of the United States. More Questions about Pumas in Pennsylvania Mountain lions typically eat about one deer per week, along with other smaller prey as the opportunity arises. In prior interviews with the Game Commission, the suggestion was made to this writer that what many people may actually be seeing is a bobcat, perhaps in less than ideal circumstances. I was heading up the road and I saw an animal with a long tail.". They ponder rare fossil evidence unearthed and seek to make sense of stratified geology, both fleeting in the face of what we call progress. In personal contacts, that monthly average might even be higher. Mountain lions that are looking for new breeding areas are known as transient and are almost always males. The cat is known to live in the western U.S. and Florida, South America and Canada. More common critters co-existed with early Native Americans in the Poconos, including two species long since removed: the wolf and mountain lion (also known colloquially as panthers and cougars). Cougar vs Mountain Lion What Are the Differences? Although in captivity, they can live much longer. Two different people told me that they, or a close relative, had seen pumas on more than one occasion. They mostly live in the far western Trans-Pecos region of the state, with about 50,000 to 80,000 acres of suitable land currently being used by the cat. Remember, this one was photographed in Arizona in good puma country, although this was the first one I've recorded there. Flying over the area, I've looked down and commented upon the amount of habitat that would be available for a puma, if only they existed. Conversely, an outdoor writer I know told me that when Pa. enacted a menagerie permit law years ago, 'a lot of mountain lions suddenly died,' as the owners of these cats, rather than going through the paperwork, simply released their pumas and claimed that they had died. I hope no one ever shoots a puma to prove their existence here, but I hope someone gets a great photo, of the cat, of a road-kill, of tracks, and that I see it. There isnt an official estimate on mountain lions in the state. If we don't see it, it doesn't exist. Where can I find Depth of Field reference charts? In many regions, the population within the state is actually increasing! One of the three branches or clans of the Lenape Tribe at the end of the 17th century was known as the Wolf (Minsi). It will happen eventually. State Game Officials do concede that some people may indeed have seen a puma, but it was undoubtedly a released captive. A second image of the same cat, in a different light, reveals the trademark spots of a bobcat. The name Pocono is derived from the . Where reports dating that far back from escapees? PHILADELPHIA (AP) An instinct coiled way down in the human brain knows the difference between a bobcat and a mountain lion. The northeastern U.S. population is thought to have disappeared in the 1930s. After a gestation period of 90 days, female mountain lions will give birth to litters of about one to six cubs. Bushkill Falls Trail. There are an estimated 3,000 - 7,000 Mountain lions in Colorado. Would these ridges be declared off-limits for hunting? Over 1,100 people follow her page. Hunting is legal in the state, but it is heavily controlled and restricted. Here, they've not been," Lau said in an e-mail. When he isn't distracted by his backyard birdfeeder, you can find him camping, exploring, and telling everyone around him about what he's recently learned. If so, what would happen to the hunting industry in all of these states? There are also big swaths of thick of forests in parts of the state. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, there are no wild, breeding cougar populations in this state anymore. Although there was no evidence that the 2011 mountain lion ever set foot in Pennsylvania, DNA evidence confirmed that it had been both west and east of the state. There is no known estimate of the number of mountain lions inhabiting Texas. I have not spoken with a Game Commission officer personally, so I don't know whether anyone killing a puma in Pennsylvania could do so without legal repercussions. The last known mountain lion in Pennsylvania was killed in Berks County in 1874. I regularly ask hunters and outdoors people if they've ever seen a mountain lion, or know of anyone that has. An escapee is also possible. On a recent stifling morning in Adams County, the 290-pound mountain lion with perfect bone structure is ignoring the raw chicken breast and pork chops a handler tossed into his pen. It was definitely a mountain lion, and it had a big buck, white-tailed deer in its jaws. Everyone is familiar with albinism, the absence of pigmentation that results in a white, essentially pigment free animal, defined by pink skin and pink eyes. Instead, the person usually pauses, sometimes with a sheepish or embarrassed expression on his face, and seems reluctant to continue. The last of three glaciations covered 30% of Pennsylvania, including much of the Poconos, from around 20,000-10,000 B.C. In 2016, a trail cam photo in South Jersey was later determined to show a house cat. the more visible white on the chest, the lack of spots, the huge hind quarters. "The cougars examined in the Northeast in the past 70 years are likely released or escaped captives. It's 90-something degrees, but Rocky's stare feels like ice down your pants. This animal was undoubtedly a bobcat. I don't want to seem like a nut case here, but I must ask this question and you'll soon understand why? (What is meant by "heads" is not clear.). Best hike for seeing waterfalls. It was recorded in Minnesota and Wisconsin in late 2009 and early 2010, and then died in Connecticut in 2011. These cubs are born blind and helpless. The last documented sighting of an eastern cougar was one killed in Maine in 1938. Murray said Rocky was emaciated and chained when she found him at a private zoo. Additionally, California banned the hunting of cougars back in 1972, encouraging population growth. No one needs to panic.". An assessment list for Lower Smithfield Township in 1761 when it was part of Northampton County (Monroe having not yet been created) taxed "three pence per pound and shillings per head" laid on the land and inhabitants. Would a puma then qualify as a native species? If we say it ain't so, it ain't so! Who knows? So, couldn't that same argument apply to pumas in the Northeast? However, if you've seen a mountain lion, or other mystery creature, or evidence of either, in Pennsylvania, contact outdoor writer Marcus Schneck at Known as the Niagara Falls of Pennsylvania, there are four trails that lead to the cascades from the Bushkill Falls trailhead, each ranging in . Leap transferred ownership rights to the state. For many who have believed to have seen a cougar in the wilds of the Poconos, these arguments might be less than convincing. The coat can be spotted or solid. Furthermore, a different set of photos showed a "mountain lion" dragging a deer into the woods in Bradford County. The rounded ears, Unless I am only dealing with a lot of delusional people with little judgment, something is out there. I spend a lot of time outdoors, and I've seen about 10 black bears in Pennsylvania, and all within ten miles of my home. For information on predator tracks, check out this guide:, Please keep scrolling - ALL the Puma posts are included. What do I think of the Canon 1D Mark IV? "While confirmed cougar sightings have occurred recently in the wild in the East, there is currently no scientific or physical evidence documenting the continued existence of a population of wild eastern cougars," according to the U.S. If you see a puma (mountain lion-cougar), contact me. I don't know if a Game Commission authority has actually said this or not, but people I've spoken to have reported this. Their are two web sites I know of that dealt with eastern pumas, with the one, the Eastern Puma Research Network, concentrating on sightings in the east. "It's fall bow-hunting season soon," he said. In Pennsylvania, I receive a few reports of black, big cats, which makes one wonder -- are there melanistic (black) pumas out there, or are those sightings always wrong. The Golden State has one of the largest populations of mountain lions in the country. Are mountain lions on their way to Pennsylvania? Nevertheless, I put up a MOULTRIE game camera -- a brand that I've had tremendous satisfaction with -- at the carcass, hoping that scavengers would visit. On the other hand, there are probably thousands of game cameras covering water holes and game trails throughout Pennsylvania, and to my knowledge no one has yet recorded a puma. Biologists traced it back to the Black Hills of South Dakota, from where it ventured nearly 2,000 miles looking for a new mate. Many people have claimed to see them, and this writer chronicled numerous such reports in the local press from the mid-1990s to the 2010s. Have all of those who have seen a puma really seen a bobcat? The Pocono Mountains are located in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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