accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery4/4 cello for sale

Im good with that. accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgerytyrone smith obituary. If you closely follow your foot and ankle surgeon's instructions, you can help minimize pain and swelling after your bunion surgery. There are many that I know that will never be 100% again after injuries that they sustained. Once I realized my foot could take it, it became much easier. Update: its totally fine and they said its healing beautifully. As long as you have that boot on your good to go. I didnt feel any pain and I am sure all I heard was the noice when the cast hit the ground. this is the best thread i have ever read. Now I couldn't get around without it. It was a really weird feeling putting a shoe on that foot today. Taking everything slow and steady to make sure I dont hurt myself again. I was told not to worry and I had recently been give permission to apply weight to heel of foot but no walking . foot do all the work my left is currently doing. Felt like this SHOCK going thru my body. Did any of you do therapeutic pool therapy, and at what point? Im really thankful I found this blog. I'm currently on the couch crying out of fear! It was painful. Sorry you have to start over again on the recovery road. I experienced a complete rupture of the Achilles - and there was NO QUESTION about whether or not I had ruptured it. They said as long as there isnt pain the next day (or that it isnt getting worse) and you dont feel any deformities in your Achilles area, you are fine. 90% tear at the top at the muscle playing tennis. Had a similar incedent myself after a few weeks from my surgery for a trimollear fracture(mans it was fractured in 3 places) Slipped slighgly grtting off my knee scooter transferimg to bed & bent the joint prematurely a little while the joint was still stiff from I think the scar tissue. I am also two weeks into this. Am now 4 weeks post surgery. About 10 days in - been in a splint since surgery. Hey all! Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. Happy walking! Successful bunion surgery recovery is largely down to how well you follow your surgeons advice. Your doctor may typically remove the stitches after 2 weeks, but people have to continue to wear crutches or post-op shoes for 6 to 12 weeks. It can be up to 8-10 months before a person makes a full recovery and their foot returns to its normal size. I have to travel out of town to my hospital, so I decided to wait it out. Im in a cast for another 3 weeks till I see the doc to get it off. I am in the military. Notice how enlarged the bunion joint has become due to the extra bone growth around the joint. Hi all, The fact is these casts and boots are meant to be sturdy, Its human reaction to use our legs to break a fall. Thanks. Good call, Greg, thats how I found this comment section a few weeks ago as well. It happens so fast Im honestly not sure if I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards. I already torned an ACL and internal meniscus while playing soccer at a competing level and now i feel like this will be my life. If you try and do too much too soon, or start wearing inappropriate shoes too quickly, problems may arise. But you are healed now. It was instinctual. Just praying nothing I havent re-ruptured it, I would be devastated if this was the case. After reading your posts. I have my first post op appt Tuesday morning. Trying to make myself feel better. Maybe my head is playing games with and I am very worried that I have re-ruptured my Achilles. You may even feel a sensation of something embedded under the skin. Different procedures are available for bunions of varying severity. Had surgery on 4-9 pain has been bad nwb so so Im in a hard boot. Rick, I also had a complete rupture and the doc told me it was shredded too. Very comforted to find this thread and the shocking number of us that have experienced similar knee scooter or crutch mishaps. It had already taken a lot of out of me the last 3 weeks, dont know if i will be able to prolong that.. Pray for me. Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. 9 hours later and I still have pain in my leg. I gotta say i feel A LOT better,and have hope! Today is exactly 2 weeks since the surgery and I feel that a lot of progress has been made. The first one allowed me to discover this forum. Everything was going great until i slipped off my scooter while making a turn. Well, two days ago the base of my crutches caught the lip of the shallow stairs and I fell forward towards towards and put my full weight on the NWB side. Landed on my toes of the injured foot and felt a pain throughout my leg. Its not constant. Mine was a full rupture of 2 inches (10cm) I went to work on it for 2 weeks. Apparently it wasnt even holding my Achilles together anymore, my body was trying to get rid of it. I am not exactly sure how much weight on put on it. I am 13 days post op (supposed to be getting my stitches out today), I was on my knee scooter last night and fell. I was reaching over the side of my scooter (nicknamed Bobo), and I leaned too far, lost my balance and put full weight on NWB foot for about three steps. Was supposed to see him 1/17 to hopefully begin PT and PWB. And one of the most important things to have in mind is to find the best possible doctor because dealing with some screw problems can easily turn this non-invasive procedure into disaster and cause even bigger problems after bunion surgery. I am taking more pain meds today too. So today I walked with my boot and elevated heels pretty much all day. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! 3 weeks post op, completely ruptured my Achilles. I wish everyone the best of luck. is a lifesaver as I am a complete walking disaster on crutches. A direct word to Chris: Dont despair my foot still doesnt lie flat 4 months after surgery. I hope ALL OF YOU have the best recovery possible, and thanks so much for sharing!! Full weight on foot before falling to the ground. Until recently, there hasnt been a simple solution or a cure for bunions. It will dramatically decrease your pain and swelling. This seems to be the little oasis we all find after googling accidentally put weight on foot after achilles surgery..ha! Initially there was an incredible amount of pain, took off the boot and the wrap to ensure I didnt tear the stitches open. Ill be so glad when this is over. But you are right - my husband is reminding me that no matter what happens, we will figure it out. Key question is did you have your boot on? I has my pre op yesterday and am ready to go. He actually is a very good Dr in the most respected and qualified facility in town so I'm at a loss on this. Sat down and the feeling went away after a few minutes, now just feels a bit tight. I have pretty good range of motion. Im hoping I see some quick improvement! At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. Everything was going so well. I am in my third week of pt. Of course, I was on my knee scooter today after showering and heading to put my boot back on when my dog was playing and bumped me. Im more worried about damage to a foot that was healing so well. is tomorrow that is supposed to be transitioning into walking boot so well see. Instantly my steering column jerked and I toppled over. Most are able to walk within a few days of surgery. Oh Mark, Im sorry to hear that! Dr. Noman Siddiqui was one of the first surgeons in the United States to correct bunions through minimally invasive bunion correction. Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no The twitching might have been caused by my anxiousness. Any update? Two bones being joined at a joint is also known as arthrodesis or a joint fusion. I experienced a little pain higher than my repair, near the bottom part of my calf. Hello Megan! I was wearing the surgical boot at the time of my accident so I suppose there was some support but I remember putting quite a bit of pressure on my toes at the time. Thanks everyone for the reassurance that we will all get thru this. Id appreciate any thoughts (reassuring or otherwise) about this. More than likely you will be just fine, but your doctor will be able to tell you for sure. As I get more mobile, I keep reminding myself to take care and slow down if I start rushing. I was vacuuming out the car in the garage and went around the car to fast and down I went and extended my surgery leg out! All rights reserved. Anyone had a similar experience that can give me some hope or I guess let me know if you all think I ripped it out all over again? Finding this blog gave me a sense of relief! over a year ago. I saw my surgeon today, going in for another check in a week just to make sure that everything is good to go for surgery on the 7th. And you can setup your own blog if you want to share your journey with us and those who follow. This entry was posted on Been very diligent about not bearing weight on the injured foot. In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. Today, while transferring from a chair to my knee scooter, i misjudged my knee landing on the scooter pad and had a tumble over the side. Now I have a little tingling in that leg and some involuntary twitching in my calf muscle. It is FREE! I spent the day with it elevated (was most of the time anyway) icing behind the knee and freaking out that I'd just ruined the surgery. Now, already with a good job and stable life, I decided to get back to sports. I will be thinking of you and I hope you check in so we can support each other when we're healing. This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. My doctor removed my cast 7 days ago now, and gave me a boot but advised me to not put ANY weight on it. I lost my balance a bit and put my toes down on the grass and then immediately kind of collapsed my body so I didnt put too much weight. One time I felt a ripping and the second time just pain in the tendon and toes (pain the first time too). And the upper part of calf is hard to the touch. Luckily in my fall i didn't wind up moving or fracturing the bone that was realigned. Hi guys, I have the same issue. I was getting on the scooter at the end of my garage and the wheels must not have been on level ground because the scooter started to tip over and instinctively I caught myself with my bad foot (right) with all my weight going forward. When I was still NWB and in the boot I took a really bad fall and came down hard on my injured leg hitting the toe on the ground. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. Dont Miss: Pain In Front Of Ankle And Top Of Foot. Read our editorial policy. I have my 2 weeks follow-up in a week. I was 5 days way to get into my hard cast so I didnt contact the Doc and wait and stress it out was my descion, did a bunch of research and drove me even more crazy. Wishing everyone all the best and feeling 100% ASAP! My knee and the hard part of the splint took the weight but Im still so scared I injured my Achilles again. Taydra - Im surprised the folks who put your cast on didnt tell you how to ice. Webover the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain I was google what just happens to me today and I found this. Due to both the pain and the potentially bulky or rigid footwear that may be required, sleeping can be difficult, so it is important to take pain medication as soon as you feel sensation in your foot following your operation. Im at 5 months , 3 days now and waking with a slight limp now. Had a fall a week ago with no damage. I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. Webaccidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery. 10 days post surgery after a complete rupture. I had archilles tendon and calcanel exostectomy 2 weeks ago. It will be 10 weeks after my first surgery. Its beyond frustrating, but what Im realizing after speaking with my doctor and reading posts here is that the boots, casts or splints do a good job of protected the Achilles. Im a SHM with 3 kids so this injury has been really rough, but there is encouragement for me in threads like this, so thanks for taking the time to post!! My advice is (and im sure you have heard this a million times already) not to rush anything. Felt a sharp pain for a few min and then it settled in; now mostly feeling light throbbing pain. I can wiggle my toes, move my ankle move my toes up and down. Accidents, trips and slips happen. I was less than two weeks post op. Slipped onto foot like the second day excruciating I have it elevated. Praying I have not damaged the recovery process, the worried half of my mind is certainly giving me anxiety but the logical side is telling me that it will all be fine and that it is normal to have a couple of scares like this based on everyones posts. I'm two weeks out from surgery but have very little wrapping on my foot. He said 9 times out of 10 if you are still in a cast it isnt an issue, but to let them know if any pain hits at insertion point. Second surgery was open then a week later I had to get a third surgery to debride a hematoma. Has any one else every had this happen? office. I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. Below, we take a look at what to do if youre experiencing pain with your surgical hardware after an operation. Has any one else experienced this with non-detrimental results? However, I'm thinking that since the pain didn't get worse, and has even calmed down, maybe I'm OK. Hoping just flared up and no damage done! Losing the scooter the peg leg and the crutches today was a great motivator. Im slated for my next docs appointment in a couple weeks, but may try to get in earlier so they can take a look to see whether I have done any damage. minimal scars. I felt a pain and a stretching sensation that went up into my upper calf, but no pop or tearing that I could discern. Best of luck to all who have dealt with is type of surgery. As the bump increases in size, often the great toe pushes laterally toward the second toe. My dr had me go in immediately after I told him about my incident. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. People mostly do it that arent taking recovery slowly and seriously. Glad to hear you're doing we'll. I was still in the Jones splint. Either recurrence or overcorrection may require a second operation . Good luck! I took pain medications and anti-inflammatories and the next day I woke up and Im not nearly and any kind of pain. Follow your doctors advice and in case of any complication, follow the prescribed treatment. I actually had another fall yesterday believe it or not. Immediately following the outpatient surgical procedure, your orthopedic surgeon will place a boot on your foot. Similar to how you would think of putting two wooden pieces together. Light stretching and so on. I had a full ruptured Achilles Tendon that was operated on about 3 weeks ago. You can find out more about what happens during the operation in the bunion surgery section. Someone to chat with a little about what's going on would be great. All in all I'd say things couldn't be going better. God speed to everyone else going through this journey. I was told a minimum of 56 days NWB. I also have PTTD symptoms in my better foot, and I can't imagine doing this again. I have been completely off crutches for maybe two months. WebThe recovery process for bunion surgery can be slightly longer than hammertoe surgery recovery, but differences are in about two weeks maximum. It was pretty quick but still left me feeling traumatized. Then later that day one of my crutches slipped out from under me on some slippery concrete in an underground garage, and I put weight on the injured foot again. Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. Most people with painful, unsightly bunions choose to suffer throughout life instead of undergoing the perceived horror of invasive open-foot surgery. Historically, these procedures have been performed through large incisions, but at HSS, I have perfected two special techniques to correct bunions through tiny incisions. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. Of course I put my non weight bearing foot down to catch my self as I was falling to the ground. I had a ruptured achilles but due to the way it ruptured I ended up having to do a FHL transfer to support it as well which causes more non weight bearing time. So I actually had surgery for my ruptured Achilles on 10/11. A few weeks after ankle surgery its usually the joint stiffness that is the main roadblock to recovery. The doctor does not open till tomorrow so I have to just wait it out. Ive been in a mental whirlwind since it happened, and hoping Im ok. Had my surgery on 8/5 for a full rupture on day four I did exactly what Greg did last night I did exactly what Neil did too! I was just hoping that the pop feeling I felt was my incision and maybe part of a stitch? Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. thankfully, I did not. Everything seems to feel the same back there so hopefully nothing crazy happened. Still need some strengthening, but life is almost back to normal now other than not yet back into sports. Instinctively, my right foot came down (the injured achilles foot) and bore most of my weight (170 lbs). I am a little overweight and my Dr was worried about how I would handle getting around but I've done great. Bunions are painful, unsightly, and mysterious. Im currently in a lot of pain and really worried! Obviously sore. Again the surgery is like 36 Hours ago. It's amazing how quickly you can lose muscle strength by inactivity which is what has happened to my right leg now. Its a few hours later now and there is still some throbbing on the Achilles. Still very weak. The majority of people achieve great results and forget they even have hardware in their foot, but others arent so fortunate. The pain is most likely a result of muscles that havent been used in a while taking weight, you know? Full blow absorbed on my repaired foot, hurt pretty bad tingling and throbbing on the interior and posterior heal. I am very scared that I did damage to the repaired Achilles. Paul, Im in the same boat as you. There was a slight initial pain (gone after a minute or 2) but it was fine this morning, and there isnt any swelling. It still hurts more than before but trying not to get too anxious about it. I was lucky when I fell doing a similar thing (one little step in the house, using crutches). How is your foot feeling now, and your wrist and your hip? What an absolute scare. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. I am 20 weeks post op on a full Achilles tear as well. Roost Repaired posterior Tibial tendon and 3 torn ligaments. I have my follow up in two days. Update: Saw ortho today and had cast removed. NOT TORN!!! This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. I feel very dumb. WebBUT the walker caught on the thick carpet and I tumbled forward, accidentally stepped Sounds like you and I are about on the same timeline as I will be 6 weeks post op this Friday. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. I have been lucky and not fallen on my foot yet but have had some near misses! (I never received an email when I requested a password change). I used one Take your drugs and walk on the foot. Good luck to everyone on this road to recovery! We all heal at our own pace. Your surgeon will use this information to choose the best type of surgery for you. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified He said I could remove the 2nd one in another two weeks if it all feels good. Besides using the screws to ensure the successful bunion correction, its also extremely important to fix the midfoot joint and prevent it from moving and possible bunion returning. Does anyone of you had the same experience or do you you know whether just using the heel with full extended leg to plant would make it worse or better? 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. I was able to see my surgeon at noon, after many nervous minutes and concern on his part, he was able to confirm that the Achilles was still continuous, and attached. The first time I had a crutch get caught up in a loose extension cord while at work. Thankful for this blog. I was hoping that being PWB would increase my mobility a bit but it turns out that trying to walk in a cast is hard! Patient is a UK registered trade mark. The dr. said to use pain meds and contact him in a few days. It would be a nightmare if I re-ruptured the Achilles tendon and needed surgery again. so you feel pain for sure because youre not used to feeling anything, but it seems like the only way to re-rupture is for that tendon to actually go through a longer range of motion than it is ready to. Positive youll be fine I turned out ok. people mostly do it that arent recovery! N'T be going better this forum ta say I feel that snap again just like happened! 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