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I am greatly relieved that nobody here will ever have the slightest bit of power or influence over the future lives of these men. How about Echols testimony about how he would have committed the crime? There is a general progression here when people learn about this case: 1) They watch Paradise Lost series and are probably convinced these kids were railroaded by small town cops for being weird. Other then its fun lol. money goes and to whom? If you were so focused on the way these boys looked maybe you could see the actual facts and your opinion wouldnt get in the way so much. Without a ruling on the merits and with the guilty pleas entered on August 19, 2011, they have NOT been exonerated and are both legally and factually guilty. Exactly! Oh dont apologize, like I said, I get it a lot, Im used to it. Not long after three teens were arrested, including Damien Echols, 18, Jason Baldwin, 16, and Jessie Misskelley, 17. PATHETIC!!!!! I guess every place has its share of bad people, West Memphis just happened to be put in the spotlight. Supporters and non-supporters alike are REALLY good at ignoring or rationalizing away the evidence they dont want to look at. this last post is to Trench, There is a very good chance these guys are inncoent. Domini was born on 21 November 1976, Making her 45 years as of 2021. are going to cramp his style. the thing is yours is funny and quite hypocritical. But Ill play along. Sorry, but Ill take the world of world-renowned forensics experts over an unlicensed rural coroner any day of the week. You can read about the real story of the West Memphis Three in detail here. 1. But now I am assuming they were on their bikes when attacked. You guys can keep denying hard evidence if you want, and rely on what is BARELY circumstantial evidence if you want, but Im choosing the go with science, over coincidence, circumstance, and religious Dogma. West Memphis 3 supporters cant decide if its the mysterious Mr. Bojangles, Mark Byers who is now a supporter of the WM3, or Terry Hobbs. Spidey, Venom, get it? I believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs and I respect that. First Casey Anthony gets off then the West Memphis 3 are released. Am I wrong to think that they had the ability to get these in 1993? As if anyone can take this post seriously. You armchair experts are going to tell the guy that caught the Green River Killer and Wayne Williams and dozens of others that hes wrong? how or why did jessie manage to identify them as the perpetrators and when push came to shove they were not able to dismiss it? West Memphis police just had it out for those three and needed to answer the angry parents!!! Como ocurri con Eddie, Damien Echols fue sealado injustamente como responsable del asesinato de tres nios durante un supuesto ritual satnico en 1993 and if trump was in office when this was going on, echols would have visited old sparky by now. I find that you learn a great deal from how lies are told. He strongly believes in black magick and has gone on record to say how it has saved his life. Damienechols.com Damien Echols they took it because there wasnt anybody else to find and there wasnt any other evidence either. . Traversing trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, a space caster explores existential questions about life, death and everything in between. After all, the WM3 werent professional hitmen, and didnt know how far to go. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-reporter-and-vs-journalist/. Im new to this case, and its pretty clear to me that they are all three still technically guilty-so Im not a supporter However, as the spouse of a prosecutor I can tell you, that an Alford plea which specifically allows the accused to maintain and assert their innocence while accepting punishment as likely is hardly a feather in a prosecutors cap. ALOT OF KIDS ARE CREEPY IT DOES NOT MEAN HES GUILTY..and a bogus inconsistent confession from a retarded teenager?? youre an idiot. Now, Im horrified theyve been released. REALLLLYY???? please go read callahan and educate yourself. While I disagree with your opinion thank you for proving one of my points about most WM3 supporters. A black man who lost around 20 years in jail for a crime he didnt commit. Echols omits incriminating information (of course) but it gives some insight to the perfect storm that caused all this crap. I think someone has a little crush on Damian. so lets get this straight counselor trench needs to be a lawyer, district attorney, judge what not to start a page? either these kids are innocentor they deservea oscar because thats the best acting I ever seen. but just a little common sense must come through. I am sorry you getting derailed on the subject. She does not speak publicly on the case and keeps to herself. If you cant do the math on that then I cant help you. You can obtain more information here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1102312416/abomination-a-film-by-william-ramsey. I just wish that the Authority would not of reacted so fast and arrest the 3 until they had more evidence. I have a hunch that Echols isnt going to do as well some think. World-class experts dont get to be such by releasing results based on whos paying the bills if they did, their entire professional reputation would quickly go down the toilet (just like Griffis did), and their word would no longer mean anything. ?stomping a huge dog to death,seriouslyin a trailer park no lessyet bartousch was the onlyperson who witnessed this. The black man with the blood in the resturant. I cant say for sure they did it, but if I had been on the jury I would have convicted them and been confident doing so. Here is where you can read Damien Echols frightening mental health reports: Jan. 20, 2012. In their new book, Damien Echols and Lorri Davis share a broad selection of their most effective rituals, meditations, and prayerspresented in terms accessible to all. Why did he confess AFTER he was convicted? You made a pathetic page, and you are just happy with what you have, thinking its a big deal. and really you dont know them. Throughout the. Looking forward to the documentary. Its a trend as of late in Hellywood to portray the villains as heroes and the good guys as bad (dead pool, batman- dark knight) its a form of predictive programming. They claimed to have sufficient evidence when they filed their new trial motions in 2008 and had the benefit of three additional years of testing and investigation prior to the hearings. They were all there. Come on! Notice I made no mention of anything even remotely occult related. Interesting that even family members believe theyre guilty kinda makes you think. Dont insult animals. read his two bookshes a egotistical sociopath..and he admits one creepy video, that he licked bloodlook it up on youtube. Damien, Jason, JessieI wish you all long happyfulfilledlives. (This comment is a reply to Chriss comment left on Aug. 23, 2011 @ 5:28am.). Does it truly bother you that these 3 innocent men have finally received some justice of fairness ? Im not some idiot who saw a few movies and went, Oooh! I totally agree with this article. Seriously though, you've offered little or nothing to the conversation and have just mostly hurled insults. Having expert witnesses with no credentials (one had a PHd mail order degreeLOL, didnt even take ONE CLASS) the whole trial was based on a mentallychallengedteenager who said he participated/witnessed the killings at around noon, but happened at night, had only the facts the police told him BEFORE they started recording his confession. Exactly! Paradise Lost is to the Robin Hood Hills murders as Loose Change is to 9/11. Thank you. boys thats mighty Christian of you all (there was one man in the movie the And really, whos going to tell the FBI rockstar that hes wrong? Great How does your assumption that they fit the profile of a school shooter support the idea they may be guilty? there was no DNA evidence found, one should realize that the lack of DNA Hes just like I WAS! I think many of the supporters ARE ignorantoften just as ignorant as the people who say, His eyes are creepy, therefore he did it or, He had a violent history, and therefore he did it. I want to gag when I see some of the nonsense spouted by BOTH sides. Echols is literally a Satanist. (But the second Im able to convince my husband that homeschooling might be a good idea, Ill be yanking them out and joining some homeschooling networks before he has a chance to change his mind.) I hate to say this but in a case with little evidence like this I would of been a fan of making a deal that would of been very good for Baldwin if he would confess and testify against Echols. None of this was covered in the Paradise Lost documentarys or West of Memphis. Things we can all agree onWest Memphis cops in 1993 were a little shady, 3 boys are dead, West Memphis will NEVER fully recover, the step fathers are pimping a 72 IQ just like Misskelly and somewhere, a killer, or killers, are walking the streets. Bunch of BS. He did have a terrible childhood, but hes rotten to the core. It is not a deterrent, as has been demonstrated time and time again throughout history, and it costs more on average to execute. Most of the people who thought they were guilty has now changed their minds.. What a way to make an intelligent point. It was plain and simple confusion. Anyone can be a Reporter. A few weeks ago a screening of Echols' 'documentary' West of Memphis was held and the following day Echols participated in a forum called "Truth in Documentaries". I couldnt have said it better myself. Jason just wants to be left alone. People like you and your family need good weapons and defenses for long and prosperous lives with others like you. 122k Followers, 1,540 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Damien Echols (@damienechols) He cut his hair to that weirdo cut for the courtroom to look more alternative. The justice system did not work in this case the convictions were Domini Alia Teer now is popular for being the Ex-girlfriend of Damien Echols. Those who support the WM3 have a right to their opinions, I have just as much right to mine. Its common sense people. being developed although a lot of evidence is now lost. I must have missed that! I would be petrified. High Magick Original drawings for book - The Middle Pillar. He is a wolf in cheap Sherpa clothing loI if all of those millions of dollars couldnt find anyone other than them that met the criteria i used then you are stupid if you say they are innocent. Why was one boy extremely mutilated than the others? If anyone still thinks that the three are innocentlook at some facts. Echols will take information he knows about that night to the grave and the public will never hear it, especially now that hes a free man. Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin during trial (Mar. The Ballards accusation that they heard Hobbs yelling at the boys is suspect since she didnt come forward until how many years later? One last thing, we once were told to ?you are trying to say that only 1 person witnessed this?? But it is hard not to see both step fathers in the same light. normal for any teenager to question life and all its mystery. The last time Miskelley, Jr. was in the limelight was in 2017 when he was arrested for multiple traffic violations. Like I keep saying this isnt about the occult. place to judge people on race/colour/creed/religion. really? Again, the movie onlyportraysone side. This is definitely one for the case books because it is either a huge injustice for these three to have spent 18 years in jail or a huge injustice that they are out. Who knows, maybe it would have resulted in a career in the drug business which was a job opportunity in that area a bit more profitable and glamorous than bag boy or fast food. all the commissary they could want, which of course means all the friends you could want. If Im being honest. Pressure tactics, induced stress (all if which are legal to do as a police interrogator btw), Not sure why you posted that as a response to that particular comment (had nothing to do with WM3, but everything to do with the first paragraph of the OP), but OK. matter how hard he tried and there is no way you could watch this man and The one thing that will never clear the WM3 names is the simple Fact that none of the 3 have Alibis and all 3 of them are Compulsive Liars. Any money earned should go directly to the victims of this hidious murder of 3 inocent kids. Echols habeas claims in federal court were dismissed as part of the ple agreement, so his failure to prevail in state court stands. and more, their murdered son was also on a mind altering drug (or was he? Rest in peace young people. Were the 3 convicted murders ever given a psychological evaluation? Let's talk about him. Im not a lawyer but from what I understand an Alford plea is the same as pleading no contest. There was DNA evidence at the crime scene that didnot belong to any of the victims or defendants. Why exactly? Damien was just a school kid. You may as well have gone all out and mentioned blood rituals and sacrificial slayings as well. Reading his confessions is enough to give you a four alarm migraine, but he holds firm on several points: 1) It was Damien who called the boys over, 2) Damien grabbed one boy and the other little boys attacked Damien trying to help their friend, 3) Jessie and Jason grabbed a boy apiece and commenced whaling on them, 4) One of the boys got away and Jessie caught him and brought him back, 5) Damien appeared to be inserting his member into one of the boys, 6) Jason, who had a lockblade knife, cut one of the boys, 7) Damien hit one of the boys with a big stick on the head. But railroading still happens far too often, and Im glad to see thats changing, with increased accountability for police officers. estimated net worth of $315 million dollars. Death Row survivor. means: a knife matching some of the wounds of the victims was found in a lake behind the girls(Baldwins)house. The kids were in and around the the Hobbs house, that hair could have gotten there in any number of ways besides Hobbs being the killer. A mentally disturbed person put my aunt and an orderly into critical care because they thought she was looking at them the wrong way (she works in an a home for the mentally disturbed.). Echols when on trial did every thing he could to get convicted besides saying he did it. If theyd been born 10 years later, theyd have shot up their school (as if school shootings originated in the late 90s). Im not buying that he genuinely believes they are innocent. and by alibi, i mean one that stood up in court? You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. Not too sure youd make a good attorney there, Trench. That's because . Move along. Jessies first confession is a complete joke. Oh, my mistake, sorry. Now if your gonna believe Michael Carson who is a proven criminal and drug addict whats stopping you from considering what these others have to say? Throughout the whole trial and even to today, its as if he drops hints & pebbles of truth . How do you make up for someone losing years of their life in jail for a crime they didnt commit. People claim Jessie is retarded but he tried. wow the internet domains must have upgraded their requirements these days to start a page. There is definately a satanic undertone which the media willingly bury. maybe a motive if there was life insurance on the stepson. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. However, Jessie confessed to his own attorney after the court trial and everything was done and their was absolutely nothing to be gained by doing so. He also lied about Alister Crowley and now emulates him in poses. Were the 3 victims picked for a ritual killing connected to an occult way of thinking that would bring them some delusional power of some sort? willing to forgive as his understanding of the bible was so he would be use on us to keep us ignorant and in a state of arguing with eachother and confusion. I think Damien Echols is a narcissist and a cunning and deceitful Even the worst writer would pick up a few things along the way. You say that Damien was told that he could be the next Ted Bundy, but dont believe the guy that actually STUDIED Bundy up close and personal? As for Mr. Griffis, his having been a former police police officer and a supposed expert on all things occult, does not convince me that he was qualified to testify. No dna-evidence. Why yes, I am familiar with the finer points of the case and in my opinion all evidence still points to Echols and crew. Are you serious? Id like to believe that none of them are bloodthirsty but its sadistic for them to blame the victims parents (and they know this). Like I said aboveI dont trust my kids with anyonebut the reality is kids are around strangers all the time. My thing is If u are innocent why accept guilt to get out(Alford plea), If your innocent why confess multiple times(Jessie) or brag to others or make light of such a debase situation (as Damien has done by Making sick jokes) Or when asked if his so called friend Damien did it, Jason hesitated and acted nervous by saying there making it look like he(Damien) did it. what is going through a persons mind to do so? Because if you are going to go any further with this, then he is gonna need some proof as to how they didnt kill them kids. The WMPD took a recorded statement from Byers on May 19, 1993, yet that wasnt enough for supporters when he was their go to suspect. Damien Echols is a great fan of Aleister Crowley, who literally wrote the book on doing Satanic sex magick child sacrifices to gain power. Echols is a Satanic Witch, there is no doubt about it. A great researcher into the WM3/ Crowley connection is : William Ramsey- his YouTube channel is called: occult investigations. hes dumb as a box of hair. Those 3 boys spent most their lives in prison, convicted on zero evidence. Oops? Trench Reynolds, supposedly a seasoned crime reporter and Micheal Blatty, who should know fact from fiction if hes read ANY of his fathers books ( although maybe thats where he gets his particular bias from) are conducting their own witch hunt, not one borne out of fear and grief, but quite frankly, one out of small mindedness and prejudice. He has more love in his heart than you guys will ever allow yourselves to see. What about the witnesses that have all recounted the stories they gave in 1993 stating they were false? Charming, intelligent, a compulsive and easy liarand he is GUILTY. It seems that 2011 is shaping up to be the year that child killers are released. Wasnt he diagnosed with degenerative psychosis and some form of schizophrenia? The justice system is impressively lax on child killers this year. What about one of the convicted child killers confessed 5 times and implicated Damien in the killings, some of the blood found on Damiens necklace matched only 11% of the population guess what Stevie Branch, one of the victims, (who Jessie said Damien had tied up and killed) is included in this 11% of the population. It doesnt Behoove him that the WM3 never got their fair trial because, well, look at his math! Misskelley is presented in the docs as a good natured simpleton, when in reality he had a well earned reputation as a violent bully. The fact is these boys were NOT given a FAIR trail. All the while relishing the attention good or bad he was getting by making stupid jokes about wanting to be famous or infamous as the West Memphis boogeyman!? Its that cult of personality that Echols has culled over the years combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release.. Echols is a complete and utter psychopath. Jessie is no choir boy but he has what I consider a conscience or has shown some remorse as evidenced by his multiple confessions and his demeanor during his trial. I dont trust anyone with my children. I think Jessies memory was hampered by his consumption of Evan Williams the night of the murder and by his intentional desire to hide his full involvement in the crimes. Very good read, opinionated but solid.I go back and forth on my opinion of who committed the crimes. i think we all have an idea of what they are all about . Wow. I cant even guess who did it . For one thing, there wouldnt have been anything particularly weird or unusual about a fan of heavy metal in the early 90s in rural Arkansas. Ive always marveled at how the police think three teenagers could have committed such a crime and left so little physical evidence? Three different knots.Indicates 3 killers. Charles Manson on the other hand is openly a massive fucking nut job and was directly linked to several murders. Blue Wax from a candle holds some power IMO but still would of liked more concrete certain links. Shows your just like a sheep. Les West Memphis Three ( Les trois de Memphis West ) sont trois hommes accuss et condamns en 1994, alors qu'ils sont adolescents, pour les meurtres en 1993 de trois garons West Memphis en Arkansas aux tats-Unis. Im sorry. Now, Ive read EVERY scrap of documentation over at Callahan. Basically its like pleading guilty without actually admitting guilt. Echols is a piece of shit and the ringleader of this ordeal however it went down. I find it hard to believe that someone capable and sick enough to commit such an act could possibly contain himself for so long, unless he were incarcerated, or dead. One would expect to find DNA from that jacking off over one of the boys incident, but there was absolutely zero DNA found from any of the three convicted men at the site where the bodies were found or on/in the bodies themselves. Did she take the HBO documenatary into account like I and many many others have all this time? Have you seen the interviews with Damiens family recently? Any other evidence of it that Im not thinking to ask about? Thats your opinion. Damien Echols currently lives in Harlem, New York City. witnesses and even pointed a finger at a new suspect. taken from http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2011/aug/28/hollywood-directed-defense-of-three/?print=1 All I know from extensive reading is that the entire place seemed like a cesspit full of shitty people with crime, drugs and abuse seemingly accepted as the norm. doubt against the 0 actual evidence brought against Echols and Baldwin. i have a fact for you to encounter bud, found guilty, pled guilty, and cannot so much as throw a beer can out the window until 2021 or they are going back to crawling through holes in cell blocks to satisfy the big boys. I cant imagine the horror those little boys faced or that I helped and in some ways praised them for it basically and Im sure my post is a jumble but I am so ashamed but I have to straighten it out somehow and apologize for being so blind,I believe now with all my heart that Jessies confessions were true BUT remember too that he was drunk so maybe he did get confused and some things were a blur and I now agree with one blogger who saidif a person were to read the 500 files andSTILL say they are innocent, then I am afraid you are a lost cause. Why do prisoners You ever taken a gander at the Innocence Projects statistics of how many people are exonerated every year, on Death Row and otherwise? Learn how your comment data is processed. they did it, and at the first chance to get out they took it. To your responders that say Echols will slip again soon, maybe so. . Much like other teen killers that Ive posted about Echols has always maintained that its everybodys fault but his that he was in jail. She still doesn't know who killed her 8-year-old son Stevie Branch and his friends Christopher Byers and . This tells us that the man can be bought. You must be a hit at parties. And by constitutionally not taking place youre discounting Misskellys many confessions and witness testimony about Echols bragging about it. COVICTED CHILD MURDERERS!!! Sadly the real perpetrator was never caught. Trench, Were the hog ties all tied differently on each victim ? The WM3 supporters are just as guilty of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of. challenging his claims will convince you the other way. Everybody told so many lies. American POWs with medals of honor and college degrees often confessed to their captors after twelve or more hours of mind games, lies. Im just a guy with a website and an opinion. I cannot find a stable thread through the whole case where a statement is not contradicted by another, recounted or denied. Yeah, lets just ignore all the data that says its not that much of a leap from killing animals like that to killing people. Yeah, that never happens. Im genuinely curious as to how you can to that conclusion. Sept. 26, 2018. Or was it Byers, or Hobbs, or Bigfoot, or the Tooth Fairy? I agree..Harris & Klebold were definitely not as sick. The defense claim the kids were killed somewhere else. Im so glad theyre free. View all posts by Trench Reynolds. They were so scared of Damien that they had him committed to a mental institution multiple times. lol there is some satisfaction in that. polar/ Manic though I thought these were the same thing mentally unstable Confessed to their beliefs and I respect that who saw a few movies went... Requirements these days to start a page to answer the angry parents!!!!!... 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