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Trust your gut, make the proper judgements, and most importantly bounce the fuck back. She destroyed your trust, and trust takes a long time to repair. If after you calm down you still feel like being together, I would even consider moving out. She brought her marriage outside where it shouldn't belong. Picking that moment to be the center of attention? Reading this brought me back to heavy hearted times. Peter Bridgens, 72, from Birmingham, started his tattoo suit at the age of 36 and took him Your wife shouldnt have outed you to her friends. All you heard was a snippet of the conversation that you could loud and clear despite being in another room. I think that sometimes both men and women have a form of locker room talk with their friends about topics that maybe they arent entirely truthful about with their friends in order to make them feel better. Gaslight, blameshifting, shamming, begging by the end and finally divorce. We say things to fit in, to belong, to make people laugh, to shock people and to make ourselves seem more impressive or likeable and so on - we dont always say things just because we mean the words that come out of our mouths. So much this. You can't keep things like that a secret forever. Lol see. It was over something dumb, but she's fucking nuts and didn't want me to date anybody. Especially the two narrow minded ones, All these comments already have good points, I just wanna add that you should definitely take your time. OP can do better than Tom. He claims it was just he was not mature and never meant any of the terrible things he did. Throwaway cause I know one of her friends is an avid reddit user and knows my main account. Right I mean she volunteered stuff when she could have kept her mouth shut. Are those things outweighed by her indiscrete talking (and her judgemental friends). Will take her out to nice places, and buy her stuff. If she truly care about your feelings, she would not have put you down to make herself look and feel better. Couples counseling could help. They will be lapping up the drama and pushing to be in the loop, believe me. I would be trembling with furious anger and wouldn't be able to face her with the same amount of trust for a long, long while after this incident. I am floored you are the only person who has pointed this out. Its very helpful to be able to be open about everything with our friends, cause it makes our open marriage life so much easier without having to keep it secret and hidden, so Im really sorry that you guys have to keep your bisexuality such a secret. Your sexuality isn't really fodder to take the piss out of. Sounds like she cares more about what her friends think than how you feel. Then, when I was in the bathroom (just outside of their bedroom door), I could hear them talking about me. You have a couple of children and a good life up until now. This opens up two main issues, and a third tangential one, as follows: In the first scenario: She crossed a boundary and (un)consiously violated your trust. The third, least savoury issue: She may still have hidden feelings for Tom. But don't be shocked when prople know already. That's why her apology doesn't feel like it's enough - because it isn't. I think that you need a good week to try and think about how you feel, how you're going to be able to contain the gossip and how you move forward with the wife . Don't go broadcasting it. . What she did was the lowest of the low and completely unacceptable. If you need more time to yourself, take it. It's tough because that level of betrayal is seriously enraging, but, do you throw away a good thing? I agree though it does sound like she started the mocking of his sexuality. She does have a right to talk to you about it, and you with her. Couple of things: I have a very close group of girlfriends. Your story is isn't as violent, but its just as embarrassing and horrifying to hear. These fake stories are starting to piss me off. You have every right to be pissed. Maybe. This is probably something couples therapy can help you navigate. I don't think you will recover from this. Again this is a guess. My guess is that she was only sorry he caught her and she's been crying because she's about to become a divorced mom. Viktor Frankl Dude, I am so sorry. We were having drinks and girl talk, about sex, etc.. well he didnt like a few things he heard and got upset. Would she have ever stood up for you and put her friends in place? Go out and do things during those days, don't wallow. Personally I don't think it's bad enough to end a good relationship over but you should make it clear that trying to hide her mistake and belittling you to others to save her self from their scorn is both childish and cruel. OP, Ive never been in your shoes but I can empathize with flat out betrayal. Both were pretty against it and kind of gave me a hard time about trying it with my husband and even liking it. Your wife is all kinds of an AH here. Thats pretty telling. Tuesday night we hosted a small gathering (all vaxxed) with some of our couple friends. I was going to say something identical. A marriage counselor should probably be your first step. I would take a long look to see if this is reconcilable. Your wife's unfortunate refusal to do the same speaks to her character too. The real question on my mind is why is she friends with people who belittle you for your sexuality? Especially the part where she acts like its a close call between you and Tom to her girlfriends. BS. It actually did make me feel a little better. Yeah Id be pissed about the betrayal of trust. She cares more about her friends perception of her than she actually cares about showing how much she cares about you. "My. Kidding aside. I only started being a little open about it when I moved 3 states away from them and was dating a supportive partner. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Oh my god I fucking lost it at your comment. For that reason I would agree that you guys should talk about, counseling, or like I said, you reconsidering the relationship. I think you handled that really well. As a not entirely straight guy myself I would be pretty mortified to go through this. Hubby is under the bus & she's driving over him again & again unnecessarily! And without trust, you have nothing. this sounds like a case of she only sorry she got caught. I understand you were angry and not thinking straight, but that is besides the point. Best to you. Wife: babe were you in the kit. I cut her off. Take some you time and work out where you are that's your starting point my man edit good luck. Best thing to do is give it some time. This seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree with you. Watch your back op!! Honestly, I don't know if I'd be able to get past never being able to trust her with personal stuff again. It's not a secret, kept in a fault. People aren't accepting where I live either. A couple of laffs? You heard the truth when she was talking to her friends, about your private life, without your knowledge. She was prepared to throw you under the bus and make you the butt of a joke just to impress her friends? Wife: Oh, nothing just a funny story from (friends name) work. Thank you. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. You poor man, I so want to give you a hug. Be kind anyway. Reading it, it definitely felt like she was saying stuff to fit in with judgy friends. Wife and I have been married 7 years and its literally the marriage everyone wants. Take a few more days. Do not let anybody minimize this either. Any words of wisdom for the talk tomorrow? Finding this out, I personally dont know if I could get past it. Unless they're all like that and she's just throwing a couple out for a meat shield, like she did with you. Ngl bro the first halve is disrespect enough, you now know she keeps important shit to herself like Tom tryna derail your marriage and is at the same time comfortable sharing your personal life with her friends and entertaining her friends disrespecting you in your own home. You pave the way for us, and I appreciate you tons. Same! It's mainly drunk talk and a bit of peer pressure getting to your wife and she clearly regrets it We all make mistakes sometimes but this is how you grow as a couple! People are too quick to run away from a marriage and give up when issues come up. You need to learn how to deal with being outed and your stupid wife needs to understand the true ramifications for you. It sounds like she is uncomfortable with discussing issues with you that she thinks will upset you until she has to but by then the damage is already done. Youre delusional. It seems she reserves honesty for her friends. Are there no angry bi men who look like grocery store managers? My mom wasnt even home, I had forgotten she was on vacation. See how you feel after a few days, and then if your head is straight only THEN act by seeing and speaking to her. Anything she says in the moment right now can't be trusted because she'll do or say whatever it takes to keep you. 3. The text of the post has been preserved below. Hes outed now. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Take care of yourself, and good luck. Then go for it. My wife and I always have a number one rule at the foundation of our relationship: never say a bad word about each other to anyone else. You never speak about your wife in that manner so why do you have to put up with it. IMHO divorce would definitely be on the table. Prepare to be known as 'that guy who is really sensitive about his sexuality". Or do you think Ive misunderstood? Saying stupid stuff about your sex life aside, why are you talking about your sex life with your friends at all? Most people will say bi/lesbian women are "ok" because it's "hot" (I've been told that), and will see bi/gay men as an atrocity just because it's men with other men. Women get cold feet around marriage, but she decided to be with you. I had no privacy. People do stupid shit. I wish you the best of luck and although feelings usually subside after sleep, please don't just say everything is alright when this incident has revealed fundamental issues in the relationship's trust and overall what she deems to be acceptable conversations with friends. With women like you out there in the world, why the fuck would anyone settle for less? I got in my car and drove to my moms house. She's just shown you that you can't trust her with your sexuality. She has taken away your ability to feel safe being vulnerable and honest with her. Id also like to see those fun-o-phobes pack their bags and get out of your wifes life. And can think clearly. OP-the one man who reached out to you, I feel he is a solid individual and have to give You major points to talking with him. I am a closeted bi woman. Genuine apologies matter so I guess gage how genuine you think she is or if shes just upset she got caught? That power over you is now dissipated - especially if you do your best to be yourself and act normal. Let that sink in. 3) Gossiping about your private life and using it as entertainment for her friends is a huge betrayal. I have a key and texted her I needed to stay there for the night and she said of course without any questions asked. She more than likely enjoys your sex life and marriage, but is ashamed at how her friends make her feel, and used you as an outlet. My phone was blowing up the whole time with calls and text from my wife and a few from our friends. It actually did make me feel a little better. I hope you are able to get marriage counseling and find a way through this wether it ends with you together or not. But I'm not actually sorry: people act stupid sometimes. Ive never felt this upset. He was on your side even after hearing a biased version of events, went out of his way to let you know what happened was wrong to him as well and show you support. You are going to have to shrug this off but your not overacting. I'd also put the missus on a yellow card and ask her to be more honest about the Tom thing; the fact he treated her badly and you're the opposite must be a good factor in staying together. I know from experience when you say Ill kinds of shit and they say whatever makes your friends happy or agree especially if youre drinking and they all laugh about it I believe your wife really does love you but she needs to stand up for you with your friends and those friends arent real friends so they have no business in your home do you need some serious counseling for your children sake. There's a lot that isn't adding up about her explanation to you. Your actions are your actions and the consequences are the consequences. Does she really think they dont laugh at her for doing bi things with you behind her back as well? This has big sad middle America vibes or something. Now this doesnt mean shes a 100% shit person. I've been married for 21+ years. I'm not sure how to help you, but your wife needs better friends. And her dissing your sexual needs to her friends and I truly understand that it was very hurtful and disrespectful to you and your marriage. If you can't trust someone with your sexuality - you aren't going to trust them with anything else that matters to you, there will always be something keeping you from sharing your full self with them. Do not make them feel you're different because you're not! Good luck mate I hope you're able to get through this with no drama. I think you did the right thing by leaving that night, although blowing up the party that was might not have been the best idea. Not only that, but she didn't admit to him that she had done it when she sobered up. This crap has been swimming around for TWO FUCKING YEARS. Id be worried he was sleeping with his friends and Id be scared of what he asked me to do in the bedroom they all giggled.i was FLOORED. And highlight that she prioritized her friendships over your feelings. Your wife acted poorly. And sometimes we have to forgive stupid people because we love them anyway. Fourthly, buy that man a beer. But I don't know that it's unforgivable. Cuz while I get what youre saying, what OPs wife said was beyond just a little oopsie. While true, sometimes people just want to fit in. Make sure she knows how traumatic that was for you. Who actually believes these? We must feel sadness and despair to know joy, as frustrating as that might seem. Nothing really, it's all been said, nothing can change it. I can give you the exact number of people's secrets I have revealed while drunk Is fucking zero. Sending you strength. Who cares. She also needs to put her friends in their place or look for better friends. Doesnt make it right. Things ended when Tom took a job across the country and my wife chose not to follow him. The simple fact of the matter is she shit talks you behind your back. Shitty situation man. Take care of yourself, you have the right to take more time if you need it. Shes outed you twice, once under influence and this time more than completely sober, then proceeded to loudly discuss your sex life in front of a judgemental group of biphobes who then proceeded to tell their SOs about it and are now probably telling anyone wholl listen about it. you sound like a fuckin pussy, enjoy your manliness, as you your wife fucks u in the ass LOL. You have every right to your feelings and if the roles were reversed there would still be hurt feelings. Smoked. Honor every feeling, but don't become paralysed by them. I didn't enforce it, I didn't like it and it made me feel similarly to you. That means she's been laughing about their sex life for a couple years, after outing him and then hiding it from him. The best part was, after a couple of months, everything was solved, tadalafile was no longer necessary, I find out she had a hookup during that period. IDK what it's like to be bi and married but I am sure it present some special problems/concerns with you and your status in your social circle. German Husband let Young Boy Fuck his Wife in Threesome 14:30. It won't repair the damage that's been done. That's what's really completely messed up - she's been joking with pals behind his back for a couple years and never told him she had slipped up. I will always defend my guy. Also arrange some couple counseling and talk it all through. They don't have her best interest at heart and they will just as quickly sow seeds of doubt to her evidently impressionable mind. You two will need some couples counselling after this incident, and some of what you will do in the future will be decided by if you can overcome a natural feeling of anger and resentment that you feel. Names have been changed. I'd be more open about your sexuality; if you've nothing to hide then the nasty wives have nothing to attack. You're definitely overreacting but to a strange set of circumstances. That's where your power is. Can you explain this because its giving homophobia, It could damage his reputation. Thats punishment enough for some. She swears she does love our sex life and the things we do and is sorry. It very much is and if you let them gaslight you and suppress how you actually feel, you will feel a huge burden and trust issues for the rest of your life. Ugh. After some investigation the the psychologist and clinic consensus was that my mind was f***ed up. I'm not defending her actions. It was a private part of your life that you trusted her with. You both need to get in front of a good counselors and dig in. Its just so cowardly and shows she's not on your team. I dont get real emotional or worked up over things.but I felt rage for the first time in a long time. He was literally a running joke to all of them. It felt terrible. One of the guys who was there called me and I answered. That's just me, though. Maybe you should ask him if that not problem why he upset. Of course she's only sorry she got caught but think about it, how many times they've been making fun of you from their girls night outs? I would want to know why, if it was me. At a minimum she should have come clean about the bachelorette party thing the moment it happened. Best of luck, stay happy, and be you (those who disagree can simply get out). Just the circles I run in a guess. Suggest you stay away for a bit and do some thinking about what you want and whether its possible for her to mend this damage and that you can accept her behavior and forgive her. Your life, you know the relationship better than us, but this is plenty to break a marriage. I feel for you and wish you the best. Life is transient. All the sudden I didnt know my wife. People can be so two-faced with that kind of thing. Best of luck. Sending you my best OP. She seems like a good egg caught in a bad moment however. We had a group of our friends over and as the night went on we all kind of busted out into little groups. I got halfway through before searching "fake" in the comments. Do those stupid things include degrading your bisexual SO to friends with homophobic views? That sucks that your wife has such closed minded friends. Your partner in crime fucked up. And why do you feed their judgement by throwing your husband to the wolves over this? So props to you. Or so that she wont identify you? What a surprise, all her excuses completely absolve her! Going forward, she needs to seriously consider what she says to her "friends" if she cannot say them infront of you openly. Ok. First off, sorry, if a man and woman are doing sexual things together, it isn't gay. How long has she been friends with them? How do you hang out with that friend group now knowing all their extra bullshit? I knew I wasnt in a good state and ignored all of them. How horrible she is, violating you, your sex life, envisioning other people. I would never be able to fully be myself around my wife again after such an event, and to me that means there's just no way we can work anymore. When you have a PARTNER that partner should be in your corner 100% of the time. That is a messy situation. No matter how many close and loving moments you have with your wife from this point forward, in the back of your mind youre gonna remember how easily someone -who you thought you were on the same team with- can piss all over that idea in exchange for making a few girls go no way?! Mom and boy 22:56. Im sorry dude but girlfriends have secrets and Im pretty sure that there are conversations youve had that youd be ashamed for your wife to have heard. This was betrayal. Normally I'd say you have to share it but I'm not sure what that looks like. Then one friend says I could never be with a man who like men. Been with each other for roughly 4 years. I have no idea how you will be able to have sex with her. Fuck her if she cannot be your confidant she's worthless, tell her to get rid of her hateful friends. I'm sorry. There is no combination of words that will make all this just go away. Its not an easy solution. I would just ask why her friends opinions matter more than yous twos intimacy. Best of luck. She feels bad for being caught. I'm not sure what her motivation was with not being up front with you about all of this, especially the telling her friends of your sexuality. If she isn't willing to do both of those things, then she is proving she doesn't value you enough, or is sorry enough for the damage she's caused, to be worth staying with. Whether or not its just because she got caught, I dont know. Regardless, hilarious. You have an issue, address it. Try marriage counseling and perhaps moving away for a new start. She's betrayed you. I'd be very hesitant about taking her words at face value. Clearly and simply. For the record, any intelligent person knows that there is no straight/gay/bi sex acts. Do you actually believe that she didn't have any agency? Idc about bros before hoes or chicks before dicks nonsense, when someone insults your partner behind their back its your responsibility to stand up for them, not agree with them and contribute to the drunk girl talk. Theres PLENTY of ways to do this in both confrontational and non-confrontational ways. Your sexuality isn't really fodder to take the piss out of. I think the problem here is not your wife not loving you or your sex life -- it sounds like she loves you very much and enjoys y'all's sex life. Life is great and were very blessed. Id say therapy but honestly no, she knows she fucked up and instead of standing up for you, let it happen. Ive been with my partner for 5 years. Anyone that believes stay for the kids has literally never had any experience as a kid whos parents stayed for them. Fucking judgemental pieces of shit. she outed you, made cruel jokes about your guys sex life, and didnt shut down her friends for being homophobic/biphobic. Even if it was a close call, you dont say that. I haven't gotten through this personally, however, I would suggest marriage counseling if you stay with her. You're married to the person who should MOST be on your side and she has completely betrayed you for a fucking laugh. This doesnt excuse anything. If that partner had outed me to anyone, I would have never been able to trust them again. Also, she doesn't like your sex life. Like it may have been rooted in some truth, but exaggerated and theatricated for like entertainment purposes. Couples therapy. ( like nothing wrong with it but the fact ur so scretive about it speaks volumes, SHAME is an individual thing. You definitely have every right to be upset and angry, but I honestly feel like she is telling you the truth, and they were just unfortunately things you werent supposed to hear. I am not open about my sexuality. We never fight. Would she have thrown Tom under the bus like that to entertain her friends ignorance? Maybe you could come around trusting her, but i wouldn't trust her friends. Birds of a feather flock together. you'd be shocked but how many wives/girlfriends go into detail about their sex lives with their friends. Ask her about it, give her the space to openly address it and dually try and understand why she feels that way as well as highlighting why you two are together. They are what they are and they are very real. I have also been outed in a similar way. If shes serious about your marriage shell reassess her friends group too. If everything else is great, and she is genuinely remorseful, and willing to work on your relationship, I don't see why you should write off your life together. The world is bad enough with mean enough people, you dont need your team mate trash talking you too. She failed at the number one attribute an SO needs to be, your SO's most ardent defender. Your other half should be your protector but it turns out she's the instigator of making fun out of your sexuality - which should only be discussed between the two of you. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. I dont get down with revenge fucks, but if I thought she was super malicious Id be behind that comment. Own who you are and youll feel so much better. My mom was told me drunk words are sober thoughts. Shes hurt you, she needs to stand by you and say that shes proud of you and supports you, has no doubts, and enjoys it herself. We had a group of our comment/karma limits so want to know why if! 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