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and are in apposition to , "my covenant the day - the night," for "my covenant with regard to the day and the night, which is this, that day and night shall return at their appointed times." As noted in the chapter introduction, the only difficulty here is the apparent promise of the perpetual succession of his descendants upon the throne of David and also that of the permanent, unending restoration of the Levitical priests with their animal sacrifices, events which are denied absolutely by other passages of the Word of God. 16 In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness. Civil and religious power will work together for the good of his people as God intended (19-22).When God punishes Israel and Judah, some people claim that he has rejected them. King Josiah was one of the most celebrated rulers of Judah's history. He is a branch of righteousness, not a usurper, for he grows up unto David, descends from his loins, with whom the covenant of royalty was made, and is that seed with whom that covenant should be established, so that his title is unexceptionable. The armies of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, are advancing on Jerusalem. After long waiting, a branch will sprout. We find this literally fulfilled at their return out of Babylon, Ezra 3:11. Presently desolate Jerusalem and the cities of Judah would experience joy and thank God because He will have restored their fortunes as they had been formerly. Yes, for our sins. Jeremiah 33:14-16 EXEGESIS: JEREMIAH 30-33. Many good words or promises are made before, concerning the spiritual welfare and prosperity of the church; but this is the best of all; this is the better thing provided for saints under the Gospel dispensation, and promised to them, who are meant by the houses of Judah and Israel; for these phrases, as the Jews themselves allow, show that the words belong to the times of the Messiah; and which God, that is true and cannot lie, and who is faithful, that has promised, and is able to perform, will do. If you just call upon the Lord, He will show you great and mighty things. Jeremiah 33:14 Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will fulfill the gracious promise that I have spoken to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. This is a prophet imprisoned by his own government because he keeps prophesying doom. And exactly what are those spiritual sacrifices? Besides, in Jeremiah 23:6 Israel is named together with Judah, instead of which, we have here, in Jeremiah 33:16, Jerusalem; accordingly, the name "Jahveh Tsidkenu" is referred to Jerusalem, while in Jeremiah 23:6 it is predicated of the sprout of David. 1. God shows him that the people of Jerusalem are desperate. under the Gospel dispensation, and promised to them, who are He it is that imparts righteousness to her, for he is made of God to us righteousness, and she, by bearing that name, professes to have her whole righteousness, not from herself, but from him. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. The people of Israel grew weary of Jeremiah's message of repentance, and even asked the king to silence him by putting him into prison. In the Lord have I righteousness and strength,Isaiah 45:24. 14 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. ( Jeremiah 33:20-24 ). But it is unlikely that "the good word" refers to the "sprout" of David, which is expressly promised in Jeremiah 23:5., and repeated here, Jeremiah 33:15.; for here a like promise to the Levites follows, while there is none in Jeremiah 23, and it is here so closely linked with the promise regarding David, that it must be viewed as a portion of the "good word." In fact, this promise helps us see the breadth of the hope promised by God to David and his line, which includes all who put their hope in the Branch. Jeremiah 33:14-16 NIV " 'The days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. This makes sense when we recall from Ezekiel 17:22-24. the prophecy of the transfer of the Davidic throne from Judah to Israel. 1. "And the word of Jahveh came to Jeremiah, saying: Jeremiah 33:24. Note, Nothing is more the praise and honour of a people than to have God the glory of it, the glory both of the power and of the goodness by which it is effected; they shall praise him both as the Lord of hosts and as the God who is good and whose mercy endures for ever. This is no contradiction, because the New Jerusalem is the Church of God, completely identified with the True Israel who is Jesus Christ, a truth which becomes crystal clear in the New Testament. A righteous Branch will spring up. "At the same time," says the LORD, "I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people." Thus says the LORD: "The people who survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness December 2, 2012. Also, read the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation's last two chapters. u "verbum bonum", V. L. Pagninus, Montanus, Cocceius. Burnt-offering, meat-offering, and sin-offering are the three species of sacrifice which were to be brought, according to the law, as in Jeremiah 17:26. The confirmations of these promises, which follow them in Jeremiah 33:19-26, are each introduced by separate headings, perhaps not merely to render them more prominent, but because the Lord revealed them separately to the prophet; but it by no means follows from this that they are later additions, without any connection. On this first Sunday of Advent, one cannot read the prophecy of a righteous Branch springing up for David in anything but a messianic light. The promise in Jeremiah 33:14-16 has already been given in substance in Jeremiah 23:5-6, and in our verses it is only formally extended, and thereby made more prominent. After this reassurance, God encourages Jeremiah to ask for further revelations of his plans for his people (3:1-3). Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The first danger is reading the New Testament into the Old Testament in a way nullifies or negates the original text. God has said, "I'm going to do it. There shall be common joy there, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; marriages shall again be celebrated, as formerly, with songs, which in Babylon they had laid aside, for their harps were hung on the willow-trees. Why are they having sacrifices after Christ has returned? language. For God declares, that his promise would not be void, as its effects would shortly be evident, even when his mercy was known by the ten tribes and by the kingdom of Judah. (90) So is the Vulg., suscitabo, I will awake, or rouse; and also the Sept. and the Targ. For nearly four hundred years, descendants of David had occupied the throne of Judah, and God had promised that it would always be so (2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89). To crown all these blessings which God has in store for them, here is a promise of the Messiah, and of that everlasting righteousness which he should bring in (Jeremiah 33:15; Jeremiah 33:16), and probably this is that good thing, that great good thing, which in the latter days, days that were yet to come, God would perform, as he had promised to Judah and Israel, and to which their return out of captivity and their settlement again in their own land was preparatory. times of the Messiah; and which God, that is true and cannot lie, The Davidic dynasty and the Levitical priesthood will work together in perfect harmony, and worship will ascend to God perpetually (17-18). Jeremiah 33:14-20The New Revised Standard Version. Commentary on Jeremiah 33:14-26 (Read Jeremiah 33:14-26) To crown the blessings God has in store, here is a promise of the Messiah. 15 In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. 15 "'In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. Because of his imprisonment, Jeremiah may not know what is happening in and around the city. Far from it! As a rightful King. "Judah mourns, And her gates languish; They mourn for the land, And the cry of Jerusalem has gone up. He formed it, to establish it, and therefore it shall be established till those things be introduced which cannot be shaken, but shall remain for ever. Such is the object of this promise. . They are those who have been loosed from their sins and cleansed in the blood of Christ. They had gone astray and had willingly become embroiled in the practices and perversions of their pagan neighbours. II. They shall never want one to bring and prepare an offering before the Lord. But the parts of it they would offer, the fat and all, they would offer and burn up to the Lord as a burnt offering unto God which was an offering of consecration. "Ye (Christians) are a spiritual house, a royal (or holy) priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1Peter 2:5). Bible > Jeremiah > Chapter 33 > Verse 14 eBibles Free Downloads Audio Jeremiah 33:14 Context Crossref Comm Hebrew Verse (Click for Chapter) New International Version For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD ( Jeremiah 33:4-11 ). 1 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying, 2 Thus saith the LORD the maker thereof, the LORD that formed it, to establish it; the LORD is his name; 3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:14-18 contain the promise of the restoration of the monarchy and the priesthood. This section consists of a small collection of messianic prophecies. A righteous Branch will sprout from the line of David. which I have promised unto the But God says, "Call unto Me, and I will answer thee.". There will come a time in the land of Judah when there shall once more be heard the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride (33:10-11). "And the word of Jahveh came unto Jeremiah, saying: Jeremiah 33:20. And it's just an offering of fellowship with God as I just give my life to You, God, and the eating of it signifies that oneness with God and the fellowshipping with God. (t) "venientes", Montanus, Schmidt. People will not need priests as mediators between them and God, because God himself will deal with their sins. Much of this chapter is challenged by the critics who point out that Jeremiah 33:14-26 are missing from the LXX, and that the apparent prophecies of the endless succession of a Davidic line of kings and a restoration and perpetual continuity of the Levitical priesthood with its countless sacrifices are totally contrary to other . Jeremiah was in prison, and the Lord appeared to him a second time (Jer. He will remove all barriers and bring them into direct fellowship with himself (33-34). 1 moreover the word of the lord came unto jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying, 2 thus saith the lord the maker thereof, the lord that formed it, to establish it; the lord is his name; 3 call unto me, and i will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. 23583 Coordinates: 314641N 35149E / 31. The armies of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, are advancing on Jerusalem. Jeremiah 33:14-15 record Gods promises for the future restoration of the community. "Transparent gold" is an impossibility. How about all of those "kings" and "priests" which are promised here? 23:5-6). The general idea contained in the words "the Levites," placed first, is more clearly defined by the apposition "the priests," and restricted to the priests of the tribe of Levi. So God's promises now of restoration of the nation of Israel. Jeremiah now shews why God had promised that there would be a quiet habitation for shepherds, so that no one would by force take away their flocks. (mis. The house of David might be cut down, but God is able to bring life out of death. Glorious promise of God. After he has cleansed them from their sin, he will bring them back and they will rebuild the city to Gods glory (6-9). Behold, the days come, saith the Lord . Jeremiah 33:19. . It is worth noting, however, the circumstances in which the prophecy was first spoken and heard. Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse. "If ye shall break my covenant with the day,then also will my covenant with Davidbe broken." principal of the great and mighty things the Lord promised to Although his prophecies of the Messiah are not as extensive as those of Isaiah, Jeremiah nevertheless often spoke of the coming of the Messiah. Now because it seemed incredible that a people, reduced as now they were, should ever recover such a degree of peace and plenty as this, here is subjoined a general ratification of these promises (Jeremiah 33:14; Jeremiah 33:14): I will perform that good thing which I have promised. God repeated His promise to Jeremiah to emphasize in the minds of believers what He intended to do in the future. The wealth of the country, after their return. This word of tenacious hope is spoken to counteract all of the life-sapping, despair-inducing evidence to the contrary. Time is like a river and its current is swift. Show us signs of your presence: a light in the darkness, a voice in the silence, and a stirring deep within us. Pastor Troy Brewer, OpenDoor Church, Burleson, TX. The Jews say that in the days of the Messiah all sacrifices shall cease but the sacrifice of praise, and to those days this promise has a further reference. The seed of Jacob, in their beginning, gloried in this, that they were shepherds (Genesis 47:3), and so they shall now be again, giving themselves wholly to that innocent employment, causing their flocks to lie down (Jeremiah 33:12; Jeremiah 33:12) and to pass under the hands of him that telleth them (Jeremiah 33:13; Jeremiah 33:13); for, though their flocks are numerous, they are not numberless, nor shall they omit to number them, that they may know if any be missing and may seek after it. For I will turn their captivity, and take pity on them.". Jeremiah now shews why God had promised that there would be a quiet habitation for shepherds, so that no one would by force take away their flocks. As Moses's altar is called Jehovah-nissi (Exodus 17:15), and Jerusalem Jehovah-shammah (Ezekiel 48:35), intimating that they glory in Jehovah as present with them and their banner, so here the city is called The Lord our righteousness, because they glory in Jehovah as their righteousness. is only a more sonorous expression for . When the true sacrifice for sins, even Christ our Lord, died upon Calvary, the whole institution of animal sacrifices perished forever, never to be renewed. It is promised that the people who were long in sorrow shall again be filled with joy. Jesus Christ. Psalms 110:4) and are yet to be fulfilled in the reign of Messiah on earth." This is not in and of itself bad: we are Christian preachers, after all. Some think that they pass under the hand of him that telleth them that they may be tithed, Leviticus 27:32. In other words, he did not act like a proper Pharisee so he cannot be the Messiah. This, though a song of old, yet, being sung upon this fresh occasion, will be a new song. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord Jeremiah 33:14-26 14-26 To crown the blessings God has in store, here is a promise of the Messiah. And then they would barbecue it and the priest would take that part for him and for the Lord and then you sit and feast on the rest of it. The words "He shall rule as king and deal wisely," which in Jeremiah 23:5 bring into prominence the contrast between the kingdom of the Messiah and that of the godless shepherd of the people, were unnecessary for the connection of our passage. This designation of Jerusalem as "Jehovah Our Righteousness" makes it mandatory to read "Jerusalem" here as "The New Jerusalem." On the other side, Kueper, Wichelhaus, and Hengstenberg (Christology, vol. and who is faithful, that has promised, and is able to perform, And this mode of speaking is fitly adopted as to the promises of God; for they seem for a time to he dormant without any effect, or seem to disappear or vanish away. 93. Promised what? All will admit the total impropriety of associating a name like that with the literal earthly Jerusalem. "Call to me, and I will answer you, and will show you great and hidden things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3). These divine arrangements in nature are called a covenant; because God, after the flood, gave a pledge that they should uninterruptedly continue, in a covenant made with the human race; cf. By him Judah shall be saved from wrath and the curse, and, being so saved, Jerusalem shall dwell safely, quiet from the fear of evil, and enjoying a holy security and serenity of mind, in a dependence upon the conduct of this prince of peace, this prince of their peace. 14 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. That good thing which I have promised By my prophets: for those who have predicted the captivity have also foretold its conclusion, though not in such express terms as Jeremiah did. King Josiah was one of the most celebrated rulers of Judahs history. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Again in this place, which is desolate without man and without beast, and in all the cities thereof, shall be an habitation of shepherds causing their flocks to lie down. Orthodox rabbi and Jewish mystic. And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them: and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it. 269), "Nothing can be so preposterous and unreasonable as to find in this passage, Jeremiah 33:19-26, or in Jeremiah 30-33 generally, additions by a later prophet."). The preacher should also acknowledge, however, that like Jeremiah, he or she speaks these words in a time when many are experiencing great loss: loss of job, of security, of home. Jeremiah 33:25. "He spoke of the Messiah as `The Spring of Living Waters' (Jeremiah 2:13), `The Good Shepherd' (Jeremiah 23:4; 31:10), `The Righteous Branch' (here and in Jeremiah 23:5f), `The Redeemer' (Jeremiah 50:34), `The Lord Our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6), `David the King' (Jeremiah 30:9), and as `The Agent of the New Covenant' (Jeremiah 31:31-34). or, "that good word" F21; that gracious word concerning Now this is after he has been calling. That's what people are saying today. Today we hear the story of the prophet Jeremiah, who was born in Josiahs time, but went on the prophesy during the darkest times of Judahs history. Note, It is the prudence of those who have ever so much of the world to keep an account of what they have. In the midst of darkness, light is about to break in. Much like the standard Childrens Sermon answer, where do our minds immediately go when we read about the true branch of David who shall enact justice and righteousness in the land? The streets of Jerusalem will soon be filled with the corpses of her people (33:4-5), and the prophet Jeremiah himself is imprisoned by King Zedekiah (33:1). Last week on Christ the King Sunday, we heard about the reforms of the great King Josiah. Instead, Jesus restored the Kingdom of God to the whole world and is in the process of bringing that Kingdom to the fruition promised here in Jeremiah 33. These guys who are telling you the church is going through the Tribulation have told you that He is, but listen to what God says about it. 1. Bible > Commentaries > Jeremiah 33:14 Library Free Downloads eBibles Jeremiah 33:14 meant by the houses of Judah and Israel; for these phrases, as Therefore the perpetual sacrifices mentioned here refer not to burnt offerings, etc, but to "spiritual sacrifices," as indicated in the above paragraph. Moreover the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, Consider thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the LORD hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? The worst has not yet happened, but it is inevitable. This is ushered in Here is a further prediction of the happy state of Judah and Jerusalem after their glorious return out of captivity, issuing gloriously at length in the kingdom of the Messiah. miah 33:14-16 Commentary on First Reading by Kathryn Schifferdecker. He afterwards speaks of the kingdom of Israel, and of the kingdom of Judah, to intimate that he would be merciful to the whole people, though the ten tribes had been for a long time separated from the tribe of Judah, and from the half tribe of Benjamin, as it has been stated elsewhere. Christology, vol keep an account of what they have preachers, after all saith Lord. Being sung upon this fresh occasion, will be a New song armies of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon Ezra. 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