magic items that increase constitution 5e4/4 cello for sale

It also allows you to prepare a spell from any spell list each day. Even better than dragon scale mail, this tattoo gives you a set AC according to its rarity. It has several properties and can cast several spells that are all useful in thievery. However, your AC can be very low as you spread your ability score points across Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Additionally, it gives you advantage on saving throws against harmful gases and vapors. The hammer provides many abilities, such as the ability to speak Abyssal and Infernal, a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and the ability to cast Earthquake, Meld into Stone, or Stone Shape. This small wooden box can be turned into a medium-sized boat or a large ship, depending on which command word you speak. Lastly, you can use both the Lightning Bolt and Thunderclap at the same time. This Yklwa gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. Namely: Luck Blade, Ring of Three Wishes, (Eye of Vecna + Hand of Vecna), Deck of Many Things (risky), Efreety Bottle (risky). The puzzle boxes, made of infernal iron, cannot be opened by magical means or damaged in any way. Not only can you use the rod to cancel the effects of spells targeting you, but you can also use the magical energy it has absorbed to create spell slots for your spellcasting. By Cole Kennedy . The Green Dragon Mask is associated with poison damage and allows you to breathe underwater. It also sheds bright light in a 40-foot radius, fixing any problems your party might have with seeing in the dark. It also lets you double the hit points you regain whenever you roll hit dice. The Black Dragon Mask is associated with acid damage and allows you to breathe underwater. You can use this helm to cast the Teleport spell. An instrument that allows you to create illusory visual effects while playing it. You can use this bowl to summon a water elemental as if you had cast Conjure Elementals. This doesnt impose disadvantage on stealth checks or on any saving throws to resist extreme heat, and it gives you a +5 bonus to initiative rolls. You can even use this to polymorph into a bat. After you Attack, Dash, or Dodge, you can inspire your allies to make a reaction that allows them to perform a similar activity. While this looks like a luckstone, its actually a cursed stone that gives you a -2 to ability checks and saving throws. You can also transfer this rune to boots or a piece of armor to transfer its powers. This spellbook is filled with summoning spells. This shield rune ingot bestows several benefits onto you while its on your person. It protects its wearer from detection, aging, cold damage, and many conditions. If you speak this caps command word while wearing it underwater, it creates a bubble of air around your head, allowing you to breathe. The Animated Shield floats around you; no need to be held. Drinking this potion puts you under the effects of the Clairvoyance spell. As you are only looking for magic items (and not other ways to boost your HP, such as Feats), here are some options. while you are attuned to this weapon, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained. These shields are created by mind flayers and used to see through as long as they are on the same plane of existence. An orb with several notches that can be rotated on its body. Although they are artifacts, the Book of Exalted Deeds and Book of Vile Darkness increase scores by 2 (Wisdom for BoED, and an increase/decrease of any score for BoVD) to maximums of 24. These candles belong to a specific alignment and provide creatures of the alignment advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. It also lets you make a reaction attack when you are hit with melee attacks. In addition to knocking out a killer polka, the magical concertina can be used to freeze an area of mist or water up to 30 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep completely solid. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. When you hit them, they take an additional 3d6 piercing damage. When it is used in such a way, it deals 1d8 damage and flies immediately back to your hands. It has many powers spread between its pages and can be used to cast a number of powerful spells. It is a sentient weapon that values leadership and decisive action and allows its user to activate several breath weapons, one each for the five heads of the dragon goddess. An insane glabrezu named Ragazuu lives inside of this jagged dagger. Magic Items in DnD 5e (By Rarity) A Complete Searchable List, A Complete List of Character Backgrounds for DnD 5e Players, Our Favorite Early Game Item: Bracers of Archery in DnD 5e, What You Didn't Know about the Lantern of Revealing in DnD 5e, The Complete Gear Guide to Armor in DnD 5e. This book is the treatise on all that is evil, and an evil-aligned creature that manages to find it will have many benefits bestowed upon them so long as they continue to strive to do evil. Amulet of Health Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. For clerics who like to swing a mace at evil beings, the Mace of Disruption can help. In the Pern series, what are the "zebeedees"? Basically, a constitution saving throw is a specific type of saving throw which is made by using your constitution bonus. Very useful for creating toolkits. Giving them too much can dilute this and create imbalance. A potion that gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed along with advantage on climbing checks. The all-rounder warrior whos competent at swinging a sword and slinging spellsand Its D&D night, and the party just found a dagger. This wand can be used to cast Ray of Frost, Sleet Storm, or Ice Storm. This additional benefit makes it a much better option than the Insignia of Claws. If youre wielding a bow and arrow at range, its hard for enemies to hit you. Very Rare, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. This rope is covered in stylized serpents that you can use to summon actual giant poison snakes to fight for you. Its magic can be transferred to armor, boots, or a cloak. This ring lets you expend a charge to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw when you fail one. While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming dont cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus to athletics checks made to do either activity. At the lower end, a raven lets you have an Animal Messenger at all times, while the most powerful options give you a Griffon or a Nightmare that obeys your commands. Lets take a look. Each of these +2 sling bullets has one of several different extra abilities. RELATED: D&D: 15 Common Magical Items Your Party Will Thank You For. This is an addition to D&D 5e that expands the available magic and race options. This crown gives you advantage on saving throws against effects that could charm you, resistance to psychic damage, and the ability to inspire creatures. This wand shoots globs that can restrain creatures for up to an hour. This charm lets you cast Speak with Plants and gives you advantage on charisma checks to influence plants. This gavel is useful in solving disputes in a friendly manner. This small cube of brimstone keeps the surrounding 15 feet at a constant 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It gives you access to the most druidy spells, including Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals, and Awaken. This weapon deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on every hit and sheds bright light for 40 feet. If you die while wearing this ring, you vanish and reappear in a nearby location reinvigorated. While wearing this cloak, enemies have disadvantage on attack rolls made against you. Whats more terrifying than a Gloom Stalker? This magic item comes from GGtR. These also deal extra damage when you make a successful unarmed strike with them. You can use this cape to cast Dimension Door, leaving smoke behind at the location you left. The target can be a creature, an object, or a point in space. These boots allow you to double your speed for a total of 10 minutes each day, even providing disadvantage to opportunity attacks made against you. These teeth are stories given form. You can use this mirror to see the history of a specific object or creature. This is a +1 greatsword that works as a +3 greatsword when fighting against a thesselhydra. Clerics are so broad and defined by their subclasses that a cleric could make use of almost any item. It can also be used as a compass or to shed bright light. This weapon gives you a +3 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made with it. Is there anything that can bypass temporary hit points? This wizard spellbook comes preloaded with a wide variety of spells. In general, these goggles are used to spot invisible enemies. You can expend charges when you make a melee attack with this +3 magical quarterstaff to deal extra force damage on a hit. Armor made to be taken off extremely fast; you can doff this with an action. You can also search for items that directly increase your HP or HP/level. The demon seeks to cause chaos and will attempt to convince the wielder to achieve his goals. You can expend the charges of this +1 magic quarterstaff to deal extra lightning damage or to turn yourself invisible and teleport yourself. This rod can absorb 50 spell levels when the wielder is targeted by spells. This would, given your current CON score, give you +3 HP per level. This +2 magical quarterstaff has a number of properties that you can trigger, such as dealing lightning damage after a melee attack, stunning targets with a clap of thunder, or firing out a bolt of lightning. Not bad. An amulet that hides you from detection magic. When you speak the command word, this small metal cube turns into a square fortress tower, 20 feet high and 30 feet to each side. This horn produces an incredible blast that can deal 5d6 thunder damage and stun a creature. While it is a powerful machine that can be piloted, it is said the ghost of Leuk-O still remains within it and may take control at any time. This comes in a +1, +2, and +3 variety. These bracers provide a +2 bonus to ranged attacks made with longbows and shortbows as well as proficiency in both weapons. Armor of Gleaming Armor that never gets dirty. This is the quintessential druidic magic item. This staff fulfills their wildest dreams. These magical tattoos contain and trap a spell on your skin to be cast at a later time. This shield gives you advantage on initiative rolls and perception checks. It also is immune to the effects of age. This arcane cannon can fire off a number of different elemental blasts. This scroll summons a tarrasque in an unoccupied space within 1 mile of you. These gauntlets turn any weapon you hold into a magic weapon, and they can even cover your weapons in magical flames to deal an extra 1d6 fire damage. This armor turns any critical hit against you into a regular hit. Tinderstrike is a +2 dagger that deals an extra 2d6 fire damage on a hit. Most games of D&D never reach this level, so its important to look for strong items for every tier. Invisible creatures and objects are visible in the light of this lantern. There is enough dust in one packet to turn you and every creature and object within 10 feet of you invisible for 2d4 minutes. In the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition system, the Sorcerer is a fairly popular class , and it's easy to see why when such powerful characters as Storm Sorcerers who can control the weather can be made . This is a +3 longsword. This potion gives you the enlarge effect of an Enlarge/Reduce spell for 1d4 hours. I haven't done Ability Score Increases, but instead choose feats this increases my characters power by a lot (In yesterdays game I single handedly killed nine hell hounds in two rounds, one shoting them all and I don't even have magic items yet.). As a fighter, you draw a lot of attention; more attention means youre bound to get struck by the occasional critical hit. If you cant get your hands on the Cloak of Elvenkind or if you want to make sure all senses are suppressed, these boots grant you advantage on stealth checks to move silently. Happy hunting! Wondrous item, uncommon. It only takes a minute to sign up. You have a limited amount of spells that you know, and your spells mostly require saving throws instead of attack rolls. This potion makes you huge for 24 hours and increases your Strength score to 25. This boomerang provides a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. The Devotees Censer operates as a flail, a holy symbol, and has a healing aura once per day. This can take your social interactions to the next level, and if things go wrong, you can turn into someone else or back into yourself free of suspicion. Armor made of mithral does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks. Iron Bands of Binding. A more specific name for a feather token. On the head of a bard, there is no end to the number of situations you can weasel your way in and out of. You are automatically considered proficient with this +1 chain armor. Whatever you want to explore in 5Eslaying monstrous creatures, navigating political intrigue, exploring ancient ruins, crafting enchanted weapons, infiltrating evil cults, battling, building, casting, carousingit's all here. However, this tattoo requires attunement while the insignia does not. When was the term directory replaced by folder? This wand gives you a bonus to spell attack rolls according to its rarity and ignores 3/4 cover. This +1 axe or sword deals an extra 2d6 to giants and has a chance of knocking them prone. These rods provide a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Wisdom score by 2. This takes the hunting part of being a ranger to the next level. This cursed shield causes any ranged attacks against creatures within 10 feet of you to target you instead, but it does give you resistance to damage from ranged attacks. The second ability lets you grant 2d10 temporary hit points to an ally when you cast an abjuration spell. Mythnam 8 yr. ago Yeah, I was never going to just straight-up give it to him, and certainly not at a low level. A blade of sunlight can spring forth from this hilt. Allows you to map the natural terrain around a point you can see that is no more than a mile away from you. The ammo from this +1 sling can ricochet from its first target to a second target. As a reaction, you can make a melee attack against any creature in your reach that damages you. 12 Best D&D 5e Feats For Monks, Ranked; 12 Best D&D 5e Feats For Monks, Ranked. Most warlocks cast nothing but Eldritch Blast in combat, and being able to hit creatures hiding behind walls is a great improvement. This hat allows you to cast Disguise Self at will. If you want to hit things with a big stick, this should satisfy you. This rope is excellent for climbing as you can command it to move as you deem necessary. Again, Actor helps immensely with this. There are also 5 items in the DMG that allow you to cast Wish and you could wish for an increase in constitution score. This scepter can be wielded as a +3 magic club. This stone is actually an aboleth transformed into a stone. This is a combination kit of alchemists supplies and poisoners kit. Sadly, the only way to get access to these is to cast them on yourself, or grab an item. Rarity is a property of all magic items, and its used to determine both how powerful it is and roughly at which level a DM should be awarding them. While many players think of a cleric as the typical healer, this role is often filled by a druid. Additionally, if you roll a 20 on a save and the spell is 7th level or lower, you ignore the effects and instead turn the spell back on its caster. These tattoos grant you a boosted AC when you arent wearing any armor. One bonus action, and you have 10 rounds of combat with +2 AC. A tiny clockwork crab that must be wound up in order to operate. If you cast a cantrip while wearing these bracers, you can use a bonus action to cast it a second time. This shard can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer. Barbarians already have high mobility. This shield hovers around you, letting you fight in Wild Shape while still benefiting from a shields +2 AC bonus. A wearable bubble that contains one hour of breathable air and regains expended air daily at dawn. This robe gives you a base AC of 15 + your dexterity modifier if you arent wearing armor, advantage on saving throws against all spells and magical effects, and increases your spell save DC and spell attack bonus by 2. Magic Armor: These are the most common magical items you can get to boost your AC. This potion heals you of all poisons, diseases, and levels of exhaustion you are suffering. These weapons absorb the energy of a dragons breath weapon and deal damage of its type with their various abilities. However, its symbiotic nature requires you to sacrifice half your hit dice to it at the end of a long rest or suffer one level of exhaustion. Belt of Dwarvenkind (very rare) DMG p 155 increases your Con score by 2, so would give you 1 extra hp per level. Unfortunately, you only gain the bonus once, even at higher levels when you cast multiple rays. You can pull a star off of this robe to cast Magic Missile at 5th level. When the five dragon masks are assembled together, they form this artifact. This is another name for an Efficient Quiver. A small pill that, when swallowed, allows you to ignore the effects of swimming at depths greater than 100 feet. You can hurl this +2 warhammer and cause it to explode, dealing fire damage to each creature in a 20-foot radius. This crystal gives you telepathy with a distance that is based on how high your intelligence is. You can use this wand to cast Magic Missile. Magic Weapons, Armor, and Shields (rarity varies) In a game based around probability, gaining a +1, +2, or +3 to your attack or AC is always welcome. It also has a chance of destroying them if they have less than 25 hit points. The 6 sides of this cube are each keyed to a different plane of existence. This cursed blade is anywhere from a +1 to a +3 blade, but you subtract that much from your rolls whenever you make a death-saving throw. A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This staff provides a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and deals an extra 3d6 radiant damage when you score a critical hit on a spell attack. However, this tattoo requires attunement, while the insignia does not. When this oil is applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition that deals slashing or piercing damage, it gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and becomes magical for an hour. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and choose a target within 120 feet of you. Magic items that set an ability score to 19 are great if it's your most used ability score. Maybe you want to be more light on your feet. Several types of these tokens exist, such as anchor or whip, and each of them has a different single-use ability. You can transfer the bonuses of this +3 legendary sword to your AC the first time you attack on each of your turns. You can use this cape to fly while in darkness or dim light. This wand can be used to cast Hold Person or Hold Monster. These vessels can be filled with various liquids to produce a wide variety of potions. Can a county without an HOA or covenants prevent simple storage of campers or sheds. Hazirawn is a neutral evil sentient +2 greatsword that deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit. It has a flying speed of 30 feet. Hit points lost to this weapon can only be regained by a short or long rest. It also creates a tentacle that lashes out and deals psychic damage to a target whenever you use your metamagic. When you use a Metamagic option, you can curse a creature, giving them disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with a certain ability score. Its blade bends like a jagged S shape, and its crossguard Laden with loot and bruises, the D&D party returns to town after a harrowing dungeon crawl in the abandoned mine Ethan is a storyteller, GM, and all-around nerd. These goggles allow someone with the mark of finding to trace the auras of living creatures. This +2 war pick is infused with a spark of Ogremoch, Prince of Evil Earth. This holy symbol, which can be attached to armor or a shield, can let you use your reaction to turn critical hits into normal hits. They can be used in many ways as weapons, as tools, even as a teleporting vehicle. Most paladins opt for the sword-and-board approach, so having a magical shield is a great boon. Every warrior wants a sword that can burst into flames. A follower of Erebos that wields this will have many benefits bestowed upon them for their piety. Opened by magical means or damaged in any way clouds and to stop living in a friendly magic items that increase constitution 5e convince wielder. This arcane cannon can fire off a number of different elemental blasts can be. Shields +2 AC 2d10 temporary hit points glabrezu named Ragazuu lives inside this! General, these goggles are used to cast the Teleport spell yourself, or Ice.! Transferred to armor, boots, or Ice Storm armor to transfer its powers head out of the spell... All useful in thievery you advantage on climbing checks bowl to summon a water as... In a fantasy world the mark of finding to trace the auras of living creatures to 25 subclasses a... 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