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Some sources say she moved to Topkap, not because of the fire, but as a result of her marriage to Suleiman. sultanas. Invalid memorial. She commissioned a bath, the Hurrem Sultan Bathhouse, to serve the community of worshippers in the nearby Hagia Sophia. The poem in the show was written by Mustafa's companion, Yayha Bey. In real life, Yayha Bey also did write a poem too. So it was not Suleiman himse [22] It was only possible for Hurrem to marry Suleiman after the death of Hafsa Sultan. This has to stop, no factual person will buy your theory. [30], Mustafa was supported by Ibrahim Pasha, who became Suleiman's grand vizier in 1523. The first person of non-royal blood to be addressed as sultan was Suleyman's mother who the title "Valide Sultan" was created for; then "Haseki Sultan" was created for Hurrem when they married. Meanwhile, another woman grabbed the eye of Suleiman; she gave birth to her firstson (Mehmet) that same year and endangered Mahidevrans position. Wikipedia doesn't work like that. New Zealand I already gave you all evidence, but you insist on calling her a sultana because you "assume" Birinci Kadin and Sultan mean the same: they are applied to concubine and legal wife accordingly and therefore don't mean the same. With this letter, Hurrem sent Sigismund II the gift of two pairs of linen shirts and pants, some belts, six handkerchiefs, and a hand-towel, with a promise to send a special linen robe in the future. The one denying a deceased person of it's possible Title, a full name you may call. In Albenian Glbahar means Rosne Pravnere. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mahidevran was chief consort as a mother of the oldest surviving son of Suleiman the Magnificent. In 1546, one more half-brother was on the governors market; Prince Beyazt. [5] Michalo Lituanus wrote in the 16th century that "the most beloved wife of the present Turkish emperor mother of his first [son] who will govern after him, was kidnapped from our land". Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, The Hagia Sophia Hurrem Sultan Bathhouse built in 1556, Haseki Sultan of Suleiman the Magnificent, Content in this edit is translated from the existing Turkish Wikipedia article at. Whatever sources we can find, half of them supports the Hatun theory, the other half supports Sultan theory. In attempting to avoid the execution of her sons, Hurrem used her influence to eliminate those who supported Mustafa's accession to the throne. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:13, 11 April 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply], SO many false claimed about Mahidevran and a daughter of Sleyman , who called Raziye. Never before had a former slave been elevated to the status of the sultan's lawful spouse, a development which astonished observers in the palace and in the city. My only request, please don't emphasize Leslie's work on entire Ottoman system, let there be other possible sources as well, specially for a matter like this, when there is little if no information on "consorts' position in harem before 16th century" is present in her book. The leading cause of death in subjects with preserved EF was noncardiovascular disease (49%) versus coronary heart disease (43%) for subjects with reduced EF. [16], Hurrem's unprecedented rise from harem slave to Suleiman's legal wife and Ottoman Empress attracted jealousy and disfavor not only from her rivals in the harem, but also from the general populace. The reason I call for a page title is to respect Ottoman customs and history, nothing more. I'm a bit puzzled that when it was first added on Turkish WP, the year was 1581. And for your information, if you read all the wikipedia articles, all women that didn't marry the sultan stayed as hatun unless they became Valide (as Nurbanu). (talk) 18:52, 28 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Dear Keivan.f, If you see above, I and 2 other users have written a novella on the "chief consort" subject. For the record, The books I referred are History books, recalled by actual accounts, I didn't cite a popular history book or a theater play. +64 3 687 9228. [16]:131 After Hrrem resided at Topkap it became known as the New Palace (saray- jedid).[28]. Learn more about merges. Prince Idar took this as an opportunity to make a good relationship with their rapidly spending neighboring dynasty, as young Prince Sulieman was only a few year older (if not the same age) than his most beautiful daughter. She is part of the love triangle with Lloyd and Poppy. # 9. The cause of death is a specific disease or injury, in contrast to the manner of death, which is a small number of categories like "natural", "accident", "suicide", and "homicide", each with different legal implications. She was the first imperial consort to receive the title Haseki Sultan. Hurrem and Mahidevran were 2 main consorts. If that is wrong, Wikipedia should never ever cite an interview source in any other article as well. If it was up to people making subjective propositions for every wikipedia page, then there would be millions of the same subject; there can't be 6 billion wikipedia pages of the sun, there can't be 6 billion pages wikipedia pages of earth, and of course there can't be 6 billion pages of Mahidevran. In a play entitled The Holy League, Titian appears on stage at the Venetian Senate, and stating that he has just come from visiting the Sultan, displays his painting of Sultana Rossa or Roxelana. While the book is a reliable source as per WP, it seems you only want to cite this book and use only this book's information on all the articles related to the Ottomans; their daughters, princes, wives, mothers, etc. Mahidevran and Suleiman had five children -- three sons and two daughters. Another conflict occurred when Ibrahim and his former mentor, skender elebi, repeatedly clashed over military leadership and positions during the Safavid war. The cast and crew are taking to the boards asPiraticus Rexopens at The Playhouse this week. Mustafa and Mahidevran were sent back to Amasya. Adding something as controversial as ""she was a slave"" as can be seen here would only draw unnecessary attention of the fans and/or may or may not be alleged descendants, as your content was more like a statement rather than a neutral point of view. Raziye was born 1519, as daughter of sleyman and flane hatun. During those decades the Venetian Republic was following the Ottoman dynastic news closely due to their close links with the empire. Suleiman started to see him as a great danger to his rule. The problem with the sources you cite is that they're recent and are rooted in speculation, just as all of your post above. [44] This tragedy marks the first time the Ottomans were introduced on stage in France. Does the translation really say she was from Euboea?? Mahidevran gave birth to her son with Sultan Suleiman, Mustafa, at only 15 years old. Contrary to popular belief, this did not immediately make her the Ba Kadn or head consort as Suleiman had two other living sons at the time. Most other sixteenth-century Western sources on Hurrem, which are considered highly authoritative today such as Turcicae epistolae (English: The Turkish Letters) of Ogier de Busbecq, the Emissary of the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I at the Porte between 1554 and 1562; the account of the murder of ehzade Mustafa by Nicholas de Moffan; the historical chronicles on Turkey by Paolo Giovio; and the travel narrative by Luidgi Bassano derived from hearsay.[11]. No need to change the title. Not hesitating for a second thought, he offered his beautiful daughter, as a gift, to the young prince." (talk) 01:47, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I beg to differ, in many books (arts, literature whatever you may call) she has been known as Sultana. [21], Around 1533/1534 (the exact date is unknown),[11] Suleiman married Hurrem in a magnificent formal ceremony. p. 401. She was the grandmother of Murad III. Mahidevran played a great role during her sons education as governor. Chteau de Blois A favourite royal residence, The Daughters of William the Silent Emilia Antwerpiana of Nassau. There is a possibility of both titles therefore no title should be put in. Around 1530, Mustafa was appointed to govern Manisa, as a part of his education and old Turkish tradition. But "sultan" is not a nickname: "sultan" is a royal manner of addressing that is deeply ingrained in Ottoman culture and reflects the times of the events that unfolded(such as the change in their use as generations passed). Including those of John Freely. It was not because Hafsa Sultan was firmly against this unification, but because it was not allowed for a concubine to rise above the status of the Valide Sultan (Queen Mother). She is still known and remembered today as the most politically influential Ottoman princess, and the only one to have served as Valide Sultan during her brother's reign. If you must, then make the title read as "Mahidevran" only. He appointed to govern Konya instead of Mustafa. After her brother Sari Selim's -Le temps viendra (talk) 22:32, 10 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Clear this matter Le temps Viendra Khondoker Jobair (talk) 05:03, 12 March 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Mentioned her survival possible after Hurrem a death is not sound real. Simply click 'close' in the top right corner to continue reading! [2][3][4][5] She has been known by this title since Nurbano's time. If you ask about Istanbul, the city still suffers from the plague; however, it is not like the previous one. I asked you to provide a source calling M's father Abdullah a Slave. - Worldandhistory (talk) 16:33, 28 September 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], @Phso2: Two of your sources are at stake (Colin Iber's and Peirce's), please read page 136 of Colin's book, this gives definition of Slave in general term, so calling any member of Sultan's family a slave does not necessarily makes them a slave by origin, and P simply used a text from Alberi, P herself only called M a concubine. You can infer and speculate and theorize all you want, but history is history and I find it highly disrespectful and arrogant that you think your abstractions are worth more than the reality of events. (talk) 22:11, 1 April 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply]. Hrrem Sultan never left the capital to accompany her sons, and she became more and more precious for Suleiman, and afew years later they got married. Peirce, Leslie (2017). The title of this page has to be changed and needs to be protected from any form of cultural erasure. "[29], Hurrem Sultan is known as the first woman in Ottoman history to concern herself with state affairs. Yet they were called Sultana for being Sultan's Kadins (Wives) You have a very little knowledge you are only referring to a few (if not one) online source and claiming that was it. Mahidevran madegreat efforts to protect her only son from assassinations, but she could not prevent his death. [18] According to Bernardo Navagero's report, as a result of the bitter rivalry a fight between the two women broke out, with Mahidevran beating Hurrem, which angered Suleiman. If he still insists, he can bring the source at the reliable sources noticeboard and ask for an opinion there. Mustafa attended to his father during the Persian war, despite his mothers warnings. (talk) 15:03, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], We see that Birinci Kadin is what a woman who has bore a first child; you're overlooking what I said: it was Hurrem who married legally Suleyman and broke the 200 hundred tradition, not Mahidevran; in any case, she can't be called a sultana. For Ukrainian language novels, see Osyp Nazaruk (1930) (English translation is available). Everyone has a right to put their opinion and I just put mine. In his 1551 letter to Sigismund II concerning the embassy of Piotr Opaliski, Suleiman wrote that the Ambassador had seen "Your sister and my wife." WebDeaths in June 2017 passed! You did not saw that did you? In the 2003 TV miniseries, Hrrem Sultan, she was played by Turkish actress and singer Glben Ergen. Popular culture calls her that way because in some theatre plays she's erroneously addressed like that, just as any work of FICTION. When Suleiman freed and married her, she became the Haseki Sultan (adding the word sultan to a woman's name or title indicated that she was a part of the dynasty). Sorry cant find sources now that was about 12 years ago. Like every woman in the harem, there is little information about her early life; she was from either Circassia or Montenegro. That's all I'm requesting, for the sake of respecting Ottoman cultural heritage. I'll sing your praises always However, her philanthropy is in contrast to this as she cared for the poor. The use of "sultan" for a consort came with the title Haseki, because the full title was Haseki Sultan (Devletl smetlu (given name) Haseki Sultn Aliyyet'-n Hazretleri)that is why. She wasn't able to smile as she once did, and she didn't show much generosity towards her WebThe result of the strife for Mahidevran was that she was exiled with her son Mustafa to live in the province of Manisa, where the latter became a Sultan governor. Khondoker Jobair (talk) 06:37, 16 February 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply], Keivan, do you really have access to the proposed source? In fact, Suleiman was afraid of his eldest sons power. On the contrary, I sympathize with Mahidevran Hatun. She frequently accompanied him as a political adviser. Mahidevran could hardly have predicted Hurrem Sultans success. Her supposed rivals relationship with Suleiman (r. 15201566) was unprecedented, a Basic Books. Also I would like to repeat a point I made earlier, the interview with her alleged descendant cannot be overlooked. (talk) 01:30, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Actually you are the one making subjective propositions here. While she was serving as the mother to heir apparent she was considered a Sultan's family member (Ottoman court etiquette), hence the title. I request moderators to change the title of this page to "Mahidevran" only and if they find it pertinent as well, to retain the speculations in a subtopic within the page. Among her first foundations were a mosque, two Quranic schools (madrassa), a fountain, and a women's hospital near the women's slave market (Avret Pazary) in Istanbul (Haseki Sultan Complex). Not only is the phrasing leaving much to be desired, the conclusion is also a subjective speculation presented as a fact. [27] In defiance of this age-old custom, Hurrem stayed behind in the harem, even after her sons went to govern the empire's remote provinces. [38] She built a public soup kitchen in Makkah.[11]. She died in 1558, in Istanbul and was buried in a mausoleum within the Sleymaniye Mosque complex. Khondoker Jobair (talk) 06:13, 16 February 2019 (UTC)Reply[reply]. Mustafa was later accused of causing unrest. It turned out to be a certain Said Perizad Temryukoglu. Scholars have wondered if Hurrem's alliance with Mihrimah Sultan and Rstem Pasha helped secure the throne for one of Hurrem's sons. She built numerous mosques, madrasahs, hammams, and resting places for pilgrims travelling to the Islamic holy city of Makkah. She was presented to Suleiman when he was still a prince. After the death of Suleiman's mother Hafsa Sultan in 1534, Hurrem's influence in the palace increased, and she took over the ruling of the Harem. Hurrem's birth name is unknown. For the record, you still failed to answer my question, rephrasing; why in some theatre plays she's the only Hatun ranked consort who is erroneously addressed like Sultana? Hence it can be asserted that she held an very influential position in Suleiman's harem: according to Ottoman traditions, she was Suleiman's Chi Ba Kadn. [41] Hurrem was also intelligent and had a pleasant personality. WebAfter the death of Mustafa, Mahidevran lost her status in the palace as the mother of the heir apparent and moved to Bursa. Not to mention that "was a chief consort" doesn't make much sense, because a implies that there is more than one which is a contradiction to the meaning of chief. Categories: 1500 births. .mw-parser-output .brokenref{display:none}Cite error: There are tags on this page, but the references will not show without a {{reflist|group=note}} template (see the help page). I badly need a reliable source to back either claim. Life in a Sultans harem was not glamorous and it certainly wasnt about love. If you are, however, still convinced that only Peirce's book is authentic source for the Ottomans, try putting this "concubinage" information in Ottoman Empire in details as explained by Leslie and see the response of Turks and Ottoman followers by yourself. Who were her parents? Suleiman (r. 15201566) actually had multiple sons, almost all of whom would predecease him. By the time he became Sultan, he had three: Mahmud, Mu In the end, Mustafa was appointed to governAmasya (close to Persian border) while Mehmet moved to Manisa. She was not a sultana, she was a Birinci Kadin , therefore if any "royal title" should be used to her name it should be that; this is highly misleading and causes conflict with Ottoman history. Page contents not supported in other languages. Please, change the title to simply "Mahidevran"; all the other speculation can remain in the biography part. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:06, 14 October 2012 (UTC)Reply[reply], I removed a painting of Rosne Pranvere from the article. Our ancestors said that the plague goes away once the trees shed their leaves in autumn."[26]. Amasya was one of the farthest provinces from the capital. Hurrem has usually been held at least partly responsible for the intrigues in nominating a successor. In the 20112014 TV series Muhteem Yzyl, Hurrem Sultan is portrayed by Turkish-German actress Meryem Uzerli from seasons one to three. Mahidevran Turbesi6.jpg 315 470; 18 KB. Like mentioned before, popular culture adopts from what has happened in the past. About the recently revived edit war on the Origins of Mahidevran, I would like to clear that I am not a descendant of Mahidevran, I just came across the Genealogy document and thought it was rather convincing one. There are reasons to believe that these two letters were more than just diplomatic gestures, and that Suleiman's references to brotherly or fatherly feelings were not a mere tribute to political expediency. Hurrem gave birth to her first son Mehmed in 1521 (who died in 1543) and then to four more sons, destroying Mahidevran's status as the mother of the sultan's only son. Why popular theatre plays describe her character despite strangers of all types being forbidden into the harem? The Ottoman Empire, 13001650: The Structure of Power. Hurrem or Khorram (Persian: ) means "the joyfull one" in Persian. She's only ever referred to as Mahidevran Khatun or Hatun in sources, see The Imperial Harem, pages 55, 61 and 367. WebExplore Mahidevrans 121 photos on Flickr! [24] This title, used for a century, reflected the great power of imperial consorts (most of them were former slaves) in the Ottoman court, elevating their status higher than Ottoman princesses, and making them the equals of empresses consort in Europe. We can ask her! A short woman wearing expensive clothes and jewelry appears Hurrem: Agha? Where are we? (She looks closer at my face, noticing the Alex2006 (talk) 15:04, 12 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], @Keivan.f I haven't searched about mahidvran but happen to have read about her. Her greatest philanthropical work was the Great Waqf of AlQuds, a large soup kitchen in Jerusalem that fed the poor. [6][7][8] In Istanbul, Valide Hafsa Sultan selected Hurrem as a gift for her son, Suleiman. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. She is known to be a legal wife before Hurrem Sultan, but not so popular since Hurrem Sultan was the first "slave" to become a legal wife, hence, only Hurrem's being a legal wife is so popular. At that time Mustafa was the third son of Suleiman, without significant importance. This woman could be Mahidevran or could also be Gulfem or the first unknown wife of Suleiman. Because none of these people neither Ottomans nor foreign visitors were permitted into the inner circle of the imperial harem, which was surrounded by multiple walls, they largely relied on the testimony of the servants or courtiers or on the popular gossip circulating around Istanbul. (talk) 05:26, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Excuse me one more time. I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes full of tears, I am happy. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. Mahidevran wasn't a legal wife nor became the mother of a reigning sultan; you should read your own sources too, since it specifies the differences between a concubine and a legal wife. (talk) 20:28, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], Sorry I am not making excuses I just refuse to believe that a "Brinci Kadin" wasn't called Sultana when she was serving as a mother of heir apparent and living in the Harem the same time title "Sultan" was started being used for Sultan's consorts. [41], Hurrem is known to have been very generous to the poor. The show was originally supposed to open last week With Christmas around the corner, Age Concern South Canterburys Friday Club celebrated by holding a traditional Christmas dinner for its members last Friday. I began this website in 2013 because I wanted to share these women's amazing stories. She was in the second rank after Hafsa Sultan(Valide Sultan) in the harem according to the Ottoman tradition. The information given in this page reveals that despite being called addressed as a sultana she wasn't one, and before that edit came to be the page addressed her as hatun (and many others too [1] ), which is also a title she's been given in other sources. It is traditionally believed that Hurrem, along with her daughter Mihrimah and her son-in-law Rustem, orchestrated Mustafas execution by turning his father, the Sultan, against him. Selim could have helped Mahidevran out of guilt that he lived and became Sultan while her son did not. And for your information, she wasn't the mother, sister, aunt or main wife of the sultan: she wasn't a sultana, even when a theatre play calls her that. In this case, Suleiman not only broke the old custom, but began a new tradition for the future Ottoman sultans: To marry in a formal ceremony and to give their consorts significant influence on the court, especially in matters of succession. And there is lots of lots of doubts about the title of this woman. This King (Sultan) did not have many successors left by 1511, for his only surviving son was Prince Sulieman (who later became Suleiman the Magnificent). 16th-century women. (talk) 13:40, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], I agree with the latest proposal. 18th century portrait of Hurrem Sultan kept at Topkap Palace. Please don't get personal here it's just a talk page. Also please keep the recent source in mind about an interview with her alleged descendant. However, some argue that she has Albanian roots. [5] She was born in the town of Rohatyn 68km (42mi) southeast of Lww (Lviv), a major city of the Ruthenian Voivodeship of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland,[6] in what is now Ukraine. Since the empire lacked, until the reign of Ahmed I (16031617), any formal means of nominating a successor, successions usually involved the death of competing princes in order to avert civil unrest and rebellions. Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:17, 3 March 2016 (UTC)Reply[reply], The other wives, also not legally married to the sultan, were called "kadin" or "hatun". Marriage to Suleiman character despite strangers of all types being forbidden into the harem according to the asPiraticus. Buy your theory page has to stop, no factual person will buy theory! Has been known by this title since Nurbano 's time the sake of respecting Ottoman cultural heritage phrasing leaving to. We can find, half of them supports the Hatun theory, the speculation! 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