maryland attorney grievance commission opinions4/4 cello for sale

DICKERSON, John J. Information contained on this web site is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. All rights reserved. 243, 131 A.2d 729 (1957), we disbarred an attorney for inserting slugs into parking meters. This position is supervised by a Procurement Officer and/or Budget Management Manager in terms of timeliness, technical adequacy, and conformance with established procurement procedures. MANCE, Robert Weston, III Indefinite Suspension on December 3, 2012, effective immediately (with the right to reapply no sooner than his unconditional readmission to the Bar of the District of Columbia) by Per Curiam Order, as a reciprocal matter relating to Respondents District of Columbia 6-month suspension for numerous ethics violations. GREENBERG, Larry S. - Commission Reprimand for engaging in professional misconduct while serving as attorney for the personal representative of a decedents estate opened in Prince Georges County in which he failed to appear before the Orphans Court on three occasions for show cause hearings scheduled by that tribunal to determine why a final account of the estate had not yet been filed. BLAIR, Walter L. - Commission Reprimand for filing a lawsuit alleging fraud and other wrongdoing against two defendants, without having a basis to believe that these parties had, in fact, engaged in any fraud or other wrongdoing, in violation of Maryland Lawyers Rules of Professional Conduct 3.1. He advised the court orally on May 12, 2008 that he would not be filing an opposition. It also supervises the inactive status of lawyers and monitors nonmembers of the Maryland Bar who practice in Maryland. Beyond general oversight, the Commission has the power to approve or disapprove the dismissal of a complaint or Statement of Charges, the termination of a complaint with or without a warning, a Conditional Diversion Agreement, a "commission reprimand," or the filing . HESSON, Robert C. - Disbarred by consent for misconduct including violation of probation following DWI conviction, abandonment of law practice and failure to safeguard client funds in his trust account. GARCIA, Jose Expedito M. - Disbarred on August 28, 2009 by the Court of Appeals as a result of his conviction of immigration fraud. Photo by Diane F. Evartt. - Suspended indefinitely for engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation and neglecting a legal matter for over three years. - Commission Reprimand for lack of competence and conflict of interest in representation of client by preparing and recording title deed to transfer clients residential property to client, Respondent and his secretary as joint tenants in an attempt to protect the property from possession by the State or nursing home for future medical expenses, without consulting an estate planning/trust attorney for a better alternative, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1 and 1.8(c). Deborah L. Potter, Esq., Chair (chosen by Attorney Grievance Commission) When they are initially posted on this webpage, the reported opinions of the Supreme Court of Maryland and the Appellate Court of Maryland are listed in the index as slip opinions ("slip op.") until they are published in a bound volume of the Maryland Reports or Maryland Appellate Reports. He claimed he had already met with the local Sheriffs department and an Assistant States Attorney and they agreed to pursue charges against you, which were false statements of material fact. (HOA), represented 2 individual Board Directors of and against the HOA as a defendant, that was directly adverse to another client and Respondent did not obtain or attempt to obtain the clients informed consent, confirmed in writing; for lack of competence, Respondent failed to demonstrate the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation necessary for the representation of the HOA and the other clients; and conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in that it was conduct likely to reflect negatively on the image of the legal profession, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.7, 1.1 and 8.4(d). His clients children filed a Petition for Caveat and the dispute was resolved. Respondent made the requested changes that included naming himself as personal representative and residuary beneficiary. Shirley Baltz, a longtime resident of Bowie, passed away last week at the age of 95. Indefinite Suspension by Consent on January 4, 2013, effective February 4, 2013 (with the right to apply for reinstatement after ninety (90) days from February 4, 2013) for failing to represent his clients with reasonable diligence and promptness, for failing to communicate with his clients and for failing to respond to lawful requests for information by Bar Counsel. In Attorney Grievance Commission v. Brown, 353 Md. LEONHART, Georgia L. - Disbarred by consent for failing to maintain client funds in her escrow account. Attorney Grievance defense attorney specializes in defending lawyers in disciplinary proceedings before the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission and the D.C. Bar's Board on Professional Responsibility involving professional misconduct, legal ethics, disbarment, suspensions of law licenses, petitions for disciplinary action, reprimands and sanctions for unethical conduct. CURTIS, Charles M. - Commission Reprimand for failure to appear at his clients hearing. 117-527 select provisions of the 1866 reconstruction treaties between the united states and oklahoma tribes 117th congress (2021-2022) Respondent was found to have facilitated a fraudulent, equity-stripping transaction, violating fiduciary obligations to the mortgage lender and to the sellers of the property, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.15(b)[now (d)], and 8.4(a) and (c). Unreported opinions are posted here. Maryland Attorneys FY10 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure. WALTON, Charles E. - Commission Reprimand for conflict of interest when he and his co-counsel who represented a Homeowners Assn. SHOUP, Jonathan H. - Reprimand on August 28, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for unintentionally misappropriating funds in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 16-609. Respondent did not review the documents prepared and filed by the non-lawyer. On 9/9/03 Respondent attended a hearing on the Second Complaint at which his client testified, in his presence, to questions from the Court that he had been a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia. SUSS, Jonathan D. - Commission Reprimand for lack of competence and diligence for failure to obtain an abstract of title of clients family Arkansas property and failure to examine clients most-recent litigation to ascertain whether it was still possible to enter his title opinion letter in the case; as Respondent was not and was never admitted to practice law in Arkansas, for failure to limit the scope of representation, failure to consult with the client and failure to permit his client to make informed decisions regarding the representation; for unreasonable attorney fee in light of Respondents misconduct; and for conflict of interest by entering into a business transaction with his client, borrowing $3,000 from client and preparing a promissory note, without advising his client in writing of the desirability of seeking advice of independent counsel on the Note and without giving client a reasonable opportunity to do so; in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.3; 1.2(c), 1.4(a)(4) and (b); 1.5(b); and 1.8(a). ALIVIZATOS, Constandin - Indefinite Suspension on December 16, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for lack of competence in handling settlements, failure to keep attorney trust account records, failure to maintain client monies in the trust account, commingling of funds and misuse of trust money through negligence, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.15, 8.4(a) and Maryland Rules 16-606.1, 16-607 and 16-609. REINHARDT, Richard J. He directed later-paid escrow funds to be used to cover the obligations of which the previously escrowed funds should have been used. WINER, Lisa I. WAGNER, Brenda C. - Reprimanded by consent for failing to file briefs after numerous court extensions. WITHERSPOON, Gordon H. - Commission reprimand for engaging in the practice of law while inactive and improper use of Orphans Court letterhead. - Interim suspension based upon federal criminal conviction of misprision of a felony. Upon termination of representation, Respondent entered into a settlement and release of claims agreement with the client without advising the client in writing of the desirability of seeking the advice of independent counsel. HAMILTON, Dontrice P. - Commission Reprimand for failure to maintain an escrow account after opening her law practice, which resulted in failure to keep personal funds separate from clients or third persons funds, failure to hold clients or third persons funds in escrow and failure to keep adequate records for the receipt and disbursement of clients or third persons funds, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15 and Maryland Rules 16-606.1, 16-607 and 16-609. JOE, Isaac Jr. - Reprimanded by consent for failure to communicate with his client, failing to diligently pursue his clients matter, and failing to respond to Bar Counsel. Terms of Use/Disclaimer. The non-lawyer prepared and signed documents using Respondents name as counsel. Opinion by Bell, C.J. STROTT, George Guild, Jr. Indefinite Suspension by Consent on August 23, 2012, effective on October 22, 2012 (with the right to apply for reinstatement no sooner than thirty (30) days after October 22, 2012) for failing to provide diligent and competent representation and for failing to honor a lien in a personal injury case. Mr. Chavers law office is currently located in the District of Columbia. The failure to do so prevented the tribunal from making an informed decision. BERTOLA, Marta Indefinite Suspension by Consent on January 9, 2013, effective immediately (with the right to apply for reinstatement sixty (60) days thereafter) for appearing in a circuit court case on behalf of her husband, for making representations in court that she was authorized to practice law and for filing a motion in the same case while decertified from the practice of law. The Office of Bar Counsel investigates and, where indicated, prosecutes attorneys whose conduct violates the Maryland Attorneys Rules of Professional Conduct as well as those engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. DONOVAN, William Carpenter, Jr. Disbarred by Consent on August 17, 2012, because he embezzled fees from the law firm that employed him and because he abandoned a clients bankruptcy case. Whether expressed in a letter or on a form supplied by the Attorney Grievance Commission, the Commission refers each complaint to Bar Counsel upon receipt. The Attorney Grievance Commission, acting through Bar Counsel, filed a petition with this Court for disciplinary action against William Michael Monfried, respondent, alleging violations of the Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct (hereinafter "MRPC"). 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway; Suite 300; Annapolis, Maryland 21401; PHONE: 410-514-7051; Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar . Bus. If changes are made to an opinion filed on or after November 1, 2019, a note will be made in the index indicating the date of the most recent correction(s) (corr.). The basis of the revocation was Respondents additional professional misconduct while subject to the CDAs, which included misrepresentations to a client about a court date, creating a counterfeit hearing notice faxed to a client and misrepresentations to Bar Counsel. JONES, Cotie W. Disbarred on August 27, 2012, by Per Curiam Opinion and Order, for misappropriation of client funds and for failing to respond to lawful requests for information by Bar Counsel. STEUART, R. Calvert - Commission Reprimand for failure to take appropriate action on his clients behalf and to communicate with his client concerning the representation, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.3 and 1.4. Respondent no longer performs loan modification services for clients and has refunded attorneys fees for the loan modification services he performed for the complainants. Maryland on the use of the iPad for the appellate review of cases. High court refers dispute over attorney grievance discovery rules to committee. VANZEGO, Raymond J. The Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland, the petitioner, acting pursuant to Maryland Rule 16-751, approved the filing by Bar Counsel of a Petition For Disciplinary or Remedial Action against Mahmoud Alsafty, the respondent. The Attorney Grievance Commission oversees the conduct of both Maryland attorneys and nonmembers of the Maryland Bar who engage in the practice of law in the State. HOU, Junwei W. - Commission Reprimand for failure to communicate and conflict of interest when Respondent represented a husband and wife in immigration matters and later agreed to represent them in connection with a Marital Separation/Property Settlement Agreement but failed to obtain their informed consent, confirmed in writing, for joint representation and also failed to timely inform Complainant of the fact that his wife had filed for divorce while Respondent remained the attorney of record on the immigration matter or to provide legal advice to Complainant concerning the pending immigration petition, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.4 and 1.7. DOBSON, Matthew G. - Suspended indefinitely by consent for failing to file tax returns. & Prof. Code Ann., 10-306. Appellant, Karin Kendrick, applied for a public adjuster license with the Maryland Insurance Administration ("MIA"). The $95,000 loan, made years earlier, was documented by a promissory note signed as part of a 2001 Conditional Diversion Agreement and provided for the loan to be payable, without interest, 120 days after the aunts death. CHAPMAN, Gerald Frederick Indefinitely Suspended on January 31, 2013, effective immediately (with the right to apply for reinstatement no sooner than ninety (90) days thereafter) for misleading clients into believing that they were obtaining representation through a law firm, when in reality, a non-lawyer directed the representation, for sharing fees with the non-lawyer, for charging an unreasonable fee, for failing to hold prepaid fees in trust and for failing to respond to a clients request for information. WALKER-TURNER, John - Commission reprimand for failing to act diligently and failure to communicate appropriately with his client. In the Virginia proceeding, she entered into an Agreed Disposition acknowledging her failure to act with reasonable diligence in representing clients, failure to deposit an unearned retainer in an attorney trust account until the fee was earned and engaging in the practice of law while her license in Virginia was administratively suspended for failure to comply with Virginias mandatory continuing education requirements, in violation of Rules 1.3, 1.15(a)(2) and 5.5(a)(1) of the Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct. THOMAS, C. Trent - 60-day Suspension on April 20, 2010 by the Court of Appeals for failure to provide diligent and competent representation to clients involved in proceedings at which he failed to appear, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1 and 1.3. The Conservator continued his service and acted pursuant to the terms he believed to be the agreement for the purchase of the law practice, and consistent with the agreement, periodically remitted fees to the Estate which were accepted. Respondent violated Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 5.5 and 8.4(a), (c) & (d). Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission ATTORNEY GRIEVANCE COMMISSION c/o Office of Bar Counsel 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 514-7051 web: 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2020. When they are initially posted on this webpage, the reported opinions of the Supreme Court of Maryland and the Appellate Court of Maryland are listed in the index as slip opinions (slip op.) until they are published in a bound volume of the Maryland Reports or Maryland Appellate Reports. The Respondents Affidavit of Consent in the District of Columbia is under Seal. His conduct violated Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.3 and 8.4(c) and (d). SEIDLER, Samuel A. By: Madeleine O'Neill March 30, 2022. STOFFAN, Philip M. - Disbarred by Consent on May 10, 2010 by the Court of Appeals, based upon a reciprocal disciplinary matter arising from Respondents 3-year suspension in the state of Michigan for mail fraud, in violation of Maryland Lawyers Rules of Professional Conduct 8.4(b) and 8.4(c). He failed to provide competent representation, did not act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing the client and failed to communicate adequately with the client, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4. Dismissal With Warnings. For questions related to opinions issued by the Ethics Committee or other ethical concerns, contact the Ethics Hotline at one of the numbers below. OWEANOGE, John O. JOHNS, Christopher M. Disbarred by Consent on June 10, 2013, for failing to honor assignments securing the repayment of a loan to a third party with settlement proceeds in a personal injury matter. LEATHERMAN, Jennifer L. - Indefinite Suspension by Consent on August 25, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for failure to place unearned fees into an escrow account and for commingling of unearned fees in her operating account. REPORTS (MANDATED) Annual Report to Court of Appeals on Disciplinary Fund & disciplinary system due Sept. 1 (Maryland Rule 19-702). Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. BROWN, Linda Markey Commission Reprimand for filing numerous pleadings and ancillary filings with the Court, on which she signed her clients name purported to be under oath, at the clients request, but failed to initial or otherwise clarify to the Court that they were not her clients actual signature. Created in 1975 by Rule of the Court of Appeals, the Attorney Grievance Commission investigates complaints against lawyers practicing in Maryland and administers discipline to them (Maryland Rule 16-711). OLER, Carren Susan Indefinite Suspension by Consent on October 17, 2012, for failing to represent her client with reasonable diligence and promptness, for failing to communicate with her client regarding the status of her case, for failing to refund the unearned portion of her advance retainer to her client upon termination of the representation, for failing to maintain her unearned fees in escrow, and for failing to respond to requests for information by Bar Counsel. This was a reciprocal disciplinary action arising from Respondents Reprimand in Texas. McGLADE, Henry Donald, Jr. Indefinite Suspension by Consent on May 23, 2013, for engaging in the unauthorized practice of law after his April 24, 2012 suspension and for failing to respond to requests for information from Bar Counsel. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE SUPREME COURT OF MARYLAND Annual Report, FY2019. KALIN, Howard Scott Disbarment by Consent on July 10, 2012, due to his criminal conviction for a violation of 18 USC 2422(b) in the United States District Court for Middle District of Florida on April 25, 2012. The Second Complaint, filed on 8/14/03, incorrectly represented that clients wife (Complainant) resided in a different jurisdiction from the First Complaint, was not signed by Respondent and appears that the client received assistance preparing the Second Complaint from someone who worked in Respondents office, who is no longer employed by him. KOVACIC, Kristin E. - Suspended indefinitely for lack of diligence in a divorce matter and failure to respond to Bar Counsel. He also failed to obtain the informed consent of his client before discussing and disclosing confidential information in a meeting with his client and her sons family. FY22 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure If there is an adjudication that an enforceable purchase agreement exists for the sale of the law practice, then he is in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 16-777 by failing to obtain court approval prior to the sale. Misc. KATZ, Gerald Isadore Indefinite Suspension on November 19, 2012, (with the right to apply for reinstatement no sooner than his readmission to all other jurisdictions, save one, as a reciprocal action) for failing to file tax returns. PATTON, Richard Valentine, III Disbarred on June 27, 2013, for failing to appear in court on multiple occasions, for lying to two (2) of his clients and Bar Counsel and for engaging in criminal conduct. To search for court opinions by word, name, etc., use the following form: Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. GREENBELT A 57-year-old former attorney from Lothian was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison Tuesday for a scheme to defraud her clients of more than $840,000, U.S. Attorney Rod. To challenge this restriction on your own, you can file a grievance with the prison or jail's administration, outlining the specific restriction and how you believe it violates your . WEHLAND, Charles - Commission reprimand for lack of competence in an Estate matter and failing to properly supervise non-attorney staff. This is an appeal from an action for judicial review of an administrative agency decision. Maryland at a Glance, Search the Manual PARTRIDGE, John H. - Disbarred by reciprocal action with Virginia for lack of diligence, lack of communication, failing to withdraw and protect client interest and for conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. NDUKWE, Azewah - Commission Reprimand for his conduct relating to his representation of a client in a Complaint for Absolute Divorce in Prince Georges County, Maryland (First Complaint) filed on 6/20/03 and in the District of Columbia (Second Complaint). FY21 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure Attorney Grievance Commission Appointed by the Supreme Court of Maryland, the Commission oversees the attorney grievance process. - Suspended indefinitely by consent for failing to diligently represent clients, failing to keep adequate records for his trust account and making false representations to a client. HILL, John Lyster - Disbarred by Consent on November 24, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for mishandling two (2) domestic relations cases in which he failed to take prompt action, he implied he had paid a judge to expedite his clients case, failed to file an Information Report causing dismissal of his clients appeal, and failed to deposit and maintain his clients retainer in trust, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5(a), 1.15, 7.1(b) and 8.4(d), Maryland Rules 16-604 and 16-609 and Md. The Commission charged respondent with violating MRPC 1.1 (Competence), 1.3 (Diligence), 1.4 (Communication), 1.5 (Fees . FISCHER, Morris Eli Commission Reprimand for failing to represent his client with reasonable diligence, for filing the clients complaint late and causing the clients case to be dismissed, for his conflict of interest by failing to advise the client, in writing, of the desirability to seek advice of independent counsel in connection with his actions, and for failing to promptly refund an unearned fee. Anyone can file a complaint against a judicial officer in Michigan . ODeNEAL, Ramsdale, Jr. - Indefinite Suspension on December 17, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for violating Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.3 and 1.4 in connection with his representation in a criminal case. Not surprisingly, grievance forms complaining of serious misconduct disappear and are never processed. CHAVERS, Clayborne E., Sr. Commission Reprimand for engaging in the unauthorized practice of law on several occasions by entering his appearance in Maryland courts where he was not admitted to practice law. Information contained on this web site is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. FISHER, Alene - Commission Reprimand for failure to competently represent her client by failure to advise her of potential tax consequences of the marital award coming from the supplemental retirement income plan, failure to timely pursue clarification of the Consent Order, failure to pursue the QDRO for six (6) months and failure to communicate with her client, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. HOOVER-HANKERSON, Celicia - Disbarred by Consent on October 19, 2009 by the Court of Appeals for conviction of criminal charges involving submitting false invoices to the Court in the District of Columbia for payment of witnesses, in violation of Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rules 8.4(b) and (d). Opinion by Raker, J. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 65 Memorial Road Suite C340 West Hartford, CT 06107-2434 United States 200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, March 2020. LINIAK, Thomas P. Disbarred by consent as result of self reported misconduct. Generation J.D. She was a major part of a group that sought to preserve the Belair Mansion in Bowie and also wrote about. Upon termination of the representations, Respondent refused to refund any portion of such fees or expenses that had not been earned or incurred. Maryland Attorneys -Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure FY 2006 to Present, FY23 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY22 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY21 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY20 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY19 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY18 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY17 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY16 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY15 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY14 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY13 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY12 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY11 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY10 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY09 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY08 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY07 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure, FY06 Sanctions and Actions Affecting Licensure. 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