} catch (e) { You can explore the use of the other two some time, yet the clear one remains superior for a glossy guitar coating. Our toners
everything you may need to finish a guitar. var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mL, o) { width: 500px; var css = document.createElement('style'); Australian Luthier SuppliesPO Box 8452Gold Coast MCQLD 9726 Australia. furniture, we balance checking and printing which is the lacquer's
} return; var r = el.querySelector('.tmx-variant-availability, .availabilty[data-in-stock], .tmx-product-tile-body'); window.translatePrice = function(p) { if (window.location.pathname === '/' Add to Wish List. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. ), if (document.querySelector('main > .tmx-pdp')) { font-weight: 600; src: ( Acrylic Lacquer is a water clear protective coating for furniture, paper and plastic products. fn(); $19.99 $ 19. products for your next project. It dries very hard and thin which aids in the resonance of the instrument. var items = $(".pdp-product-variant").filter(function() { font-weight: normal; || canonical.startsWith('/search/') I carefully sanded after applying the sealer. justify-content: center; cart = { new_img.setAttribute('alt', img.getAttribute('alt') || ''); bottom: 0; The "Chando" logo on the headstock is a screen print and a couple coats of lacquer is sprayed over that to help seal and protect it. }); with furniture during shipping. let addToCartSection = $(".tmx-pdp-buttons-container"); #stewmax-learn-more .hdr { } #stewmax-learn-more a:hover { */ var b = document.body.scrollHeight; Easy to use and work with. 1. If you do not wish to accept cookies from this website, you can choose to not allow cookies from this website by updating your browser preferences. of color. if (!isTotalValidNumber || total === 0) { justify-content: center; products as well as our Wool Lube sanding lubricant, sand papers,
} var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { var stewmax_price = '$54.95'; } update_instock(); var dv = el.getAttribute('data-variation-code'); if ( gap: 5px; font-weight: 600; $12.42. (function () { You can find our full line of guitar finishing
`); #M610-1406 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer $ per can, #M610-1406/4 Gloss Classic Instrument Lacquer 4 pack. that sinks into the wood to provide protection and beauty without
$('#stewmax-learn-more').fadeOut(); (function() { ColorTone Aerosol Guitar Lacquer. `; margin: 30px auto; Mohawk have been producing guitar finishing products for decades and are the preferred choice by many top American guitar manufacturers. return item.quantity > 0; left: 0; mohawk lacquer toner. */ padding: 20px; }); h.parentElement.insertBefore(hm, h); Build your own professional custom tool kit by selecting a product variation and quantity listed below featuring an assortment of our wood, vinyl, leather and furniture touch up products. Piano Lacquer is ideal for: Piano finishers and refinishers. var virtual_dom = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('virtual'); The times they are a changing.. An article I wrote a few months ago. Traditional sanding sealer is about $35 a gallon. due to moisture and temperature variations. font-family: "jaf-bernino-sans-condensed", sans-serif; } Our Tobacco Brown toner gives the classic
observer.observe( Mohawk Lacquer Reducer (thinners) has been specially formulated for thinning Mohawk Nitrocellulose lacquer.
$(document).trigger('tmx-event:cart-item-changed'); The Encore Brown is also used to create a sunburst effect around the edge of the body of a guitar, whether acoustic or solid bodied. $(e.target).is('#trust-modal-bg') || Solo Guitars Oxford Aerosol Nitrocellulose Lacquer - Clear Lacquer - High Gloss,340 g (Pack of 1) 4.7 out of 5 stars (4.7) 20. opacity: 1; text-decoration: underline; $49.90. typical instrument use. align-items: center; One quart will finish: 1 acoustic guitar body and neck. var isChecked = $('#stewmax-checkbox').is(':checked'); On
'); $('#trust-modal-bg').show(); || canonical.startsWith('/customer-service/') } if (location.pathname === '/cart/' && document.querySelector('.stewmax-container__message-check')) { the darker shade on the perimeter of a sunburst finish. } Mohawk Finishing Products M102-0451 Finisher's Choice Clear Nitrocellulose Lacquer - Flat. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/electric-guitar-parts/electric-guitar-bridges-and-tailpieces/') Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/banjo-parts/banjo-tuning-machine-heads/') display: flex; eLabel: event.eLabel || "", Nitrocellulose lacquer can give a beautiful finish if it's used properly. var total = calculateTotalQuantity(); $oldContainer.remove(); Wet Sand and Buff. Cart - Add StewMAX CTA Nitrocellulose lacquer has been the finish of choice for many guitar builders and players since the 1930's. It's relatively simple to apply, buffs to a high gloss and is easy to repair. font-weight: 700; Nov 1, 2018 #1 Greetings everyone, I am new to guitar building and have completed 2 guitars. sheen or gloss than most furniture grade lacquers. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. checking, as well as having a sufficient print resistance for
Mohawk Stringed Instrument Lacquer Aerosol (Nitro) - Clear Gloss. Brand: Mohawk Finishing Products. var calculateTotalQuantity = function() { } else if ((y < last_scroll || y == 0) && has_class && last_height == b) { document.querySelector('.pdp-product-variant').append(zoom_tag); width: 0; Nitrocellulose Lacquer - Clear Gloss finish. 3. setTimeout(wait_for_currency, 50); 1. jzach46. (function() { if (document.querySelector('main > .tmx-pdp, main > .tmx-cart')) { } Starcast Amber applies the basic light tone colors of the guitar. !$('#js-pdp-image-container').data('is-woodstax'), '; || canonical.startsWith('/electronics/amps/tubes-valves/') let parent = img.parentElement; This website uses cookies and other tracking technologies (also known as pixels or beacons) to aid your experience (such as viewing videos), as well as "performance cookies" to analyze your use of this website and to assist with marketing efforts. ColorTone Nitrocellulose Guitar Lacquer. "code": ($(this).data("variation-code")).toString(), Many are simply inaccurate, others are outright false. }, function() { I use Mohawk's blush resistant reducer which is a thinner and a retarder mix. Then wiped down with a . padding: 10px; function code() { MOHAWKS SALESPERSON OF THE YEAR - FY2018, MOHAWK'S DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR - FY2018. } document.querySelectorAll('.js-product-variants img') opacity: 1; } Mohawk have been producing guitar finishing products for decades and are the preferred choice . wait_for_quantities(); max-width: inherit !important; } . }); build_observer(function() { }; }, 10); var isCategory = (document.querySelector('.tmx-category-page .js-products') !== null); csBanner.style.position = "relative"; With Behlen stringed instrument lacquer I thinned it 50/50. 1-2 quarts (1/4-1/2 gallon) of lacquer is normally required per guitar. Mohawk Perfect Blend Lacquer $ USD 30.99. letter-spacing: .01em; if (y > last_scroll && !has_class && last_height == b && document.querySelector('.header-dropdown .dropdown-menu.tmx-dropdown-menu.show') === null) { It also has
cssArray.forEach(({ desc, css }) => { (function() { document.querySelector('.js-product-variants img') setInterval(function () { This is in regard to Mohawk "Classic Instrument Lacquer" and Behlen's "Musical Instrument Lacquer" (which is a Mohawk product). To give you a faster and more personalized shopping experience, our site uses cookies. I also used the Mohawk EZ Vinyl sealer. addStyling(); var cF = currencyFormat.value; if ($('.js-add-to-cart').is(':disabled')) return; } const variant = 3; var isWoodStaxProduct = ! 1,345 19. Add to your cart to see member pricing sitewide! This lacquer is designed for use on wood which has been sealed with Behlen Vinyl Sealer, or on unfinished wood. Mohawk Guitar Toner Aerosol - Starcast Amber . var m = document.querySelector('label[for="stewmax-checkbox"]').textContent.match(/\$[0-9. Problem With Nitrocellulose Lacquer. $('.image-carousel img').first().attr('src') // fallback carousel img Just my 2.5 cents. margin-right: 10px; !function(){if("function"!=typeof window.FreshworksWidget){var n=function(){n.q.push(arguments)};n.q=[],window.FreshworksWidget=n}}() scrollTop: $("#zero-quantity").offset().top - $(window).height() / 2 $('body').append(` function setUpButton($button, isDisabled) { Please call us on 0409 635 288 to make an order. }; Available in 50 countries! provide the flexibility necessary to achieve a typical finish on
var wait_for_quantities = function() { Fisheye additive $12.00 (we will be selling this under the Behlen Brand until supplies run out) font-size: 18px; $(this).find('.tmx-variant-image img').attr('src') || function check() { v.filter(function(r) { return r.querySelector('.tmx-ewis, .limited_availability, .featured-color > strong') === null; }).forEach(function(el) { MOHAWK INSTRUMENT THINNER Used with lacquer to promote flow-out and leveling. font-family: arial; giftForm.find('input[name="cartType"]').val("Shopping"); var observer = new MutationObserver(check); (function () { $12.42. Starcast Amber will provide a bright yellow
|| canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/acoustic-guitar-parts/acoustic-guitar-bridges-and-tailpieces/') $('#trust-modal-bg').hide(); .cart-slideout .item .item-amount { For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. position: relative; After waiting 24 hrs for the color coat to have time to flash off and harden some, I proceed with the clear coat. Continue Shopping var giftForm = $self.closest("#addGiftCardForm");
$('[data-modal="stewmax-learn-more"]').click(function(e) { } If you click the "Accept All Cookies" button or continue navigating the website, you agree to having those first and third-party cookies set on your device. "productPageTemplate": $(this).data("product-page-template") .cart-slideout .close-x { In this video, he shows . } . [csBanner.children].forEach( In addition to the nitrocellulose polymer, there are "plasticizers" - smaller molecules which fit between the polymer strands and function to keep the polymer strands from collapsing onto each other and forming what are known as . height: 100% !important; Perfect Blend features a soft spray, low film build, and fine atomization resulting in virtually no overspray, little bounce, excellent flow, and strong ability to blend in with the surrounding surface. function build_cart() { .mz-expand .mz-figure img[src*=".svg"] { addToCartSection.after(trustSealContainer); } My two cents? The Mohawk instrument lacquer I used on the last 4 guitars is not even close to hard enough to polish after 3 weeks and it seems to have very low solids so you need to use more lacquer to build the proper thickness. .cart-slideout .cart .btn-grp { } catch (e) {}; var variant = 2;
var woodstax = document.querySelector('.tmx-product-details-woodstax > .row > .col-12.col-md-8.col-lg-6 > .ml-md-3 .mixAndSave'); crushing if the instrument is dinged or dented. If you click the "Accept All Cookies" button or continue navigating the website, you agree to having those first and third-party cookies set on your device. display: flex; #1. Mohawk Finishing Products M102-0541 Mohawk Finisher's Choice Clear Satin Lacquer 13 Oz. For instrument makers and repairers. $('main').before(` } MOHAWK CLASSIC INSTRUMENT LACQUER (Replaces Behlen Stringed Instrument Lacquer) This premium nitrocellulose lacquer is for finishing acoustic guitars and other stringed instruments. #stewmax-learn-more { } }, /*Stewmac - Add To Cart Overlay check() && code() : check() && (observer.disconnect(), code())); iStewMaxProduct = ! } if (e.target.closest('.js-product-variants a, .mz-expand')) return; width: 100%; Fast-drying, durable finish resists water and alcohol. Available in convenient 13-ounce spray cans. }
Go buy a number of Preval sprayers and buy some pro-quality lacquer, and a gallon of S-W K120 thinner. margin-bottom: 10px; }); if (giftForm != undefined && giftForm.length > 0) { superior clarity compared to stearated lacquer sanding sealers
max-width: 95%; .msg-wrap b { Seagraves/McFadden and Behlen (ie, Mohawk) nitros of this type are loaded with plasticers, especially the Seagraves/McFadden. In the second part of this tutorial I will show you what the nitro spraying process looks like. if (e) MagicZoom.start(e); }, /*Stewmac - Low Stock Urgency flexibility which allows it to resist checking or cracking. return; subtotal: $orderSummary.find('.sub-total').text().trim() Adjustable nozzle for an even coverage under all angles. great base for applying our instrument lacquer. }; || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/tuning-machines/') }, 150); ]+/); }); /*Stewmac - Sticky header let styleElement = ``; } FreshworksWidget('show', 'launcher'); "body > header { position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 100; } #mobileLeftMenu .modal-header { padding-left: 10px; } #mobileLeftMenu.modal.left .modal-content { height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; border-radius: 0; border: none; background-clip: unset; } #mobileLeftMenu.modal.left .modal-body { padding: 0; } #mobileLeftMenu.modal.left .modal-dialog { position: fixed; margin: auto; width: 290px; height: 100%; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0%,0,0); -ms-transform: translate3d(0%,0,0); -o-transform: translate3d(0%,0,0); transform: translate3d(0%,0,0); -webkit-transition: opacity .3s linear,left .3s ease-out; -moz-transition: opacity .3s linear,left .3s ease-out; -o-transition: opacity .3s linear,left .3s ease-out; transition: opacity .3s linear,left .3s ease-out; } #mobileLeftMenu #tmx-menu-close { color: #c00; padding-top: 7px; padding-left: 2px; font-size: 1.8em; } #mobileLeftMenu .stack-menu { box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; } #mobileLeftMenu .sidebar-nav { padding: 0; list-style: none; transition: all .5s; width: 100%; text-align: center; } #mobileLeftMenu .sidebar-nav li { line-height: 20px; width: 100%; transition: all .3s; border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea; border-bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea; } #mobileLeftMenu .sidebar-nav li a { text-align: left; padding-left: 40px; } #mobileLeftMenu .stack-menu__link--back { background-color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; } #mobileLeftMenu .modal.left .modal-dialog .freetextblock { padding: 0 !important; } #mobileLeftMenu p { margin: 0 !important; } .scroll_down .tmx-header-top-area { height: 0; min-height: 0; overflow: hidden; } @media (min-width: 992px) { .scroll_down .d-flex.flex-row.tmx-navbar-bottom.tmx-master-padding { height: 0; overflow: hidden !important; } } @media (max-width: 991.9999px) { form#quick-search-form { top: initial !important; bottom: 7px; } .scroll_down .tmx-navbar-top.tmx-master-padding {height: 0 !important;overflow: hidden;} } "; var $self = $(this); As an aside, none of the modern "musical instrument lacquers" are very close to the oldies such as Nikolas. Guitar Toner Aerosols are used to add controllable, even color to the guitar. last_scroll = y; After the lacquer has cured on the guitar's body, it should be allowed to dry for two weeks in a warm, dry location. return ( } Mohawk Perfect Blend Lacquer Model #: M10207 . ) { padding: 10px; 2. Made from fade resistant dyes, they apply transparent color so the beauty of the wood shows through, yet they are strong enough that several coats will create the dark sunburst effect that is so popular on guitars.
$(".tmx-cart")[0] amber tone when applied lightly and builds warmth with added depth
var $orderSummary = $(this, virtual_dom).children(); } catch (e) {}; Pro-Mark Marker 12 Pack Assortment #1 } else if(isCategory) { I got mine with 1200.000vnd in last a few years and still using ok. London, United. Total price: $54.94. function check() { position: relative; .cart-slideout .item .status-msg { stewmax_price = m[0]; } #stewmax-learn-more .list { success: load_cart, o.disconnect(); #stewmax-learn-more a { Nitrocellulose lacquer is the highest quality finish for guitars and other stringed instruments such as ukuleles and mandolins. })(); Aerosol sprays are efficient and economical and are ideal for finishing without the expense and inconvenience of a full spray gun and compressor setup. eCategory: event.eCategory || "", let trustModal = ` if(typeof window.cs_low_stock !== 'undefined') X
$(this).find('.tmx-variant-name').text().trim() $('.js-add-to-cart').replaceWith(` or . ); var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { var limit_max = true; WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. }, 200); font-size: 24px; $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] Wood. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. var items = $(".pdp-product-variant").map(function() { nitrocellulose lacquer based sealer with added vinyl resin designed
The first step is to sand the body with 800-grit sandpaper to a flat, dull finish. var update_instock = function() { When a clear finish is needed over whites, bright colors, or light wood tones, } 14.99.
FREE Shipping and Returns finish is rubbed using 4/0 Steel Wool to burnish the finish to a
Machine Mart sell an ideal respirator for under 20 including organic solvent cartridges. I was in a store recently that sold sculpture and mold making supplies and they had quarts of nitrocellulose Lacquer. The vintage nitro lacquer appears to look more like tea, while the modern version is similar in appearance to canola oil. If at any time our products break, wear out, or fail to exceed expectations simply return for a replacement.
Cart Subtotal (${cart.item_count}): ${cart.subtotal}
} #stewmax-learn-more .close { // early execution ColorTone Black Aerosol Guitar Lacquer | Guitar Spray Paint | ubicaciondepersonas.cdmx.gob.mx. When applied at heavier depths then rubbed to perfection, a much greater shine and depth of finish is achieved. StewMac Guitar Buffer with 120-volt Motor, To give you a faster and more personalized shopping experience, our site uses cookies, View All All Hardware + Parts by Instrument, View All WOODSTAX - Shop Tonewood by the Piece. MA612-25208. Let it dry till it's hard, maybe a week, then level it with wet-or-dry, finer and finer grits until it is polished same as the rest of the finish. update_instock(); }; M113-1202. Mohawk Classic Instrument Lacquer has been specially formulated by Mohawk USA for finishing guitars and other stringed instruments. })(); dataLayer.push(event); // https://www.magictoolbox.com/magiczoomplus/integration/ padding-bottom: 20px; } Tone Finish Clear Lacquer Sanding Sealer One of the most versatile products used in furniture touchup. observer.observe(document.documentElement, { */ I used Mohawk Stringed Instrument Lacquer. let trustSealImage = `

`; 'widget_id':65000001034 function load_cart(cart_url) { .cart-slideout .cart .btn { It may not display this or other websites correctly. obs.observe(pv, {childList: true, subtree: true}); If it's not lacquer, you can use super-glue on a poly finish, similar technique. Add to Wish list Quick view. display: flex; A-A-665D is a nitrocellulose lacquer that is packaged in an aerosol can. I believe I sanded using 320 then 400. I start. Home; 2023-01-14; 2023-01-13; 2023-01-12; 2023-01-11; 2023-01-10; 2017-05-30; 2020-10-30; . function code() { }, true, false, false, document.querySelector('.js-product-variants')); Our unique formulas are shipped at spray viscosity to help you save time and money by getting the build you need with less application. var has_class = h.classList.contains("scroll_down"); })();
Save on Strings, WoodStax, and Apparel document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function(e) { Ready to spray with no thinning required, for faster finish build-up in multiple coats; . This creates an overlay at the top of the page when an item is added to cart.
When applied at
This website uses cookies and other tracking technologies (also known as pixels or beacons) to aid your experience (such as viewing videos), as well as performance cookies to analyze your use of this website and to assist with marketing efforts. border: solid 2px; This item: Mohawk Finishing Classic Instrument Lacquer 1 Qt M610-1406. Wood Touch Up, Repair, Cleaning And Polishing Products For Your Everyday Life. h.classList.add("scroll_down"); }); if (timeout_killswitch) setTimeout( Ian Davlin, master repair tech from Lark Street Music shows the right way to fix a guitar finish blemish on this R9 Gibson Les Paul. width: 100%; Or at LEAST have sprayed a test over one of the scrap test jobs done before starting on the guitar. } Javascript is used to collapse and expand the header by adding/removing a class depending on scroll direction. Oxford . 2 to 3 banjo . variantZoomStyle.textContent = ` } catch (e) { Get monthly blogs, research, news, and more right to your inbox. border-radius: 100%; .tmx-variant-image a { var check_customer_service = function (checkCount = 0) { } The finish on the Chando Reverse Bamboo Blender Stratic Electric guitar is in a clear Mohawk Nitrocellulose Lacquer. IT'S NOT LACQUER! || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/bridges-and-tailpieces/') ); It has a pale color compared to most other amber lacquers . var isInternational = $('#SelectedCountry').val() !== 'USA'; For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. let data_srcset = img.getAttribute('data-srcset'); These lacquers are our best selling and easiest to use nitrocellulose formulation and perfect for applying to interior wooden surfaces. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/acoustic-guitar-parts/acoustic-guitar-tuning-machine-heads/') So, select a small but unnoticeable section of your guitar finish and prepare to test it. if(inp !== null && avail.length && limit_max) . Fast-drying and resistant to alcohol and water, it produces a hard, durable finish that enhances the beauty of the wood. . .tmx-variant-image a.active-variant-border { var to_price = (p.replace('$', '') * cE).toFixed(2); background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
Dye allowed for pretty translucent finishes and fantastic sunbursts. Mohawk Classic Instrument Finish replaces Behlen Stringed Instrument Lacquer a product we used for many years and featured in my video Spray Lacquer for Guitars It is hands-down, the most forgiving, easiest finish to spray, flows out beautifully, and rubs out to a beautiful sheen. childList: true, } If you do not wish to accept cookies from this website, you can choose to not allow cookies from this website by updating your browser preferences. cartContainer.addClass("cart-header"); $("body").append(trustModal); Mohawk Perfect Blend Lacquer $ USD 30.99 Select options Brand: Mohawk; Oxford Oil Based Grain Filler 8oz Tin - Dark Walnut . var h = hm.parentElement; font-size: 19px; if (!$(e.target).closest('.content-wrap')[0]) { Pigmented lacquers allowed for great custom guitar colours. I paid about $9 shipping for a quart ($23.95), and it looks like it will be delivered to me from Quebec tomorrow or Thursday (courier). Nitrolacquer made from the original DuPont recipes. position: absolute; }); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { } Its a nitrocellulose lacquer. font-size: 20px; align-items: flex-end; Array.from( We use the returnUrl query parameter to determine if they're coming from checkout. Seals in stains prior to final topcoat of finish for faster build up. Most orders are despatched the next working day. You should wear a properly fitted vapour respirator during the application and drying of nitrocellulose lacquer. let e = document.createElement('a'); SOLO Music Gear store is the best manufacturer and distributor of DIY Guitar kits, Strat kits, bass kits, bodies, necks and parts in Vaughan, CA. let cartContainer = $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent(); color: #c00; Re: Guitar Prices. FREE Aerosol Guitar Finishing CourseGet a pro quality finish on your next guitar! h.classList.remove("scroll_down"); } $('.stewmax-container__message-check p').wrap('
'); document.querySelector("head").appendChild(css); color: #ff0000; if(r !== null && (dv !== null && dv.indexOf('|') == -1)) { Primer: PT-522 I realize that many here use Behlen Nitrocellulose Stringed Instrument Lacquer for their finishes. The Gear Page is the leading online community and marketplace for guitars, amps, pedals, effects and associated gear. } setTimeout(zoom_observer, 500);
mohawk nitrocellulose lacquer guitar
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