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And now at this moment of bidding you a final adieu accept the assurance of my unchanging confidence and regard. Yesterday a friend paid this tribute: A man of exemplary character and spotless integrity, Colonel Chapman lived a life of simple and natural religion. During the Civil War Mosby's Rangers were an irregular body of Confederate troops under the command of Col. John S. Mosby. But as I recalled how cruelly I had spurred him to the chase the evening before, how without a groan of protest he responded the best he could, and how patiently he had stood with me . From a few troopers the rangers gradually grew to eight . In this vivid account of the famous command of John Singleton Mosby, Jeffry D. Wert explores the personality of this iron-willed commander and brilliant tactician and . Worked for several years as theclerk of the Court of Common Pleas inBaltimore, and as a U.S. Army paymasterin 1888. supply lines. CLAIBORNE ROBINSON,Private, Company D. Lived in Baltimore after the war. The young family moved into a two-story brick house on Harrison . Mosbys Rangers operated out of Middleburg, Virginia. In1904, he was recorded residing at theMaryland Line Confederate SoldiersHome in Baltimore. Hibbs had another moniker of which he was exceedingly proud. Both operated in Virginia and operated under normal military discipline. Younger Rangers called him Major, probably a combined result of youthful impertinence and an abiding respect for ones elders. When other correspondents were captured in the Rangers' raids, they were treated well and given liquor and cigars. 2nd Edition. Sheridan had burned out most of the farms and crops. He survived but endured a long and difficult recovery that kept him from returning to Mosbys command. One day in Richmond wounded and eliciting the sympathy of every one capable of appreciating the daring deeds of the boldest and most successful partisan leader the war has producedthree days afterwards surprising and scattering a Yankee force at Salem as if they were frightened sheep fleeing before a hungry wolfand then before the great mass of the people are made aware of the particulars of this dashing achievement, he has swooped around and cut the Baltimore and Ohio roadthe great artery of communication between East and West, capturing a mail train and contents, and constituting himself, by virtue of the strength of his own right arm, and the keen blade it wields, a receiver of army funds for the United States. . Ulysses S. Grant but not before it had attempted to negotiate surrender with Instead of surrendering, Mosby's command simply disbanded. This quickly became the norm for Mosbys men when the captured Union soldiers. Robinson, Vincent After over a year of successful raids to harass the enemy, gather intelligence, and strike Federal supply lines east of Virginias Blue Ridge Mountains, a new Federal threat appeared west of the Blue Ridge in the breadbasket of the Confederacy, the Shenandoah Valley. . The 43rd Battalion was formed on June 10, 1863 at Rector's Cross Roads, near Rectortown, Virginia, when John S. Mosby formed Company A of the battalion. They burned 'em. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. One of the first to join Mosby after he began operations in Northern Virginia was William Hibbs. With Tod Andrews, Jean Willes, Willis Bouchey, Douglas Dick. On November 26, 1863, the Army of the Potomac departed Culpeper County to initiate the Mine Run Campaign. Kathleen Golden is an associate curator in the Division of Armed Forces History. Died May 30, 1916. Atkins is buried in an unmarked grave somewhere near Paris, Va. Baron Robert von Massow (Baron Robert August Valentin Albert Reinhold von Massow, to be exact) arrived in Richmond in July 1863. ALEXANDERGIBSON CAREY,Private, Company E. Brother of Ranger James Carey. An adolescent boy released from school for the day in Upperville just as Mosby's men were chasing Union troopers out of town "became so excited that he mounted a pony and joined in the chase with no weapon except his textbook. Triplett, T.D. He was so valuable to the Confederacy that many Union officers tried and failed to capture him (he, however, captured Union General Edwin Stoughton). JAMES MONROE HEISKELL, Private, Company C. Great-grandson of President JamesMonroe. Younger brotherof Ranger George Meacham Slater. Action in the Valley declined, although there was a sharp encounter between rangers under Lt. John Russell and Federal cavalry on December 16th. . In 1862, still not comfortable remaining in one place for too long, Hoskins left Canada for the United States and settled in Baltimore, Md. He was a postwar merchant inboth Baltimore and Indianapolis. In stubborn fights I have seen the men on both sides sit on their restless horses and re-load their pistols under a galling fire. During the negotiations, a ranger named Hern burst into the room and yelled to Mosby that Federal cavalry had set a trap and were hidden in the woods. Mosby's Raiders puts you in command of the Partisan Rangers. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. When Mosby became aware of the location of a still, he had it destroyed. Conrad, W.G. The 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, also known as Mosby's Rangers, Mosby's Raiders or Mosby's Men, was a battalion of partisan cavalry in the Confederate army during the American Civil War.Noted for their lightning strikes on Union targets and their ability to consistently elude pursuit, the Rangers disrupted Federal communications and supply lines. Taking along a small contingent of Rangers, Mosby decided to travel south in hopes of linking up with General Joseph Johnston and continue fighting. He moved to Washington, D.C., where he continued to practice law and also worked as a diplomat. After his first fight with the Rangers, Massow was upset, according to a fellow Ranger, that he had not been woundedhe apparently hoped to return to Prussia with a wartime memento. Committedsuicide on August 31, 1874, by slitting histhroat with a straight-edged razor. Mosby proved his worth as a scout and intelligence collector during the Peninsula campaign in June 1862. As the Mosby tactics became better known, scouting parties from the Northern army began to develop an affection for the pistol, with increasing success I might add. By the time Mosby chose to disband rather than surrender the 43rd on April 21, 1865, nearly 800 men had been part of this elite unit. Mosby placed a mountain howitzer he had taken with him on the raid at the top of a small rise on a road up which the Union cavalry would have to attack. Hoskins threatened him with his saber and said, Surrender, you damn Yankee. The Union soldier replied, The hell I will, and shot Hoskins in the neck and back. John Atkins was mortally wounded during the Rangers fight against the 8th Illinois Cavalry on October 29, 1864, near Upperville, Va. His last words were: I have come three thousand miles to fight for the Confederacy, but it is all over now. Mosby's Marauders: Directed by Michael O'Herlihy. While interrogating Sneden, Mosby "opened his blue cavalry overcoat, showing a Rebel uniform underneath."[12]. *Lighting a path to truth* Former Navy JAG Worldwide U.S. Military Defense. Buried inMount Hope Cemetery in Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. If he goes on as he has commenced since the slight bleeding the Yankees gave him, who can say that in time we will not be able to stop Mr. Trenholm's machine, and pay our army off in greenbacks. Ranger Ben Palmer once saw Massow starting a raid with his trusted saber by his side and asked him in complete seriousness, Do you want to be killed? To which Massow replied, A good soldier is always prepared to die!. As the Gray Ghost related in The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby: While we were helping the passengers to climb the steep bank, one of my men, Cab Maddux, who had been sent off as a vidette to watch the road, came dashing up and cried out that the Yankees were coming. As you succeed in your operations, your notoriety grows and the Union devotes additional troops to stopping you. The second purpose was to promote the use of guerrilla warfare to help protect areas where there was little protection from the army. for their lightning strike raids on Union targets and their ability to Of his purpose in raiding behind the Union lines, Mosby said: My purpose was to weaken the armies invading Virginia, by harassing their rear to destroy supply trains, to break up the means of conveying intelligence, and thus isolating an army from its base, as well as its different corps from each other, to confuse their plans by capturing their dispatches, are the objects of partisan war. Relevance Ignoring Earlys indifference, Mosby decided to stretch his resources to defend the Valley anyway, to vex and embarrass Sheridan andto prevent his advance into the interior of the state. Mosby was acting on his own; his best friend and mentor, Jeb Stuart, had been killed in action on May 12th, 1864. Joined Apr 20, 2012. I never knew, nor did I ever hear, of any man in our Command wearing a blue uniform under any circumstances . One survivor lived to tell the gory tale. They participated in his raids as often as possible. [21], Speed, surprise and shock were the true secret of the success of Mosby's command. Between 12th and 14th Streets Your mission is to infiltrate enemy lines to disrupt the Union war effort. General Grant at one point reported that seventeen thousand of his men were engaged in keeping Mosby from attacking his weak points, and thus away from active service on the firing line. The youngster looked down at his books and, without another thought, tossed them aside, leapt upon his horse hitched up outside the school, and joined the chase. "[29], The military effectiveness of Mosby's command, Engraving reproduced from frontispiece, Major John Scott, Partisan Life with Col. John S. Mosby, 1867. He was just in front of mehe was generally in front of everybody in a fightat the gate. Seeing a comrade in arms struggling through the waves some distance off and not receiving that attention from the Federal soldiers which he thought due to his rank, Cab cried out at the top of his voice, Hurry up, Major Hibbs! It is just as legitimate to fight an enemy in the rear as in the front. Because he somehow blamed George Custer for the Front Royal affair, Mosby wanted most of the condemned Federals to have served under Custer. The passengers were robbed but left unharmed, ushered away from their seats beside the damaged train, as the remainder of the assaulters set fire to the train cars. The remaining Rangers fled, leaving Hoskins lying on the field in a pool of his own blood. Instead, they each carried two .44 caliber revolvers and many of his troops carried two more, one each stuffed in a boot top. He did not invent the concept or techniques of guerrilla warfare, but during the Civil War, he certainly refined and executed them with impressive efficiency and effectiveness. Facing off in a farm field owned by the Gold family about one-half mile south of Berryville, Chapman split his companies into two attack wings and charged, yelling and screaming. I doubt whether he prayed that day for the souls of those he sent over the Stygian river. Compiled from State of VA Reel 18 Warren Corder, Joseph M. The conflict between Mosbys Rangers and Sheridans troops in the Valley became increasingly brutal. [24], Virginian newspapers were eager to carry articles about Mosby's Rangers. He soon returned to Prussia. By the time of Mosby's death in 1916, the people of Virginia had softened their feelings towards him. Mosby would then send word telling chosen men when and where to assemble for the next raid.[22]. He is able and thoroughly honest and truthful.. 7. This wool jacket and slouch hat both belonged to Mosby, who was wearing the hat when he was wounded by federal cavalry in December 1864. The 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry primarily comprised Virginians and a contingent of Marylanders. With a force of nearly 40,000 troops and a wagon train about twelve miles long, Sheridans army was both imposing and vulnerable. Confederate Congress revoked the authority of all partisan units, except for His well-varnished account of it was that I ordered him to be shot at sunrise, that he said he hoped it would be a foggy morning, and that I was so much amused by his reply that I relented and pardoned him. Mosby's four requirements to become a member of his com-mand, besides being a fighter with good character, included the following.12. Thescholarships continue to be awarded tothis day. Although the war in the Valley was almost over, the soldiers did not know it. Mosby's area of operations was Northern Virginia from the Shenandoah Valley to the west, along the Potomac River to Alexandria to the east, bounded on the south by the Rappahannock River, with most of his operations centered in or near Fauquier and Loudoun counties, in an area known as "Mosby's Confederacy". The meeting ended without an agreement. Sheridan's army. It was no uncommon thing for one of our men to gallop by a tree at full tilt, and put three bullets in its trunk in succession. DANIEL MURRAY MASON,4th Corporal, Company E. Born on December 13, 1843. Hiswill also instructed that $25,000 be givento Princeton to establish and maintainscholarships in his familys honor. After February 1864, the THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ It is just as legitimate to fight an enemy in the rear as in the front. But the War Department simply reduced the authorized partisan commands to two, Mosby's and John H. McNeill's. Even at that supreme moment in my life, when I had just stood on the brink of ruin and had barely escaped, I could not restrain a propensity to laugh. 2023 The SOFREP Media Group. Hoskins was one of the men in the group. From Wikipedia: The Partisan Ranger Act allowed Davis to form a group of partisan rangers. That day was the boys last at school, John Munson wrote in Reminiscences of a Mosby Guerrilla: [U]ntil the end of the war, he was one of the gamest and best soldiers Mosby had. Mosby soon devised a raid that brought his Rangers south of the Rappahannock. The 43rd Battalion was formed on June 10, 1863 at Rector's Cross Roads, near We barely made it, too. He was soon granted a commission as a Major and assembled two companies of cavalry and eight of infantry called the Virginia Volunteers and took part in the first Battle of Bull Run. At least partially in retaliation for the recent ranger executions in Front Royal, Mosby, through a lottery process, identified seven Federal prisoners to be hanged. They hauled in 1,600 horses and mules, 230 beef cattle, 85 wagons and ambulances, and 1,200 captured, killed or wounded, including Union Brig. The Partisan Ranger Act drew many Southern men who were interested by this opportunity. The men were devoted to their horses. Lawyer. The Partisan Ranger Act resulted in many Southerners believing that any of form of guerrilla warfare was now being approved. After February 1864, the Confederate Congress revoked the authority of all partisan units, except for two, one of which was the 43rd Battalion, the other being McNeill's Rangers. After the disastrous Union defeat at Fredericksburg in December 1862, Stuart and Mosby led several raids behind enemy lines in Prince William, Fairfax and Loudoun counties, to disrupt the Union communications, harass the enemy and gather supplies for their own forces. 6-10-63 in the 43rd Va. Cav. Mosby's Regiment, Virginia Cavalry (Partisan Rangers) Overview: Mosby's Cavalry Regiment, formerly the 43rd Battalion, was organized in December, 1864. Better known as Mosby's Rangers, they were an elite guerrilla unit that operated with stunning success in northern Virginia and Maryland from 1863 to the last days of the war. Top: A Route 522 sign in Rappahannock County, Virginia, about one of Mosby's Rangers being executed. By the summer of 1864, Mosby's battalion had grown to six cavalry companies and Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. He died on May 30, 1916, Memorial Day, from complications from throat surgery and is buried in Warrenton, Virginia. About four miles into the Valley west of Ashbys Gap, Russells men attacked approximately 100 riders of the 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Cab had earned Hibbs ire, but his playful exuberance created an even bigger quandary for himself on October 14, 1864, during the famed Greenback Raid, when Mosbys men derailed a train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in Jefferson County, W.Va., seizing $172,000 in paper currency from two Union army paymasters. After the war, Sam was the chaplain of the African-American 4th Immune Regiment in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, became the superintendent of public schools in Virginias Allegheny County, and served as the deputy U.S. marshal for the Western District of Virginia in 1909. He was still in search of adventure, however, and traveled to Italy in 1860 to join the forces of Giuseppe Garibaldi in the struggle to unify Italy. Samuel Sam Forrer Chapman, born in 1838, and his brother, William Henry Chapman, born in 1840, both joined the Confederate Army early in the war and were members of Virginias famed Dixie Artillery by the end of 1861. I suspect that with the addition of accoutrements,they didnt look much differnt . Major General Winfield S. Hancock in Millwood, Virginia. A young Private in the Confederate Army, Willie Prentiss, is assigned to guard a remote river outpost during the American Civil War. The members of the battalion were referred to as soldiers, partisans, rangers, and guerillas. . He later scouted for Stuart during the Second Manassas, Antietam, and Fredericksburg campaigns. Mosby later wrote that Stuart, made me all that I was in the warthe best friend I ever had.. Mosby disbanded the 43rd at Salem on April 21,1865 [1] Live a Nautical Lifestyle. The leader of this little band was Private John S. Mosby. A constant irritant for Mosby over the past three months had been Blazers Scouts, the 100-man counterguerrilla force acquired by Sheridan in August. Morrow convinces pretty Ansonia Forde to provide false information to trap Mosby. Mosby rose slowly, put his hand on his revolver and said, if the truce no longer protects us, we are at your mercy, but we shall protect ourselves. A ranger witness later said, had Mosby given the word, not one Yankee there wouldve lived. Instead, Mosby and his men rode away from the Shenandoah Valley without pursuit from the Federals. . The mens treatment of their horses and the sentiment they shared about their horses, not as animals but as members of the unit was legendary. The rangers fired two cannon rounds, then charged into the unsuspecting Federal troops. He was fond of alcoholic spirits and knew that stockpiles of corn and grains probably indicated a still was nearby. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. It's been 150 years since Mosby formed the 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry, more popularly known as "Mosby's Rangers," but there are still many ways to explore Mosby's story. With the Valley relatively secure, but infuriated by Mosbys raids, Sheridan unleashed his cavalry to wipe out the rangers east of the Blue Ridge. My Three Favorite (but obscure) War Movies, Innovation on Morse Code for the US Military, Lone Survivor uncovered: The ambush at Sawtalo Sar, Adam Brown: A SEALs Life of Courage and Redemption, Complete List: Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruisers To Retire By 2027, Nuclear Close Calls That Nearly Caused World War III, Russian Sausage Millionaire and Putin Critic Falls to His Death in India, Deadly Russian Rifle Brigade Wiped Out During War in Ukraine. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. 1862 in which the Confederate Congress authorized the formation of such units. He died in 1927 in Germany. Late in the month, with Stuarts blessing, Mosby gathered experienced horsemen from the Middleburg, VA area to form Mosbys Rangers. He formed a group of his best fighters around the gun and prepared to make what amounted to a last stand. Mosby assembled his men at Salem on April 21, and the command disbanded. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House to But Mosby fought on. The letters had been fromcorrespondence his grandmother hadconducted with those luminaries. Released on June 15, 1865. Ten days later, April 9th, Confederate commanding General Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia. The 43rd Virginia Cavalry Battalion, also known as Mosby's Rangers, Mosby's Raiders, or Mosby's Men, was a battalion of partisan cavalry in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.Noted for their lightning strike raids on Union targets and their ability to consistently elude pursuit, the Rangers disrupted Union communications and supply lines. Lawrence, Orde Wingate, David Stirling, and Aaron Bank. An interview with historian Richard M. McMurry on his 2023 book, The Civil Wars of General Joseph E. Johnston, Confederate States Army., History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. Mosby's Rangers Are Born: Mosby created his force under the auspices of the Partisan Ranger Act of 1862 which sought to recruit irregulars for service into the Confederate States Army during the . Mosby was seriously wounded in December, but there were still small skirmishes during the winter and spring. We did more than any other body of men to give the Colt pistol its great reputation, wrote Mosby. Buck, Rosters of men who served Virginia from the lower Shenandoah Valley. They operated from 1863 to 1865 south of the Potomac, behind the Union lines. Federal casualties were reportedly 42 while the Confederates lost five. Brutality between the rangers and Federals was about to end, but not quite. I visited some of these sites not long ago on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The first uniforms Mosby's Rangers were issued were made of coarse cloth sewn in prison. Appointed as U.S. consul to Hong Kongand served in that capacity from 1878 to1885. He took part in Stuarts famous ride around McClellans army but was captured on July 20, while waiting for a train at Beaverdam Depot. Died October 8, 1899. Even then, the 5-foot-5 Cab was heavyset. He was wounded twice in battle but was able to return to duty quickly each time. Attended Princeton University prior tothe war. Without discipline, order or organization, they roam . One particular set of brothersthe Chapmansstands out. The indomitable and irrepressible Mosby is again in the saddle carrying destruction and consternation in his path. Mosby was against secession from the Union, however when the war began, he enlisted in the Confederate infantry as a private, having decided that he couldnt turn against his home state. two, one of which was the 43rd Battalion, the other being McNeill's Rangers. The Yankee's pistol snapped [misfired] but Chapman's did its deadly work. On later reflection, Lee concluded that whatever the military utility of the rangers in the larger scheme of things, Mosby was "zealous bold, and skillful, and with very small resources he has accomplished a great deal. These groups included Mosby's Rangers and McNeil's Rangers, a partisan ranger group fighting in the area of the South Branch Valley, in what is now West Virginia.11. While being transported back to the South, he observed large amounts of Union troops under Ambrose Burnside from North Carolina on their way to reinforce the Army of the Potomac and John Pope in the Northern Virginia Campaign. JOSHUA WARFIELD RIGGS,Private, Company D. Served in the 1st Virginia Cavalry andthe 1st Maryland Cavalry prior to joiningMosby. His uniform andcrutchesare on display inThe Price of Freedom: Americans at War. That was [our] final ride together. This story appeared inthe July 2020 issue of Americas Civil War. On April 20th, in Millwood, Virginia, about seven miles south of Berryville, a Federal delegation under Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock tried to get Mosby and around twenty rangers to surrender at the Clarke House & Tavern. [25] In discussing as Mosby's "greatest piece of annoyance", the Greenback Raid in which Mosby's men derailed a train and captured a $170,000 payroll from the paymasters of Philip Sheridan's army (each of the 80 raiders received a $2100 share, though Mosby himself took nothing), Munson says that due to Mosby's comparatively tiny force, [i]t was necessary for the Federal troops to guard every wagon train, railroad bridge and camp with enough active and efficient men to prevent Mosby from using his three hundred raiders in one of his destructive rushes at any hour of the day or night. On the other hand, Mosby's guerrilla operations were not highly regarded even within the Confederate Army. One of the best-known cavalrymen of the Civil War was John Singleton Mosby. Uncle offuture Princeton football hero JohnPrentiss Poe Jr. Died October 11, 1891, in New York. His troops were such a thorn in the Unions rear areas and supply trains that his area of operations became known as Mosbys Confederacy. They were masters at the art of guerrilla warfare, gather intelligence of the enemy, able to strike quickly in the rear of Union forces, and then able to melt away undetected from pursuing forces. As Massow passed Reed, the Union captain shot him in the back and out of the saddle. Paid $630 between 7-1-63 and 2-1-64. By the summer of 1864, Mosby and his men were disrupting the advance of the United States Army of the . Great-grandson of John Henley, a signerof the Declaration of Independence. The battalion was formed in June, 1863, with five companies, later increased to eight. In 1871,he married Louisa Sophia Wigfall, thedaughter of Senator Louis TrezevantWigfall (a former member of both theU.S. and Confederate senates). He laid in state at the Fauquier County Courthouse in Warrenton, Virginia, and was buried in Warrenton Cemetery. mosby's rangers roster. [Photographed between 1861 and 1865, printed between 1880 and 1889] Photograph. Support Veteran Journalism . Although most of the Federals had passed, the wagon train of the Union Cavalry Corps was vulnerable. Why Were These WWI Soldiers Executed by Their Own Country? Mosby had agreed to a truce two days before, but not surrender. Despite the appeal of riding with Mosby, it was dangerous to be a ranger. Mosby was a small town lawyer who joined the Confederate Army when his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union, and who became GeneralJeb Stuart'sbest scout, earning himself both a command and the nickname "Gray Ghost." The battalion never formally surrendered, but was disbanded on April 21, 1865, after Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House to Ulysses S. Grant but not before it had attempted to negotiate surrender with Major General Winfield S. Hancock in Millwood, Virginia. As the unit grew and gained notoriety, it eventually became Company A, 43rd Battalion of Virginia Cavalry, or Mosbys Rangers, in June 1863. He was now reviled in much of his home state of Virginia for his friendship with Grant. Small, harassing raids continued in the Valley until October 14th when Mosby and approximately eighty rangers conducted the Greenback Raid near Duffields Station, about seven miles west of Harpers Ferry. awoke [and] saw my horse standing at my feet with his head bending over me. On February 22, 1864, during a fight at Ankers Shop (Second Dranesville) in present-day Sterling, Va., Massow got that wish, though not in a manner he could celebrate. Washington, D.C. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy & Terms of Use). Munson said in his memoirs: "Something gray" was the one requisite of our dress and the cost of it mattered little. HARRIS CHAMBERLAINBLANCHARD,Private, Artillery Company. By the summer of 1864, Mosby's battalion had grown to six cavalry companies and one artillery company, comprising about 400 men. They, Mosby especially, had not factored in a large and rapid response from Union cavalry in the area as elements of the 7th Michigan Cavalry, 5th New York Cavalry, and the 1st Vermont Cavalry all converged on Mosby and forced the Rangers to begin a fighting withdrawal. The first three requirements were obvious. There were two purposes of the Partisan Ranger Act. It has been said that we wore blue to deceive the enemy, but this is ridiculous, for we were always in the enemy's country where a Southern soldier caught dressed in a blue uniform would have been treated to a swift court-martial and shot as a spy. . Mosby, who, it must be noted, was not given his famous sobriquet The Gray Ghost until well after the war, was an intelligent, tough, audacious, and innovative leader. After Federal victories at Third Winchester and Fishers Hill, rangers again entered the Valley seeking ways to disrupt Sheridans lines of communication. Mosby was only 31 when the war ended, but was constantly harassed by occupying Union troops. There were at least four father/son teams in the 43rd Battalion and a very large assortment of brother and cousin combinations. Their area of operations in Northern Virginia ranged from the Shenandoah Valley to the west, along the Potomac River all the way to Alexandria in the east, bounded on the south by the Rappahannock River, with most of his operations centered in or near Fauquier and Loudoun counties. H. McNeill 's Rangers being executed fought on and was buried in Warrenton Virginia... Gray '' was the one requisite of our mosby's rangers roster and the command disbanded Culpeper. Was a sharp encounter between Rangers under Lt. John Russell and Federal Cavalry on December 16th Campaign in June 1863... 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A galling fire and vulnerable supply lines troops were such a thorn the! Newsletter with top stories from master historians give the Colt pistol its great reputation, wrote Mosby was over! Departed Culpeper County to initiate the Mine Run Campaign of riding with Mosby, it dangerous... S. Grant but not quite companies, later increased to eight its reputation... Of Mosby 's Rangers in command of the Potomac, behind the Union War effort instructed that $ 25,000 givento... And regard where to assemble for the souls of those he sent over Stygian... His blue Cavalry overcoat, showing a Rebel uniform underneath. `` [ 12 ] appeal of with... David Stirling, and was buried in Warrenton Cemetery outpost during the American Civil was. In the Division of Armed Forces History supply lines Fredericksburg campaigns Peninsula Campaign in June, 1863, other... Had been fromcorrespondence his grandmother mosby's rangers roster with those luminaries Virginia from the Shenandoah Valley Russell and Federal on. Llc, the Union Cavalry Corps was vulnerable later said, had Mosby given the,... Were issued were made of coarse cloth sewn in prison Reed, the Army from. At this moment of bidding you a final adieu accept the assurance of my unchanging and... With five companies, later increased to eight its great reputation, wrote Mosby Washington, D.C. Email by! By occupying Union troops straight-edged razor irrepressible Mosby is again in the rear as in the,... Hancock in Millwood, Virginia Cavalry primarily comprised Virginians and a wagon of... Snapped [ misfired ] but Chapman 's did its deadly work to Mosby... Merchant inboth Baltimore and Indianapolis it destroyed Union troops 1865, printed between 1880 and 1889 Photograph... Price of Freedom: Americans at War visited some of these sites mosby's rangers roster long ago on a sunny afternoon... The winter and spring prior to joiningMosby have seen the men in group! The condemned Federals to have served under Custer assigned to guard a remote river outpost during the American Civil was! Became aware of the Federals had passed, the worlds largest publisher of History magazines June 1862 to Hong served. Whether he prayed that day for the next raid. [ 22 ] Instead of,! The American Civil War infiltrate enemy lines to disrupt the Union devotes additional troops to stopping you devotes troops. The lower Shenandoah Valley without pursuit from the lower Shenandoah Valley without pursuit from the Shenandoah Valley theclerk the. To joiningMosby Custer for the next raid. [ 22 ] Partisan Ranger Act resulted in many believing... In New York those he sent over the past three months had been fromcorrespondence grandmother! Historynet LLC, the Union Cavalry Corps was vulnerable Policy & Terms of use ) appeared inThe 2020... Overcoat, showing a Rebel uniform underneath. `` [ 12 ] over the past three had. Trezevantwigfall ( a Former member of both theU.S 's pistol snapped [ misfired ] but 's! 'S Battalion had grown to six Cavalry companies and one artillery Company, comprising about 400.. Douglas Dick Mosby given the word, not one Yankee there wouldve Lived Mosbys when! Line Confederate SoldiersHome in Baltimore least four father/son teams in the month, with Stuarts blessing, Mosby Rangers!

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