national geographic grant proposal example4/4 cello for sale

They award grants to individuals working on bold, innovative, and transformative projects in science, conservation, storytelling, education, & technology that align with one or more of their focus areas: For more information, visit exacerbate tensions, and community-wide patterns of adaptation to environmental scarcities are not well-formed, may be particularly vulnerable to water conflicts (Moench 2002). Then, tell us how you will measure that success. Fringe benefits are also excluded, as are salaries. Boulder: Westview Press. 0000004783 00000 n Who? The Society encourages applications from around the world. The proposed research will contribute to the doctoral training of a female graduate student, as well as the methods training of a Bolivian undergraduate from the Universidad Mayor de San Simn in Cochabamba. Who helps pay for it? Ohlsson, Leif Applicants are not required to have advanced degrees. 1995 Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History. This game will test trust and reciprocity among participants. Trujillo, Robert Budget Guidelines: Level I and Level II Grants, Level I Grants Program Pre-application Template, Level I Grants Program Full Application Template, Level II Grants Program Conservation Application Template, Level II Grants Program Education Application Template, Level II Grants Program Research Application Template, Level II Grants Program Storytelling Application Template, Level II Grants Program Technology Application Template. Data entry and coding Laughlin, Charles, Jr., and Ivan Brady In Lima, groups of siblings and cousins migrated together from the highlands. The theoretical perspective for the research comes from economic/ecological anthropology. ?1K[UrNu3VvJ+IhVo(Nnv_s~'Vf~/E>W{tc}L5LC#Lybm6bC2vi}\^mlIP>[%[q5B\hCo?oKLK|]HQnv:Q[4ssuUCOo/oh)JV%YMtGu_uLYZyBG{bey}[o4Zb?$i0 ), The project will be the first study to examine in what ways urban mutual support networks are affected by a scarce water supply. Collectively, they represent more than 140 countries and their work is advancing positive impact and transformative change for their planet. L. Beneria and S. Feldman, ed. Because of the amount of luggage the Co-PI will be traveling with, she will need to fly directly to Cochabamba. about our critical work to explore and protect our planet. The ability of a household to acquire sufficient water depends on its per capita income and its exchange relationships with other households. Level I and Level II applicants will be notified of funding decisions in September 2023. In Power, Politics, and Pentecostals in Latin America. q8ja?ki y\)nX)1iI{my3z+~3}//}:>{?O}?|_y?kIm>c\_~) ](G+?\CWP-]Ma8,z Jz%ePf(iF6q|c^^SwyF_u|(i'i1c>"/iqmKH!Ckc/kj`f,sLiAMSLNc =D1/XA>y\?gO?y'/%{ WuK;-!XID*cO>xb/%$$-:L\VG6mu{Q7pE.G81H[}L/ydz[6\ 18. )d#]>/Giq^pm|??8/lykc^(Do%b_>!x`_0m/_l!veA3ZomLDhCe_Fa^CXce6~r~W`b~l9]yW5xvfUHNM!M! During the second phase, I will conduct in-depth interviews Please be as specific as possible. Projects are typically funded for US $5,000 and cannot exceed US $10,000. 1972 Ethnocentrism: Theories of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes, and Group Behavior. You can become a National Geographic grantee by applying for one of our grants. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 40(4):637-656. Fill out YEG pre-application for Committee for Research and Exploration (CRE). 4. LEISURE TIME Who ate in the household in the last week? I will use t-tests to compare mean numbers of exchange and social interactions for the wet and dry season (H1, H2), and ANOVA to determine if levels of household water availability are associated with differences in mean levels of exchange and interaction (H3-H6). 0000037846 00000 n London: Zed Books. At this time, National Geographic cannot fund work in North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Crimea due to U.S. legal restrictions concerning projects in these countries. The research design has several strengths. Applications are now open for the National Geographic Society Grants Program to illuminate and protect the wonder of their world. 1993 Theories of Famine. I will examine each case to better understand the dynamics of tie breakage and water conflicts. We develop creative, novel, or scalable solutions to global sustainability challenges and projects that highlight breakthrough solutions and innovations. The anthropological literature on Andean survival strategies indicates that people form mutual support relationships based on five Presentation(Click here for Powerpoint slides). 1985 Coping with Risk: Reciprocity Among the Basarwa of Northern Botswana. Boulder: Westview Press. Through in-depth study of one case, the research will produce data with high internal validity. A laptop computer is essential for data entry, management, transcription, and analysis. In many Latin American cities, the arrival of new immigrants strains the ability of the local government to provide municipal services to all city residents Laughlin, Charles, Jr. First, you must submit a pre-application form online. Experimental game Please make sure that your browser is configured to receive cookies. Who is living in this house right now? Following anthropologists who have modified experimental economic methods to study economic behaviors in 15 small-scale societies (Henrich et al. The research will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are transformed by severe water scarcity. These additional state geological survey proposal examples from 2020 are available for reference to support proposal writing. Ross, Marc Howard H8. 1999 Theorizing the City. Level I Grants are only available to individuals who are entirely new to the National Geographic Society network, as well as individuals already in the network who are not yet Explorers, including team members on previous grants, National Geographic Young Explorers awarded in 2019 or later, recipients of discretionary funding opportunities such as the COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists and the COVID-19 Remote Learning Emergency Fund, and recipients of grants from the China Air & Water Fund. The National Geographic Society does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, age, or handicap. Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. However, a record of prior experience in the fields of research, conservation, or exploration should be submitted as it pertains to the proposed project. The study also has practical applications for those seeking to anticipate and manage coming conflicts over scarce freshwater. Invited applicants will have seven (7) weeks to submit a full application. In November and December, the researcher will conduct a series of experimental economic games will be run to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community. 1980 Participant Observation., Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants, Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for. hb``d``nc`e` B,@Q$]V%^W5p>9{0)9x\J[RYB{q5Qv4:s]VO77;r\0BCGDZ'd. Quantitative data for households will be entered directly into Excel spreadsheets. Cochabamba is a large Bolivian city located in a semi-arid zone, made famous in 2000 by city-wide protests and riots over water delivery. Data from the interviews will be used to construct an ordinal measure of water use (H4-6) and four interval-level dependent variables: the number of generalized reciprocal exchanges that occurred in the last week (H1,3), the number of households with which the respondents exchanged in the last week (H4), the number of social visits that occurred in the last week (H2,5), the number of households with which the respondents visited in the last week (H6). (independent variables H1-2), I will consult published records of precipitation in Cochabamba for 2004. Who contributes to the finances of the household? Sampling and choosing key informants Using the Unin Cristiana Evanglica census of Villa Israel as a sample frame, I will select a purposive sample of 60 households. (Also, it might be important to determine whether the community follows any kind of water distribution system. Consult the EC website for more information on the types of programs funded. Under Dr. Bernard's direction, I have conducted ethnographic interviews, transcribed narratives, and done text analysis, social network analysis, and multivariate analyses. Sociability in Bolivia, Principal Investigator: H. Russell Bernard water acquired by each household from all sources at the time of each interview, and will also ask the person responsible for collecting water to assess how much water was collected that day. However, as this level is highly competitive, applicants should make a strong case for why their project is relevant and impactful, and why they are best suited to carry out the work. This research will contribute to the doctoral training of a female doctoral student, as well as the methods training of a Bolivian undergraduate student from the This system works best on Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape 6.0 or higher. G1. Clear justification for preserving the selected data and materials should be provided, includinghow the results of the project meet the organization priorities and benefit stakeholders and society. 2. In using Stack's ethnographic interview protocol and Berg et al. Finally, the use of three forms of data collection household interviews, interviews with key informants, and an experimental game will enable me to check the results of each method against the other, facilitating identification of sample biases, hoax answers, or other data problems. Homer-Dixon, Thomas Two of these projects took place in Mexico and Bolivia, where I honed my ability to do research in Spanish. If you apply for more than one year of funding, your proposal will be sent back to you to revise and resubmit for the next deadline. Click here to Get Email Alerts about the Latest Grants, Level I grants receive funding up to $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for. Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time. The only weakness of any consequence in the proposal is that virtually no attention is given as to how the coding will proceed. Proposal applicants are encouraged to consider the following guidance for drafting impactful proposals: The presentation is available from the July 19, 2022 and August 10, 2022 webinars on the NGGDPP Webinar on FY2023 Program Announcement. Cost-share requirements and package submission to do not apply to the DOI. I will use repeated measures ANOVA to test hypotheses 9 and 10. At this funding level, grantees will provide mentorship within the Explorer community, contribute their expertise, and participate in relevant speaking engagements upon request. During the dry season, households will withdraw from social relationships in the order predicted by the experimental game. Environmental Conservation and Climate Change. The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. 2001). For example why are there water shortages to begin when? Because the Fulbright program will be funding ten months of living and travel expenses, this item has been revised to request living expenses to cover only the remaining two months. Once the proposal is approved and the grantee selected, the grantor becomes a partner aiming to achieve the goals laid out in the proposal. I agree to use the grant funds strictly in accordance with the budget attached to my grant proposal; any material deviation from such budget must be approved in writing by the Program Officer. A research assistant is needed to do partial transcriptions of 240 semi-structured interviews, assist in interviewing, and help run the investment game. If selected, each individual will receive direct funding of $800,000, as well as substantial additional resources and services over four (4) years. 1998 Beyond Environmental Scarcity: Causal Pathways to Conflict. The login page will open in a new tab. Digital sound recorder $70 0000000836 00000 n 2002 Presenter, Getting Health Care Advice on Her Own: Social Network Effects on Weaning Decisions in Oaxaca, Mexico" Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Atlanta, GA Natural Resources Forum 26(3). Man 9(3):380-396. The researcher has an excellent background and the necessary skills for undertaking this project. Walker, Peter With whom did you spend your day? A laptop computer is essential for data entry, management, transcription, and analysis. A purposive sample of 60households will be chosen, primarily for development of test protocols, mainly for the creation of a water scale. 1995) to discover the social norms that determine when and with whom households trust (dependent variable H7) and reciprocate (dependent variable H8). Private vendors typically charge 10 to 20 times the fee charged by public utilities, and people living in marginal urban areas pay between 10 and 40 percent of their incomes to acquire water in this way (Marvin and Laurie 1999). They are best and brightest scientists, conservationists, innovators, educators, and storytellers who are pushing the boundaries of knowledge, uncovering the mysteries of the natural and cultural worlds, and strengthening their connection to them and one another. A digital sound recorder is needed to record semi-structured interviews, so that they can be transcribed by the research assistant. 3. Lomnitz (1978) suggested that extreme deprivation would likely cause decrement of generalized reciprocal exchanges and social interactions in urban areas. Berg, Joyce, John Dickhaut, and Kevin McCabe Projects are typically funded for between US $10,000 and US $30,000. H5. Level I Grants receive funding up to USD $20,000 and offer unique opportunities for training, networking, coaching, mentorship, and more from fellow National Geographic Explorers, experts, staff, partners, and forums. The presentation is available from the October 2021 webinar on the NGGDPP Webinar on FY2022 Program Announcement. We are looking for individuals who are interested in becoming an active part of the Explorer Community. Kirk, Jerome, and Marc C. Miller In marginal urban settings, poverty and mutual assistance foster social support networks (Low 1999) that strengthen community ties. Learn what it really means to be a National Geographic Explorer and get to know our community. Assuming that semi-structured interviews last, on average, 6 hours each, each two-month cycle would involve: 360 hours of interviewing, 720 hours of transcription (at 12 hours per interview), and 120 hours of coding (at 2 hours per interview). National Geographic Society grantee. The National Geographic Society warmly welcomes and encourages applicants from historically and currently underrepresented and underserved populations to apply. If any work under the proposed grant will be performed in countries including but not limited to Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea, you must consult your legal counsel to ensure that an appropriate general license is available, or a specific license has been obtained, allowing the grant activity to take place. Living expenses were calculated for the Co-PI to reside and work in Villa Israel, It is inspired by studies of reciprocity and conflict theory. New York: BasicBooks. `:hixEEXhh*5qb"ZDpf.1H>r3Y ;H-yMP VK_!&-LGH\T\5/A#'hp,@&a}:f\$]I4%sC8]Z9i>-lmP5LS$ Tel: (876) 927-1660-9 Exts. A digital sound recorder is needed to record semi-structured interviews, so that they can be transcribed by the research assistant. American Economic Review 91(2):73-79. Toronto: University of Toronto Project on Environment, Population and Security. Give a physical description of the item. (Probe repeatedly.) JV.o`J(E_`Wj8rcmbqP,nfVH\{ Extinction and Survival in Human Populations. Id like to learn about how you spend your free time. to determine if households withdraw from reciprocal exchange and social relationships in the order established by community norms. The research will test a number of hypotheses using interviews of key informants, measurement of water availability, household interviews and observation, an experimental game, and participant observation. Premium Terms of Service, FUNDSFORNGOS LLC Individuals who are already National Geographic Explorers (i.e., those who have already received a grant from the National Geographic Society) are NOT eligible to apply for Level I Grants. Games and Economic Behavior 10:122-142. The degree of connectedness and the presence of ties that cross social segments are both elements of social structure that inhibit conflict development (Gluckman in Ross 1993, LeVine and Campbell 1972). c. With whom do you participate in special activities (church groups, dancing, etc.)? A Grant Proposal is a written request to an organization or government for financial assistance for ordinarily a non-profit project but can also be for a profit project. Problem statement and domains and their subdomains are the property of FUNDSFORNGOS, LLC. This will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are transformed by severe water scarcity. Read the full disclaimer here. Ask the following questions about each item.) Current Anthropology 21(1):21-44. 0000009445 00000 n 0000005564 00000 n (Elicit the names of all of the items -- furniture, pictures, radios, etc. Pp. These documents are meant for people with intermittent access to the internet and are for preparation purposes only. World Development 16(9):1099-1112. c. Does it belong to anyone in the house? Grant projects last one calendar year or less. These siblings formed powerful core groups, which they later augmented with marriage alliances (Lobo 1995 [1982]). Second, the household interviews allow me to document change by collecting repeated measurements of household characteristics over time. The National Geographic Society is inviting proposals from experienced project leaders in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology for its Exploration Grants Program. 2000-02 Survey research, supervised sampling, data collection and analysis on a series of surveys for the state of Florida at UF Bureau of Economic and Business Research Survey Research Center 2002 Text analysis, performed text analysis on a project for Dr. H.R. 1999 Globalisation, neoliberalism, and negotiated development in the Andes: water projects and regional identity in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Level II Grant recipients receive funding up to $100,000. The aim is to try to figure out how people make it. Link to an image of the original budget page 1 for 0314395, Bernard & Wutich DMP - Core and Core Photos(Click here for Word document), DMP - Geologic maps, Well logs, Geochemistry, Critical Minerals, Field Notebooks(Click here for Word document), Preserving Valuable and Irreplaceable Geoscience Collections, National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 20192, Region 2: South Atlantic-Gulf (Includes Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), Region 12: Pacific Islands (American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Registry of Scientific Collections (ReSciColl). The proposal also calls for use of an experimental game to study economic behaviors, analogous to research that has been conducted in fifteen small-scale societies. In Cochabamba, I became associated with three organizations that are working on local water problems. First, I will elicit free lists of water uses from adult women and prepare a list of, say, the 20 most commonly listed items (the exact number will be determined by examining the data, of course, for repetitions of items.). You will be able to view and submit a full application online in early March 2018. All applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time they submit an application. During the dry season, households with more water will engage in social relationships with more households than will households with less water. 's experimental investment game, the proposed research replicates well-known research, and facilitates future replications to establish the external validity of the findings. What does the Co-PI anticipate that the codes will be, i.e., what will be coded for? Nevertheless, the research plan is clearly outlined, including the sampling frame and the methodology by which data will be collected. 1950 The basis for scalogram analysis. 1995 The Role of Water and the Origins of Conflict. You are not required to have previously received a National Geographic Society grant to apply for this opportunity. Recording(Click here for mp4 file523MB). You must be 18 or older to apply for a National Geographic Society grant. If after reviewing information and materials you have additional questions, please email Laughlin and Brady argue that if resource scarcity becomes severe enough, cooperative ties will break down as people focus on their own needs, and withdraw from reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships. 5. Young Explorers Grants vary in amount depending on significance of the project, though most range between US $2,000 and $5,000 at the maximum. 1978 Survival and Reciprocity: The Case of Urban Marginality in Mexico. Hello, Interviews will be transcribed by the field assistant as they are conducted. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project. These grants are highly competitive and reserved for select projects that push boundaries to achieve significant and tangible impact in your field. They hypothesize that, during times of widespread (but non-lethal) deprivation, households will increase generalized reciprocal exchanges and social interactions. and domains and their subdomains are the property of FUNDSFORNGOS, LLC. Any grant Social interactions will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season. 4. This opportunity is best suited for individuals who have the potential and desire to make significant positive contributions to their field by leveraging the funding, capacity, and additional support provided by the National Geographic Society and connections to other Explorers. My preparation for this research includes coursework in the following subjects: research design and cognitive research methods with Dr. H. Russell Bernard, economic anthropology and studies of race and ethnicity with Dr. Anthony Oliver-Smith, political ecology and development in the tropics with Dr. Marianne Schmink, and anthropological theory with Dr. Maxine Margolis. 194 0 obj <> endobj xref 1998 The Latin American City. 2001 What Can Digital Audio Data Do for You? The five specific objectives are: Literature Review The transcription kit will speed the transcription work of the research assistant, so that he or she will also be able to participate in the data collection. While not all the components of this Sample Proposal are required from OCJS grants, it is a good example of a universaland soundfunding proposal. Instructions will be provided. If you dont find the answer to your question, Please email the question to the fund you are applying to. NGS Grants Application Sample 1 of 9 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY GRANT APPLICATION SAMPLE APPLICATION Please note: This application is for preparation purposes only and these questions are provided as a reference for developing your proposal. If you have any questions about the online pre-application form, consult our Frequently Asked Questions. Recording(Click here for mp4 file656MB). This item has been moved from budget item B4 to B6 because it requests funds for out-of-country employees. b. The amount of offers (H7) and counter-offers (H8) made during the investment game will be recorded in Bolivianos. The only other criticism would be a general failure of the investigators to situate the research questions within a larger political economic context. 0000038091 00000 n You will be allowed to save your work and complete it at another time. The $600 estimate is for a bottom-of-the-line pre-owned laptop with the capacity to run Excel, A-3000, and SYSTAT. H3. The second organization, Water for People, is an international NGO that helps communities in Cochabamba that lack adequate water delivery install wells, hand pumps, and sanitation systems. , i.e., what will be traveling with, she will need fly! Of 60households will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are by..., LLC withdraw from reciprocal exchange relationships with other households Origins of Conflict, Ethnic Attitudes and... One case, the proposed research replicates well-known research, and Pentecostals Latin... 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