o negative blood type physical characteristics4/4 cello for sale

Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals? Do I feel "otherworldly?" There are also some photos of me as a child playing with snakes. My hair is dark brown with a reddish tint. I find the psychic thing is stronger in my boys than me, if the girls are experiencing it they haven't made comment. It appeared that the car was on fire as a red glow engulfed us both. flashbulb visions minutes before somethin happens. BTW, my 4 other children are nothing like us. I think age must raise your blood pressure because I didn't experience this the last time I gave blood. They may also experience anxiety and depression. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. 5 min earlier I told the dr he would save my life. ARE THERE PHYSICAL TRAITS RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE? there are many scaled linear spectrums i can use when considering where someone fits (as i know/understand them now) for instance: beauty, physical strength, intelligence, character, creativity, compatibility, trustworthy . One site on-line claims that the Rh negative blood factor is the "Blood of the Gods". I honestly can relate to all the traits. Hell, this weekend I'm having a date with my best friend from 3rd grade who I haven't seen in 40 years.. I saw my stepmother in a dream before I ever met her. Interesting but I think its nonsense. in my point of view O negative people are very sensitive ,their initial prespective toward things is always negative.they can catch mental illness easily, specially bopar disorder and depression, they think a lot about things, they are energetic,powerful,good sex drive,intelligent. I am Rh-negitive. My most obvious sign of empathetic illness is that I have been known to fall asleep in the middle of situations in which other people are extremely upset. Otherwise use first name and last initial. I've always had a psychic connection with my RH- daughter. It is nice to know, isn't it? One year before a motor vehicle accident, I began dreaming about being in the accident with my mother. Tall and thin. I carry around a 145-150 IQ. To this day I am very much a loner and just dont get narrow mindedness. This article seems to be written to inflate egos of people who think they are the second coming when really it should talk about how helpless a woman feels during a pregnancy with a rhesus positive child and include links and articles about donating this precious blood that is very much in need. The Type O Negative blood type personality traits are based on universal truths. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Your email address will not be published. Listening to the news on the radio or reading it on the Internet is fine, but I can't watch. What is it with electronics?! She's made jokes (?) Both my children are Rh positive like their father. Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles? But it feels like i'm not belonging ad that road. That means they work hard to help everyone succeed because that will help them be able to take credit for all the success which happens. There are some physical traits which can be proven, some mental tendencies (harder to prove), and some "magic" traits (very hard if not impossible to prove). There is just something mysterious about you. I have only recently found out that I am rhesus negative. I'm the only one in my family to have empathy. Any emotion can be useful, including anger and grief, to create a world that is better. I would have a dream as young as 16 and within hrs a family member would be dead. Im moody, have OCD, and it seems like Im a magnet for bad men married 3 times. I have read that the Rh Negative trait is less common among. Perhaps there could be species other than monkey in our genetic past. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am truly amazed by this. it has been interesting to watch in my children and now in my grandchildren certain traits emerge. I assume I was given RhoGAM after the birth of my lovely daughter. I have so many of these traits it's unreal..I had to have the RhoGam inj. She travelled the country for years before cell phones and I would send her messages to call me and she would, sometimes within minutes. People who have RH negative blood are starseeds because this blood type is rare. I close car doors with my feet or butt or I get shocked every time as for electronics most of the time it seems to be mostly cash registers but not limited to. RH negative blood is one of the most talked-about blood types in the Starseed community. ie a very bad man was eaten by mountain lions within a day of upsetting me..another man crashed his motorcycle and breaking his leg within an hour of a confrontation concerning my children..he then taunted us again and crashed his car that day..his girlfriend had a stroke within 2 days(she was bad too). It will take a long time to complete the various rh blood physical arrangements and permutations. And also potential psychological traits. But they do not mind it. One of the reasons is they have a distinct mental nature. It seemed like it was there for 5 to 20 seconds or so. His name was the Cosmic Muffin and he said that if you were going out that night "things were going to go drastically downhill after 10:10". A person with AB+ blood group will have all 3 antigens (A, B, and Rh) on his/her red blood cells. It's very strange. 8. Still thinking about it, and have been (certain parts) since I was 3. This is why they are often the smartest person they know. B negative here. My B+ husband annoys me a lot. I already knew. Other than that I've had one other experience when I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt like there was a strange man standing over me. The table below will show what have been discussed above directly. Animals like me and I like them. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? I have had feelings of deja vu my whole life. People with this blood type tend to exude confidence in everything they choose to do. yea kind of lines of missing hair. 15 Ways Your Blood Type Determines Your Personality Traits. They push hard for the things they want, even if that means pushing other people down to achieve success. I'm o positive and have most of these traits! I am D + and my Husband is D -. But lets get back to this later and look at body types for a second. The reality is here are distinct RH negative blood type characteristics. I found similar information on many different sites, with no known original sourceI will list all the sites I visited at the end. I wonder why people with Rh-negative blood are most likely to report having alien encounters? I found this article very very interesting. This means that you have a lower risk of getting diseases like leukemia and sickle cell anemia. Complete strangers are drawn to me and tell me their life problems to give a solution. There are more people with RH positive group. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 20, 2014: think the internet is so amazing to find very distinct groups and put us together. Wondering: I'm wondering if any of you who are Rh- either 1. have a heightened ability to identify smells or 2. if you are left-handed. There are four blood types. I have low blood pressure, low heart rate, have always felt like an outsider. These people will operate from a place of non-duality, as they are outside the realms of right and wrong, up or down, light or dark. I think all souls are connected in a soul-internet, and not only earthlings. What are the benefits of being rh negative? One time I did not hear from her for 3 days and I was concerned, but not in a panic. This can become irritating. I am O neg. How often do you find yourself in a situation you know something will happen? I felt I would know if something was really wrong. Of my 5 kids, all have A- blood except for one son who is AB- and one daughter who is A+. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Are-- Are you for real? Sounds like a science fiction novel that I would love to read! What do Stork Bite Birthmarks mean spiritually, Crow Cawing In The Morning: spiritual meaning. As for empathetic illnesses: I debated whether this is a trait which can be proven or not. the the degree of gayness can make a large difference in the traits of any individual. Is astigmatism more common among rh(D) negative persons? We are white. 5 Empathetically intuitive Castro pictured in 1955, sans beard. Spiritual and unexplained phenomenon are very high. I sometimes am cold and hot at same time, usually cold hands and feet but once I get them moving my hands can be like little heaters. The closest relative of mine who is Rh Negative is a female third, cousin. After that, get on with your life. Did someone ever tell you they cannot figure you out? Both were RH negative. You can go and let your minds free. i tend to say: i don't really need the things i already have. Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? 1. Type O blood type is the first type of ancestral blood line. I used to get sick a lot as a child due to poor diet and life style from the parents. Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles? But this also means that people with O negative blood can only receive O negative blood. O negative blood is valuable because it can be transfused to anyone, regardless of their blood type. 29.5% Rh- in the Al-Jouf Province of Saudi Arabia. Probably the most important ones that have always plagued me are I am a bleeding heart and feel painfully high levels of empathy that I have lost sleep over. My dokter told me once but i'm not sure anymore. Soon after birth, newborns develop anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies but not the anti-Rh antibody. I have always felt like I couldn't never fit in easily with any group of people, even amongst my closest friends. Some will say you are hiding something. However, my mother had the RH negative factor (gave birth to 9 children) and my pregnant daughter discovered yesterday that she also has it. cheers. Starseed with O blood type is said to have a very high level of psychic abilities and can often see the true reality of the world. - I have freckles, blue grey eyes that change colour, pointed ears (lol) always cold & hate the sun. Similarly, a person with "B" blood group will have "B" antigen on the red blood cells and anti-A antibody in the plasma. After it disappeared we immediately turned to one another and said in unison "did you see that!" Type O blood type is the first type of ancestral blood line. - looking young for my age (now that's a cool one) :). I was a foster child my whole childhood. They carried a sacred book which turned out to be a cookbook for humans. Are rh negatives more likely to be lactose tolerant? Learn how your comment data is processed. Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes? You will find them working harder than ever on tight deadlines or difficult tasks because they are able to draw upon more internal resources to get the work done. There are many theories and myths about RH negative blood type. While pregnant mothers are at the greatest risk of Rh transfusion reactions, if you are Rh- and are given an Rh+ transfusion, your body can begin producing anti-Rh antibodies, regardless of if you're a mother or not. You may be amazed by how accurate these readings are. I'm laughing at that now. O-negative persons are believed to be more self confident, loyal, competent and passionate. Ended up with bed rest for the last two weeks now and I'm having a hard time building up my ferritin because I'm told I cannot STORE it. Type Os generally have more problems if they try to follow a Vegan diet. I do not know if I have an extra rib or vertebra; I do have a rib that I can wiggle back and forth (the bottom rib on each side) and it feels shorter than the rest. I was in the middle of a forest with no phone or way to get to one and I've had a stomach ache for 3 days so would you please stop that?". As for IQ - yeah - most of us are Mensa qualified. I have 19 of the characteristics and am O- blood with the RH Factor, Hazel Eyes, Alburn hair and am of the Royal Bloodline. Strongly I have my scientific-mathematical backgrounds in my completed college education with B.A. O negatives get each other. I have the fountain of youth too. First of all, what is Rh-negative blood? About 85% of the US population has Rh+ blood. So I have to stay away from them. I have often felt a bit otherworldly and I have had some very powerful paranormal and supernatural experiences, thought I don't like to describe the to just anyone, because most people react with a petty, vindictive and ridiculing nature one I speak about them. im self-programming. I rarely dream about people I know but I see places in my dreams sometimes when I have gone somewhere I've never been and it promotes a feeling of deja vu and there was one time that I had a deja vu of having a deja vu repeating Idk how many times but for a good 30 seconds. For reference, I am left handed, A Rh-, have most characteristics stated above, and have the INFJ personality type. Started out with low blood pressure but with enough salt and sugar and carbs, I've been able to get it back into the normal range. I am an O negative . Fear of losing control is the one of the RH negative blood type common characteristics. However, there is little scientific evidence in favor of this believed association and so far blood group has not been found to affect a person's personality. :o). That is because of the physical characteristics of RH negative blood type individuals. an there are 36 different Rh antigens so I am an O- Neg. 2. It's creepy how much the things stated in this article! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Yet. Overall, around 5% of the world's population will have this kind ofblood. One of my 4 children is left handed and one is ambidextrous, I had to get a special shot during my pregnancy due to the RH factor. Cool list of vague things that should fit most people but probably don't. The Structure and Function of the Rh antigen Complex. So, when these two characteristics combine (ABO and RH characteristics), there are actually 8 most common blood types, such as: O-positive O-negative A-positive A-negative B-positive B-negative AB-positive AB-negative But I felt them! NOW, all that being said, I don't think my experiences were of any significance and I don't believe that I'm in anyway psychic or have any kind of special abilities. We know by now that the personality traits that you have are connected to your blood type. at the root of it, it is not known, this ancestor of all negatives. I am Rh + while my Husband is Rh-, please what kind of effect will this have on me or my baby as am pregnant? I do believe I saw a silent ufo full of tourists and a shape shifting one near the Toronto Airport. Only with others who have gone through it. In order to get us closer to determining answers, here are some images previously highlighted where I have compared physical traits of Neanderthals to those which many of you have brought to my attention in terms of possibly being characteristics more frequent in rh negative individuals than in rh positive ones: If any blood type with A antigen (A or AB blood group) is transfused, the immune system will attack such cells and this will result in the breakdown of the newly transfused red blood cells. Probably I also have a extra rib. There are numerous other less important antigens and therefore numerous other blood grouping systems. However, I'm a Mexican-American, and within my ethnic group it is rarer still. The positive or negative in the blood group refers to the Rh antigen. Some say they aliens abducted them.

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