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Plain Township - Stark County,Ohio. Each trustee shall certify the percentage of time spent working on matters to be paid from the township general fund and from other township funds in such proportions as the kinds of services performed. The board of township trustees may compound or release, in whole or in part, a debt, obligation, judgment, or claim due the township, from a bank in process of liquidation or operating under a conservatorship, or due the board, except where any member of such board is personally interested as a stockholder of the bank. The Pilgrim fathers brought the township form of government to America in 1620. The joint police district board may exercise the same powers as are granted to a board of township trustees in the operation of a township police district under sections 505.49 to 505.55 of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, the power to employ, train, and discipline personnel, to acquire equipment and buildings, to levy a tax, to issue bonds and notes, and to dissolve the district. As used in this section, "authorized medicare reimbursement rate" means such rate established for the locality under Title XVIII of the "Social Security Act," 49 Stat. (F) The members of the police force of a township police district of a township, or of a joint police district board comprised of a township, that adopts the limited self-government form of township government shall serve as peace officers for the township territory included in the district. (3) "Improvement" means the construction, modification, or both of township infrastructure. If the board enters into such a contract, subject to division (D) of this section, it may, but is not required to, appoint a police chief for the district. A similar notice also shall be posted continually in the board's office. The board shall include in the report a proper description of the premises and a statement of all costs incurred in providing for the abatement, control, or removal of any vegetation, garbage, refuse, or other debris as provided in division (E) of this section, including the board's charges for its services, the costs incurred in providing notice, any fees or interest paid to borrow moneys, and the amount paid for labor, materials, and equipment. A board of township trustees may appropriate township general revenue fund moneys not appropriated for any other purpose to a county office of economic development created pursuant to section 307.07 of the Revised Code. By unanimous vote, a board of township trustees may adopt a method of compensation consisting of an annual salary to be paid in equal monthly payments. If the board procures any insurance policies under this section, the board shall provide uniform coverage under these policies for township officers and full-time township employees and their immediate dependents, and may provide coverage under these policies for part-time township employees and their immediate dependents, from the funds or budgets from which the officers or employees are compensated for services, such policies to be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business in this state. Such election shall be conducted the same as elections for township officers, and the tax shall be collected as other taxes. Before issuing the certificate, the board shall verify, and may adjust, the cost of the demolition or other abatement as reported on the tax credit application. Area code (s) 937, 326. Phone: (419) 838-6536 Fax: (419) 838-6732. We are a progressive community of approximately 13,000 residents with a strong, core group of large and small businesses with room to grow. On or after the first day of January of the year following the adoption of the resolution or ordinance of withdrawal, the township or municipal corporation withdrawing ceases to be a part of the district, and the power of the district to levy a tax upon the taxable property in the withdrawing township or municipal corporation terminates, except that the district shall continue to levy and collect taxes for the payment of indebtedness within the territory of the district as it was comprised at the time the indebtedness was incurred. If the board proposes to levy a tax throughout all of the unincorporated territory of the township, the board shall request and obtain from the county auditor the information required for a tax levy under section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, except that the levy's annual collections shall be estimated assuming that the unincorporated territory has been added to the township police district. The court determined that the trustees failed to . The Ohio Township Association has more than 5,000 active members, made up of trustees and fiscal officers from Ohio's 1,308 townships, and more than 4,000 associate members. FIPS code. If the question is approved by at least a majority of the electors voting on it, the joinder shall be effective as of the first day of July of the year following approval, and on that date, the township fire district tax shall be extended to the taxable property within the territory that has been added. The Township Trustees are in charge of carrying out the legislative authority that the Ohio Revised Code Section 505 through 505.94 allows them to do. The boards of township trustees of any two or more townships or the legislative authorities of any two or more political subdivisions, or any combination thereof, may through joint action unite in the joint purchase, rental, maintenance, use, and operation of solid waste facilities and prorate the expense on any terms that may be mutually agreed upon. Any other patrol officer, police district employee, or police constable shall serve at the pleasure of the township trustees or joint police district board. The procedure to effect such removal shall be: (A) A petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election, and demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the board of elections. In levying an assessment by the method described in division (B)(2) of this section, the board may consider the number of boats or other watercraft capable of being docked or stored or otherwise capable of using the facility upon which the assessment is levied, or any other factor that is reasonably related to the benefits directly or indirectly derived from maintenance or improvement of waterways. Section 505.012 | Appointment or election of board member to district governing body. That oath is administered by an elected or appointed official. This notice shall be mailed to the owner and the lessee, if any, of the building in which the system is installed. The costs shall be returned to the township and placed in the township's general fund. (3) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, a patrol officer, other police district employee, or police constable, who has been awarded a certificate attesting to the satisfactory completion of an approved state, county, or municipal police basic training program, as required by section 109.77 of the Revised Code, may be removed or suspended only under the conditions and by the procedures in sections 505.491 to 505.495 of the Revised Code. (B) A person who proposes to do any of the following shall provide written notification as required under division (C) of this section to the board of township trustees of the township in which a facility is or is to be located: (1) Establish a new major concentrated animal feeding facility; (2) Increase the design capacity of an existing major concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the current permit for construction or modification of the facility or for installation or modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable; (3) Increase the design capacity of an existing concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the current permit for construction or modification of the facility or for installation or modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable, and to a design capacity of more than ten times the number of animals specified in any of the categories in division (M) of section 903.01 of the Revised Code. A board of township trustees may enter into a contract with, and may appropriate township general revenue fund moneys for the services of, an attorney to represent the township, expert witnesses, and other consultants as the board determines are necessary for any potential or pending annexation action, including proceedings before a board of county commissioners or any court. The board shall review the written objection and may revise the estimated assessment before adopting the resolution. Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on January 24, 2023 - TIME CHANGE. A board of township trustees that has adopted a salary method of compensation may return to a method of compensation on a per diem basis as specified in this division by a majority vote. The agreement may authorize the township issuing the securities to appoint one or more fiscal agents to perform any functions necessary to carry out an agreement entered into under this division. (C) The person shall notify the board in writing by certified or ordinary mail of the proposed construction or expansion of the facility and include the following information: (1) The anticipated travel routes of motor vehicles to and from the facility; (2) The anticipated number and weights of motor vehicles traveling to and from the facility. Neither this section nor any other section of the Revised Code requires, or shall be construed to require, that the fire chief of a fire and ambulance district be a resident of the district. The per diem compensation shall be paid from the township general fund or from other township funds in such proportions as the kinds of services performed may require. David brings the township over 20 years of experience as a local business owner. 201 east lincoln street - rear findlay, oh 45840 phone: 419.422.3245 fax: 419.424.7293 bdelections@hancockcountyohioelections.gov hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Except as provided in section 505.441 of the Revised Code, charges collected under this section shall be kept in a separate fund designated as "the fire and rescue services, ambulance services, and emergency medical services fund," and shall be appropriated and administered by the board. Unless the board elects pursuant to that division to waive all or part of the charges for the use of ambulance or emergency medical services that any resident of the district incurs, the residents of a particular political subdivision that has not so agreed to pay the charges for the use of ambulance or emergency medical services incurred by its residents shall pay those charges. Upon the withdrawal of any township or municipal corporation from a district, the county auditor shall ascertain, apportion, and order a division of the funds on hand, moneys and taxes in the process of collection, except for taxes levied for the payment of indebtedness, credits, and real and personal property, either in money or in kind, on the basis of the valuation of the respective tax duplicates of the withdrawing municipal corporation or township and the remaining territory of the district. Within each of the Ohio land grants, Congress set aside sections of land for the use of schools and the support of religious institutions. A board of township trustees may contract with a motor vehicle salvage dealer, as defined in section 4738.01 of the Revised Code, or a scrap metal processing facility, as defined in section 4737.05 of the Revised Code, for the removal or disposal of motor vehicles pursuant to section 505.173 or 505.871 or sections 4513.60 to 4513.64 of the Revised Code, and a board may contract with a storage facility or other similar facility for the storage or impoundment of motor vehicles pursuant to section 505.173 or sections 4513.60 to 4513.64 of the Revised Code. This unit of local government eventually spread as far west as the Rocky Mountains. A board of township trustees, by adoption of an appropriate resolution, may remove its emergency medical service organization from the jurisdiction of the state board of emergency medical, fire, and transportation services. The tax shall be collected as other taxes and appropriated to pay the interest on and principal of the securities. (A) As used in this section, "felony" has the same meaning as in section 109.511 of the Revised Code. If the board adopts such a resolution, Chapter 4766. of the Revised Code, except for sections 4766.06 and 4766.99 of the Revised Code, applies to the organization. (B) The county sheriff may, after the county sheriff or the sheriff's deputy, police constables, the township police, the joint police district police, and a law enforcement agency with which the township contracts for police services have answered a combined total of three false alarms from the same commercial or residential security alarm system within the unincorporated area of the county in the same calendar year, mail the manager of the commercial establishment or the occupant, lessee, agent, or tenant of the residence a bill for each subsequent false alarm from the same alarm system during that year, to defray the costs incurred. As you can see, townships are directly impacted by many provisions of state and federal law. A district so created shall be given a name different from the name of any participating township or municipal corporation. Blacklick, Ohio 43004 Phone: (614) 861-2440 Fax: (614) 552-6464 Zoning & Building 6545 Havens Road Blacklick, Ohio 43004 . (2) The proposed regulations shall be made available to the public at the board office. The board may issue, by resolution adopted by unanimous vote, securities of the township to finance purchases and construction made pursuant to this division. These include anti-discrimination provisions and the Americans with Disabilities Act, among others. As a member of the Ohio Township Association, you'll receive legislative support, OTA publications, training opportunities, OTA event discounts, and more! The board of township trustees may purchase for its use one copy of the Revised Code, and such other standard works containing all the sections of the Revised Code applicable to township officers, with forms and citations for the guidance of such officers, as are necessary, to be paid for from unappropriated funds in the township treasury when there are sufficient unappropriated funds in the treasury. The maximum maturity of the securities shall be as provided in division (B)(7)(g) of section 133.20 of the Revised Code. The cost of providing this service shall be paid from the general fund of the township, from the waste collection fund of the township created under section 505.31 of the Revised Code, or from any fund created pursuant to section 505.29 of the Revised Code into which moneys arising from tax levies under that section are deposited. section 505.011 - trustee may serve as volunteer fireman or policeman. If the board finds that any neighborhood crime watch program receiving funds pursuant to this section uses them for any purpose not clearly a public purpose authorized by this section and by the board, or that any such program fails to comply with accounting and reporting requirements under Chapter 117. of the Revised Code, the board shall withhold further payments of funds to that program. Upon notifying the board of township trustees, any appointing authority of a township office or department may establish a program to recognize outstanding employee performance. The board of township trustees may, by resolution, adopt by incorporation by reference a standard code pertaining to fire, fire hazards, and fire prevention prepared and promulgated by the state or any department, board, or other agency of the state, or any such code prepared and promulgated by a public or private organization that publishes a model or standard code. Two of such trustees shall be elected at the general election in nineteen forty-nine and quadrennially thereafter, in each township, who shall hold office for a term of four years, commencing on the first day of January next after their election. The securities may be sold at private sale or given to the contractor under the installment payment contract authorized by division (D) of this section. (A) Except in a township or portion of a township that is within the limits of a municipal corporation, the board of township trustees may make regulations and orders as are necessary to control passenger car, motorcycle, and internal combustion engine noise, as permitted under section 4513.221 of the Revised Code, and all vehicle parking in the township. (d) The motor vehicle salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility presents one copy of the affidavit to the clerk. An "investigatory stop" is not an arrest, but, if an officer who conducts an investigatory stop determines that illegal conduct has occurred or is occurring, an "investigatory stop" may be the basis for an arrest. Many ethics law provisions are contained in Chapter 102 of the Revised Code, but some are in Title 29, which is the criminal code. The remaining fifty per cent of those moneys shall be deposited in the county's general fund. Upon certification of the building department under section 3781.10 of the Revised Code, the board township may direct the building department to exercise enforcement authority and to accept and approve plans pursuant to sections 3781.03 and 3791.04 of the Revised Code for the classes of buildings for which the building department and personnel are certified. Pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of a fire district organized under division (C) of section 505.37 of the Revised Code may issue bonds for the purpose of acquiring fire-fighting equipment, buildings, and sites for the district or for the purpose of constructing or improving buildings to house fire-fighting equipment. If a notice sent by certified mail is refused or unclaimed, or if an owner's address is unknown and cannot reasonably be ascertained by an exercise of reasonable diligence, the board shall publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the township before the removal of the vehicle, and, if the land contains any structures, the board also shall post the notice on the principal structure on the land. Meeting Times. (B) It includes a statement that the notice is posted on the board's internet web site. The inventory shall be a public record and one copy shall be filed with the fiscal officer of the township. The board of trustees shall certify each resolution adopted under division (C)(2) of this section and the county auditor's certification under division (C)(3) of this section to the board of elections in accordance with section 5705.19 of the Revised Code. ( d ) the proposed regulations shall be conducted the same as for. The name of any participating township or municipal corporation to America in 1620 strong, core group large... Building in which the system is installed as in section 109.511 of the securities of any participating township or corporation... Affidavit to the owner and the tax shall be collected as other taxes directly impacted by many provisions state! Copy of the securities '' means the construction, modification, or both of infrastructure! Made available to the owner and the tax shall be deposited in the board office Rocky Mountains local business.. That oath is administered by an elected or appointed official 505.011 - trustee may serve as fireman. 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