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Forklifts, which OSHA likes to call powered industrial trucks, are useful vehicles. Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back. When its vital to have a full set of responses, Yes/No and anonymous poll features may work better. There are indications a digital nomad lifestyle works better as you age.Telecommuting may be more beneficial to the employer if the employee is a workaholic.A job, while able to be done remotely, may be less stressful when in a central office.Schedules and focus requires self-discipline. Its how you keep people safe, maximize efficiency, and stay out of trouble with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other regulatory authorities. The information gathered through such cookies is used for measuring the activity of the website, platform or application and for profiling the navigation of users of the website, platform or application, in order to improve the website based on that analysis. Now remarried, Kally and I are looking at post-Covid hobbies. As a safety speaker I see a lot of briefings to open a safety meeting. Whether youre conducting your first safety audit, preparing to off-board a team member, or anything in between, here are some resources to walk you through every step. In conclusion, the safety briefing can help provide a quicker, and more controlled, response from attendees and foster better preparation in the event of an emergency. Step 2: Send virtual meeting invitations Do this: 1-2 weeks before your virtual meeting Why: So attendees can prepare and get excited. Examples include an authentication cookie that identifies a user for the duration of the session once that user logs in to a website or a cookie that keeps track of items placed in an e-commerce shopping cart. Share a story or video This is a concern in many industries particularly when shift work comes into play. The content cant be adapted to suit your workforce and your unique situation. I felt recharged and ready to go back to work. The staff meeting Safety Minute, by whatever friendly name it gets, always amuses me. Do your employees know how to prevent spills, leaks, and other forms of toxic chemical exposure? As for tripping hazards, it does not always require an unexpected object to trip over. While writing this I caught her tearing at a foam yoga-roller five times her size. I will be speaking at ten more BNSF safety meetings over the next few months and I cant wait to meet more of their outstanding team. It gives me the opportunity to study marital arts, be a caretaker for my family in times of need, allows spontaneous creativity at work, and I can travel as a digital nomad. Handle glass safely. On several occasions I have seen changes in others ultimately requiring medical attention. 1.7 Office Safety Meeting Topics. Here's a year's worth of topics to cover in your safety meetings. Dont wait until an incident happens to find out you missed something. For more information, read this guide to safety meetings. Resources for Meeting New Year Weight Loss Goals DOD Aims to Shield . FAA Alaska Aviation Safety Initiative (FAASI) Virtual Briefing. OSHAs pretty transparent about what theyre citing in different industries. Achieving your Team's Health and Safety Goals. Test Everything in Advance More than half of all teams waste 10 minutes or more on meeting setup. Safety meetings are an opportunity for workplace leaders to reinforce safety standards, introduce new safety requirements and increase employee awareness of potential risks. That requires an understanding of the different kinds of respirators, knowledge of fit testing, an awareness that regular medical evaluations are required, and more. Safety talks are short safety messages for the members of a work crew prior to work beginning. Employees using drugs at work are far more likely to get injured. Regardless of your industry or where youre located, there are some issues that impact your workforce across the board. Copyright 2023. They have a page called Safety and Health Topics that has a large list of high-quality topics. BULK DISCOUNTS Your employees should be aware of fall causes and risk factors (such as wet and uneven surfaces) along with how to protect themselves and minimize the chances of a fall. You can pick the location with the topic in mind. Some other high-quality and reputable sources for toolbox talks or materials to support talks: The person who is directing the work should be the one responsible for conducting or leading the safety talk. Check the area for trip hazards such as electrical cords, toys or misplaced furniture. 5 Examples of Unsafe Bad Habits. For greater nuance in soliciting voice, poll and chat tools provide worthy alternatives. Getting workers to listen for the entire duration of the talk is a challenge in itself. . this website. Last winter after reminding myself of this, I spent more than a month working from bed as I recovered. Upcoming Travel Schedule When Covid-19 was recognized as an emerging public health crisis earlier this year, tens of thousands of employees were sent home from offices around the world to start working from home for the foreseeable future. Safety while using a ladder. You can always find the time for a super quick 1-minute safety topic. Its an effortless way to make the talk engaging and keep your audiences attention. A focus on these will help ensure you stay out of OSHAs crosshairs. Advice on this is as plentiful and diverse as the people seeking it. Its so important, its covered in multiple spots in the top 10. Design, CMS, Hosting & Web Development :: ePublishing, This website stores data such as cookies to enable important site functionality including analytics, targeting, and personalization. Everyone has, no one should, and will probably do so again. Presentations take the most time to create. To reject the use of all cookies, click Reject all. Unsure of which OSHA form to use or when to submit it? Save time and money from having to create your own resources. Contaminated air in your facilities can cause health problems ranging from bronchitis and emphysema to cognitive issues and cancer. What I loved about this briefing was people who day after day do this process alongside a railway and near their equipment were able to actively use the same process in an entirely different environment. Here are 100+ short safety talks, ready for when your next safety moment takes place. Breakout rooms. John's New Virtual Training Diane Weiss - Marketing Director; John Drebinger Presentations +1 209-745-9419; Glossary Tag: RMC If you think your team members are likely to dump it straight into the recycling bin, redirect your efforts elsewhere. Conducting the talk in the work area itself can help employees visualize the information being conveyed, as well as allow the presenter to point out specific examples of what they are discussing. Some of the more common names are safety toolbox talks, toolbox talks, safety moments, safety briefings, safety pep talks, and tailgate meetings. The sudden shift toward virtual work from Covid pandemic mitigations means a wealth of future studies on this topic, which may alter beliefs. Thousands of companies like yours depend on KPA to minimize risk and maximize workforce safety. With the right resources, they can be conducted several times throughout the week and last about 10-15 minutes. Examples include job turnover, loss of time, reduced alertness and productivity, unexplained absences, and increased vulnerability to accidents. First, I will discuss what they did and I will finish the article with why I am so excited about it. Also, these short safety topics for work help your teams attitude towards health and safety and help improve your safety culture overall. This makes it really easy to prepare a talk because there is lots of quality content on YouTube that you can use. Companies often settle on conducting daily or weekly talks. Why Am I So Excited? Weve collected some suggestions on how to keep your employees safe. This site has one of the largest libraries of free topics found online today. It was a healing gesture and helped me recover my life. Ready? Whether working from a home office, hotel room, beach chair, or back porch, be mindful of the physical arrangements. With this in mind, it makes a good business strategy to train your employees on the basics of first aid as it will help you secure a healthier, safer workplace environment for your workers. The in-person briefing (or virtual meeting) is the preferred . Kally and I have two cats Nigel and Nikita. help you have the best experience while on the site. A monthly schedule is probably way too sparingly for most companies, and two talks a day may be too often for others. So, what topics should your safety meetings cover? The DVT can quickly lead to more serious issues like a pulmonary embolism or stroke. Below are answers to some other common questions individuals may have about conducting these types of talks for their work crews. Nigel likes to eat, and while a bit overweight, he has stayed mostly in actual food groups. I reinjure easily now. Below are a few quick tips that have not already been mentioned in this post: For more tips, check out this post on this site that outlines 10 tips for a better toolbox talk. Lets take a look. Keep topics useful, relevant, and timely. Nobody wants a painful and all-to-real Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). For the most part, many of these names represent the same thing. Knowing how well they grasp and use the concepts tells me they could easily protect themselves and their families at home or on vacation. Get the audience involved by asking for stories or examples relating to the topic. I am here to help. If you are a virtual worker, your workspace is your toolbox. The good news is that the very technology that thwarts candor and mutual understanding also offers ways to offset these losses. No wonder its becoming more and more difficult to engage your workforce in safety training. (5 minutes X 5 workdays per week X 50 work weeks= 1250 minutes 1250 minutes/60 minutes per hour= 20.8 hours of education) Imagine the difference that education can make if you make the most out of every talk! While most employees would never choose to present a topic, you may be surprised to find that many would if given the chance. Some guidelines for documentation: The answers to the who, what, when, why, and how of safety talks can be as long of a list as the possible topics you could cover in your next meeting. So, a good aim would be 3-5 short workplace safety topics a week. Heres a years worth of topics to cover in your safety meetings. For more information about our use of cookies and to opt-out of cookies at any time, please refer to our website Legal & Privacy Statement. Ill be, Watching Out For Everyones Safety And distractions (emails, texts, doorbells, children, pets) are everywhere. Involve as many people as possible and change who does the briefing. It can help save lives, hinder temporary and long-term disabilities, and prevent any emergency situation from becoming worse. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) held a virtual briefing on the FAA Alaska Aviation Safety Initiative (FAASI) on May 6, 2021, from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) to discuss the findings in the FAASI Interim Report. 2. In another recent meeting, a manager used the anonymous poll function to ask participants to force-rank the companys diversity initiatives on potential impact and current performance. This yielded a 22 map, identifying High Impact/Low Performance initiatives (highest priorities) versus Lower Impact/High Performance initiatives. Be sure your employees are knowledgeable about subjects such as hazardous waste regulations, waste determination, generator status, storage, labels, inspections, accumulation limits, and waste pickup. Dividing the group into 10 different five-person breakout rooms for a portion of the session gave everyone time to share an insight. The most insightful best practice came from a participant who had seldom spoken in the large group. Also, to do the same when entering and exiting the restrooms. Take advantage of our nationwide coverage, 35+ years of experience, and 100+ certified EHS experts. A safety meeting is more or less what it sounds like: an event to go over and discuss one or more hazards in the workplace. How It All Began From Magician to Safety Professional. The in-person briefing (or virtual meeting) is the preferred method, according to CAPR 160-1. The following are in no particular order, and they are for the most part serious, although maybe a bit tilted for my own amusement. Since a pet will apparently eat anything, you just must be at times prepared to suffer the mystery as to what. Eventually I learned to hold my cup at a different angle or just leave it on the counter. Here are some of the points you can cover within this particular topic: You can pick and choose from any of these topics and adapt your safety discussions accordingly to best suit your workforce. The first part is a story about someone who learns how to be comfortable approaching others about safety. They can provide the supervisor with topics, materials, or information for the talk, as well as chime in as needed to add value. As with training, audits, incident response, recordkeeping, and reporting, safety meetings are a core component of a safety program. A sudden change in your typical health leaving you quick to fatigue, an unexplained soreness, or get frequent headaches all could be signs something is wrong. Interested in participating in our Sponsored Content section? Exercise. Her persistence gnaws on me. Or,contact us for help putting together an effective training program for your business. Excessive heat, natural disasters, and other major safety concerns unique to this season often rear their ugly heads on our job sites. There were times I despised the idea of going, but never regretted that I had. Although there can be slight differences between companies or industries. It was also pointed out some of us were sitting under chandeliers and if certain weather conditions occurred we would want to move out of their path. Normally, this would be the job of the teams EHS manager. At times I have logged miles by walking back and forth through my hallways. The person should focus on applicable issues and be able to take counter measures in practical terms to prevent future incidents. Your number-one sign, and pet-produced clue to the solution is vomiting. Earthquake safety. . In this weeks newsletter: - Instilling Safety As a Value[], Water Safety Tip - Summer is Here by Safety Speaker[], Always Ask For Help When You Need It! Marines with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit receive a safety brief from the MEU commander while deployed to the Asia-Pacific region. Besides, speaking to your workforce about the risks presented by COVID-19, and how you can mitigate them, is a great topic for a quick, 5-minute safety topic. None were chest-clutching cardiac events. This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to A fire at your facility can jeopardize lives and property. No. Building psychological safety in virtual teams takes effort and strategy that pays off in engagement, collegiality, productive dissent, and idea generation. Another exciting factor was the involvement they had in the process. We're currently offline. Use the category links below to segment the talks by the specified category to easily find what you are looking for. KPA provides a unique combination of award-winning online training and on-site training delivered by 125+ certified EHS and HR consultants. Dont let your employees or your organization become statistics. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders. You can customize your cookie preferences by clicking "Cookie Settings". For example, motivation can be enhanced by a pleasurable incentive system, like enjoying your coffee as a reward for a morning walk. While training will be a large part of ensuring compliance with this specific regulation, safety toolbox talks are also a way to help to ensure compliance. Hopefully, these will help keep your idea bank full for the foreseeable. Working remotely often means working alone. designed to help employees improve their performance on the job and improve compliance. This is a great time to review recent accidents and near misses, understand the root causes, and help workers understand the costs of these accidents both personal and to the company as a whole. Its crucial to bring attention to these issues by making them a part of your safety meetings. Expect this to be on a nice carpet or rug, at night, where it is easily found while walking barefoot. The human attention span has been dwindling since the mass-adoption of the Internet. Think of it as a seminar or learning session rather than a quick huddle. Effective Is The Key Word. Meeting rooms or break rooms are common areas where companies choose to hold their safety meetings. Browse the 250+ completely free safety talks below! They set their schedules, worked where they wished, enjoyed meeting new people, and were at or away from their homes as desired. Rested, healthy workers are a win-win situation. The topic or topics you should cover for the next safety toolbox talk will vary greatly from what topic(s) another company should be discussing. There is always a danger of something being done habitually losing its impact. These are topics of discussion and general advice. Often the task of presenting some scrap of wisdom is assigned to a teammate by rotation or perhaps sadistically as punishment. Guidance documents that provide detailed examinations of specific safety and health issues; Small, laminated QuickCards that provide brief safety and health information; and, What to do if you show any COVID-19 symptoms, Understanding the risks (including any key risks for your particular type of work), The current situation in the USA (legislation, statistics and changes), Examples of small changes that you can make to ensure your work practice is as safe as possible. Always make it a Safe Day. Copyright 2023 Innovative Safety Products LLC. Let's Get it Straight, OSHAs Focus in 2023: An Interview with KPAs Zach Pucillo. Building psychological safety in virtual teams takes effort and strategy that pays off in engagement, collegiality, productive dissent, and idea generation. Have a fire extinguisher readily available. Keep safety top of mind by sharing quick incident recreations and questions of the day. By visiting As mentioned earlier, these talks do not have to be extremely long. Besides highlighting the importance of being prepared, your workforce should know how to prevent fires, how to effectively contain a fire if one breaks out, and the details of your emergency action plan. I even spoke up when they discussed the stage stairs and suggested during the day they should comment to Hilton hotel staff if they are hosting a companys safety meeting they might want to invest in stairs with handrails. It may be surprising to learn burns and cooking injuries are not unusual. In this resource, youll learn how to avoid the 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards, one by one. There are only so many hackneyed ways you can spin, Dont stand on your roller-chair to change the light bulb.. , there are some issues that impact your workforce across the board audits, incident,... 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