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Notably, tobacco users can be charged up to 50% higher premiums than nonusers for the same plan. The cigar and smoking tobacco excise imposed by M.G.L. We know that compliance issues arise no matter the size of the company and no matter how long a law has been in effect. Although the majority of states do allow insurers to impose tobacco surcharges of up to 50%, many insurers choose to use smaller surcharges or skip them altogether. The ERISA wellness incentive laws have been in effect in their current form since 2013, which is a long time to get into compliance. 4. However, our models adjusted for other state policies that may affect insurance enrollment and tobacco use. Under a law signed by Gov. However, since theoretically tobacco surcharges should primarily affect the decision to purchase nongroup insurance, our preferred specification excluded individuals who had insurance either through an employer or a public program such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Military insurance. Finally, we ran a model using a definition of tobacco use closer to the definition used for enrollment in the ACA, which includes the use of other noncigarette tobacco products. These people are also less likely to receive timely medical treatment at the time when they will need it. Tobacco surcharges and the state laws that limit them theoretically have varying effects on different segments of the health insurance market. and text messages is not a condition for purchase. This allows us to account for whether the effect is concentrated in the nongroup market or whether there are spillover effects. It is vital to note individuals cannot use their premium subsidies to cover the tobacco surcharge that is generally used by the majority of the enrollees to reduce their monthly premiums. prevent or reduce tobacco use) of the cost of employee-only coverage under the plan. State agency staff must ensure the tobacco user premium differential is deducted from employees' net pay when applicable. Those on employer health plans can avoid the surcharge by joining an employer based tobacco cessation program. phone or text message using an automatic telephone dialing system. Within each HIU, we estimated the family income that would be used to determine eligibility for marketplace subsidies or Medicaid enrollment by summing the simulated adjusted gross income (AGI) variable from the CPS across all members of the HIU. The University of Southern California Institutional Review Board approved the survey data collection and deemed the analysis of data from the CPS as exempt from full review, and the relevant part of the survey questionnaire is included in Appendix S2. PROOF OF AGE MAY BE REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. Most of the participants in the recent DOL lawsuits who did not confirm they had quit smoking that is, were tobacco free for some duration, such as six months, had to pay surcharges. The Affordable Care Act allows insurers to charge up to 50% higher premiums to tobacco users, making tobacco use the only behavioral factor that can be used to rate premiums in the nongroup insurance market. Some of those states later passed a state law raising the state-level tobacco age restriction to 21. [5][6] Over 54% of the country's population lived in states that had signed legislation setting 21 as the tobacco restriction age at the time the federal law set the nationwide tobacco age restriction. but it is unknown whether there are differential effects for smokers or those living in high surcharge states. there is yet little evidence that insurance surcharges lead to changes in tobacco use. This table presents estimates from a differenceindifference linear probability model, examining the likelihood of the outcome of interest for smokers in surcharge states. to reimburse all participants who paid the tobacco surcharge from July 1, 2011, to the present (plus interest), to revise its wellness program to comply with ERISA wellness incentive rules, to prevent Macys from collecting tobacco surcharges until it revises tis wellness program to comply with the ERISA rules, to empty all profits received as a result of its fiduciary breaches, and. Plans in both market segments are allowed to charge enrollees different rates based on the same four factors. During plan year 2013, Macys included a notice within the Tobacco Affidavit alerting the employee to the availability of a reasonable alternative standard, so it satisfied the notice requirement. The 2019 ASEC included variables that specifically identify marketplace coverage, so we examined whether the effect is driven by those with marketplace plans using the 2019 data only. Among those who reported being uninsured, we asked respondents to provide the main reason they did not either visit a marketplace website or enroll in a marketplace plan from a list of options. Study design: Additionally, after limiting the sample to those most likely to benefit from the marketplace (individuals who did not have insurance through an employer or public program and who had incomes above 138% FPL), we found that the probability that a smoker was enrolled in a nongroup plan decreased by 8.6 percentage points (P=.02) relative to nonsmokers for every 10 percentage point increase in the size of the tobacco surcharge. Consistent with the family income calculation for health insurance qualification, we excluded income under $12200 for dependents. Tobacco Surcharges - Legal Rules Smokers could find themselves burned by the Affordable Care Act. Premium rating rules for nongroup insurance and small group plans (generally plans provided by employers with fewer than 50 employees) are similar. Tobacco surcharge has also been prohibited in Connecticut but only for plans that are sold through the states health insurance exchange. Compared to those with insurance, uninsured individuals tended to be younger, have smaller family sizes, lower levels of family income and education, and they are more likely to be male and nonwhite. In order to focus on health insurance coverage among individuals most likely to be affected by tobacco surcharges, we made several sample exclusions. You may switch to Article in classic view. State of Montana Health Care & Benefits Division 100 North Park Ave ., Suite 320 P.O. We found that among individuals without insurance through an employer or public program, living in a surcharge state decreased the probability that a smoker enrolled in a nongroup plan by 0.9.0 percentage points (P<.01). States Vary on Higher Premiums Paid by Tobacco Users Under the ACA Kansas insurers applying up to 44 percent surcharge for tobacco users in 2015 11 Min Read Sep 09, 2015 By Linda J. Sheppard, J.D. Instead, the employer gave employees only two options: 1) dont use tobacco and avoid the surcharge; or. Current federal law allows health insurance plans and companies to charge tobacco users an additional 20%. The California Complementary Legislation (or "directory law"), Revenue and Taxation Code section 30165.1, requires the Attorney General to publish a directory of tobacco product manufacturers and brand families of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco that are lawful for sale in California. Columns 4 and 5 show results when nongroup plan enrollment was split by whether the plan was offered through the ACA marketplaces for the 2019 sample. Thus, perhaps somewhat counterintuitively, eliminating or limiting surcharges could potentially lead to an increase in quitting. Geographic Location The costs of health insurance premiums are not the same in every zip code, and vary from one area to another. The survey included tobacco users age 1864 with incomes above. Some states have made it illegal for insurance companies to implement a surcharge. Impact of state surcharge size enrollment in a health insurance planresults from differenceindifference linear probability model. The surcharges are extra costs that have been added to PEBB benefit eligible WSU employees' standard monthly medical premiums, effective July 1, 2014. To learn more, visit our Employers page, Determining which participants were charged the tobacco surcharge, Determining which participants were reimbursed the tobacco surcharge, Withholding the tobacco surcharge from a participants paycheck and placing it in the health plan trust account; and. In addition to the coefficients shown, all regressions control for sex, age, age squared, race, family size, education, log family income, state Medicaid expansion status, state federal marketplace use, state cigarette taxes, clean indoor air laws, and year (2015 vs 2019). And in states like California, Rhode Island, Vermont, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey are not allowed to charge higher premiums from tobacco users. 2023 All rights reserved to InsureMeNow | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. Company employs a couple thousand in the US Our results also show that the impact was largest in the exact insurance segments that were exposed to tobacco surcharges, increasing confidence that the policy has an effect on enrollment. tobacco surcharge rules by state. Additionally, our identification strategy relies on the assumption that states that do not have tobacco surcharges do not have other unobservable characteristics that may differentially impact enrollment for tobacco users and nonusers that are not accounted for in our model. Setting up a tobacco surcharge may seem straight forward but for it to be effective, you need to be strategic. Nineteen of those states set the tobacco age restriction to 21 before the federal law took effect, while the other 19 did so after the federal law took effect. It is worth noting that the relative risk ratio for the interaction term was marginally significant for employer sponsored health insurance. The employer determined tobacco use status through an affidavit completed by each employee covered under the employer group health plan. State fixed effects were included in columns (2) and (4) include state fixed effects; however, they did not substantially affect the results. Among states that allowed a tobacco surcharge, the statewide average of the median rating area surcharge ranged from 0% to 29.6% in 2015 and 7.0% to 32.3% in 2019. States that prohibit tobacco surcharges completely are California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. Connecticut also prohibits tobacco surcharges, but only for health plans sold in the states health insurance exchange (Access Health CT). Each column is a separate regression, and the interaction term between surcharge state and current smoker shows the key differenceindifference coefficient. Although third parties helped administer the tobacco cessation program for Macys, Macys had ultimate control of the wellness program, including: Because of these alleged violations, the DOL is asking the court for the following relief (in relation to the wellness program violations): Also in November 2021, a federal district court in Missouri certified a class action of 1500 casino workers who alleged, similar to the Macys case, that their employer violated ERISA with its tobacco surcharge. The surcharge is an extra charge on your health plan if you're a tobacco user or for those who don't partake, they may receive a discount. Our results were not sensitive to the use of the alternative definition of tobacco use including the use of other tobacco products. Public insurance includes Medicare, Medicaid, VA, CHAMPUS, Tricare, and Indian Health Service. and state law. Would you like email updates of new search results? While these rules may be frustrating to employers, ignoring them is not worth a lawsuit by the DOL. If dependents (such as spouses and/or dependent children) may participate in the wellness program, the reward must not exceed 30 percent (or 50 percent) of the cost of the coverage in which an employee and any dependents are enrolled. We used two important supplements to the CPS. Allowing a tobacco surcharge reduced insurance enrollment among smokers by 4.0 percentage points (P = .01). Our estimates indicate that the probability that a smoker had insurance decreases by 3.4 percentage points (P<.01) relative to nonsmokers for a 10 percentage point increase in the size of the tobacco surcharge. Surveys. The tobacco cessation wellness program is designed to promote health and prevent disease. affordable care act, enrollment, health insurance, marketplace, premiums, smoking, tobacco surcharge, Reasons for not enrolling in marketplace coverage. The tobacco age restriction across the country is 21 as a matter of federal law. , Tobacco Surcharges Associated With Reduced ACA Marketplace Enrollment. This table presents estimates from a differenceindifference linear probability model, examining the likelihood of the outcome of interest for smokers in surcharge states. Some states have set more restrictive limits on rating for tobacco use, and several states have outlawed tobacco premium surcharges altogether. Column 3 repeats the specification from column 2 and confirms that the relationship is stronger among this population. Kaplan CM, Kaplan EK. States, however, can set their own rules to reduce or eliminate that surcharge and so far at least 10 have done so, including most notably California, where the permissible surcharge has been cut to to zero. Our analysis also found that tobacco surcharges have a . Directing the third parties regarding how completions of the tobacco cessation programs were reported. US. 7 (ROC Cabinet OKs [] Additionally, the elimination of the individual mandate has led to a decrease in enrollment, Data comes from a June 2019 online survey of tobacco users using Qualtrics Research Panel collected and analyzed by the authors. 23 [4] On December 20, 2019, President Donald Trump (R) signed H.R. In other words, according to the plaintiffs, the employer did not give them a reasonable alternative standard, like a tobacco cessation program, to avoid the $50/month surcharge. 2018 Mar;37(3):473-481. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2017.1062. Notably, our point estimates are in line with those reported by Friedman et al State agency staff should ensure employees are aware of the tobacco cessation programs available to them. There has been a flurry of activity lately involving employer wellness programs that impose a tobacco surcharge on health insurance. The study sponsors had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, or preparation of the manuscript. More Mercer posts All regressions are weighted using the appropriate weights from the Current Population Survey. There is an accommodation made for those it is unreasonably difficult to quit due to medical reasons. 19 The results indicate that smokers were at an decreased risk of being in a nongroup plan or an employer plan relative to being uninsured. Notably, using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Freidman and colleagues found the probability of having insurance was reduced among smokers in states with high tobacco surcharges relative to states without surcharges. Reasons for not enrolling in marketplace coverage. The results from the linear probability models are shown in Table2. We also used geographic variation in tobacco surcharges to examine how the size of the surcharge affects insurance coverage, again comparing smokers to nonsmokers. , [14] However, the state's tobacco age restriction was raised to 21 in December 2019 by federal law. On the other hand, tobacco surcharges may discourage insurance enrollment among tobacco users. In the 37 states that use the federal insurance exchange,, the tobacco surcharge was paid by about 7 percent of 5.1 million consumers who enrolled, according to federal data. Research: Josh Altic Allowing higher premiums for tobacco use in the nongroup market results in lower health insurance enrollment among smokers, which is driven by decreased enrollment in the nongroup market. 2 Box 200130 Helena, MT 59620-0130 In order to assess the impact of state policy on enrollment, we used a differenceindifference specification, comparing enrollment among smokers and nonsmokers in states that did and did not allow tobacco surcharges. Youth access to tobacco law-RCW 70.155: Prohibits the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors. But Macys tobacco affidavit also said, I understand that the tobacco surcharge will not be changed retroactively, and no refunds or credits will be issued.. Employees should also be aware they are required to certify tobacco use for themselves and their dependents. States that prohibit tobacco surcharges completely are California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, D.C. Connecticut also prohibits tobacco surcharges, but only for health plans sold in the state's health insurance exchange (Access Health CT). According to our estimates, the presence of a tobacco surcharge decreased the likelihood of enrollment in a nongroup plan by 9.0 percentage points (P<.01) among smokers without insurance through an employer or public program. Despite ACA lawmakers strong feeling that an individuals health condition should not be taken into consideration when setting the health insurance premiums, still they allowed health insurers to charge higher premiums from the tobacco users. We hypothesized that there would be lower enrollment among smokers, relative to nonsmokers, in states that allowed tobacco surcharges compared to states that outlawed rating by tobacco use. Share & Print Documents & Downloads Issue Brief - States Vary on Higher Premiums Paid by Tobacco Users Under the ACA Related Tags Affordable Care Act Tobacco Surcharges. In some of the circumstances, there may not be any surcharge for tobacco users. 7 The tobacco surcharge is limited to 15% in Colorado, 20% in Arkansas, and 40% in Kentucky. Other important reasons for not enrolling included not knowing about the marketplaces and/or not knowing how to enroll (19% main reason, 29% a factor), believing they were not eligible (8% main reason, 16% a factor), coverage not meeting needs including provider networks or benefits (3% main reason, 14% a factor), not needing health insurance (8% main reason, 11% a factor), or missing the enrollment period (4% main reason, 8% a factor). Our insurance expert will call you soon. First, each March, participants respond to the Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPSASEC), which includes detailed questions about the source and type of health insurance coverage as well as exhaustive income and employment questions. 8 Finally, we calculated income as a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL) using family income, the number of people in the HIU, and the appropriate FPL based on year and state of residence. The Affordable Care Act allows insurers to charge up to 50% higher premiums to tobacco users, making tobacco use the only behavioral factor that can be used to rate premiums in the nongroup insurance market. To learn more: Call 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) toll free; Text (716) 309-4688; or. Low and modest-income people buying health insurance may qualify for premium subsidies that cover the majority or even all of their health insurance premiums. 83 votes, 182 comments. -N.J. Stat. The survey included tobacco users age 1864 with incomes above 138% FPL who reported being uninsured or insured through a marketplace plan. Tobacco Users Pay Health Insurance Surcharges as per State and Federal Rules, Complete Overview on Buying Private Health Insurance Plan, Significant Differences between Public and Private Health Insurance Plan, Master the Tips to Shop for Health Insurance, Get personalized help related to Insurance Products, Service & Claims, Tips to Choose between Obamacare and Employer-sponsored Health Plans, Enrollment in Individual Health Plan is still possible after Ending of COVID SEP in the Most States, Free Health Insurance for Uninsured Americans with Stimulus Package. In addition, there is large variation in tobacco surcharges even within states that allow surcharges since most insurers do not charge the maximum allowable surcharge. 26 During the 1920s and 1930s, state laws trended towards a limit of 18 years. 7 12 Additionally, increased enrollment in nongroup plans in states that did not allow surcharges was not offset by a decrease in the likelihood of having other types of insurance like employer provided insuranceif anything, employer insurance takeup was higher in states without surcharges. 18. It was then decreased from 21 to 19 in 1963. PMC Tip Sheet: How to Implement a Smoking Surcharge on Health Insurance, The EX Program qualifies as a reasonable alternative standard and has helped over 940,000 tobacco users build the skills and confidence for a successful quit. PMID: 35254928 DOI: 10 . 4 Now is a good time to review whether your wellness program is compliant with ERISA and other wellness program laws, including HIPAA, ADA, and GINA. Finally, we examined the impact of the size of tobacco surcharges on enrollment using a linear probability model with a differenceindifference specification to predict the likelihood of any insurance coverage as well as the probability of nongroup coverage among those without insurance through an employer or public program. Tobacco use is the largest cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, Additionally, recent research has cast doubt on whether small employers complied with either the rating rules or the exemption for tobacco cessation, particularly in the early years of the ACA. Additionally, the fact that the inclusion of state fixed effects in our model of the impact of surcharge size produced nearly identical results to the same model without state fixed effects gives us confidence that this identification assumption holds. Section 1302 (c) (1) limits out-of-pocket costs and, for small group market plans, section 1302 (c) (2) limits deductibles. Descriptive statistics from linked CPSASEC and CPSTUS data pooled across 2015 and 2019. Data comes from a June 2019 online survey of tobacco users using Qualtrics Research Panel collected and analyzed by the authors. Federal government rules let employers charge smokers up to 50 percent of the cost of their health insurance benefits. 8 This finding was robust across a variety of specifications. **Please Note: Nothing contained in this blog post is to be construed as legal advice. [9][10] The tobacco age restriction remained at 19 until federal law raised it to 21 in December 2019. Tobacco use is the largest cause of preventable illness in the United States. Plan members need to attest to their tobacco status in their Virgin Pulse portal by May 31, 2022. and nonsmokers who use tobacco may be less likely to consider themselves to be regular tobacco users. 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