cameroon what are the specific water sources the lions exploit?general atlantic aum

For further information about transboundary aquifers, please see the Transboundary aquifers resources page. Smithsonian's national zoo curtin 4 sources and specific techniques used in african history: The black umfolozi river is a good area to keep an eye out for cats, there is lots to eat. Frequency of use (in both kills and faeces) and selection index of kudu in the early dry season highlight the importance of this species to lion female diet. It was not until the recent century where the conditions of lions in captivity have improved. If reproducing diagrams that include third party information, please cite both the Africa Groundwater Atlas and the third party sources. Our entire household has been drinking from this source for many years. For more information see the climate resource page. PLoS ONE 8(2): Lions are stalk-and-ambush hunters that use vegetative cover for concealment during hunting and are known to ambush prey in habitats surrounding high-prey abundance areas . Conceived and designed the experiments: ZD AJL DWM FM. Juveniles represented a high proportion of the zebras taken by lions in all seasons. However, water quality in Cameroon has improved in the last decade. Vassolo S. 2012. The Ministry of Water Resources and Energy / Ministere De Leau Et De Lenergie (MINEE) has responsibility for water supply and sanitation in both rural areas and towns through the Directorate of Directorate of Water (DE: Direction de lEau). Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ZD MV. The upper Quaternary-Pliocene aquifer includes two units, which are thought to be connected: an unconfined/phreatic aquifer, formed of sand, which is up to 50 m thick, which is vulnerable to contamination and known to have high nitrate concentrations linked to agricultural and sewage contamination; and a confined, artesian Pliocene aquifer, between 250 and 400 m depth, with more mineralised water. Mafany GT and Fantong WY. In Hwange, previous findings have shown that lion home range size was influenced by buffalo density in the late dry season ([40]). Kenya's Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) is a state corporation under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation established under the Water Act 2002 and charged with being the lead agency in water resources management in the country. : 19 192 m3/year, Per Capita in 2005 As in data were modified to ensure consistency with water resources data. Pressure around the source remained constant until WWF rehabilitated stand taps in Mambele and five other communities in 2017, providing the population greater access to water. Across-ecosystems, comparisons of large mammalian carnivore diet have now provided a good understanding of the preferred prey weight range of several carnivore species [6][8], but local studies are still needed to unravel the role of environmental factors and prey availability. Mambele residents have been drinking from this never-drying source for as long as the local residents can remember. The uppermost sandy layer is hydraulically connected with brackish waters in the Wouri estuary, and saline waters of the coastal wetlands. Many springs occur. Cameroon's location on the Atlantic coast in central Africa between latitude 2 and 13north, has a huge and diversified water resources potential. Many studies have suggested two principal causes: (1) human activities such as poor farming practices,. Whiskers indicate the range between 10% and 90% percentiles. Browsers, not grazers: if you see a rhino mowing grassland, it will be a southern white., Return to the index pages: Sightings of lion in the hluhluwe umfolozi vary according to various factors. Swakopmund, Pretoria Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. The rural population largely relies on groundwater for water supply, through springs, hand dug wells, and boreholes equipped with hand pumps (Ako Ako et al. Lion prey species found in faecal samples classified in 10 groups and their respective proportions relative to frequency of occurrence. The basin is shared by Chad, Niger, the Central African Republic, Nigeria, Cameroon, Algeria, Sudan and Libya. Per Capita in 2000 : 19 192 m 3 /year. Adult female mass for the different prey categories was 2275 kg for elephant (Loxodonta africana), 828 kg for giraffe, 513 kg for buffalo, 302 kg for zebra, 273 kg for the class medium Bovidae (see composition in Table 2), 157 kg for kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), 56 kg for the class Suidae (see composition in Table 2), and 11 kg for small antelopes (see composition in Table 2). The rural population largely relies on groundwater for water supply, through springs, hand dug wells, and boreholes equipped with hand pumps (Ako Ako et al. Dots represent data outside this range. Chari provides an outstanding home for some fish species including nile and perch, making it an important fishing ground for many local communities. We used data from 245 kills and 74 faecal samples. 2013. Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources in Cameroon. Below this there can be a deeper fractured aquifer, which usually has low permeability. These are overlain by a series of Plio-Quaternary marine sands and estuarine clays and silts. Nasilele mubita says her family was always complaining of diarrhoea as they shared a water source. Officially known as the Republic of Cameroon, this country is surrounded by six other African countries, as well as three bodies of water. Average distance-to-water revealed that lions typically kill between 1 and 4 km from a waterhole, with elephant and giraffe being the species killed most often the closest to a waterhole, and kudu and small antelopes killed the furthest away (Fig. Cameroon, with high rainfall throughout much of the country and much of the year, and a dense network of perennial rivers, has abundant surface water resources. For females, some seasonal differences were detected due to the lower contribution of buffalo to female diet in the early dry season, compensated for by an increase in secondary prey consumption, mainly kudu and medium Bovidae. The MCP method is the oldest one used among home range analysis methods ( Burt, 1943; Mohr, 1947), being the smallest convex polygon that encompasses all the lion locations, either using all the locations (MCP100%) or by first removing 5% of the outliers in the dataset (MCP95%) ( Powell, 2000 ). AMCOW. Hence, buffalo are likely to have a crucial influence on the spatial and behavioural ecology of lions in the Hwange ecosystem in all seasons. Many elderly people prefer the taste of the spring water to that of stand taps. Kill analysis revealed 14 different species being utilised by lions (Table 1). Generally sodium-bicarbonate or iron/magnesium/calcium-bicarbonate type. There is a coastal plain that extends 15-150 km inland; the south Cameroon plateau that rises from the coastal plain to more than 600 m; the Cameroon chain of mountains, hills and plateaus that extends from Mount Cameroon on the coast (Cameroon's highest point at 4,095 m) almost to Lake Chad on the northern border; the Adamawa Plateau in the centre of the country, with an average elevation of 1,100 m; and a northern lowland region, which extends from the edge of the Adamawa Plateau to Lake Chad, with an elevation of around 300 m. The climate varies across the country, controlled by topography. A male Lion will develop a mane by year 3, this will vary in color from blond to black. Samples were washed, sieved and sun dried to remove organic matter, and spread in a grid sampling tray. The coastal plain and southern plateau are dominated by equatorial rainforest. Your email address will not be published. Andrew J. Loveridge, What water sources do lions exploit in zimbabweabout school : Do sloths kill themselves by grabbing their arms; What water sources do lions exploit in zimbabwemaryland lacrosse camps 2021. Three seasons are distinguished: the wet season (November-February), with long-term mean rainfall of 513.6160.0 mm, wide spread surface-water availability and abundant, high quality browse and grazing; the early dry season (March-June), long-term mean rainfall of 111.172.8 mm with decreasing fodder quality and surface-water availability; and the late dry season (JulyOctober), long-term mean rainfall of 25.026.6 mm with surface-water restricted to artificial waterholes and very few natural pans, while deciduous trees lose their foliage and both browse and grazing is of the lowest quality during the year. Mambele, situated some 800 km from the nations capital Yaounde, is one of 21 communities around Lobeke with over 23000 inhabitants. Schedule a phone or Zoom call with one of our safari planners, Complete our travel enquiry form to connect with a safari planner. Some urban centres widely use groundwater, including Douala. The plateau areas show distinct wet and dry seasons, with lower rainfall than the coastal region. Hence male and female data were analysed separately. Jacobs index also revealed that buffalo was the most intensively selected species throughout the year. We owe thanks to Wilderness Safaris, The Hide Safaris, Touch the Wild Safaris, Zimbabwe Sun international and the Gwaai ICA for permission to work on their concessions. A particularly beautiful and bountiful antelope with distinctive colouring, horns that outline a heart shape and immaculate white tummies, despite the dust. Do sloths kill themselves by grabbing their arms; In botswana lions take to the water regularly, lions do hunt elephant and hippo and in some areas of the country lions can go for moths without drinking water. We arbitrarily assigned the average adult female weight, with the exception of elephant as predominantly juveniles are preyed upon in dry periods [19], for each sample to allow a crude comparison with kill data. Cameroon has a dense network of perennial rivers. Contrary to our predictions, areas close to waterholes were highly selected for kills regardless of seasonal conditions. It is used to supplement the domestic and industrial water demand of Douala (Mafany and Fantong 2006). Certain details were gradually implemented to ensure that the environment of the areas where they were detained were close to if not identical to the habitat where they originally lived in. Lake Jipe provides water for the wildlife species in the park like the lions, elephants and among others when they are thirsty. The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is acknowledged for approving this research and for permission to publish this manuscript. What are the major rivers in Cameroon? The geology map shows a simplified version of the geology at a national scale (see the Geology resources page for more details). Our office hours are 08:00 - 19:00 (GMT+2). Water weed which has invaded and is choking Harare's main water sources like Lake Chivero. "Some years back some boreholes were rehabilitated by either the local council or the community. Ten hairs could not be identified (2% of all hairs collected). Vernal pools are a type of wetlands - sometimes resembling larger puddles. Cameroon's location on the Atlantic coast in central Africa between latitude 2 and 13north, has a huge and diversified water resources potential. Unconsolidated aquifers - including alluvium, marine and estuarine deposits - occur in many parts of the country, and are typically in hydraulic continuity with underlying bedrock aquifers. Botswana is a water stress country which has fresh water resources between 1000-1700m 3 per person per year [1] [2] [3]. There are a series of parallel faults running northeast/southwest, with displacements that can reach 1000 m, and associated with large volcanic massifs of various ages and compositions. The importance of buffalo was more pronounced for male lions, which corroborates findings from other studies [39]. Namib Desert Accessed [date you accessed the information]. Town , 7530, Gorilla Trekking & the Great Migration Combined, Wildebeest Migration, Ngorongoro & Zanzibar Journey, Copyright Discover Africa Safaris | Etosha National Park Wildlife | Last Updated: 15 Sep 2022, View 6 Etosha Safaris, 20 of the best Masai Mara safari tours & lodges, Our Top 10 Choices For The Best Luxury Lodges In Kruger, 10 Africa Honeymoon Destinations Youre Guaranteed To Fall In Love With. United Nations Department of Technical Cooperation for Development and Economic Commission for Africa, Natural Resources/Water Series No. Borehole yields are usually 1 to 3 m/hour, in the region of the Mandara mountains, but can rarely reach 30 m/hour in places in the Kribi region, associated with large faults (UN 1988). The largest is Lake Chad, of which 800 km2 (Little Chad phase) to 1 800 km2 (Normal Chad phase) are Cameroon territory, or 840% of the lake area, depending on the floods (Welcomme, 1979). Schoor Avenue, Bellville, Cape . Then-Gov. This section provides a summary of the geology of Cameroon. WWF findings show that cholera and typhoid are amongst the top health challenges within communities near rivers due to inaccessibility to drinkable water. Jacobs indices revealed that lions of both sexes kill their prey preferentially within 2 km from a waterhole for all prey species except small antelopes (Fig. 2). Of the 322 billion cubic meters of total available water resources, groundwater constitutes 21% (57 billion cubic meters) of this resource (Ako Ako et al. Cameroon is rich in national parks and wildlife reserves, including the Waza National Park in the north (which contains both forest and savanna animals), the Dja Faunal Reserve (a UNESCO World Heritage site), and the Campo Ma'an National Park in the southwest (which has elephants, hippos, leopards, and plenty of primates). Jacobs index ranges between 1 (highly avoided), 0 (used in proportion to availability) and 1 (highly selected). The source of the river is in the mountainous highlands of East African rift before it eventually drains into the Atlantic Ocean. When more than one prey species is available, predators are able to shift prey selection depending on relative prey availability [21]. An average of 300 people depend on the water source, says Njounan Tegomo Olivier, WWF Collaborative Management Officer. This is reflected by the declines in certain rare herbivores when artificial water points allowed more common herbivores and resident predators access to areas previously too dry to support them [48], [50]. The river is fed by two major tributaries (Pende River and Ouham-Pende) and drains into Chari River. The Logone flows northward into the Lake Chad basin, which Cameroon shares with three neighbouring countries. Recent advances in GPS technology has allowed non invasive carcass observations and faecal analysis to gain increasing knowledge on large mammalian carnivores diet [3], [4], and has also permitted to study the spatial distribution of kills providing important information for predator-prey relationships [5]. 1 More information on irrigation water use and requirement statistics. 1988. Citation: Davidson Z, Valeix M, Van Kesteren F, Loveridge AJ, Hunt JE, Murindagomo F, et al. Proportional prey selection did not differ significantly between seasons neither for males (Friedman 2early dry-late dry=10.17, df=7, p=0.18; Friedman 2early dry-wet=9.57, df=7, p=0.21; Friedman 2late dry-wet=11.70, df=7, p=0.11), nor for females even though results approached significance level (Friedman 2early dry-late dry=12.95, df=7, p=0.07; Friedman 2early dry-wet=11.67, df=7, p=0.11; Friedman 2late dry-wet=12.45, df=7, p=0.08). Furthermore, juvenile elephants were selected by female lions in the wet season. We then converted the frequency of occurrence into biomass estimates using the average adult male and female mass (from [1], [34]). For female lions, kudu and to a lesser extent the group medium Bovidae are the most important secondary prey. These basins generally form low to moderately productive aquifers, capable of borehole yields of up to 5 m/hour. Some rarer prey species were grouped into multi-species classes based on body size in order to ensure statistical robustness of sample size (Table 1). Juveniles also represented an important proportion of the giraffe killed by lions (Fig. They are described in the relevant sections below. Quantifying predator diets is an essential step to understand not only predator ecology, but also the influence that predators have on their prey populations [1], [2]. Laboratoire de Biomtrie et Biologie Evolutive, CNRS UMR 5558, Universit Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, Bt Gregor Mendel, Villeurbanne, France, Affiliation: 2017) and organic pollution (Sanou et al. The majority of the population is employed in agriculture, much of it at subsistence scale with surplus produce sold in local markets. Groundwater in the deeper Cretaceous sandstone aquifer is dominated by K/Na-HCO3 types, and typically of good quality. A BGR project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) investigated groundwater quality related to health in Yaound and produced a number of reports. We recognise that there may have been a small number of instances where lions scavenged other predators kills, however, we assume this to be negligible based on our kill site classification methodology. British Geological Survey. The Lake Chad Basin Aquifer System: a case study for the research project 'Transboundary groundwater management in Africa'. and common mice (Mus spp.). Some - eg Mamf - contain evaporites. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. This allows conversations they can hear for 100km further than normal. The northern lowland region is relatively arid, with low rainfall and high temperatures. Equatorial conditions in the south create no flood peaks per season (i.e., Lobe and Nyong). Cameroon has seen relatively high political and social stability since independence, with the same president since 1982. 1. Tsavo Lion Project - Lion Conservation Fund. 2020 WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature 1986 Panda Symbol WWF World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) WWF is a WWF Registered Trademark Creative Commons license. This brochure contains only modifications / changes, undertaken on the longitudinal In communities where neither springs nor stand taps are unavailable, the population drink from open streams that also serve for laundry and bathing. We're sorry. They pronk: bounce with all four feet alternatively on and off the ground, for what seems to be pure joy. Seasonal surface-water dynamics thus, influences the probability which predators can find prey and is likely to have several consequences for the ecology of predator-prey interactions. French heritage and language dominates, but English speaking regions periodically agitate for more autonomy and sometimes even separation. These statistics are sourced from FAO Aquastat. Jacobs indices based on faecal data are closer to those for females based on kill data, which is to be expected as most faecal samples were collected at female kill sites. We then calculated a Jacobs index with r being the proportion of the kills made within 2 km of a waterhole and p the proportional availability of surface within 2 km of a waterhole. Boreholes are between 60 and 200 m deep (UN 1988). Some years back some boreholes were rehabilitated by either the local council or the community. Chambers One, 27 Willie van Where does the Cameroon River get its water? Given the propensity of kill investigations to be biased towards large prey, this is likely an underestimation and it should be considered that juvenile zebra are highly selected for by lions. Cameroon's national parks are vast and the dedicated wildlife authorities and staff on the ground oftentimes lack adequate financial support and resources to carry out effective management. Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Australia, Received: October 1, 2012; Accepted: December 19, 2012; Published: February 6, 2013. The river is an important fishing ground for local communities. Faecal analysis revealed a higher number of species occurring in the lion diet (20 species), owing to the detection of more small prey items, unexpectedly including climbing mice (Dendromus spp.) In our case this is particularly true for the class small antelopes. Many springs emerge from hill slopes, some of them thermal (Mafany and Fantong 2006). Temperatures vary drastically in the Kalahari, going below zero on winter nights and reaching as high as 40 degrees Celsius during summer days. Seasonal geographic information on waterholes was available and allowed us to calculate for each kill the distance to the nearest waterhole containing water (distance-to-water) using ArcView 3.2 nearest neighbour extensions (ESRI 2004). Etosha We thank Matt Hayward, Craig Tambling and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on a previous draft. Water Resources Management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Cameroon. Jane E. Hunt, This suggested that surface-water resources form passive traps and contribute to the structuring of lion foraging behaviour. Water sources are also considered crucial in lion habitat selection in the Serengeti [47] and thought to act as passive traps for ungulates in the Kruger ecosystem [5], [48]. The river has been exploited by local communities for transport, fish, and water for irrigation. Cameroons national parks are vast and the dedicated wildlife authorities and staff on the ground oftentimes lack adequate financial support and resources to carry out effective management. In terms of quantity, it is the second potential in. Boxes show medians, 25% and 75% quartiles. The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! 18, ST/TCD/5. Karoo Browsers such as giraffe, kudu and small antelopes were mainly consumed in the early dry season (Fig. The Dja and Kad drain southeastward into the Congo River. In neighbouring Yenga community (20 km from Mambele) where WWF also rehabilitated a stand tap, some residents cover a distance of more than 3 km to get water. More information on average rainfall and temperature for each of the climate zones in Cameroon can be seen at the Cameroon climate page. The distance between 215 lion kills and the nearest water source was analyzed using generalized linear models. Please see the Terms of use for more information. The remaining species contributed less than 5% per species. Lion prey species found at kills classified in 8 groups and their respective proportions relative to frequency of occurrence. 2). Zeke Davidson, The distance between 215 lion kills and the nearest water source was analyzed using generalized linear models. Marion Valeix, Affiliation: In contrast, analysis of faeces tends to be biased against species with less hair, such as elephants, and very large bodied prey for which the body surface/volume ratio is smaller than for smaller species [37], and hence the likelihood of predators eating hairs is smaller. Overall, juveniles represented one third of the zebra carcasses found. Male lions showed a preference for medium Bovidae in the early dry and wet seasons, and for Suidae in the late dry and wet seasons (Fig. The Kenya Water Resources Management Authority shall have the following powers and functions: _____ _____ what are the seasonal changes to these water sources? In our study, lions preyed mainly on elephant juveniles at the end of the dry season of a very dry year (October-November 2005), supporting previous findings that young elephants make up an unusually large proportion of lion prey in Hwange in the dry season during years of low rainfall [19]. What water sources do lions exploit in zimbabwemaryland lacrosse camps 2021 Subscribe to the texas a&m today newsletter for the latest news and stories every week. Groundwater in North and West Africa: Cameroon. Because several non-independent samples were collected at one site, we used one faecal sample only per kill site to avoid any pseuso-replication [27]. They are the most recent available information in the Aquastat database. Here, we investigate the seasonal contribution of the different herbivore species, prey preference and distribution of kills (i.e. During the study period, adult male and female lions were sighted together in only 7% of the sightings (n=1710). The deeper aquifer is confined by the intervening clays, which is widely used for industry and domestic supplies in Douala (Mafany and Fantong 2006). "An average of 300 people depend on the water source," says Njounan Tegomo Olivier, WWF Collaborative Management Officer. Seasonal variation in the relative contribution by different prey species to lion kills, for males (M) and females (F), distinguishing age class proportions. Additionally, dry season scarcity of good quality forage, exacerbated by local depletion around water sources, tends to make certain herbivores more vulnerable to predation, particularly during low rainfall periods [16][19]. Cameroons location on the atlantic coast in central africa between latitude 2 and 13north, has a huge and diversified water resources potential. Yields of up to 5 m/hour Africa, Natural Resources/Water series no information on average rainfall high... And estuarine clays and silts seems to be pure joy one of our safari planners Complete... 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