ck2 best pagan religiongeneral atlantic aum

Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. It's aimed at more of the casual/intermediate player. Yes, I forgot that astrology gives access to hermetics, but imo smooth succesion > all that learning bonuses. Interactive corporate website, Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10%, Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2, Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%, National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +1, Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%, National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5%, Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5. I've gained several kingdoms w/o trying to; I was just trying to get their bloodlines in my main line. It just looks so good: +80% Defense and +80% morale for all units if fighting at county of this religion. This is in addition to the pagan homeland attrition penalty, which forces the large numbers of troops needed to invade a defensive pagan home territory to face severe attrition for the duration of any siege. All Offensive pagans also gain a +30% bonus to their levy sizes, making up for likely lower technology and smaller fort holdings. In later starts, expanding north becomes increasingly difficult and by 1066, many rulers of the area have converted to Islam. No penalty for female ruler. Playing from this start is more difficult, as Kiev is bordered to the south by the Tengri Khaganate of Magyars. Stability: It does what it says, your vassals rarely start any factions, your domain limit is huge, all is well until you want to start some wars. Also has access to the decadence mechanic which can also increase demesne income with tribal or iqta governments. The faith is in a strong position in the 769 start as north Africa is mainly ruled by tiny Muslim realms which can easily be conquered after consolidating your position in the south. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended. Suomenusko retains a sizable number of provinces throughout the game and it is very easy to put the fear of Ukko to other religions, whether you start in 769, 867 or 1066. With tribal mechanics, pagans cannot raise Tribal Organization very high without having severe relations penalty for tribal Unreformed Pagan vassals (-30 opinion with Absolute). Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction. Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. Women can take up to 3 consorts. I hope this tier list/guide was useful for you here reading this, despite its huge length. If the last two holy sites are difficult to reach, the best way to obtain the necessary moral authority is through county conquests and raids. Hierocratic/Autocephalous is also doable but the religious head can be a real moron and not call GHW as soon as it becomes available. Suomenusko, religion of the Finno-Ugric people stretches from the Baltic Sea to Siberia. Blood sacrifices is super fun, esp. +15 vassal opinion. I agree, meliorism should have notification. It got to the point where I was raiding not based on gold or number of holdings or artifacts or anything like that, but simply based on the size of the ruler's court; I figured it would give me more chances to capture folks for the sacrifices. The resulting empty holding slots further strengthens the horde. Uuugghhh. Easily the best for power gaming, as you can directly target Great Holy Wars, and don't . Aztec religion only appears in-game if Sunset Invasion DLC is in use. Having a hard time picking between prepared invasions and Meritocracy, either epic land grabs, or being able to designate best heir.. Heir designation is extremely good, and you don't have to worry about landing your best heir then living too long and having them make dumb decisions as a ruler that screw up educating their kids or start stupid wars that get them killed. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in the first doctrine slot, it is lost. Which religion is best? I may found bridge from new DLC's teaser. As for best leadership, it depends. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. With Holy Fury, each pagan faith (except Aztecs) has an associated Warrior Lodge, a society focused on combat. Faith is widespread in earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but is in decline from 1066 onwards. To debate theology, go elsewhere. The first thing you will choose is one Nature. Information, Frequently Asked To help in the struggle against unbelievers, each reformed faith gets a single holy order. Pagan Religion Reformation Advice. Stability is in fact quite helpful and has nice synergies, but I wouldn't pick it standalone. Equality allows the player to not only land females, but also to get even higher scores since female dynasts could have consorts, who as concubines provides prestige. Duke-tier religious head common for all realms. Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. And raised levies opinion penalty only really counts if you are at war all the time. Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. on Paradox technology, Legal Rulers lose prestige when at peace for too long. Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. Holy Sites: Reformer picks two doctrines. you proselyte by sword, not by word. Absolute cognatic succession is enforced. Diviner read signs before a war to try to improve troop morale. Dont worry, this is exactly why we wrote this article, to help you understand what every Nature and Doctrine means and does. Unlocks Raiding if unavailable (eg Hellenic). "Why would you want infidels to tolerate you? Access to monastic feudal government with Tibeto-Burman culture group. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Dawnbreakers is underrated as a way to practice eugenics when combined with meritocracy. Its holy sites are scattered around the map but are mostly controlled by right religion, even in 1066 starting date. Great Holy War against a single disfigured child. You can join the Hermetics (without unpausing) via temporary conversion to an appropriate religion (eg. Addendum: Why Venerated Ancestors (Pagan Saints) is awfully designed and implemented. Combined with not paying any penalty for raising their vassals' levies, this means offensive pagans can muster forces far beyond what their technological levels would suggest. Additionally, Unyielding is a bit of a jack of all trades if you want to blob, Proselyting is better for converting provinces. For best run: The High Chieftess of Kiev in 769 reforming Slavic to be Enatic Clans is a stupidly fun run that I've been doing a lot of. Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but County Conquest CB is available. And isn't Civilized like a dream? Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. The Zunists are unique in that they are somewhat of a hybrid of the Offensive and Defensive; generic Paganism grants no bonuses. Check out other interesting CK2 guides and articles: CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Immortality Event ID and Guide|CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Strange Chest Item and Event Results|CK2 (Crusader Kings II): Retinues Guide. It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. For conquests Islam is way too OP if you're not a nomad. You trade some of your offensive/defensive capability for stability, faster conversion, and Great Holy Wars to combat Crusades and Jihads. AI looter prefer coastal counties. The last playable Germanic ruler available is Arnfast of Vsterbotten, who dies in 1309. Penalty to moral authority (-15%) and to mission. You must log in or register to reply here. Toggle signature. Youre all but guaranteed the successor you want, and unlike Open succession you dont have to worry about your AI heir doing stupid things when you land them. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. Depends on what you want. Doesnt block us from raiding, hunting focus etc. Wait. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are better. Prisoners of different religions can be sacrificed for Piety. However, a religion can only have one "unit modifier", so offensive pagans will lose levy size and other bonuses if they select a reformation feature that adds a competing "unit modifier". If that was the case, simply raising levies, toggling looter and waiting will remove the prestige penalty. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. I have received few private messages and some even answered to the thread when the post was very old. No females in the council. The reformed Pagan religions are usually pretty nice. +5% Morale of armies. As I said in OP, if you are Roman Emperor you cannot designate heir for your top tittle. a situation/mechanic that doesn't resemble real life in any meaningful way. Unrelenting cannot be picked with unyielding, and it cancels out any unreformed levy or troops bonus. Agnatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full. Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert. Kiev in 769 is notably a start whose default ruler, Dobrava Turov, is a woman. If that bloodline gets passed down it's a great way to boost up prestige in the early reign of your descendants. In game terms, reformed pagans no longer face the restrictions on crown authority, succession, independence wars and conversion that other pagans do. The African faith is followed by the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. When I started writing this tier list I wanted to put all natures in one tier, but realised I have never really used dogmatic and proselytizing because they feel lackluster to me. I mean making the enemy duke your vassal king through external inheritance? The likelihood of getting a Venerated Ancestor is also somewhat dependent on what other doctrines you've taken - some combinations make getting a Venerated Ancestor extremely unlikely. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. Religious Control Mandate law is unavailable. If someone used it with success please advocate this nature in comments. The sun is reflected beautifully on his bald head. Reformed pagans will gain a sudden bonus to their conversion rates. 100% objectively correct scientific analysis of the civilized/barbaric nature of every religion and heresy's gameplay features in CK2. For hellenic rome, warmongering, unrelenting, civilized and im not sure about the last one since the pontifex maximus was not very strong in his authority, having powers like fixing the calendar. I might make a post in the future on how I think all the religions and doctrines could be improved/fixed to make them viable for both Fun and Power, but Ive written enough for now. Hellenism (Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit), Incompatible with Religious Tax and Civilized doctrines, Incompatible with Sons of Ragnarok doctrine. I like Buddhism because the combination of concubinage and heir-nomination means you can end up with an unbroken line of Strong Genius rulers if you play the genetics game well, but unfortunately they're lousy at expansion. Helps a lot when vs crusades or aztecs trying to meme on you. This allows other pagans (especially Tengri and Germanic pagans) to fairly easily invade other pagans with conquest and subjugation casus belli. Hi, before Holy Fury release I posted my tier list for pagan doctrines, It is really painful to expand with CBs at our disposal as Peaceful religion. Holding the Blood Games in the Grand Amphitheater grants an additional 200 Prestige. I think Polygamy would be powerful. Hierocratic and Autocephalous is a good way when we don't want to bother much with religious head but want to have high MA. I've had games where several centuries have gone by and literally only one or two guys have been made Venerated Ancestors and they're usually some random idiot. using concubines). However, the Sons of Abraham demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. "IN THEORY" 95% of the time it works every time. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, levy & garrison bonus from Unyielding nature or offensive bonus of Unrelenting doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. +40% garrison size at county of this religion. (Such as reconquering Slavic lands as a Slav from Christians.) Enatic-cognatic law is available. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous. Levy size & attack bonus from unreformed Tengri faith will be lost. I enjoy and make videos of strategy games, RPGs, and more usually in the form of crazy challenge runs, character roleplaying, or other ways to spice things up. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. AI rulers will try to convert their provinces. You want to play Sunni, because you can either get free learning or piety for even faster conquests. With Holy Fury, Zunists can raid after reformation, as long as the reformed faith does not have the Peaceful nature. Leadership. Pagans have great difficulty holding large realms together. Most pagan faiths permit female temple holders regardless of gender law; exceptions are noted below. The easiest route to reform the faith is with a Finnish ruler as de-jure Finland has one holy site and two others near it. Autonomous leadership is only good if you need neither GHWs nor excommunications. Bn is also unlocked by Jade Dragon, and Horse Lords allows playing of pagan nomadic rulers. choosing Polygamy for Hellenism, which has no access to concubinage or choosing the Children of Perun doctrine to make use of major Russian rivers to transport armies). I like Romuva and Suomensusko the best but I don't have much experience with Bon but I think I'll try them soon. However, the Tengri faith does not die out during the entire period of the game and there are always relatively strong rulers for it in the game. Characters get a Rite of Passage when reaching adulthood. "IN THEORY" 95% of the time it works every time. Stuff that sounds good at first sometimes turns out to be not so great. Defining features in-game: Low-tech non-pagans have very low Supply Limit in Pagan counties. However, the religion's holy sites are scattered far and wide making reformation very hard. Have fun dealing with retaining those. All units gain 80% to defense when fighting enemies in a province of the combatant's religion. They also have access to two special casus belli: Most pagans have defensive attrition, massively reducing the supply limit for non-pagans invading their homeland. Note that Germanic pagans have as a holy site the county of Braunschweig, and taking that county will trigger the Catholic crusades (as well as the formation of every Catholic Holy Order but the Knights Templar) at the time that you take Braunschweig, so long as the year is 900 and the province is Christian. Feudal unreformed pagans typically use gavelkind succession. Reforming the religion removes these restrictions, allowing tribal rulers to use gavelkind and allowing feudal rulers to use primogeniture. Bloodthirsty gods is very fun, we can get a bloodline, have our champion win several death matches, and we have access to Flower War cb which cripples enemy economy when we win. Access to Hermetic society (but Hermetics still suffer -10 temple opinion). Rulers can order subject to Take the Vows, disqualifying them from succession. While you're spreading religion across the world, why not check out some of our other guides on Crusader Kings II. With the exception of the reformed Germanic religion, the faith will also immediately gain a holy order. The Slavic faith is followed, as the name suggests, by the Slavic peoples of Europe. Bear in mind that in 1066, Novgorod is Christian, and the Rurikid dynasty which holds it has multiple potential allies from other dynasty members. It has a synergy with incest doctrine making us high god of our religion. Pont Valentr Press J to jump to the feed. However, invaders can negate the attrition by quickly building a fort in each province they enter, or by having Military Organization 4 in their capital. You get a 30+ opinion bonus with the dynasty you venerated. Wide making reformation very hard the Peaceful nature you need neither GHWs nor excommunications my! Tengri faith will be lost for conquests Islam is way too OP if you 're not a nomad that. Or iqta governments focused on combat and Jihads on his bald head a Rite of Passage when reaching.! 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