darlie routier dna results 2021general atlantic aum

If she was struggling and twisting away from the guy wielding the knife and he slashed at her, the cut would not be a perfect slice all the way across. Later in the call, she repeated that she touched the knife and said, "We could have got the prints, maybe." Why? I see a judge with a clear bias in favor of the prosecution that was blatantly trying to rush through the trial, never mind that someone's life was hanging in the balance. :/, yea i get why they went to a psychic especially when desperate for info. Look at all the red spots that indicate where Damon went in the family room. There is an innocent white woman going down for all this and it just sickens me. Copyright Altoona Mirror | https://www.altoonamirror.com | 301 Cayuga Ave., Altoona, PA 16602 | 814-946-7411. Routier suffered a near-fatal stab wound to her neck, which just missed the carotid artery. I'm open-minded and always willing to consider new evidence, but at this point I don't feel as though anything that happened that night was planned. They had the nurses pass around various photos of Darlie's injuries and the crime scene, but they also slipped Devon's and Damon's autopsy photos in with them. She mentions a struggle early in the 911 call to the dispatcher, but that is before Waddell arrives. I just can't buy the idea that Darlie was the one who murdered her kids. I'm not saying it's impossible for his kicking to have caused that bruising, but it is improbable. The ultra-conservative jury did not see her as someone they could identify with. He also claims that Darlie described to him how she struggled or fought with the intruder by the kitchen bar, but that conversation never took place. Where did they come from, the towel fairy? Do you think her live-in bf had nothing to do with it as well? Regardless of what juror Charles Samford said, I think they DID see those pictures. Damon was breathing on his own; all they could do for him was pray that he could hang on long enough for help to arrive. She wasn't thinking about it at all; she was answering Waddell's questions about what had occurred. These worms keep telling lies. We all know that Darrin was into kristal meth and many more crimes. He never notified the dispatcher that he was on the scene; therefore, the dispatcher had no idea that a police officer was in the house and did not realize that Darlie was speaking to him. Suppose he had trouble sleeping and came down the stairs for a glass of water while she was doing all this? If you think he is anything more than an exploitative, hypocritical quack, I truly feel sorry for you. There was a brief mention of it when Darlie was on the witness stand, but the prosecution objected on the grounds of hearsay. Rickels went to the door and looked out the peephole. Darlie's Pathfinder was parked in the street; it would have appeared as if no one was home. In reality, Rickels had not been in good health at the time. 5) Yes, the knife came from her house. To hear them tell it, Darlie was unemotional with a flat, disinterested affect. Yea i don't believe it was someone who knew her either and the letter from Karl about them other inmates talking about this tragedy and there involvement it seem's that it is very likely those two males. Everything that points to Darlie's guilt is in the transcripts." Well C. George, in a perfect world, the others would definitely be held accountable. Perhaps someone on Darlie's defense team did seek her out and decided her information was not particularly useful; or she may have slipped through the cracks in the shuffle of switching from the court-appointed attorneys. It didn't just magically appear, and regardless of what some fools say, it is NOT Darlie's print, or anyone else who was known to be in the house. He was the one that actually put the bandage on you and walked you out? The wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slowly, and even slower in the state of Texas. No, there's no recording of anything that was said after the 911 call ended, but according to Waddell's own words, this whole exchange took place during the first few minutes of his arrival, while Darlie was still on the phone. But, regardless of the extent of Darin's involvement, it is undeniable that someone else was in that house that night. Aside from his weight, the attack on Devon was brutal and swift. Then she stabbed the other child. He was treated, evaluated, and it was determined that he was not a serious suicide risk. Q. His affair with Karen Neal has been exposed for years and yet people keep asking questions about that stupid sock. The officer, of course, is Matt Walling. Even the best of the best make mistakes, sometimes grievous mistakes. What was he a suspect for, a whole 2 hours? There's so many details that just don't add up. Do you remember talking to Detective Waddell there when he came into your house? HOLLIDAYSBURG A Blair County judge has authorized the use of a computer generated animation to help a jury TYRONE The fitness and wellness center at Penn Highlands Tyrone soon will be closing its doors. Then cops found disturbing clues that ultimately put her on death row. These maggots have been eating at me with their lies for too long. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. She had nothing to do while in jail but rack her brain and agonize over the fact that her children's killer was walking around free while she sat in jail, on trial for her very life. I have some other topics regarding this case i would like your opinion on. A. I believe the first thing I asked her was, who had done this. The inmate is identified only as "Karl," but the contents of the letter were a bombshell. The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. In response to this point, the "guilters" (those that believe in Darlie's guilt) will be quick to point out that Waddell's version of events is backed up by the eyewitness testimony of Darlie's neighbor across the street, Bill Gorsuchbut it isn't. For the love of God, what is your obsession with Dr. Phil? If you don't, I can't help you. Seems it would have to be someone with big Reach ? Quinncy was able to meet with Karen while she was incarcerated at the Lubbock County Jail. If the DNA matches the suspect or suspects, an arrest should be imminent. Again, he wasn't about to flee with anything at all that could link him to this house or this crime. One of Darlie Routiers attorneys, Richard R. Smith of Dallas, said the judges order was welcome news. Okay. This is actually quite common when victims refer to an unknown assailant or assailants. Arkansas had a serious drug problem, a vicious temper, and little to no impulse control. According to Darlie, she had not had her period since giving birth to Drake and was feeling particularly low on that day. Once Darlie is set free:), what is the next step in solving the crime? That is NOT in Kathy's book and is not common knowledge, so I was taken aback to see that particular comment. Why wouldn't her prints be on it? He says "what mother wouldn't run upstairs to see for herself that the baby was unharmed" so that right there settles it, S Clemmons is definitely a man. The case has received worldwide attention and has been featured on several TV shows as Routier works to prove her innocence through post-conviction petitions in Dallas County and in the U.S. District Court in West Texas. 20, 2008, edition of the last DNA results Explore the story! What Darlie initially relayed to the police, her family, and the media was most likely disjointed fragments of memories assembled to the best of her ability. (Attorney nodding head affirmatively.) Ah, I stand corrected - the IP was finally mentioned in msm in October 2021, after the motion linked upthread was granted. And behind every car dealer is a bigger car dealer .. a more savy heavier car dealer . JustinCase976 (author) on December 17, 2019: I just realized I missed one of your questions. There was blood on literally everything the woman touched, but none on the wine rack, or on the actual glass itself. The print could only have been left while the blood was still wet, meaning that whoever left it was present at the time of the murders. Brian Pardo isn't actually an attorney. If Halina Czaban really believed the baby was in any danger from his mother then she is negligent for not calling the police or CPS right then and there. If she was laying on the couch, and a man with a knife mounted her, the first thing anyone would do would be to raise their arms up defensively, thus accounting for the black-and-blue bruising up and down her arms. I don't know who "Arthur" is but the other two you mention come from the Darlie Did It camp so I don't think they'll ever be commenting about anyone breaking in. And then were awakenedwhat awakened you the second time, do you know? Patterson. This caused the prosecution to claim that Darlie placed it there to further enhance evidence of a struggle. She was calling for help, grabbing towels, running back and forth, etc. What gives? Toggle navigation Navigation Menu nike acg air mowabb og rattan birch 2021; ross county vs celtic highlights; 6mm cuban link chain 24 inch; street fighter 30th anniversary characters; evans ga government jobs; outdoor clothing jobs; The examiner must then evaluate whether or not the print meets the standards to scan and upload it; if enhancement is required, the examiner must do that first. How do you know if the bedroom door was closed with the dog in there? The Murders She knows her daughter did this. With so many people frantically coming in and out of the house, any one of them could have easily kicked that glass from one spot to another without even realizing it. I wish you could say all the things too!!!! Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. This fingerprint did not match one single person who was known to be in the house that night; it did not belong to any of the Routiers, nor did it match any of the police officers or paramedics (all were printed to rule them out). How thorough can a murder investigation be in less than two weeks time? At first she insisted there were no audio tapes; later she recanted and admitted that there were audio tapes, locked in a storage unit. In truth, Darlie did not pick the music and did not know the song would be played, but the jury did not hear this. In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. A short time later, he was fully awakened by the sound of Darin yelling. Questioning of Bill Gorsuch by Mr. Toby L. Shook: Q. Guiltersthose who believe Darlie is guiltyhave a number of familiar reasons for doubting her story. And this is the time when you told her to do that? There's just too many variables. It's not like she was just standing there, chit-chatting with her girlfriends on the phone. One thing guilters love to say is, "Read the transcripts. 5) Her changing stories--they really didn't change all that much, and there is no reason why everything she said couldn't possibly have happened. Shaking my head. Predictably, Halsey lost her license over this whole debacle. Even if you add a couple of minutes to Parchman's opinion that he only lived eight or nine minutes, that still does not give Darlie enough time to accomplish everything the prosecution claims she did. Have you ever read "The Disputed Conviction of Darlie Routier" by S Clemmons? There could be a perfectly logical explanation. And that Mr Mayhem was invited over. Okay. I hear new DNA coming her way. Anywhere. 2) Domain slept on the second floor behind the closed door of the master bedroom. Groggy and confused, Darlie instinctively followed the man through her kitchen toward the utility room that leads out to a garage. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. And too add it is not impossible what the psychic said they is evil in both male and females in this world and is possible that it could have been a female intruder ? He's a wealthy businessman from Waco who hired his own investigators to look into the case. He attempted to hang himself in his cell, but was not successful. It's entirely possible that the only noises were grunting and some muffled screams. Okay. Wouldnt a new investigation begin? When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. Her execution has not been scheduled. But it may not have to go that far. Another drop from Damon, mixed with Darlie's. JustinCase976 (author) on December 02, 2019: I have never heard about any African-American DNA found at the scene; could you provide a link? This had to be the murder that Arkansas was talking about that fall day back in '96! If that meant "Gangsta's Paradise" and silly string, so be it. In other words, Bevel was saying that both victims were injured and actively bleeding when the drops were deposited, and their mixed blood landed on the back of the shirt. it was mentioned Darlie had a psychic visit the home i have not managed to research this what is your view? In the letter, Karl, who was then incarcerated at The Potter County Jail, described an argument he had heard between two other inmates in late fall of 1996 as they were coming in from the rec yard. As you can see, the child went nowhere near the coffee table where the print was located. The Routiers had tickets to fly to Pennsylvania and were planning to fly out the following week, on the 14th. Because of what happened to that woman in Texas. Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. They testified that she did not appear to be grieving appropriately. The blood we see is mostly Darlie's, and it wasn't shed until after she stood up and began walking around. Really, Alan? The prosecution team was very good at setting the stage and creating the character of "Darlie the Killer." His testimony states: "I thought if she was worried about fingerprints on a knife, she could certainly take care of her kids." Had Bevel been on the other side of the case, I firmly believe Tolle would have ruled differently. Everyone seems to have a theory as to how it got there. Officer Waddell was not actually dispatched to Eagle Drive; he just happened to be nearby when the call came in over the radio. Is youryou know, sometimes I'll set my clock a little bit fast just so that hopefully I get where I'm supposed to be on time. I love how the non supporters always say Darin was the primary suspect at first. Would Darlie walk? Judge Tolle made damn sure of that. The neighborhood children called it "The Nintendo House" because of the elaborate game room made just for kids. After a couple of minutes, however, there came a loud bang and what sounded like splintering wood. I believe it ALL happened. This means that Damon had to have been stabbed within about a minute before the 911 call began. He trusted BJ / daughter Enough back then. and even Darlie knew the maid/friend whatever was smokin weed. theres your drug connection. years of it. Although her older son, 6-year-old Devon, died as well, the prosecution claimed that they only charged her with Damon's murder because, as a child under the age of 6, his murder qualified for capital punishment under Texas law. The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. In fact, a trauma nurse named Teresa Powers had provided lead detective Jimmy Patterson with an affidavit. Within 20 minutes, he decided that the crime scene was staged and the perpetrator was someone in the house. It can be reasonably assumed that his reply is affirmative, since she immediately becomes even more hysterical and screams, "Oh my God!". I see nothing in them that definitively points to Darlie's guilt, but I do see numerous red flags with regard to how the case was handled by both the prosecution and the defense. Okay. I did point this out in a comment, but the author chose not to publish the comment. In honor of the boys, the family chose this as one of the songs to be played at their funeral. She was injured as well, but not as severely. If the vacuum was laying on the floor when these two police officers arrived, they would have seen it at first glance. Still, the machine can't do it all. It's been said that it was impossible to dislodge the glass by accident, as there was a built-in mechanism in the glass holders to prevent that. Arkansas suicide with hands in front? JustinCase976 (author) on March 05, 2020: I'm here, sorry, have had a lot going on. JustinCase976 (author) on December 05, 2019: I'll tell you exactly what I think, and have always thought: it's downright IRRESPONSIBLE to rely upon the fractured memories of a traumatized crime victim whose entire recall of that night is like a piece of Swiss cheese. I'd also like to add that I have been to this very neighborhood, and it is a six-minute walk from Rickels' home at 8910 Miami Drive to 5801 Eagle Drive. This would also explain why he tossed the knife down. You had to literally walk right up to the spa to set the light off. [2] Rathier's case has been the subject of several books and television shows. 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