falsely accused of diverting drugsgeneral atlantic aum

When they call that means that you are in trouble. Before the facility started the annual training, Leon caught at least one diverter a month. Has 4 years experience. If your employer believes that you were stealing medication especially if it was pharmaceutical meds, of course you can be fired for that - or any lawful reason. There are many ways in which drugs can be diverted in a pharmacy setting, including: Falsifying orders to cover for missing meds Stealing medication from drug storage areas Creating fake medication orders for personal use If you know that the medication you are accused of diverting is NOT going to show up in a drug test, please go get one on your own. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. I have been falsely accused of drug diversion. For a free initial consultation, call 866-970-0783 or contact our .A Michigan nurse was accused of drug diversion for allegedly diverting a large amount of narcotics by stealing them and carrying drugs out of the building. Expectations Are Changing]. John Burke, president of the International Health Facility Diversion Association, extrapolated data he obtained from facilities in Ohio to estimate the presence of 37,000 diverters in healthcare facilities across the country each year. The patient was still screaming in pain and the doctor was frantically asking the nurse, Are you sure you got the right dosage? Has 8 years experience. The goal is to identify these people as quickly as possible so they are no longer a risk to themselves or the patients or anyone they work with.. Designed to give you the foundational knowledge and skills you need to become a more dynamic security professional, including EP specific threat and risk assessment, protective intelligence, advance planning and more. He kept a trained eye on one registered nurse who was suspected of stealing hydromorphone, an opioid pain medication, for her personal use. HCMC has cameras set up in the medication room to monitor controlled substances, and Leon watched as the nurse began gathering prescribed medication for a patient in the emergency department. Your license is the single most valuable thing you have in your life. You need to change yesterday. Moving forward, you could just list dates of employment unless the application forces an answer, such as "Were you ever terminated?" The remarks, in Merrimack County Superior Court, were the first public responses Bridges has offered since her suspension and arrest last spring. Drug and Alcohol Complaints Before the Missouri Board of Nursing Allegations involving drugs or alcohol are among the most common reasons nurses receive complaints from the Board of Nursing. Even if you did have a statistic, it would be off because how do you incorporate those so-called sloppy practicers, or diverters who thought they were about to get caught so they quit on you and left? One pharmacy in Florida went from ordering 95,800 pills in 2009 to 2.2 million pills in 2011, according to the DEA. Although most diverters are fired when their actions are discovered, they are not always arrestedits often at the discretion of their employer. It is a charge that should be taken very seriously. A single addicted health care worker who resorts to "drug diversion," the official term for stealing drugs, can endanger thousands. Healthcare workers are not immune to the draw of opioids. Drugs are most likely to be diverted during those times when they are in transit or exchanging hands, outside of the closed loop. NEW! You have people that are already in very stressful situations, and now you give them access to drugs. Weve made it our career to save yours. She might have left them in the patients' med drawers. Later . Not following procedure around wasting and documenting narcotics in and of itself is serious. Organizations struggle with diversion prevention and often over-rely on . you were incompetent or negligent in your charting. Drug diversion is a multifactorial and multidisciplinary issue, particularly involving pharmacy, nursing and medical staff. Please spend some time reading the Diversion section of the blog, for more information. It also dictates how the substances are dispensed, and a facility may be fined if it does not comply. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has also brought charges against California pharmacists for violating the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act ("CMEA") portion of the CSA citing diversion of a significant amount of controlled substances, failure to control the pharmacies' inventory of . allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Your employer will also probably not require a drug test. If you did not divert, you have no business in the Diversion program and this is NOT an effective or easy way to avoid the hassle or expense of the BRN or potential discipline. Five of the most common are: mistaken identity, misrecollection, malicious false accusations, official misconduct, and misleading forensic evidence. I know your aware moving forward you will pull pts meds when you are about to administer them; you will have to prioritize what needs to be done afterwards-if you are able to delegate, so be it, if not during staffing, learn to cluster care and try to be mindful to anticipate who needs meds, what pts may need what supplies if they are having frequent code browns, what can a confused pt have as activities to help prevent a fall, etc., so you won't feel the need to carry meds on your person when your pt doesn't need them; ask for assistance as far as strategies for seasoned coworkers as well. During both hearings, we were able to successfully cross-examine HPRP representatives, the clients evaluators, and fact witnesses, as well as provide favorable character testimony on behalf of our client. Just follow policy. Under a plea bargain, a defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for some benefit, such as a reduced sentence or lesser charge. var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkBridgesTestimony-CM-051916,ph02'); tampering and narcotics diversion. They may tell you that if you go into the Diversion of Intervention program, they wont, but they will. 14. If a facility loses its DEA registration, it cannot dispense controlled substances. If you are a registered nurse and have been recently accused of diverting medication, there are only 2 scenarios: 1.) I was falsely accused of drug diversion. So, at 11 p.m. on a Friday, Leon settled in for a night of observation at the Level I trauma center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. If a 300-bed hospital is finding one person a month, and Hospital B has the same amount of staff and beds and is finding nothing, NADDI has been providing training for hospitals to develop antidiversion policies. If you were only warned, it sounds like your manager is trying to give you a gentle warning nudge to change your practice. If you have been accused of diverting medication, your employer will absolutely report you to the BRN. House Beautiful. She now faces 11 felony counts of illegal possession. 1,509 Posts. Do not pocket or store anymore drugs in anticipation of needing them later. Unfortunately, there are different laws and statutes in every state that set up some sort of reporting requirements, he says. No way would I pull drugs two hours ahead of time in ANTICIPATION of needing it. Result:After successfully arguing our case, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) promptly dissolved the summary suspension of the clients nursing license that day and delivered a favorable proposal to the Board of Nursing. If the diverter has a license from one of those state agencies, usually its required that they be reported, and then its up to the board how they proceed with the personal license of the individual, he says. You need to change yesterday. During this time, youve hopefully found a new job and are being absolutely fastidious about your charting. This will either be by phone or via a letter. Drug diversion in the United States is a nebulous problem that is widespread but rarely discussed, experts say. If you have been falsely accused of a crime, you need a lawyer to help plan and present your defense. Have honest, non-judgmental talks with family and friends, and seek counseling if a serious rift has occurred. Other hospitals may prohibit nurses from carrying medication in their pockets to prevent theft or switching. Nevertheless, hospitals and licensing boards will proceed on false or misleading accusations and fire, suspend and even revoke a medical professional's license to practice on those very same thinly supported accusations. A facility that identifies a diversion problem might bring in any combination of players, from private investigators and local law enforcement to state accreditation boards or the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Having support is essential when you're accused of something that you haven't done. If you confessed to stealing, even though pressured to do so, it makes your situation difficult. NOTHING else. I have known a nurse who would fill the medication vial with normal saline after taking out the narcotics and injected the normal saline while injecting the drug im into herself. Has 14 years experience. False accusations and gossip can destroy lives, even if the accused is innocent. Nurses who work in high paced intensive or critical care units or the emergency room are at particular risk of false allegations based simply on common charting errors. We were successful in achieving both of these goals. So be smart and get a lawyer. Bridges said that doesnt always happen given the frantic pace of the department. Specializes in Complex pediatrics turned LTC/subacute geriatrics. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 So, calendar your case and appear in court. Please spend some time reading the Diversion section of the blog, for more information. I hired a lawyer, and went through all the steps to have this . However, DEA does not get involved in every suspected case of diversion. Mitchell points to algorithmic software that can identify a potential diverter long before their peers could. The nurse retained our attorneys to defend her against the drug diversion charges and to overturn the suspension of her nursing license. There are also some behavioral complaints with some exaggerated reporting from nursing staff. [5] Take the initiative and invite someone out for coffee who you haven't seen in a while. DEA will look at these recordkeeping forms and determine if in fact everything has been filled out correctly, that they have been keeping good records, he says. He references several high-profile diversion cases in which the diverters used the same syringe full of medicine on both themselves and their patients, spreading bacterial infections and hepatitis. You have to keep those investigative skills up, but you have to spend equal amount of time on prevention and awareness.. We are often contacted by nurses falsely accused of diverting narcotics, abusing narcotics, or stealing narcotics from patients. Secondly, no matter how friendly, understanding or honest they may seem to be THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS AND THEY ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE! Posted in Registered Nurses THE PROBLEM OF FALSE AND MISLEADING ACCUSATIONS AGAINST MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS Virtually every healthcare practitioner has seen a colleague fired or disciplined after being accused of diverting drugs or misusing their prescription pad. In Pennsylvania, the law provides protections to people who think they are being domestically abused. To ensure safe quality nursing care, it is critical to immediately address nurses suspected of diverting drugs or using drugs. How many times have you had things spill out of your pockets when pulling out a pen or bending over or something? 1441 W Long Lake RoadSuite 310Troy, MI 48098T. Its not doing the wrong thingyoure helping them, and thats the message we sent out. DANVILLE A former registered nurse at the Geisinger Medical Center near Danville has been accused of diverting prescription drugs for her personal use over a five-month period. No accusations from patients. At this point, Leon knew exactly what was going on, and watched with increasing alarm as the nurse headed to a patients room in the orthopedic area of the hospital. You were cleared of everything, yet it's all coming back and keeping you from getting hired. Hayes says the fine against the wholesaler was a wake-up call, and now suppliers use algorithms to identify unusual spikes in orders of opiates. When Circumstances Lead To False Or Exaggerated Accusations . Maybe his prints are on the container in which the drugs were found. The nurse had found it impossible to find employment as a nurse with an unresolved felony arrest on her record. So I moved on and applied for another ER position in a nearby town (in the same health system as the one in my town) and again received an email saying that they were not interested (I did not even get an interview). There isn't any medication missing. Similarly, it is important to rotate who delivers the drugs to the patient floors. Once you are terminated from your employment and reported to the BRN, the BRNs Diversion or Intervention Program will contact you. Because of this, diversion shouldnt be considered just a security concern but a patient safety concern, Cichon says. Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3) by. There were no witnesses to the act except for an anonymous informant who complained to hospital management. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 52 people in the United States die every day from overdosing on prescription painkillers. Dear Falsely Accused, So basically you were falsely accused of diverting drugs and terminated for "documenting issues". Even then, I would only pull out what the doctor states to have at BS, and I know I have witnesses if he give a verbal order during the procedure for the med. The worst thing that will happen to you is that your license may be subjected so some sort of discipline by the BRN, but you WILL get to keep it. Perhaps you failed to properly waste a med. Its no secret that opioid addiction has reached epidemic levels in the United States. Primary Issue:A Michigan nurse was accused of drug diversion for allegedly diverting a large amount of narcotics by stealing them and carrying drugsout of the building. If you were only warned, it sounds like your manager is trying to give you a gentle warning nudge to change your practice. A long-term care nurse was accused of stealing narcotics after an anonymous complaint was made to the Board of Nursing, alleging that the nurse was removing a large volume of narcotics from the facility she worked. Your employer is a mandatory reporter, and regardless of how beloved you are, I can promise you that they are not going to put themselves on the line by not doing what they are required by law to do. Look, these individuals are not bad individuals. Unfortunately, experts acknowledge that most diverters dont get caught until they have been diverting for so long they start to get sloppy. The patients were well-known to me and would have had to be woken up over and over to be scanned. And who wants to go back to community college for accounting yuck! 941.893.3449, 701 Waterford WaySuite 340Miami, FL 33126T. If you are diverting medication you need to get help. . The people they are finding now are the people that have the needle in their arm or somebody has reported them. If somebody wants to steal or becomes addicted, they are going to find a way to do it, and sooner or later they are going to get caught, but then theres a problem because the hospital has to work backwards to determine how much was stolen and reconcile all that, he says. Fast forward to your recent interview in a different health care system. Before he retired, he says, that number had dropped to one or two a year. The administrator. 3. God forbid it falls out in front of another nurse, or you take it home, or you lose it, you are going to be in a world of trouble. The doctor went to properly treat the patient and Leon called the nurse manager and the local sheriffs detective in to begin an official investigation into the nurses actions. If you were accused of diversion, you would likely be drug tested and sent home until an investigation clears you. Department of Justice investigator Mark Myrdek (left) sits on the stand. on Tuesday, 04 August 2015. They all have problems. My breathalyzer and UDS were negative. Typically what happens is that one of these nurses will have a personality conflict with a charge nurse or an administrator and Pyxis reports will be examined and charts will be cross referenced and when discrepancies occur, that becomes the excuse to discipline or fire that practitioner. There are only so many DEA diversion investigators, so they have to prioritize what they get involved with, Murphy says. Recently I applied and interviewed at an ER local to me here in Pa, the interview went fantastic and I was very excited. chris camozzi musician. A Georgia man who was busted for shoplifting at a Walmart found himself in even more trouble when officers found 37 pounds of marijuana in his trunk, according to the Morgan Citizen. Well gee, did you ever notice that John drives a Mercedes and has two boats and a house on Long Island? This can result in several types of patient harm, including: Today a woman from the finnish customs called me saying its narcotics, she asked me if it was me who ordered the narcotics saying that that way i wont get into much trouble and it will be easier but if i deny ordering them i would have to go to the police station for a court hearing so they can get my statement and decide what to do. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. you did it, 2.) Staff have said she showed no outward signs of drug use. Being condemned as guilty evoked the shame of being falsely accused, disrespected, and bad. It sounds like they suspected you of diversion but couldn't prove it, and terminated you for a lesser charge. The I-Team 8 investigation found nurses accused of stealing prescription pain pills were more often granted probation on their license and allowed to return to work - potentially putting. Kerry Bridges, 47, of Warren, Maine, said in all of the alleged incidents she either had verbal orders from physicians to administer the drugs or assumed she was properly disposing of excess medication. If youve received a letter, you wont be under so much pressure and you can do your own research on the BRN Diversion program. I am trying not to get upset but it's truly difficult. Any company involved with controlled substances, whether manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing, must be registered with the DEA and must adhere to certain rules and regulationswhich arent always easy to follow. Virtually every healthcare practitioner has seen a colleague fired or disciplined after being accused of diverting drugs or misusing their prescription pad. It takes about 4-6 months for a BRN investigator to contact you. This may be the case with some law firms, but it is not the case with us. You are not accused of med diversion, you have not followed policy. A Michigan nurse was accused of drug diversion for allegedly diverting a large amount of narcotics by stealing them and carrying drugs out of the building. In that area, I knew immediately, this patient could have a broken bonethey were in intense pain and requiring this medication, Leon says. The Associated Press used government-obtained data in its investigations on drug diversion at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers. Think real hard about the names you put down for references. Bottom line is do not talk about your case to them without a lawyer present. No matter what number you come to, its probably bigger in reality.. I think the combination is almost deadly.. Are you sure it was hydromorphone? and she was insisting she had, Leon says. I thought I was being nice, but it wasn't the safest practice. Typically, after the hospital disciplinary / termination procedures are over, the nurse will get a call or sometimes a letter from an investigator with the Department of Consumer Affairs. 7. Illinois dentist accused of diverting patients' anesthesia drug for personal use. Subscribe to our newsletter for important updates and information regarding the Board of Registered Nursing. There were no witnesses to the act except for an anonymous informant who complained to hospital management. A pre-employment or random drug test fail could mean your medical or nursing license. Cichon cautions that some hospitals hoping to avoid bad press and DEA scrutiny may look for loopholes. Now hang on a minute. Doctor's Patient Dies of Opioid Overdoses, Spiga & Associates | 655 N. Central Ave. Ste. Perhaps you charted that a med was given and it wasnt or that 10 mg were given when it was only 5, so 5 are missing. . If youre both ordering and putting away drugs, thats a bad thing because you can order six bottles when you only need five and keep one for yourself, Hayes notes. However, if youve done any research, you may think that youll have to mortgage your house or cash out your 401K because fees can run in the tens of thousands. There is much more on these accusations in the blog, make sure to familiarize yourself with what these terms mean and what the outcome can be. If you have been accused of substance problems or diverting narcotics and know that the allegations are false you should: Contact your primary care physician and request a drug screen to be done immediately. Should the false accusation take a turn and your employer believes the false statement, you could have a case for a defamation lawsuit. Im wondering if maybe I was flagged in their system as do not hire because of my prior termination in 2009. They MUST! By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Our fees are flat, so there are never any surprises and never any additional fees to us. Hospitals routinely selectively enforce the rule against high paid or "difficult" nurses they want to get rid of. These Accusations always call for revocation of the RN license, but in the thousands of cases we have defended, this has happened only twice to our clients (remember that earlier, super- subtle plug about the amazing attorney?) Controlled Substances Actafter committing record-keeping and dispensing violations that allowed millions of doses of controlled substances to enter the black market. Drug/alcohol abuse; Gross negligence/incompetence, resulting in patient endangerment; Patient abuse and neglect; Sexual, violent, or abusive offenses; . There was a poster recently that lost their job and were reported to the BoN & authorities for mishandling controlled & prescription only substances by pulling & "holding" onto narcotics & Benadryl "just in case" in a pocket. (NICK REID / Monitor staff) What Happens If a Healthcare Provider Fails a Pre-Employment Drug Test or Random Employment Drug Test? Nov 21, 2018. Happens to me all the time. Click the link below to download our compliance eBook now! I didn't take my stimulant the day of my follow-up because it was my day off, and I stupidly thought my doctor would prescribe me something else that same day. Allegations of diversion always stem from charting issues, always. Explore. Bridges was accused of misconduct in 2014 by Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, but it was never raised Wednesday in court. PUBLISHED: November 17, 2012 at 12:00 a.m. | UPDATED: September 11, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. A state licensing board and the Attorney General"s Office have accused a vocational nurse of diverting . They want me to come in instead of DEA or law enforcement, she explains. Dont start dialing that 1800 number just yet we can help! They asked me, Are 13 vials substantial or not? Recommended Stories Reuters Anger in. Author, "Your Last Nursing Class: How to Land Your First Nursing Job"and your next! If your reputation is under attack, Dr. Phil has advice on taking your power back: Accept that there is no way you can erase what has happened. Mitchell points out that any statistic derived from officially collected data still wouldnt accurately reflect the extent of drug diversion in the United States. Is it possible to be a decent nurse if I'm a sociopath or have antisocial personality disorder? He called the doctor and the nurse into the hall and explained that the patient had just gotten saline and still needed the proper pain medication because the nurse had diverted the hydromorphone in the medication room. In one alleged incident, Bridges said she withdrew 100 micrograms of fentanyl, went to the bathroom, then administered half of the drug and disposed of the rest, sending a paper copy of the disposal to a separate department. The Investigation is where the BRN finds the proof that you diverted. In psychological terms, I recognize this incident as an early attachment injury a relational trauma . We frequently defend nurses and doctors accused of diverting drugs. Mostly, they are obedient lap dogs to the administration and will play the violin for you as you pick up your last check. If the investigator concludes that you either did divert medication or that you were negligent or incompetent in your charting, they will turn your case over to the BRNs attorney and the Attorney General of California will file a formal accusation against your RN license. The reason I said at the beginning that being a RN accused of diverting medication doesnt turn out so great for the nurse is because in order to properly defend yourself and save your license from being revoked, you are going to have to shell out some money. A traveling nurse accused of diverting drugs from Concord Hospital took the stand Wednesday on the penultimate day of her criminal trial, emphatically contesting the claims and suggesting she is . Decline plea bargains. The process, called wasting, requires the healthcare worker to take a fresh vial or syringe full of medication and then dispose of the excess, leaving only the correct dosageall with a witness present. , ASIS International Murphy notes that DEA typically has no role in individual cases of diversion. 1 Article; The diverting healthcare worker typically isnt one whos going to be selling or diverting his or her drugs on the street, but they are abusing the drugs while they are working., Leon worked hard on diversion prevention at HCMC after discovering a surprising pattern: almost all of the diverters he investigated wanted to be caught. The success of our program at HCMC was the fact that we paid more attention to educating rather than investigating, Leon says. Instead, they insist she was unfairly and haphazardly targeted, and that the case exposes the serious flaws of an emergency department that still depends on paper records and whose administrators dont realize how divergent policy and practice become in the rush of the job. There are different drugs today, of course, than there were 20 years ago.. The Royals' New Family Photo Is Causing Major Drama Right Now. This act is illegal and opens up offenders to criminal prosecution, including those related to felony charges. But dont turn to the impairment program first do this instead. Wholesalers can even stop the flow of medication to pharmacies if they believe diversion is occurringwhich can be disastrous to a trauma center, Hayes notes. Experts agree that the most egregious diversion occurs during the wasting and dispensing process in scenarios similar to the incident Leon witnessed at HCMC. Design: Artsteez, THE PROBLEM OF FALSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST NURSES. There are medical boards, nursing boards, pharmacy boards, and not every worker even falls under some sort of licensing board for that state. . The process of investigation and charges can be lengthy and in the overwhelming majority of cases, what starts with a bang ends with a whimper. I will tell you whether Diversion is the only way to save your career. The City of Trinidad has reached a $375,000 settlement in a lawsuit brought by the ACLU of Colorado on behalf of two women who were arrested three years ago in a botched drug-sting investigation. Unless you haven't been completely forthcoming, then there's something shady going on. Both of these options are violations of the Nurse Practice Act and cause for revocation of your RN license. They told me to cut it out, and I did. Falsely Accused: I'm wondering if you didn't get on the wrong side of someone in your previous job. Its just a question of whether you know it or not.. Rather than return the med immediately, I hold onto it until they need it so I am prepared for the next time. Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development, Freelance Writer. False accusations can cause a lingering sense of damage, or can push a relationship into a crisis. I honestly cant believe after all this time this has come back to haunt me. Prescription drug use by medical personnel and drug diversion by health care providers has risen to epidemic proportions and become a significant public health issue. Disclaimer:This information is a sample of our past results. Kasey Leigh Travis has been charged with six counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud or deceit, failure to make keep or furnish records, furnishing false or fraudulent information and. Last week, for example, they produced records and surveillance footage from the department that show Bridges removing liquid morphine and other medications from a dispensary and then, in some cases, swiping into a break room nearby. Of something that you are not immune to the DEA job '' and employer. Left ) sits on the stand annual training, Leon says itself is serious caught at least diverter! For you as you pick up your last check anymore drugs in anticipation of needing them later suspected case diversion! County Superior court, were the first public responses bridges has offered since her suspension and arrest last spring 3., malicious false accusations and gossip can destroy lives, even if the is! Manager is trying to give you a gentle warning nudge to change practice. They want me to cut it out, and seek counseling if a facility loses its registration!, are you sure it was n't the safest practice prior termination in.... 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