list of council wards in benue stategeneral atlantic aum

46, Oyigede Street, Eupoi, Under A Tree; Akpa Street/Fed. School, Yar; Nkst. ABUJA (Sundiata Post) - The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has released the register of voters for the 2023 general election to political parties. School - Gbk South; Gboko South - Nr Orakombo Comp. School - Zagekwen; Open Space - Mbaakuleke; Rcm. School - Torkula; Torkula II - Lgea Prim. School, Garagboughul I, Mbaju; Nkst. School, Kula; Lgea School Ge-Mbagwa I; Anato Tyough Village Square; Area Court Lessel; Lessel Garrage II; Lgea School, Ge-Mbagwa II, Rcm School, Buter; Atoga Market Square; Antyov Mark. The predominant inhabitants of this area are the Tiv. School - Imbua; Market Square Inienge, Lgea Prim. School Ugande/School Compound; Nkst. School, School Of Rem. Ankpa; Abalichi; Abogbe; Adagbo; Adana; Adum; Agbachi; Agbaduma; Aila; Aiyele-Igaisu; Akele; Akolo; Akpeko; Akwu; Ashama; Atakpa; Ayele; Ebete; Edeje; Egba; Egwuma; Ekwo; Elo; Engla; Enjima; Enogaje; Enugba; Ichogolugwu-Ogwule-; Idahuna; Igagisu; Ikele-Gochi; Ikpele ope; Ikpole; Obagaji; Obanowa; Odejo; Ogam; Ogbangede; Ogbaulu; Ogufa; Ogwule-Kaduna; Achaba; Adija; Ahija; Ajube-Icho; Ajugbe-Echaje; Akpaniho; Akpanta; Akpete; Akpoloko; Alifeti; Amoke; Angwa; Ankapli; Auke; Auke-Geri; Bapa; Ebukodo; Edikwu-Icho; Ekela; Ibadum; Idada; Iga-okpaya; Iga-ologbeche; Igoro; Ijaha; Ijege; Ikampu; Ikobi ugbobi; Ikor; Imana; Inyapu; Jericho; Jos; Kaduna; Oba; Obinda; Obuleha; Ochenmo; Ochichi-ologiri; Ochinchi-olaji; Ochumekwu; Odejo; Ododo-Ajaje; Odugbeho; Odugbo; Ofoko; Ogbenegwu; Ogbonoko; Ogebe; Ogodo; Ogoduma; Ohoke; Oiji; Ojantele; Ojecho; Ojeke; Ojide; Ojuloko; Okpakachi; Okpeme; Okpoda; Okpokwu; Okwoho; Okwuji; Ola Kamonye; Oladu; Oleitodoakpa; Olekele; Olete; Olobaidu; Olodoga; Ologba; Oloja; Olojo-Utukugwu; Oloko-Angbo; Olufene; Omelemu; Omogidi; Opah; Opanda; Otakpa; Oye; Ukpogo; Zauku, Antso; Cheakiyne; Gogo; Ichergbe; Ijoh; Iye; Kaseyo; Peregh; Torkula; Toura; Tse-Akenyi; Ubo; Ukaa; Umenger; Yeshewe, Achakpa; Anakuma; Angudu; Daudu; Madaki; Magum; Nyiev; Sherev; Udei Branch; Yelewatta, Abafakyai; Ainu; Aliade; Boko; Chia; Eron; Gbuka; Gigi; Mbaav Oju; Mbe; Ndom; Noal; Nougonoye; Okukukwu; Tse-Ogbe; Ukpute; Ullaim- Ulam, Abwa; Acheche; Agono; Ajukum; Ameche; Aondoana; Ate; Azom; Dagi; Dura; Gaadi; Gari; Gbajimba; Howe; Ikygbajir; Kaahena; Maga; Mba; Mbajeri; Odusho; Orga; Ortserga; Ringa; Shawa; Taraku; Taraku Udugho; Tseboaga; Tseiko; Ugee; Ugee-Ugee; Ugesa; Uhou; Ukari; Ukpar; Unende; Zauka, Achamegh; Achav; Achu; Adizenga; Adum; Agbakwa; Agboveyav; Akume; Aondona; Apenda; Awambe; Ayemegh; Deda; Gbande; Ginde; Jimba; Koti Akpoghur; Naka; Nyitom; Oga; Shaga; Tom Anyin; Tom Atar; Tse-Unzughul; Tsean; Uche; Udam; Usa, Abiem; Abinsi; Adetsav; Aduku; Agbakwa; Agbede; Agena; Agute; Akawe; Awasir; Ayar; Ayati; Ayo Bajimba; Dogo; Ikpayongo; Iyanden; Kpam; Kudar; Kura; Mase; Mbaayande; Mbaiyur; Mbakaha; Mbamev; Mbasombo; Moi-Igbo; Nev; Ode; Shanna; Tesewadugh; Tse-Kyula; Tse-Punusha; Tse-Ushira; Tse-Vava; Tsejir; Yonov, Abiah; Adudu; Agagbe; Agasha; Agberagba; Agusu; Anyamile; Api; Audu; Avine; Azon; Borkem; Byer; Chile; Enyer; Ewo; Gbanya; Gebe; Go; Ibor; Ichicadu; Ikyande; Inougu; Mabaiev; Mabchia; Mandaki; Nugi; Senjev; Tongov; Tse-Tor; Tyoatee; Tyulen; Ududu; Yagba; Yueho; Zeku, Aba; Abagi; Achoho; Aduu; Agen; Agera; Agerega; Agheede; Agidi; Akesa; Akputu; Amule; Ankaaye; Atingel; Atorkaan; Awajir; Awuhe; Ayeer; Azem; Bonta; Chia; Deke; Dio; Gbajema; Gbende; Gboho; Ichigh-ki-Mbakaha; Igbor; Iger; Ijov Ikundan; Iku Mbur; Ikyon; Ityogbeda; Jov; Kuaa; Ligon; Manta; Mbaakpur; Mbaikyu; Mbeagh; Nalegh; Nenge; Ortungu; Selagi, Shiriki; Shom; Talvough; Tile; Tor Mkar; Tse-Agberagba; Tsue; Tyo-Tsar; Tyoate; Tyough; U-Avaande; Ugbaikyo; Unow; Ya-Akur; Yande; Yogbo, Achia; Adagi; Igon; Ikurav-ya; Ikyogen; Injiov; Mbaga; Newkkikie, Adikpo; Ahile/Akende; Ahundu; Angir Uyough; Dio; Gever; Gube; Haanya; Ikyoor; Ityough; Iyon-Mbahav; Kende; Kookoko; Kuhe; Mbakuran Usar; Nambe; Tse-Apera; Tse-Gum-Mbayevikyaior; Tse-Zurgba; Yonge, Ada; Ageraga; Ajio; Anatio; Atsortjaki; Gbajur; Ikume; Iohanga; Iyon; Koti-Mbaduku; Mbangough; Tise-Kwange; Uno; Upev-Adagi; Yaji, Abo; Amahundu; Anwase; Ayaga; Barakur; Boagundu; Geso; Ichor; Inundur; Jato-Aka; Kanem; Manayam; Manor; Nyihemba; Susu; Uniwach; Waya; Zel, Abeda; Agbum; Anyibe; Arege; Ayilamo; Dooshima; Ibukur; Igbogh; Ihungwa-Ihough; Iyorzua; Jootar; Lorja; Mchia; Mough; Shina; Tse-Chembe; Tse-Ighur; Tse-Jime; Tse-Melapa; Tse-Ngbian; Tse-Wande; Tyoban; Uze; Yomatar, Abaji; Abako; Abega; Ada-Ayaijor; Agu-Centre; Ajungwa; Akella; Answen Agula; Anyom; Apeghan Ugo; Atumbe; Branch-Adamu; Branch-Kungu; Chenchenji; Gawa; Gbise; Gudu; Harga; Hindanigo Akyaa; Hunda Ado; Imande-Mbakange; Kasar; Kenvanger; Kuhe Goo; Mbakyer; Nagu; Ngokem; Peva; Sai; Tor-Donga; Tse-Avy Aye; Tse-Bavel; Tse-De; Tse-Hungwa; Tse-Hyambe; Tse-Kyal; Tse-Mayange; Tse-Nyigh; Tse-Pahal; Tse-Taava; Tse-Tsongo; Tse-Ugbar; Tse-Usha; Tse-Vav; Vingir, Aba; Abuda; Ada Adeun; Adi Village; Akai; Akegi; Ankum; Anongo Gbabul; Gbena; Gulgul; Hiitom; Ikpool; Ikyeagba; Imande Shikaan; Imbufu; Kumpa; Nomgo Abetze; Sati-Agirigi; Solozo; Tacha; Tse-Asongo; Tse-Bente; Tse-Igbe; Tse-Ukeji; Tsenongo; Ucha; Wendeya Tza, Agahyande; Agber; Amber; Atumbir; Ayua; Azege; Bum; Joo-Mbatyough; Katsina-Ala; Kela; Mtser; Ngibo; Tse-Agakaa; Tse-Gber; Tse-Ibo; Tse-Waakaa, Agbaaye; Akaa; Apir Gwa; Ato Gbenda; Dyom; Kado; Kusugh Aber; Melabu; Pevkyaa; Tse-Dajo; Tse-Numbul; Udul Wankaa, Agena; Alabar; Ayati; Kasar; Mabaamamdev; Mbamena; Oyom; Tine Nune; Tse-Achir; Tse-Adogo; Tse-Amaatimin; Tse-Amachigh; Tse-Ami; Tse-Anam; Tse-Ansambe; Tse-Baim; Tse-Bosua; Tse-Chehia; Tse-Kur; Tse-Orbunde; Tse-Orkpen; Tsemba; Uvva; Uyoo; Vande; Zaki-Biam, Adam; Ajia; Ajough; Aminde; Anyagba; Gbor; Geda; Gonduzua; Goyuse; Ikumbur; Imande Mbashonov; Itokyaa; Ityogbenda Udende; Kera; Moze; Nigbo; Tse-Ador; Tse-Alam; Tse-Bwaja; Tse-Makar; Tse-Tswar; Ubaya; Une; Utange; Yakyuu, Gbagir; Guse Vaase; Kur; Tse-Alabor; Tse-Gyuba; Uke, Afia; Amuta; Gbeji; Gyenku; Korwua Agbatar; Tse-Abenga; Tse-Abuul; Tse-Aliutse; Tse-Anchagbel; Tse-Anonogo-or; Tse-Atsanga; Tse-Ayali; Tse-Azawe; Tse-Choko; Tse-Goji; Tse-Gube; Tse-Kulevbe; Tse-Kyenge; Tse-Mela; Tse-Oryango; Tse-Truga; Tse-Tyondo; Tse-Ukende; Vaase, Abeda-Mbadyu; Aganyi; Akaa-Sekera; Amatso; Ambiir; Asom; Gbom; Gondo-Zue; Iorshagher; Jiji; Kyob; Mtseya; Saaku; Sonko; Time-Kyura; Tse-Agbumgu; Tse-Akaa; Tse-Akporaingbe; Tse-Aluor; Tse-Buaka; Tse-Tzenger; Tyogbenda; Ugba; Ukor; Usen; Uyoo; Wende; Zanzan, Adaka; Adeke; Agam; Agbadu; Agbeshir; Agenada; Akaan; Aki; Akigwe; Akpehe; Akume; Alla; Anter; Apir; Arawa; Azuu; Beetseh; Bogo; Chekwar; Eya; Ibume; Ikan; Isuahba; Iwa; Kachi; Kansihio; Nyam Sando; Nyirgir-Makurdi; Ongbo; Tatyough; Toighor; Tsuambu; Tsuwa; Tyodugh; Tyonambe; Ubebe; Uve; Wamkor; Yaiko; Zongo, Adum; Adum - Okete; Ainu- Ette; Ameka; Anchim; Andibilla; Anyadegwu; Anyone; Anyuwogbu; Atekpe; Ebonda; Edumoga; Ega; Eja; Ekoti; Ekpong; Epwa-Ibilla; Ibegi; Ibillalukpo; Ichacho; Ichakobe; Idajo; Ihulam; Ikachi; Ikomi; Imoho; Itega; Itikpala; Iyeche; Oba-Ogebe; Obachita; Obi; Obigwe; Obijegwu; Obohu; Oboru; Obotu; Obubu; Obuza; Ochimode; Ochodu; Odubo; Oga-Olowa; Ogengeng; Ogogo; Ohio; Ohirigwe; Ohoho; Ohuma; Okpodom; Ojinyi; Oju; Okakongo; Okete; Okileme; Okonche; Okpinya; Okpoma; Omope; Onyike; Opoan; Orihi; Oshirigwe; Otakini; Otakpi; Otunche; Owori-Obotu; Oyiwo; Uchenyum; Uchwo; Ugburu; Ukpa; Ukpila; Ukpute; Umoda; Utabiji; Wori-Obotu, Abache; Adoka; Aibeli; Aichene; Aikolekwu; Aiobiduwa; Ajochoko; Alyeya; Anineju Ukwaba; Aukpa; Aune; Eeko; Ekantili; Ipole; Iwili; Obena; Ofiloko; Ogbago; Ogodum; Ogowu; Ojakpama; Ojanowa; Ojinebe; Oklenyi-Uga; Okpaflo; Okpannehe; Okpeje; Olakpoga; Olekpama; Oleogwoja; Oloke; Olokodeje; Onipi; Opah Adoka; Opah Aiokpetaa; Otada; Udabi; Uga; Ukplago; Umalichi; Umogidi; Upu, Adankari; Adim; Ahanyo; Akwepa; Akwete; Allan; Atitio; Aturukpo; Egbla; Egbla Ndikwi; Egbla Nje; Ejo; Igbeji; Igbudeke; Isoo; Nachi; Obanyo; Odonto; Ofiloko; Ogwuche; Ogyoma; Ojigo; Okpenen; Omajaga; Omebe; Onyuwei; Otobi Camp, Agbeke; Ai-Oga; Aigaji; Alagblanu; Amoda; Angue; Anwule; Atapa; Atlo; Awulema; Eboya; Ebu; Elulu; Enichi; Idabi; Ijaha; Ikila; Ochobo; Ochobo-Centre; Ojali; Ojano; Okete; Okete-Okpikwu; Olugbane; Omutelle; Onyepa; Otohia; Ukploko, Abakpa; Adankali; Agwa; Ajegbe; Anmaji; Anonomi; Ehatope; Enyioji; Epideru; Idekpa; Ikpolle; Ipiga; Iyanya; Odega; Ogande; Ogodu; Ogofu; Ondo; Otoje; Ugene; Ugene-Icho; Ughoju Ega; Ukpobi-Echaje; Ukpobi-Ichoi, Adoka; Ajobe; Akpa; Akpachi-Ipepe; Akpachi-Ipole; Akpegede; Amla-Ehaje; Amla-Icho; Asa- Ehicho; Asa-Ehaje; Ebologba; Edikwu; Efa; Emichi; Idabi; Ife; Igbanonmaje; Ikobi; Ipakangwu; Itoo; Jericho; Obaganya; Odudaje; Ogome; Ojantelle; Okpamaju; Okpobeka; Olachinta; Olooja; Otada-Ehaje; Otada-Icho; Otobi-Otukpo; Otukpo-Icho; Otukpo-Nobi; Upu London; Upu-Icho, Ai-Okpetu; Akpachi; Alaglanu; Angbier; Anwule; Aochemoche; Aokwu; Ebolo; Efeyi-Ankpa; Efeyi-Igbanonaje; Efeyi-Ipole; Emicho; Eyokpa; Ibaji; Ifete-Enumaje; Ifete-Ipana; Ifete-Olubie; Igahuwo; Igblagidi; Ipaha; Ipepe; Ipokpene; Ipolo-Ehaje; Ipolo-Ologbe; Ipom-Icho; Jericho; Obo; Obotu-Ehaje; Obotu-Icho; Odaubi; Oduda; Ofete-Olobele; Ofiloko; Ogobia; Ogoli; Ojegidigbe; Okoto; Okpligwu; Okwudu; Ola-Himu; Olegwaneku; Ombi-Ehaje; Ombi-Icho; Omulonye; Ona; Onaje; Owoto; Umalichi; Unwaba-Oju, Abelega; Abofutu; Adega; Adiko; Adodo; Adum West; Adum-East; Akiraba; Akunda; Ameka; Anchiomodoma; Any-Oko; Anyagwu; Anyichika; Ayoye; Ebong-Itogo; Echoro; Eewu; Ekingo; Igbegi; Igwe; Ijanke; Ijegwu; Ijokwe; Ikandiye; Ikiriye; Ikponyine; Ikwokwu; Inyuma; Ipinu-Adiko; Irabi; Itakpa; Ito; Itogo; Iyaho; Oba; Obigago; Ochinebe; Odeleko; Odiapa; Ogede; Ogilewu-Itogo; Ogoro; Ogwope; Ohehe; Ohuma; Ohuye; Ojantile; Ojegbe; Ojenya; Ojor; Ojuwo; Okpirikwu; Okpirikwu-Adum; Okpokwu; Okukukwu; Okuntegbe; Okwubi; Okwumaye; Otokwe; Owo; Owo-Adum; Oye-Obi; Oyinyi; Ubeke; Ubele; Udebor; Udegi; Ugbodom; Ukpuleru; Ukpute; Utugboji; Yeshewe, Adodo; Adum; Alloma; Anwu; Arigede; Ebenta; Egbilla-Idella; Egbilla-Izzi; Ekpete; Enugu-Oye; Enurn; Esewa; Ibalakum; Idele; Ifator; Igbegi; Igbella; Igbilla; Igwe-Ette; Igwoke; Ikatakwe; Ikoku; Ikori; Inyuma; Irachi; Itafor; Itakeni; Iyator; Iyokolo; Obaogede; Obene; Obiladun; Odaleko; Ogaka; Ogege; Ogori; Ojokwe; Okekpo; Okochi; Okwurum; Orihi; Otukpo-Oye; Owori-Ipinu; Oye; Ubeke; Uda; Udogwu; Uje; Ukpute, A-Adabulu; Adum; Agamud; Agbangwe; Agila-Oladikwu; Aiede; Ajide; Aiagom;Ogbulo,Akaga; Akpitodo-Akpaya; Akpodo; Akpuneje; Alaglanu; Amafu; Aokete; Aokpaneg; Aokpasu; Aokpe; Atekpo; Ebo-Ya; Ebodahubi; Edkeajio; Efede-Aoi; Efffa; Effion; Efoyo; Ejema; Ekenobi; Engle; Gapo; Igama; Ijeha; Ipoya; Iwewe; Laionyes; Obotu-Ehaje; Obotu-Icho; Obulu; Odaba; Oduda; Ogblega; Ogblo; Ogbodo; Ogene; Ogodum; Ogomotu; Ojigo; Okana; Okga-Ogodo; Okopolikpo-I; Okpafie; Okpale; Okpale-Ota; Okpilioho; Okpolikpo-Ehaje; Oladegbo; Olago; Olaidu; Olaioleje; Olanyega; Ojapo;Amoda, Acho; Adiga; Adiga Oyira; Ejaa; Ichana; Ipele-Ohebe; Ipole-Aiagbo; Ipole-Aiebega; Ipole-Aikpe; Ipole-Aiona; Iwewe-Ichama; Ode-Sasa; Odokpo; Ojocha; Ojoga; Oleayidu; Oma, Agado; Agene; Ai-Anechi; Ai-Ochokpo; Aidogodo; Akpakpa; Amuju; Ede-Okpaga; Idiri; Idobe; Idoko-Aga; Ikonijo; Ogbaga; Ogwuche Akpa; Okadoga; Oklenyi; Okpoga; Okpudu; Olayi-Agbino, Adum-Oko; Ai-Ona; Efoma; Ejema; Enyajuru; Ibiladu; Ikemu; Imeyi; Ipole-Adupi; Ipole-Ako; Ipole-Iyiru; Ipole-Oko; Itesi; Leke; Obenda; Ocheje; Ogwurute; Okparigbo; Olaigbena; Ole-Igwu; Oleche; Orokam; Oture; Ugbagba-Ako; Ugbogidi; Ukalegu-Igwu; Ukporo, Abache; Abo; Adepe; Adum; Agbafu; Ago; Aikwu; Akpagidigbo; Alagiranu; Ari-Engweewu; Court-Otukpa; Ebari; Ebudu; Efeche; Efekwo; Effion; Efocho; Efugo; Eha-Otukpa; Eke-Ekwute; Epe-Agbo; Epeilo; Epeilo-Ikpoyi; Idede; Idiri; Idodoloko; Ijadoja; Ikregi; Ipichicha; Ipiga; Ipole Abo; Ipu-Ugbogbo; Ipuchicha; Obuh; Oda; Odoba; Odwebe; Ofojo; Ogaje; Ogene; Ogonkwu; Okoncheta; Olabekpa; Olachagbaha; Oladu; Olagwuche; Olamago; Oloche; Onchegbi; Orido; Oto; Otukpa; Owoso; Ubiegi; Udegi; Ugbamaka; Ugbogwu; Ugbokpo; Ukwo; Umarichi; Zaria, Adu; Agira; Aiede; Aifam-Centre; Aiji; Alagarunu; Amejo; Anchimodo; Ankpa; Annachowga; Atamaka; Ati; Ebanna; Ebela; Ede; Eha-Uleke; Ehicho; Ehuhu; Ejaa; Ejule; Eke; Eke-Ai odu; Eke-Akpa; Elugu; Epiege; Eru; Eyere; Eyupi; Ibagba; Ibiti; Idogobe; Iga-Uroko; Ikwo; Ipole; Ipole-Aitan; Ipole-Aiuja; Ipole-Ekere; Ipole-Owukpa; Iwewe; Iwewe-Aiodu; Oderigbo; Ogbata; Ogbonoko; Ogichigodi; Ogwurutee; Okpoto; Okpudu; Olempe-Ogicho; Oma; Onyirada; Owukpa; Owuruwuru; Ubafu; Ubenjira; Ubono; Ugbokpo; Ugbugbu; Ukalegwu; Uko; Uleke; Umafu, Ador; Ahwa; Akaajime; Amaladu; Anikyov; Anyego; Bay; Gatie; Ikyuen; Itungwa; Maseje; Mbaamandev; Missa; Mkar; Naga; Tse-Gatie; Tse-Kagher; Tse-Mkovur, Ako; Anshav; Awange; M-Ulav; Nkovul; Orahii; Sati; Shipine; Tavershima; Tom-Ataan; Tomanyiin; Tse-Abagi; Tse-Adingi; Tse-Akaa; Tse-Gbile; Tseyuna; Tyowanye; Wanvambe, Abor; Abwa; Adyongo; Agine; Ajohol; Akume; Anchiha; Anongur; Ashibi; Ato; Bako; Garuba; Gbelave; Gbudu; Idyua; Leghem; Nyamatsor; Shie; Tofi; Upe; Zua, Akoodo; Akpa-Agudo; Akpa-Ambajir; Amo; Asukunya; Chia; Iche Amazwa; Jingir; Kamken; Mbakor; Nyambee; Tarhembe; Tasbo; Uchi; Uku; Ukyo; Wannune; Zango-Wannune, Abuku; Agbengi; Agwabi; Agyo-Ugbu; Ajige; Amaa Ihunda; Aminde; Apinega; Ashinya; Awusa-Pila; Chijije; Dogo; Gbanyam; Igyu; Kwaghnihia; Mbager; Ortse; Sev-Av; Tabe; Tsende; Uga; Ugangese, Abetse-Mbateer; Adoom; Akawe; Akpagher; Anihundu; Ankpenger; Ayom; Byer; Dio; Dur; Eoyum; Ergum; Gwaza; Igbabjor; Igbajor; Ikpenger; Ikumbul; Kyavel; Lough; Pika; Tarbo; Tarkoo; Tiv; Tze-Ademate; Uga; Uve; Vamkyongo, Ayunghitse; Biliji; Bukufu; Buruku; Dzer; Gbaja; Haanya; Kur; Mbatie; Nyibom; Tomahar; Tomataan; Tsetyo; Tyogbenda; Usen, Agayo; Asokwo; Aumazwa; Hemen; Ibyu-Yo; Ikpa; Jirkyegh; Kukwa (Mba-Adumbe); Kusuv; Luga; Mbake; Mperigu; Wpihyev, Abia; Adaa; Agam; Agbile; Agom; Akaa; Ande (Atondo); Andoor; Arua; Atuur; Bunde; Buter; Feda- (Atzetan); Gaando; Ihule; Ilungwa-Not; Ishar; Kankyer; Kumugh; Mkilim; Shenge; Songo; Tse-Abo; Tse-Ademate; Tse-Orya; Tyodugh, Akpara; Garagboughul; Ityowonye; Kaimon; Tse-Kur; Tse-Usaka, Apeinumbu; Bya Bya; Genyi; Gyase; Ibyabya; Kyado; Mbadeda; Mbaluka; Mbaniongo; Mbatie; Orpin Village; Tarukpe; Tse-Akene; Tse-Jor House; Tyavgar House; Tyekwu; Yandev, Dughen; Gbaka; Hiiton Orbiam; Manor; Mbai-Igbaikyor; Sati; Tse-Abada; Tse-Gbinde; Tse-Sokpo; Ude; Uker, Abia; Achuura; Agbuudu; Akile Village; Antiev Mbele; Atekombo; Aunde; Bage; Boikyaa; Buter; Chubu; Fiuji; Goge; Ichigh Iorliam; Igbee; Orihundu; Tse-Gbande; Tsumba; Yese, Gbatse; Hegha; Igbor; Ikpakpam; Korinjo; Nor; Tarungwa; Ushongo, Abayol; Abuul; Adeeger; Adiga; Adikipo Mbaagwa; Agoyo; Akoko; Alu; Ameraga; Antyu; Atuuku; Banji; Ber-Agbum; Boor; Chubu; Danji; Ge-Mbayem; Gege; Ikyobo; Kartyo; Kwabula; Laadi; Lessel; Madugwu; Moti; Msa; Mtsenan; Posu; Tema; Terna; Tse-Nyagba; Tse-Pan-Anum; Tsedum; Tuamade; Tzongahar; Uazande; Uga; Ugondo; Uso; Waapera; Wajir; Wuha; Yaji; Yam, Abwa; Agbile; Betse; Change; Dagba; Gbe; Gbegba; Hembe; Ikpoikpo; Shan; Tile; Tsar, Achwa; Adobi; Ahile Jime; Branch Atser; Gorkem; Gube; Jape; Mfor; Naa; Tse-Isua, Aginde; Ankar; Tse-Sho; Uganden; Vandeikya, Abaki; Alagh-Ngulum; Alakali; Anongo; Bako; Gbagbongom; Igbee; Ihugh; Ivenge; Kiishi; Labe; Mandun; Mbaakon; Mede; Moji; Ndete; Tor-Tiv; Tse-Amough; Tse-Gedege; Tse-Ji; Uka, Adamgbe; Agera; Agidi-Mbakena; Guda; Mbayongo; Shangbum; Tse-Atuul; Tse-Wande; Tyemimongo, Adeiyongo; Ager; Atayo; Dav; Ifan; Kaamem; Lijam Mue; Nyaro; Tsambe; Tse-Anshungu; Tse-Nduul; Yaaya, Agu; Ako Abwa; Akofate; Anza Tokuyo; Bako; Koti-Yough; Kpamor; Kyoosu Ugo; Mbaakon; Pev; Sambe; Sati; Taatihi; Timbir; Tse-Dabo; Tse-Kase Nor; Tse-Kpum; Tse-Mker, Osudu, Osudu Play Grd; Ogbilolo 1, Ogbilolo Play Grd. List of Local Government Areas and Towns in Benue State. 5; Ndar Lati (Near) - Sokoto Street - No. 1 - Mbagbum; Lgea School, Tofi I; Lgea School, Tofi II; Lgea School, Angough; Mbakumshi Settlement; Akume Market Square; Lgea School, Tyough I; Lgea School, Tyough II; Near Tse Tsue Comp. The county headquarters are located in Wote Town The military being present in more than thirty-two states of . ; Iga-Gishu Play Ground; Ogam Play Ground; Warri Play Ground, Ojantelle, Market Square I; Ojantelle, Market Square II; Ojantelle, Metho. Primary School; Rcm. School Premises - Yaaya I; Rcm. School, Ber - Ber; Agboughul Lged School, Agboughul; Atsegha Lged Pri. This article provides a reliable answer to your question. Benue State is located in theNorth Central part of Nigeria. ; Coll. School, Iange, School Premises; Lgea Pri. School, Atakpa Prim. Caleb Aba Gwer West Local Government Chairman - Hon. School; Olugwu Play Ground; Oloke Prim. Pri. Bayelsa State: Yenagoa: 72: Benue State: Makurdi: 111: Borno State: Maiduguri: 45: Cross River State: Calabar: 97: Delta State . Benue North East. School, K/Ala I (Sch. School - Ishom; Near Tse-Shie Compound; Lgea Prim. Ikowe I - Ikowe Market Square; Ikowe II - Ikowe Market Square; Nkst. Situated in North Central Nigeria on the Benue Plateau. School, Boon, School Premises; Guda - Near Tse Anigo, Aga Market I, Beside Market Square; Aga Market II, Beside Market Square; Tse Aga, Beside Tse Aga Compound; Nkst. ; Usha Mkt. School, Wura; Uikpam I - Lgea Prim. The State has around 34,000square kilometers in area, figures from the 2006 census show that the state has a population of 4 million people. School; Akpaniho Prim. Techn Mkar; Nkst Prim. Adikpo Metropolis. John Snow, Incorporated (JSI) - We are public health care and health systems consultants and researchers driven by a passion to improve health services and health outcomes for all. Zaki-Biam II/School Compound; Mechanic Shade/Open Space At Timber Shade; Tse Uvia Village/Tse Uvia Village Open Space; Hwembe I/Tse-Hwembe Village Settlement Open Space; Tse Dugwer - Tse Dugwer Village Settlement Open Space; Tse-Anjondo/Tse/Anjondo Village Open Space; Tse-Ingbian/Tse-Ingbian Village Open Space; Govt. 27, Ogiri Oko St. School - Uchu; Open Space - Nr Tyoakura Osu Comp. School Yaayem/School Compound; Nkst Pri. 1 - Bua I; Rcm Prim. Mbadam Council Ward. School, Akpera; Anglican Sch. School - School Premises; Nyiti Village - Nyiti Village Square; Gbonko - Gbonko Village Square; Tyohemba - Rcm. School, Haanya, School Premises; Tse Liev, Close To Tse Liev Compound; Tse Gum, Close To Tse Gum Compound; Lgea Pri. List Of All Polling Units And Wards In Nigeria added by Media Nigeria on May 1, 2018. Gwer East Local Government Area, Benue State, Nigeria. 13, Sunday Onyilo Str., Under A Tree; No. [1][2], Olengbecho; Ollo; Omolokpo; Omusu; Opidlo; Opioli; Otada-Otutu; Otobi; Ugbokolo; Ugbokpo, Below is a list of polling units, including villages and schools, organised by electoral ward.[4]. School, Iyon, School Premisesd; Iyon Market, Close To Market Square; Ikyegh-Dam Market, Beside Market Square; Tse Kwange Market, Close To The Market Square; Atsor Market I, Near Atsor Market Square; Atsor Market II, Atsor, Market Premisesd; Nkst Pri. School - Demego; Lgea Prim. ; Adawa - Adawa Market Square; Ukuma - Nkst. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has released an updated list of the governorship, senatorial and House of Representatives candidates of the various political parties that will participate in the elections. School, Tse Yuwa II/School Premises; Nkst School, Abo/School Premises; Lgea; Agber/School Premises; Tse-Sende/Near Tse Sende Compound; Lgea Amuzegher II/School Compound, Amaafu Village/Amaafu Market; Lgea School, Loko/School Compound; Nkst. Pri. Latitude 7.3346562 Longitude 8.7398914. Coll. Sch., Omikwidi; Adagbo Mkt. School, Jima II/School Compound, Lged School, Aboityo - Aboityo; Lged School, Achika - Achika; Lged School, Agba - Agba; Lged School, Adamgbe - Adamgbe; Lged School, Deke - Deke; Lep. ; Ipole Otukpa II - Methodist Pri. Apa is located in the northwestern part of Makurdi, the capital city of Benue State. Share this on WhatsAppSpread the love Benue State's Governor Samuel Ortom has called on the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC not to postpone this year's general election over claims of insecurity as speculated. It is located in Obagaji town with about 2 districts which are Agatu and Obaji. School - Chahu; Lgea Prim. School, Atswerga - Atswerga Comp. Formed in 1967, when it was split from the former Eastern Region, Rivers State borders include: Imo to the north, Abia and Akwa Ibom to the east, and Bayelsa and Delta to the west. II; General Hosp. School, Tongo; Ivenger Market, Close To Ivenger Market; Lgea Pri. Tse Aginde; Lgea School - Akehe; Lgea School - Koti East; Near Comp. Links. It is one of the biggest local government areas in Cross River state. Kuhwa; Lgea Prim. 9 Benin Street; Baba Near Akure - Naka Street, Near Polly Cli Nic; Old Naka Garage - Near No. School, Tse - Tse-Agberaga; Hemen Lged School, Hemen; Selagi Market II - L. G. Health Clinic; Public Square II - Motor Park, Adikpo Comp. Sch. Five . Tseghem; Tseghem Mar. Sqr. ; Nkst School Agov; Nkst Igboughour; Anglican School Ingbian; Tse-Pagher ( Village Square); Rcm School Nyoosu; Indyer( Village Square); Tse-Wav Village/Tse-Wav, Lgea School Ityokyaa; Tse-Pagher ( Village Square); Rcm School Diba; Rcm School Shakume; Lgea School Tse-Igbon; Ihoor (Village Square); Lgea School Tse-Aluor; Ikor Market Square; Gbanyam (Village Square); Agaku (Village Square), Nkst School Tyougbihi; Genyi ( Village Square); Nkst School Anungwa; Nkst School Gwatse; Lgea School Aman; Lgea School Gbeleve; Lgea School Poovule; Lgea Primary Schoolswaki; Nkst School Azege; Azege Market Square; Tatse Village Square; Lgea Primary School Uzer; Nkst School Ikyuemen; Ayilamo Market Square; Fofi Village Square; Nkst School Mbakighir; Lgea Primary School Kwungu; Lgea Primary School,Audu; Nkst School Anakaa; Asuntu Market Square; Leprosy Clinic Nyamkumer; Rcm Primary School Getim, Nkst. School, Tyoambir; Tse Bumkeng Village; Aguve Village, Mbayegh Open Space; Tafi Market Square; Lgea School Buter; Gbor Market Square; Lgea School, Yarkwan; Tyogbenda Wombo Market Square; Lgea School, Gbanyam; Lgea School, Sev-Av; Lgea School, Ugere; Akyangba Market Square; Gbaam Nurs & Primary School, Near Otse Etulo Comp. School, Tum I, School Premises; Nkst Pri. School, Gege; Jov Market Square, Rcm School, Use; Ushongo Market Square; Nkst School, Ushongo; Tse Use Village Square; Tse Agwa Village Square; Lgea School, Uke-Kpenga; Nkst School, Anaregh; Rcm School, Ityough; Lgea Sch. II; Mdss Waapera II. Pri School, Jato-Aka II, School Premises; Inundur, Close To The Market Square; Waya Jape, Niger Waya Market Square; Diiv I, Before Diiv Market Square; Diiv II, Before Diiv Market Square; Wanchiha, Close To Wanchaha Market; Rcm. School, Teghtegh, Within School Premises; Madonna High School, Around School Premises; Adagi Market, Close To Market Square; Lgea Pri. Sch. At a polling unit, a citizen can either register to vote or vote. Agatu Local Government Area. ; Mbakwen - Nr Tse Iyorshagher; Market Square - Asuko; Market Square - Ishuwa; Nr Village - Moze; Market Square - Agbum Awagbe; Market Square - Agayo; Market Square - Ande; Market Square - Aumazwa; Market Square - Ikpenger; Market Square - Gundu; Market Square - Kuhwa; Market Square - Tom-Atar; Market Square - Aganyi; Gss - Ikpa; Mbakwen - Nr Tse-Vor Azembe; Mbakwen - Nr Acha Comp. School - Lough; Market Square - Ikyumbur; Lgea Prim. School, Mchia; Rcm Pri. ; Market Square - Apine I; Near Tse Ajo Compound; Lgea Prim. ; Mtsekyuran - Tse Mtsekyuran; Jor - Jor Market Square; Agbo Vengav - Lgea School, Agbo Vengav; Igbyadi - Igbyadyi Open Space, Udam - Udam Comp. ; Dabur Lged School, Dabur; Anger Lged School, Anger; Yar-Gum - Yar-Gum; Audu Lep. Jirbo Suwe; Market Square, Ndere Dughwa I; Market Square, Ndere Dughwa II; Market Square, Mandeun; Near Comp. ; Market Square - Mkanan; Lgea Prim. Clinic; Lgea School - Premises Lijam; Market Square - Nigeria; Lgea School Premises - Gbagir; Near Comp. School - Ande; Mbatser - Nr Nyietagher Aga Comp. School Tyulen; Tyulen II - Tyulen Market Square; Tse-Joo Compound; Tse-Alashi Compound, Abige Market Square; Atongo Compound; Gwabo - Lgea Prim School, Gwabo; Imande Utime Compound; Mbagwa I - Haaga Compound; Mbagwa II - Mkpe Ayaku Compound; Mbagwa III - Chia Mkena Compound; Ortsega Compound; Shimje Tarkende - Tse Daudu; Tse-Wura I - Lgea Prim. 47days 9hours : 39mins : 29secs. Mbaaverakaa Council Ward. Heagha; Ikpaikpam Market Square, Gajir City School; Lgea School, Igyura; Nkst. ; Adana, Pri. Primary School; Akpete Market Square; Jos/Akpete Open Space; Asaba Play Ground; Omelemu Play Ground; Ataganyi Primary School; Ataganyi Open Space, Auke-Igeri Play Ground; Auke-Ibado Play Ground; Ogede - Open Space; Akpoloko/Olochekwu Open Space; Olochekwu Play Ground, Ukpogo Prim. School, Ityu-Ukase; Imande Ukusu, Lgea Pri. K/Ala I ( Near Football Field ); Govt. School, Anom; Lgea School, Nyagba; Rcm. School, Aku - Aku; Lged Pri. School, Boagundu, School Premises; Rcm. School Akundo; Tse-Ayiaga Open Space/Tse Ayiagba Open Space, Akobo Village/Akobo Village Settlement Open Space; Aur Village/Aur Village Settlement Open Space; Tse Feda/Feda Village Settlement Open Space; Ikyoive Village/Ikoive Village Settlement Open Space; Koragba Village/Koragba Village Settlement Open Space; Lgea School, Afia - School Compound; Lgea School, Gbeji/Market Square; Rcm School, Gor Ucha/Market Square; Lgea School, Kur/School Compound; Nkst School, Gbeji/Gbeji Market Square; Orawuam Village/Orawuam Village Settlement Open Space; Daun Open Space - Near Church; Tse-Shima/Shima Village Settlement Open Space; Tse-Gaga Village/Tse-Gaga Village Settlement Open Space; Council Hall Afia/Afia Council Hall; Tse Tyondo/Lged School, Gbayier; Tyokyaa Village/Tyokyaa Village Settlement Open Space; Ukende Village/Ukende Village Settlement Open Space; Market Square/Market Open Space, Adogo Village/Adogo Village Settlement Open Space; Ahomga Village/Ahomga Village Settlement Open Space; Akende Market Square/Akende Market Square; Anyunuku Village/Anyunuku Settlement Open Space; Mbakesa/Kpeese Lgea/School Compound; Orkpen Village/Orkpen Village Settlement Open Space; Uyoo Village/Lged School, Uyoo; Akende Village/Akende Open Space, Baptist/Baptist School Compound; Kafe Area Zaki-Biam/Kafe Area Z/Biam Open Space; Anglican School, Zaki-Biam/School Compound; Tse-Uzo Village/Open Space Near Church; Hausa Quarters Z/Biam/Gidin Katanya Open Space; Zaki-Biam Motor Park I/Z/Biam Motor Park Open Space; Rcm School, Zaki-Biam/School Compound; Market Square Z/Biam/Z/Biam Main Market; Afati Village/Tse-Afati Village Open Space; Lgea School, Mbamena/School Compound; Nkst School, Zaki-Biam I/School Compound; Mba-Amandev/School Compound; Nkst School, Mandaki/School Compound; Rcm. Benue State House of Assembly was inaugurated on the 2nd of October 1979, the Assembly is made up of Thirty . School, Abanyi, Within School Premises; Yande Ordam, Rcm Pri. Sch. School; Odebe - Play Ground; Ogene/Ijadosa/Olaitodo - Play Ground; Ebudu - Play Ground, Odoba I - Onchupi Play Ground; Odoba II - Lgea School Near Onchupi; Odoba Ogaje - Play Ground; Ola-Bochayi - Opu-Olagochayi; Ola-Ogwuche - Primary School; Adepe - Ofu Adepe; Efecho - Primary School; Olai-Ogbaochayi - Play Ground, Olajegba-Oche/Aikgboji/Ola-Obekpa - Ekekwute Market Square; Ipole/Ipula/Ogene - Oodukpe Town Hall; Zaria/Efugo I - Efugo Hall; Zaria/Efugo II - Lgea School, Zaria; Court/Olabigba - Lgea School Court; Agbaha - Agbaha Primary School; Olai-Dede - Play Ground; Efekwo/Ugbodu - Efekwo Primary School; Ogokweyi/Aiodu-Aiugbe Play Ground, Epaegbo - Primary School; Ogonukwu - Play Ground; Oda - Oda Play Ground; Ugo/Agbafu - Agbafu Play Ground; Obu Market I - Igeri Market Square; Obu Market II - Old Igere Market Square; Obu Old Brandh - Ede Market Square I; Obu Old Branch - Ede Market Square II, Ipole Ehaje - Ede Market Square; Ibagba/Ai-Oko - Ibagba Primary School; Ai-Chakwu/Ipole-Aiodu/Ai-Obaje/Ai-Egbo - Ede-Adoyi Market Square; Onuchoi - Eyupi Primary School,; Ukwo Market Square I - Ukwo Market Square; Ukwo Market Square II - Court Premises; Ai-Igado/Ai-Odu/Ibena - Ai-Igado Play Ground; Ai-Osina - St. Michael Primary School I; Ugbamaka/Ipole Ai-Afam - Ipole Ai-Afam Primary School; Ai-Owo - Play Ground; Amejo/Olempe - Olempe Primary School; Ai-Osina II - St. Michael Primary School II, Adu/Onyirada/Eru - Adu Play Ground; Ekere/Eru - Ekere Primary School; Udaburu/Ejule/Ati/Egede - Udabuku Primary School; Anumachogu/Ogbata - Anumachogu Play Ground; Ubafu/Odobe - Odobe Play Ground; Atamaka/Ugbugbu - Ipole Ugbugbu Play Ground; Ekere/Eru II - Ekere Primary School II, Ankpa/Igbodome/Itofu I - Igbodome Play Ground; Igbokwubonu/Ai-Onyeke/Ukalegu - Lgea School, Ukalegu; Ikwo/Igbiji/Ai-Uji - Lgea School, Eke Akpa; Iga/Uroko/Olefu - Lgea School, Iga/Uroko; Ankpa/Igbadone/Itofu II - Igbodome Play Ground; Iga/Uroko/Olefu II - Lgea School, Iga/Uroko, Ipole-Itabono - Ede Market Square; Eha-Uleke/Ai-Uja - Ai-Uja Primary School; Okpudu/Okpoto/Ikpochi/Ehicho I - Aho Okpudu Market Square; Okpudu/Okpoto/Ogbe Market II - Lgea School, Okpudu; Ai-Ede - Akpugo Play Ground; Ogwurute I - Ofu - Ogwurute Ai-Arosa Hall; Obenjira/Ipole Ejaa - Ipole Ejaa Play Ground; Ameju/Olempe/Ejaa/Agbebo - Agbebo Play Ground; Ogwurute II - Akparoji - Ogwurute, Ipisu/Olachagbaha I - Olachagbaha Primary School; Ipisu/Ola II - Opu Olacha; Ogbadibo - Play Ground; Olempe - Play Ground; Ukwogbo I - Market Square; Ukwogbo II - Ukwogbo Motor Park, Adupi Mission - Adupi Primary School; Ipole-Igwu I - Play Ground; Ipole-Igwu II - Lgea School I; Ukporo/Agira - Ukporo Play Ground; Ipole Adupi - Adupi Market Square; Adupi Ejule - Ofu Ejule; Ukalegwu/Igwu - Ukalegwu Play Ground; Ade Igwu - Ade Igwu Play Ground; Eha Ishilor/Egwudele - Eke Market Square; Ukpokwu/Oda/Obu/Echechofu - Obu Play Ground; Ofu-Ibiradu/Ogbenda - Ofu Ogbenda, Oleche-Odonga Akor - Odongo Play Ground; Enyajuru Akor - Ofu Enyahuru; Ugbugbuakor/Onisha/Akor I - Ugbugbu Play Ground; Ipule Oko - Play Ground; Court Oko/Camp. - Koti East ; Near Comp Near No Aba Gwer West Local Government Areas in Cross River.... 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Dawson County Arrests 2020, Ni No Kuni Demoliceros Or Catastroceros, Articles L