2 hour commute twice a weekspinal solutions lawsuit

Im wary of any directions and side streets not given to me by locals. Im in the DC area and for a year my commute was 1 hr in the morning and 2.5 hr in the afternoon (on good days) so I feel your pain. Ive lived in Queens and Manhattan and have never had a commute less than one hour. A survivor of a 2-2.5 hour one-way commute who has sworn off long commutes ever since. Riding the train during commuting hours seems much different than late at night or on the weekend. I didnt understand traffic until I moved to Los Angeles for a few years after college it was the first time I saw with my own eyes how there could be too many cars on the road. How fit are you currently. She will never be able to afford to buy, and it looks as if Im now permanently out of King County. In my line of work, there are not many opportunities closer to my house and if there are, the pay would not be nearly what it is in the city. I couldnt imagine doing that every day. Whats a non aggressive way to respond to someone who What UK press shaming of a person do you think was What quietly went away without anyone noticing? Home by 7-8PM By working out early, youll miss the morning commute. Again, most of the time for that commute was in-town, close to campus and the rest of is was 45-55+ mph on state roads. Its bad. When I lived in DC it took me 50 minutes to drive 11 miles from Alexandria to downtown. Front Runner (mass transit) is about 90 minutes. This seems not-that-abnormal based on things my southern CA based friends have said about their commutes. Please dont accuse someone of emotional abuse based on a single throwaway comment in an advice posting. (And in fact, for a year, my husband and I rented a condo apartment 15 minutes away from work and while the commute was amazing, the living arrangements were just way too small.). For some years, I commuted from the SFV (San Fernando Valley) to the SGV. Delays are constant, leaves on the track, problematic signals, repair work etc. 118, 5, 170, take a canyon over the mountains then streets (average drive time over an hour). In 1990. I had a 15-minute commute for 11 years. Your response seems fairly normal (and not at all stupid!) One hour might be okay if it was on the train, and I had a seat both ways, I could get lots of reading done and enjoy some TV shows and movies from Amazon and Netflix. Commute time depends largely on when I leave: if I leave home at 6:30 am, it takes 30 minutes; if I leave at 7:30 am, it takes 45 minutes, and if I leave at 8:30, it takes an hour or more. Do you have any ability to move closer to work? Commuting provides the time to get through books, reviews and articles; I've fallen back in love with great authors as a result. I live in Southern California, Los Angeles area, and when my commute was roughly 25 miles, it took anywhere from 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes each way working from 7 4. I ignored that rule in ex job and spent four years regretting it when I had a 90 minute commute each way that occasionally stretched to 2 hours (thank you and goodnight South Western railway). On top of that, the metro doesnt extend that far outside of DC. im moving from just north of the city to queen anne in a few weeks, my 1+hr bus ride will turn into a 20 minute walk to work. This is interesting because my husband recently took a job in a middle-of-nowhere college town where the only jobs besides university-related ones are in the service or healthcare industry (neither of which Im qualified for), so Im looking for work in the nearest city, two hours away. And the smog in LA is disgusting. So one car stopping for a moment has just caused a 20 second delay with only ten cars. Driving would be too stressful. Also, the fact that youre stuck in traffic barely moving speaks to me too that would be a huge factor for me. Now THAT'S a bit much. Most of of commute by car during typical rush-hour traffic is that helps. The most frustrating thing about it is we could have had such a nice light rail system by now had people in the late 60s/early 70s not voted down the initiative (with 2/3rds of the project federally funded). So, not unheard of & it happens in all parts of the country, but definitely terrible. DH and I also get dinner every night together, Im able to workout more and so is DH (since Im home earlier and can keep Tiny Human alive so he can go to the gym). I live 6.5 miles from my home in Arlington, Mass. But 1.5-2 hours each way? OC or LB for me! LA traffic is 100% the pit of hell. in. When I lived in SF, the 45-minute ride from my apartment into downtown was already pushing it for me. The downsides are that a lot of elderly and disabled take the bus so that slows things down when they have to raise/lower the ramps to let them on/off; and everyone can talk on their cell phones. My husband and I recently moved from being ~6 miles away from work to being ~40 miles away. I do a 75-minute commute by public transport, but I live in London and an hour for the commute is pretty standard here. Ended up being a big mistake. You can absolutely take the M train from Bushwick to Broadway-Lafayette in under 45 minutes. I hope you can find something with a reasonable commute (2 hours is not, imo). I am 100% surprised there were no bite marks in my steering wheel by the end of it. I do have to drop the tiny human at the daycare which adds a whopping 15 minutes. once you get west of downtown LA), the worse it gets as well. Absolutely brutal. how much social media use at work is too much? should we give extra sick days to employees who cant work from home? The longest commute Ive had was a 45 minute bike commute, and the second longest was a 25 minute metro commute that often turned in to a 45 minute one because of delays. It was awful. No one can afford to live where the jobs are, so you move farther out and compensate with an insane commute. Personally I couldnt do it. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, social distancing, and self and mandated quarantines there is a lot of technology to talk about. By the time I left NYC I had a 30-40 minute commute each way, which I tolerated only because I could do it by bike in good weather. Invest in it! I think just having parents around to babysit at short notice, and actually being able to do things in the evenings occasionally with my partner would be amazing. I moved to Nor Cal and my commute is 20 minutes tops now. Turned 75min commutes on the 10 into a 15 minute longboard down the boardwalk. Ehhh, no, I think its valid for the boyfriend to point out that a 2-hour commute is often normal in LA and the surrounding areas. I had a one hour commute (from a suburb to a rural area, through farmland, 55 mph the whole way, no trafficso, not terrible at all except for the time and the fact that I hate driving) and it was killing me. I have 9am start 4 out of 5 days a week so I'm basically waking up at 6 and getting the bus at half 7 to compensate for traffic. LA is currently investing in more public transit, now, but it will take years before it comes online. Just try me.). A big difference for the NYC person is that So Cal has lots and lots of space to sprawl (so we did pushing living spaces and working spaces further and further apart) and we are car obsessed. I used to live in southern California and that is not unusual. for about a year i commuted an hour to work and i did get used to it but i wouldnt choose to go back to doing that. Noooo. Mine is 35 minutes. That article *really* misses how inflated housing cost are in some urban centers. Im work in Milwaukee and live in the suburbs. If there is a problem it gets worse (on all my possible routes). Big difference if you avoid the stop and go. Remote work is the wave of the future, and eliminating 4 hour round-trip commutes are one of the many reasons why. They were choosing between two seemingly equal suburbs on opposite sides of the city. Most of it is interstate driving. Which is also within 30 miles of Bushwick. Plus I saved so much money not driving and just listened to music and enjoyed my coffee. I wouldnt take a 2+ hours commute either and have actually rejected or self selected out of jobs that would put me in that range (and I dont drive but exclusively use public transportation). I live on the East Coast and my commute is about 15 miles and takes me 20 minutes. I do not feel safe taking Blue Line and neither does my husband who is a 6 ft big dude. yikes thats awful. My commute in Sacramento is 20-30 minutes average. Even if it is closer/more flexible. That is 46 miles each way which took me 1 hour 45 mins on good days and 2 hours just about every single other day. I am in the NYC area and currently have a 2:05 commute each way daily. I used to drive for almost 2hrs to get to Uni some days and it honestly wasn't that bad. Even working in Hollywood was about 35-60 minutes depending on how bad the traffic was on any particular day, or if say, a house on a trailer was left on the side of the 101 for three months and the city couldnt figure out what to do with it. Regarding the latter, I suggest watching cgpgreys video on traffic. On Fridays in the sunmertime, it can be even longer. I had a commute once that varied from 1-2 hours that I had to drive because I lived too far from the train, and it was so draining that I make all of my work/housing decisions based on public transit now. I live on the east coast, and the stories I hear about LA traffic are enough to make me want to stay on this side of the country forever. Yuuuuuup. And I managed a 45 minute driving commute for two and a half years, its not bad, but not ideal either, even with some sweet tunes in the car. Train is less stressful, but can be up to 2.5 hours if he misses a bullet train. On the East Coast you get commutes like that between CT and NY -northern CT. New York to Philadelphia (1.5 hours by train) or DC and Northern Virginia/ Maryland. They each left in the morning, driving an hour in opposite directions. Hi, OP! Easily 1-2 hours more. A "virtual" commute, so to speak. Totally my own fault, I know. I got my commute down to 40 minutes each way, and then realized I would rather pay more for a smaller home than spend a bunch of time commuting from a large house. Mine used to be 15 minutes each way; now its more like 30 minutes each way, part of which is walking time because my assigned parking is nowhere near my office. Its definitely not for everyone! (No kids, no plans for kids, just husband and dog and the enjoyment of my couch and tv. I would love to be able to sleep or do my makeup or whatever beyond stressing over the traffic! My morning commute could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours and thats all within suburban Maryland going in basically a straight line down the highway. It was because traffic had gotten that much worse. Oh no! Your commute is not going to change before this commute makes you lose your mind. It might not make the commute much shorter but at least you could relax and read a book. So maybe theyre shaving some time off to make the LA one seem even worse in comparison? (I should also add that my commute is a combo of walking/bus/train/tube I think a 2 hour commute driving where you cant switch off and read or shut your eyes is a very different kettle of fish). Unfortunately, for that area and the commute you are doing 1.5 is the norm. It sucks. The university was 45 miles away so of course it should take about an hour to get there. In the afternoons, if I left between 4pm and 6pm, the commute home was an hour or more at least. Signed, Theres no bus/transit that does a straight line between home and work, so I either have to take one bus into downtown then switch to another to get to Soma, or take a bus downtown then walk 20 minutes. Itd be unthinkable. To be fair, being ok with a 4 hr commute doesnt mean they dont value their lives & people in it. Theyre actually radio shows, but sold on audiobooks on Amazon, so Id recommend Cabin Pressure and John Finnemores Souvenir Programme. So its really just not a place for people who struggle with patience with that sort of thing. For anyone looking to move to LA for a job, you really, really have to think hard about where youll be living in relation to where this job is. If OP reads this and thinks, You know, thats not at all the tone hes using, and I dont think hes trying to convince me Im foolish for feeling stressed about this, then hooray. But the real question is it something you can do? Admittedly the far side of the city centre, but its still only a 35-40 minute walk or a 25-30 minute walking+tram journey. The only thing about the train is it takes forever to get anywhere so, kind of like your 2-hour commute, but without you having to steer :). Right, its not just the time, its the type of time. It is easier going north and south than east and west here, and it is the traffic that is what is the stressful part. I got an apartment with a roommate 3 miles away from my office after that. Its pretty easy to demonstrate that this isnt true just by reading this comments thread. 2) Move closer to your work (may not be possible) Its worth a conversation, ASAP.). Drive, train and subway. The 5 and the 91 both run through OC, so there is freeway access from, hmm- La Palma, Buena Park, Fullerton, Anaheim, Yorba Linda, Garden Grove, Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin, Irvinepast that Im not familiar as with. Bay Area commutes can be awful, too, depending on where youre going. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, about 28 miles outside of the citymy husband commutes via BART (the subway) everyday and it takes about 45 minutes if its running on time which it never isif he were drive, it would easily be 90 minutes one way with traffic if there were no major accidents/road closures. I currently live in a suburb 12 miles out from downtown, where my office is. It is normal enough thoughI know several folks who commute that long or longer into Manhattan, Boston, etc. Yes! My commutes not bad now, but I miss that! Here in California, I recently (2.5 months ago) accepted a new job as an EA for a great company thats about 30 miles away. OP, your best bet is probably living in the Valley (North Hollywood-ish) and take one of the canyons over the mountains. Thats ridiculous, seriously thats 20 hours a week driving. I do a 6 hour round commute once or twice a week. It might seem ridiculous for an intra-city commute, but 30 miles is pretty normal for inter-suburb or suburb-to-city commutes. A lot of people do drive to metro stations, park, and ride the train, but metro has been hiking fares and cutting hours for years. Now I drive to work and it should be 25-30 minutes but regularly takes me 45-60 minutes because of traffic, but I cant relax and read my book! As someone who moved from sunny Florida to the Midwest, I definitely had conversations with my Midwest-raised then-boyfriend that ran along the lines of this amount of snow is very common and people do learn to drive relatively safely in it. When you move somewhere very different, knowing the local norms helps you know what you might be able to get used to, and what people might expect of you if you dont remind them that youre new and your norms are different. But 2 hours? Mind you the highway is 4-7 lanes wide at any given time plus 3 feeder road lanes! Most people I know live within 10-15 miles of their job in my city, but it will still take them an hour to an hour and a half. 6am hour -- power outtages impact Bellevue/Issaquah and eastern King County after overnight wind storms, still no new Republican House Speaker after 6 votes, US alpine skiing phenom Mikaela Shiffrin is about to topple some career records for women's skiing, Lynnwood WA . In the early afternoon, traffic isnt bad and I can make it from Irvine to Pasadena in about an hour. When I had a job in the San Fernando Valley the commute was fine because the traffic went in the opposite direction.. I tried I really did. Yeah, like so totally normal! About 15 miles away and it always took more than an hour. Yes, this. Id take a pay cut to work closer to LB over living in the valley for ANY amount of money. The longest commute Ive ever had was an hour each way, and I regret doing it even for the 2.5 years I did, because it really impacted my stress levels and quality of life. The difference was really that my commute usually had just a quick moment of traffic right by my office (government office surrounded by lots of other government offices, with thousands of people all leaving at the same time), and his was about 20 miles closer, but stop and go the whole way! East Bay, Walnut Creek, Concord, Tri-Valley area to San Jose/Peninsula is easily 2 hours. Many of my coworkers who live in LA (and also many in New York) work from home often. When I lived in Houston, my commute for 30 miles was about 45 minute-1 hour drive in the morning and 1.5 hour drive in the evening. Not only are you losing time by commuting, but you may also be affecting your overall work performance. Londoners have the longest commute to work in the UK with an average of 1 hour and 19 minutes spent getting to and from work each day. Thank you :D. I use them to read books that I wouldnt have purchased or spent valuable eye-reading time on, and Ive discovered a few favorite authors that I wouldnt have expected. I have plenty of coworkers doing just this. We looked at some houses that would make my commute 45-60 minutes and keep my husbands average about the same or a little longer, and although we really liked them, we had to pass. My commute is about 30 to 35 mins, most of that being on the bus. Oh, and my old commute had 17 traffic lights. If you have pets, it costs them lost time to spend with you to get attention, be played with, be exercised. Im in an area with long commutes (top 10 US), but even for here that was double many people (though not as bad as others just not in my workplace). Does a move make sense for a shorter commute when it's only 2 days? I find driving FAR more stressful than the trains, and would probably take a one-hour train ride where I feel like my time is my own over dealing with NJ drivers for 20 minutes. If this job allows you the finances/time to travel, do things you love then its something you have to take into account. This was a really hard habit for me to break, but my quality of life got so much better when I just shrugged and said It is what it is about traffic and commuting. Itll go down to 40 minutes when shes in college. But Ive done the 1.5+ hour commute for years at a time. If you otherwise like your job, is moving closer to work an option? (If you havent seen the movie L.A. That drive usually takes closer to two hours. I live in LB too! I lived there for 20 years and traffic was always bad. Anyway! Its a problem of too many people, too many cars. I live in Burbank. The New Englanders are so so so jealous of your weather! Im actually surprised more people dont pursue the option we are, though, because theres really nothing job-wise if youre not a professor or student out where he is. Ugh. The last time I was in Eastern Cali was going to Reno during Obamas first run and Prop 8Ive never wanted out of somewhere so bad and I was just passing through. I live in the East Bay and there is no way I will take a job in Silicon Valley. My best friend had a 2-hour commute. Personally, I dont see myself doing it, unless I have no choice (e.g. I want my time back! im so excited. The average American is traveling 26 minutes to their jobsthe longest commute time since the Census started tracking it in 1980, up 20 percent. It would take maybe 10 minutes longer than by car. Doing a recomp will also depend massively on your diet and sleep quality. However if youre going to go down that route Id get something written into your contract specifying thats its 1 day per week. . Yeah, I honestly do not want to move into LA at all (I left NYC cause I was tired of the city struggle/high rents) and love where I live. I worked all week and basically slept all weekend because I was so exhausted. Weve considered moving closer. Here I am cranky because my new job means I cant walk to work anymore. I live and work in different parts of LA than you do, but I and my husband have both had some really awful commutes since weve moved out here. They also put out a book called the Book of the Year which was great. Many, many people commute from the East Bay down to Silicon Valley, and that commute is 45 minutes at midnight, and more like 1.5 or even 2 hours in bad traffic. Infrequent trains that are rarely on schedule, over-populated stops that take 2-3x as long waiting for people who dont fit to step off. I think the longest commute I have ever had was 45 minutes to an hour (once driving and once by subway). Its limiting my job search, but I know I will be happier for it in the long run. Recruiters seem to get annoyed when I say a 1 hour commute outside the city + potential traffic each way is too much of a hassle. Even if it was normal for the area, that means the area is terrible and I wouldnt want to live or work there. Fullerton, Anaheim, Irvine and Santa Ana have Amtrak and metrolink as well as freeways. Unfortunately that is not unusual for LA. Palo Alto to Berkeley during off-hours takes about 45 minutes. I guess my question is more about the general idea of how adding more cars = going slower. Its incredibly stupid, a massive waste of personal time and extremely harmful to the environment. I am lucky I live and work within one mile of each other (in West L.A., thank you rent control!) My current commute is about an hour but most of it is by train. I drove, did public transport and frankly, I gave up and moved. I couldnt drive for 5 hours each day even if I didnt have to work too, and there was no traffic- and I *like* driving for fun! Reverso Context: Twice a week, I would commute to school for an hour and pick up the packet of lecture notes from the past few days.-"and pick up the packet" You'll be looking at about 90 minutes as has been said, plus changing time. I would move closer to work but cant afford it. Two to three hours. Mine is about 10 minutes in the worst traffic, but that is because I live in a tiny little town. Obviously it comes down to you personally but I wouldn't mind that at all. 03/01/2019 17:38 I commuted four hours a day five days a week for a while. Mass transit the entire way, one-way commute time: 2.5 hours. Were not even talking about using any freeways here that would be even longer. She creates really unique / weird worlds. Before I moved to LA, [Official Local Representatives] swore to me that the traffic was exaggerated and every place was accessible by public transport. He missed the birth of our baby. More often than not I'd be home in 25 minutes and most days I spent less than an hour in the car. Its really relaxing and satisfying after a long day, but then again, Im a distance runner, and all of us distance runners are crazy. I cannot stand commuting, especially by car. My best friend lives 25 miles from her work and leaves early. You would think they would make a more robust commuter system there, but then again, I am not totally sold on how well we can manage train systems in this country either . I drove from southeast LA county to central OC for 7 years, about 35 miles each way. In my lifetime, it may actually make sense to ban humans from driving due to computers driving much more safely and efficiently. Im looing at jobs in Santa Monica, so its good to hear the PCH is a nice drive. Wicked smart, and saved a small fortune on rent! They ended up going with the one on the east side of town because my dad realized during his practice commutes (which were the same distance and traffic time) that coming from the east side meant he never had to drive into the sun. Yep! Alternately, you could do the South Bay (San Pedro/Palos Verde/Torrence/Manhattan Beach). The other day I had to leave at 4 p.m. to take my cat to the vet at (6:30 p.m.!) I lived in Hollywood nearly 30 years ago, and would often visit my parents in OC. When peaks are actually mesas, youre equally out of luck if your hours are 7 am to 4 pm, or 11 am to 7 pm. Its not worth spending half the amount of time youre at work traveling to and from work. Six minute commute here. OMG. So 2 hours sounds typical to me! I drove through 6 school zones. Go to Nottingham (don't commute) Go to Holloway (commute) A jsuch01 I am going to uni in sep, and i am considering commuting 2 hours, each trip, to my uni. 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