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NOT possible as your soul does not belong to you, so you can not sell. And Im trying tirelessly to be a better person and I constantly try to please God and make up for that night, but it feels like something is just different I just feel suffocated all the time like theres just this darkness hanging over me that blocks out any light or positivity I can find, and Im almost obsessed with the idea of going to Hell & even worry that my lost loved ones might be there because they werent religious as far as I know. Usually in a better way. Im very sick. However, faith has nothing to do with it. This selling of your soul is completely rubbish concept that unsurprisingly the hollyweird sinners spread using music and movies. I get horrible anxiety when I just hear the thiefs name Mike or see one of those Kia Soul cars. Jesus died to set us free from the power of Satan, sin and death: Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of deaththat is, the deviland free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Hebrews2:14-15). But you got your soul back after turning to God? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (Matthew16:26). May God visit you ! Does this mean that all will go to heaven? Well, someone explained it to me sort of like that once, but they said it better lol and it offered me much comfort. Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die., There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife., What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? The devil will give you 3 things to do. I know that you are desperate. It's when you act on those thoughts that you are selling out. All Activity My Activity Streams Members I Follow The devil will give you 3 different tests to perform. Through spiritual experience, psychoactive effects, or all kinds of causes, you might find yourself wandering into it, almost like drifting out of your lane when youre driving, except there are no sensory indicators that anythings changed. Still got it. I think you should stop tracking out to biblical angels to get what you want. It is a conscious decision when presented that a person makes. Step 1: Knowing your Buyer Despite common misconception, Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil are not the same entity; this was made explicitly clear in Milton's Paradise Lost. It doesnt matter what kind of blood drops you do, its all bogus and you are simply dedicating yourself to sin using some weird rituals that have no real meaning or impact except for convincing the foolish people that they have now signed a paper with their blood so now they have a contract and its valid. Bad and Good is purely subjective You bought up your molar surgery and how it changed your face. Its really starting to ruin me because Ive always had faith in God and ultimately always turned to him when I did bad things and felt remorseful, but now it feels like I cant anymore because the door is shut. The assumption that "If you had a bad trip, it meant you What if oxygen is a Psychedelic substance and the effects My Best friend and I telepathically communicated 5 miles UCLA starts Psychedelic Studies Initiative. The devious prank, pulled by GameStation, an online gaming store, resulted in the voluntary surrender of 7,500 souls. Smoking weed is simply smoking weed. 5. All is self. Do we have a Technical Support thread here on Worthy. 30 and after he brought them out, he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. I think of Hitler A soul cannot be bought or sold. You cannot serve God and mammon., Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters., Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?, Megan Fox Visits Hell with Machine Gun Kelly, New TV Show Living Biblically Should Be Called Mocking. Three centuries earlier Paganini was said to have done so, so too in the last century was the Blues guitarist Robert Johnson. We are all innocent in Truth and together we will Remember, Respect well said man.May got bless you , is there for real ? Selling ones soul to the devil is a common term that a lot of people have become familiar with. With that said, I truly believe we can get our souls back. But youre gonna have to serve somebody. We now have a choice. You might be told to kill your pet dog or cat, and other terrible atrocities, which your conscience is against. Jesus is dead. I stood up, and was still standing answering his questions thewhole evening, while therest of the class relaxed. Because Gods great love for us, and by His enabling grace, we are now free to accept or reject His free gift of salvation: For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people. (Titus2:11). From the moment you sign that contract, you have become the devils property. Therefore, it depends on how special your desires are. Fame, fortune, and influence are some of the greedy things that make a person happy. What drugs do you believe have the most potential for Had a friend of mine tell me to stay away from dmt Disrespecting others seems to be on the rise? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What this has the potential to do is keep an ill individual from seeking medical help and instead just pray and pray and study the Word and pray, which may seem to be very good advice. They snuck off and they did it. Like even Marilyn Manson (who Ive prayed for for many years) say if had signed a contract IN BLOOD with Satan FACING him directly across the table? Well, not exactly. Your email address will not be published. - Good Fight Ministries The Soul Steed! No one. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, you accepted Jesus as the price to God for your sins (soul?) Does he get bored ?? Satan will make sure he fulfills his promise. /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. After making this statement, you will have a dream about signing an agreement with the devil. On a personal note, Your sudden shift from "good" to "damned" is something that resonates with me. I'm sitting here looking at my wife. We can choose sin and Satan over Jesus, but we cannot ultimately choose the horrific consequences. Therefore, whenever you summon him to trade your soul, he will surely show up. I am really worried. The clause, as published by GameStation, reads, You do not own your soul, so you have no right or ability to give it away. Tread carefully. King James Bible While you achieve all of this by selling your soul, you have to take into account that this kind of happiness is just temporary. Let me just say that I don't believe you can accidentally, unintentionally sell your soul or anyone else's to the Devil. Pleasenote the second halfis encouragement. This could get pretty deep theologically, but in a sense, since Adam sinned, our souls were all sold out to sin or the devil. Yes,you certainly can end up selling your soul for temporary pleasure and for gain on this earth. The creator of the whole universe with its 125 billion Can yall please pray for me and my doctor? One day, I checked my mail. My professor grilledme on it forthe full two and half hours of our evening class. Amen. 3. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. After passing these tests, your desires will be granted to you. What you need is an something like an exorcism from someone with extremely good positive energy(me). Not trying to accidentally sell my soul to the fucking devil. Going cold turkey on any intoxicant can cause changes to your appearance, and to how you're feeling physically and emotionally. The amount of money you will get depends on how much you desire to have. Although, this is not one of the common methods. It is true that sin separates us from God. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. I play alot of video games and when you install and download video games,there are terms and conditions and stuff you gotta agree to.I started searching for keywords "soul" "satan" "devil" just to be sure,when i can't search for keywords in the agreements i read them fully.There is a game i want to download that says there are terms and conditions,but i can not find them since there is no link on their website.Anyway,if i randomly agree to every terms and conditions could i actually sell my soul? I asked Satan to take my soul and replace my soul by filling me with demons that I will become Satans property and achieve my desires. Jesus warned that we must make a choice between two masters: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. The devil agrees to the trade, and Dr. Faustus enjoys the pleasures of sin for a season, but his doom is sealed. This can be done via a contractual signing, You can sell your soul by speaking with the devil from your mind, You can summon the devil into your room and set up the deal, 3) Your moral conscience will be deadened, 5) Everything you got from the devil will eventually be lost, 6) It leads to depression and psychological problems, 4. I can't stress enough that this in NOT true no more that heart disease is a demonic attack! Ok dude. My mother was healthy and suddenly dies of cancer. When you sell your soul to the devil, 2 things will happen to you: Before you run off to make a pact with the devil for your soul, ask yourself a question Is it worth it?. Because of that he can give you a short success or can fulfill your desire in exchange of your soul who will go to hell with him. THAT is selling one's soul. The professor started the evening with - Who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros. case? Sometimes we stumble into danger and hold our hand on a stove. Milton included this specific detail into his poem because he once made a deal with Lucifer to swap his soul for the ability to write good poetry. The more important your desires are is the lesser number of years you will spend. The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. Satan takes care of his own, how did you do it? Trust Jesus, He died a horrible death by torture on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for our sin, guilt and shame. Basic idea = If you kill someone you are consenting for them to kill you in another reality. Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire. You must pass these tests. The atmosphere will begin to shift, though it may be imperceptible. However, as I grew up and got more knowledge about this subject, I realized that it was not entirely true. You are the Devil if you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when you hate . That is a flat out lie. You may feel that you're not part of the world anymore and that your soul is no longer yours. I have not been right since. Just a crazy world of mysteries and food and drugs and people and spirits and love and life and death. If you want to lean to your own understanding, and the understanding and council of sinful men that is your choice. You will lose your peace at the end of it all. Simple little antidotes like "Be strong in your faith" only suggest to the sufferer that they are weak in their faith. If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. I know that you are me. Be strong in your faith, and remember doubt is the strength of the enemy. and doubt ah yes doubt is it really the strength of the enemy? I'm really scared. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. I had a friend who went through a series of facial surgeries to correct an issue (I.e., this was medical, cosmetic) and he didnt recognize himself in the mirror anymore. No your fine. When you are here in this body you are self. I became acholic, addicted to cannabis, and a problem gambler. About US | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest. Salvation ain't cheap, you know Ok, I'm just fucking with you. You receive back what you put out, amplified and magnified. Im not comfortable weighing in on the more spiritual aspects of what you discussed, as everyone has a different set of experiences backing them, and I cant really put myself in your shoes. Everyone can have thoughts they shouldnt. Believe it or not, the first sensation you might feel after selling your soul is loneliness. Sent from my iPhone. To sell your soul means, you have made an agreement, with the devil, to trade your soul, when you die, in exchange for something you want in your life. This dream is a sign that you have sold your soul. I have blasphemed the holy spirit for which there is no turning back since I did that I feel nothing but a desire to do the work of Satan and obey Satan. Could be that your face doesnt look the same to you, and that is putting you into an emotional state which is difficult to understand or resolve. 36 As it is written:For your sake we face death all day long; I think it's just me, and I've only really been into my Bible for about 2+ years, but no where in the New Testament does say anything about selling your soul Can anyone back this up? Let us look at them more individually. One has to wonder also how damaging some of the religuous nonsense has influenced our mental wellbeing for the worse. You're probably changing along with your body. Im scared that I accidentally sold my soul. Nothing in the bible states we have the ability to do it either, or that Satan does. Try mediating and connecting it is a life changer. Go easy on yourself. Im not trying to discount any of the existential/soul crises that you are experiencing. It is our sins that separate us from God said: Sorry if you misunderstood but I was speaking of sin in general,(all sinful behavior) not to the Op's medical condition. In all seriousness OP are you currently on something? You would not be "selling your soul" by consuming Marijuana. Some people find that they meet spirits and other higher beings, some people just find that the world is more beautiful. The devil is not God, he doesnt love you and his purpose is to lead you in hell because he knows that he has already been judged and his sentence is irrevocable. And gain life eternal with God. But she is only an avatar of the capital M Mind. What can you ask the devil? No problem, your soul has already been sold, in the Garden, to Satan. You say be in constant prayer tword God for forgiveness. Again, I recommend reading this book. He is the author and perfector of our faith. 26 Nothing. neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. and I came back happy and knowing things and in a different world and ended up over a few weeks starting to look unreal and everyone loved me and I was just in paradise everyday spreading love ang making people laugh and thought I was making my own reality ( I was in a different world where everything was so beautiful and I was so free and thought I was connected to nature and god and had no anxiety and felt 10/10 24/7 even sober) and could make anyone feel safe and like a kid and join my fantasy world and I ended up looking even different like an innocent kid I literally felt like a spirit with no body and I was so happy and funny and loved myself and I thought I was just blessed so is smoking weed selling ur soul or is transidental experience (ego death) selling ur soul but I also was getting treated for chronic pain and this acupuncture that gives witch vibes gave me tea when I was sick I think she put something in it and I came once with blood on my hand from a cut and I think she took the napkins and did something i think I dont know what to think but it kinda does seem like I sold it because I didnt even feel human I felt like a spirit and felt powerful and I think an entity was in me because I also had a powerful energy to dance aand have a blast by myself and everyone would just stare at me and people would come up to me that also seemed to have no soul when I thought we were just people who knew the truth i was able to make anyone fall in love and I didnt even get to talk to the girl I like and now I cant but thats what it says u can do if u sell ur soul Ive read and It seems that was too good to be true and once I quit smoking weed for molar surgury my face changed over night and I look different and soulless like Im dying and feel different and a few days after you could see the evil entity in my eyes and now its gone but I feel regret did I get the mark of the beast its insane can I be forgiven I didnt even know I just felt like a kid Having fun 24/7 was just paradise and thought I escaped the matrix (whys fluoride in the water ) Im so dumb for this I hope I can be forgiven and have a relationship with God and Jesus (if you say its not possible to sell ur soul can u explain how please like how do u explain certain famous people) Im 18 I felt like 10 different people and that anything was possible I would literally basically play music in my head and would just laugh at everything even sober theres a lot more I probably left out but I think Im dying I dont want to live anymore Im just going to be alone and dont want family to see me like this or anyone I went from being as healthy as possible to looking like a crack head plus molar surgury ruined my face and smile. The hard part is, of course, dealing with the comedown and the return to our world. Lucifer is not Satan. And therefore it isn't yours to sell anymore. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Joshua24:14-15), This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. This has been drilled into our heads for so long it would be impossible to ignore which attributes to why we may feel so guilty for something that simply should have never happened. But it goes back to the One who gave it. Everyone who has signed a deal with the devil will face at least 3 of these consequences. Your life should revolve around Christ and not around the things of the world. Psalm 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. Fortunately for me thecase had engaged my deep interest as I did a lot of sales contract work atthetime, and I had prepared for hours sensing I was about to get thegrilling of the semester from this professor. For me it is a wonderful feeling. However, they dont know the further details and processes of the whole event. Confession, repentance, what to confess and how? does telling this young, suffering child that help her in anyway? Okay, I read it.. No, you don't sell your soul by selling weed or having transcendental experiences like ego death. If you do sell your soul in a dream, it may be a sign that you are feeling overly stressed or that you need to take a step back from life. The fairytale world of some of the more recent Christian philosophers is an invention of delusion: theres no devil out there who wants to steal your soul with marijuana. Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. Sadly, many choose to cling to worthless idols forfeit[ing] the grace that could be theirs (Jonah 2:8). I can do this long distance, just send me a pm, but be sure you have your credit card handy. I'm sorry but, you obviously no nothing about OCD. Popular topics. The process: a person has a deep desire for something or the person has a talent of some sort. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Meaning that while your soul is incapable of being bought/sold, you (as the infinite individuated POWERFUL soul You are) have the power and capacity to construct and inhabit a reality in which this is your experience. If the bible calls it a sin, our opinions doesnt really Press J to jump to the feed. Different people have different experiences with cannabis, and can include feelings of mellowness and happiness, or paranoia and depression, in the same way people have differing reactions to alcohol. 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