direct and indirect speech past tense exercisesspinal solutions lawsuit

a)Direct: He said, "I may buy a house.. (Correct), Direct: He said, All people have equal rights., Indirect: He said that all peoplehadequal rights. Displaying ads are our only source of revenue. The Tense in Indirect Speech is NOT CHANGED if the words within the quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action. 3. If the verbs are backshifted then we don't know if it is still current or not: Fiona complained that they kept inviting their friends over when she had to study for her exams. c)Direct:He said to her, Please wait.. 2023 - All rights Reserved. 1. Example: 'She is my best friend,' he said. A. a)Direct: She said, "He has finished his food. e.g.Direct SpeechIndirect SpeechAbhi said to Nidhi, Had you paid the fee?Abhi asked Nidhi if she had paid the fee.Mr Roy said, I had bought a house.Mr Roy said that he had bought a house.Pratima said, He had gone mad.Pratima said that he had gone mad.My brother said, I had failed the interview.My brother said that he had failed the interview.Nisha said to me, I had sketched a portrait of you.Nisha told me that she had sketched a portrait of me. Change the past tense into present tense wherever the reporting verb is in the past tense. 'Reported speech is when you report what someone has said. When we want to describe what someone said, one option is to use direct speech. Tim: "She works in an office." . 1. 5. that the problem has not been resolved and Fiona is still unhappy. a)Indirect: He asked whether he is coming. The lady said "She had been getting fat". Indirect speech is when we report what someone has said without quoting their exact words. b)Indirect: He says/will say he is unwell. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We consider your struggle as our motivation to work each day. Indirect: The policeman enquired where we were going. For example: Now youve seen how we use direct and indirect speech, practice using them yourself. Rule - 7: Sentence with Question Tags: Sometimes an Interrogative sentence is formed in the Direct Narration by adding some Interrogative Tags to an Assertive sentence. - since this is still relevant, right? 1. He said that she .. his best friend. He told me that he didnt believe me. Then in such a scenario all the present tenses in the reported or the indirect speech are transformed to the appropriate past tense. Radha said that her friend had given her a gift. Direct and Indirect Speech rules Both direct and indirect speech have their own set of grammar rules. Thank you in advance! When you give someone an order, you use the imperative form, which means using just the verb without a subject. Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Present Tense Examples If reported verb is in Past Tense, reported speech will change from Present Indefinite Tense to Past Indefinite Tense Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech in Present Continuous Tense 14. Direct: The policeman enquired where are you going. 3. Back to: Quiz on Direct and Indirect Speech, Narration Quiz [narration in simple past tense], You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}, Direct and Indirect SpeechTensesExercises, Direct and Indirect Speech in Different Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 1, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 2, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 3, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 4, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 5, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 6, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 7, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 8, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Present Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Past Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Future Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Assertive Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Interrogative Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Imperative Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Exclamatory Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech with Let Sentences exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Optative Sentences Exercises. Maths Crash Course - Live lectures + all videos + Real time Doubt solving! If the reporting verb is in the past tense, then the direct sentence is changed in its past tense. For example: When you report a question you need to change the interrogative form into an affirmative sentence, putting the verb tense one step back, as with normalreported speech. Write the first word of the statement with capital letter. Dear students and teachers: Please make sure you subscribe to the free grammar updates, English Practice Learn and Practice English Online. Do this exercise to test your grammar again. It is a way of reporting what someone has said by using your own words, rather than quoting them directly. Direct: He said, "The sun rises in the east." Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east. SENTENCES: Note: While changing the interrogative sentence into indirect speech remove the question mark ?. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise Download PDF Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. 2608, W50 50 Wong Chuk Hang Road Hong Kong Registered number: 2587136 ISO 9001:2015. Rule 2 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion - Present Tense Present Perfect Changes to Past Perfect. The tenses of direct speech do not change if the reporting verb is in the future tense or present tense. Indirect: She told me that she had been waiting for her sister. Tools: textbook, chalk, green board, smart class, blackboard. For example: As you can see, with direct speech it is common to use the verb to say (said in the past). d)Indirect:He requested her to wait. This is how I did it,is it correct? That is "direct speech." The other method is to summarize, or tell about what someone said. CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 12 years. For example: When we report what someone says in the present simple, as in the above sentence, we normally dont change the tense, we simply change the subject. 1. Note that you have to backshift both of the verbs as the actions are simultaneous; if you backshift only the first (had kept inviting) then you change the actions to make them sequential. Indirect: She told me that she had been to San Francisco. Indirect: She said that she was playing football. The lawyer told the judge that the convict had been driving recklessly. Direct Speech to Indirect speech exercises with answers. Submitted by Kirk on Tue, 15/11/2022 - 16:06, In reply to Hi, c)Direct: She says/will say, My father came yesterday., Indirect: She says/will say that her father had come yesterday. Each of the following sentences will contain a mistake in the usage of Direct and Indirect Speech. She said, I had been planning to go on a tour.. For example, in the following sentence the present simple becomes the past simple in indirect speech: All the other tenses follow a similar change in indirect speech. I know her name and address, said John. : She says: "I will do the work tomorrow.' Rules for conversion of Indirect Speech to Direct SpeechUse the reporting verb, "say" or "said to" in its correct tense.Remove the conjuctions "that, to, if. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Back to: Direct and Indirect Speech (Narration), Examples of narration change in simple past, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous are given below . Isn't this sentence incorrect? Direct speech reveals the tone and moods of the characters. In order for the reader to realise that the quoted text is the speakers own story, it is frequently surrounded by quotation marks. Narration Change Rules for Pronouns, Time & Place,, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Past Tense Examples, Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech in Past Continuous Tense, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Tense Examples, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Continuous Tense Examples, Detailed Look at the Parts of Direct and Indirect Speech, Rules for Changing Direct to Indirect Speech, Rules for Changing Indirect to Direct Speech, Reporting Verbs in Direct and Indirect Speech, Changes in Modal Auxiliary Verbs with Examples, Changes of Pronoun in Narration Change with Examples, Changes in the Expression of Time and Place with Examples, Narration Change of Exclamatory Sentences, Narration Change of Interrogative Sentences, Let Sentences in Direct and Indirect Speech, Exception of Rules in Narration Change with Examples, Moumita said to Shampa, I drew a picture of you.. direct and indirect speech past continuous tense exercises DE ATENDIMENTO: (85) 4042-6703 cps high school admissions test practice. It is too late to go out, Alice said. scipy sparse matrix to dense. I have this conversation and later I have to complete the sentences. 15 Questions Show answers. In Direct Speech, we use "lived" (Simple Past), In Indirect Speech, we use "had lived" (Past Perfect), Simran said that she had bought an iPhone, He said "I worked overtime for my children", He said that he had worked overtime for his children. Indirect speech means what is said is stated in our own words, so it differs somewhat from what was actually said. Exercise 1: Change into indirect speech Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech. Brian______ e-mail very often at work. b)Indirect: They said that we cannot live without water. Manage Settings Tong______ e-mail wastes a lot of time. When we report what someone says in the present simple, as in the above sentence, we normally don't change the tense, we simply change the subject. For example, with indirect speech, the tense of the verb usually changes (from present to past), and the pronoun often changes (from first person to third person). the reporting of speech by rephrasing what the speaker said. Moumita said to Shampa that she had drawn a picture of her. Teachoo answers all your questions if you are a Black user! (Incorrect), Indirect: Shesays that she will go to school tomorrow. In order to describe what people said there are two different types of speech direct speech and indirect speech (or reported speech). Direct: I am playing football, she said. An excellent and easy way to see how they are used is by reading a short story in English or a news article online, because stories and articles contain many examples of reported speech. explain, suggest, claim, tell). Example: He asked, Can I come with you?. Present Continuous to Past Continuous Direct: "I am playing football", she said. One is to say the same words and use quotation marks. Indirect: He said that he was happy. Here is an example for all the main tenses: The same rule of moving the tenses one step back also applies to modal verbs. Indirect: The old man exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined. 5. No tracking or performance measurement cookies were served with this page. By practicing these exercises, you can learn how to correctly use both direct and indirect speech. This will ultimately help you to better communicate with others. Remove the conjunctions "that, to, if or whether etc" wherever necessary. John said, 'I am very busy now.' 2. [> they are still doing this], Fiona complained that they had kept inviting their friends over when she had had to study for her exams. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises Solved Example With Answers for Class 7 CBSE. So for question 2, for example, here are some possible answers. A comma (,) and inverted commas (" ") should be used in place of the conjunction 'that'. Direct and Indirect Speech: Direct Indirect Speech Rules and examples. Do you know how to report what somebody else said? The scientists said that the virus had been killing people. He said that he was writing letters. Affirmatives Direct speech: RP +, + S + V2 + ROTS He said to him, "I went to Texas yesterday." John said to Peter, Go away. 6. Shouldn't it be: The professor asked Shipra Why she was quiet. Change in Tense: The tense of the reported speech is changed for converting direct speech into indirect speech. Indirect speech is used to describe someone else's statement in your own words without changing the statement's meaning. direct speech: 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' he said. Rule 3. Grandma told the doctor that she had been feeling sick. 4. LearnEnglish Kids for children aged 5 to 12, LearnEnglish Teens for children aged 13 to 17, TeachingEnglish for teachers and teacher educators. In Direct Speech,we use "was cooking" (Past Continuous) In Indirect Speech,we use "had been cooking" (Past Perfect Continuous) Convert into Indirect Speech Grandma said" I was praying since morning" View Answer She said" I was trembling with fear" View Answer Boy said" I was roaming the street" View Answer Girl said" I was window shopping" e.g.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'englishsummary_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',654,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-englishsummary_com-medrectangle-3-0');Direct SpeechIndirect SpeechI said, It had been raining all day.I said that it had been raining all day.The scientists said, The virus had been killing people.The scientists said that the virus had been killing people.The mother said, My son had been sleeping all day.The mother said that her son had been sleeping all day.She said, I had been planning to go on a tour.She said that she had been planning to go on a tour.Father said, I had been working for my family.Father said that he had been work for his family. The first person of the reported speech changes according to the subject of reporting speech. The judge commanded them to call the first witness. Example: - Direct: - She said, 'I want the toy.' Indirect: She said that she wanted the toy. (The Pronoun is changed in Person), 4. 'tomorrow' is fine here if the meaning is correct. The judge ordered to bring the witness. Look at these examples to see how we can tell someone what another person said. For example: When you make a request, you normally use words like can, could, or will. a)Direct: He says/will say, I am unwell.. Indirect: Rahul said that he had to complete the work on time. Aim: Students will be able to use this tense correctly. b)Indirect: He said that he might buy a house. OR He said he didnt believe me. I asked how old you . are were Either could be used here 2. The second person of direct speech changes as per the object of reporting speech. If direct speech comes after the information about who is speaking, comma is used to introduce the piece of speech, placed before the first inverted comma. Indirect: she said that she had been studying hard. If reported verb is inPast Tense & reported speech is inPast Perfect Tense, it will not change. Direct and Indirect of Past Perfect Tense; Answers: Exercise 1. The stranger asked Ashna what the time was. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word 'that' to introduce the reported words. He says, I am glad to be here this evening. a)Direct: He said, "I should face the challenge.. . Direct: He said, she has completed her work. Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise You are here: Home / Exercises / Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise November 5, 2021 - Fill in the blanks. Reported speech - past. Indirect: My friend says that she dances well. Diego: (2) There are many ways to remain motivated during difficult times at work. She told me that she . to my father. Indirect Speech is introduced by some words like grief, sorrow, happiness, applaud. (Incorrect), Indirect: He said that she was coming that week to discuss it. Where is the post office? asked the stranger. b)Indirect:He asked me what I was doing. (Incorrect), Indirect: He asked them whether they would come for dinner. Indirect: he said that he could do this all day. Hello, Fiona complained that they HAD kept inviting their friends over when she had to (or HAD had to?) We are not permitting internet traffic to Byjus website from countries within European Union at this time. Indirect speech is also called reported speech. View Answer. Direct And Indirect Speech Exercise December 25, 2017 - Test your understanding of indirect speech with this grammar exercise. Expert Answers: Rules for conversion of Indirect Speech to Direct SpeechUse the reporting verb, "say" or "said to" in its correct tense.Remove the conjuctions "that, to, if. Question 1. 1. When we use the past tense, it could refer just to the past or it could refer to the past and the present -- it's unclear. Sister said to me, I was cooking delicious food for you.. Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Tense Exercises - In this section, you will play quiz on the Narration or Direct and Indirect Speech with Past perfect Tense Indirect: He said that he was happy. (Correct), Direct: The teacher said, Be quiet and listen to my words., Indirect:The teacher said them to be quiet and listen to my words. b)Indirect: He said that he would be in Kolkata the next day. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Indirect Speech is introduced by some verbs like ordered, requested, advised and suggested. Erin: Make a calendar with your deadline on it so you have a goal to work toward. Indirect: She asked whether I would come to the party. Nisha said to me, I had sketched a portrait of you.. Insert quotation marks, question mark, exclamation and full stop, as per the mood of the sentence. 2. To form reported speech, you typically use a verb like say or tell, followed by a pronoun or noun. For example: Sometimes its necessary to change the time expressions when you report speech, especially when you are speaking about the past and the time reference no longer applies. b)Indirect: He said (that) he was unwell. b)Indirect: They told me that they had been living in Goa. Dhronacharya ordered Arjuna to aim at the fish's eye. 'I know her name and address,' said John. When the speech changes from direct to indirect, the tense, person and adverb may change. 3. 7. Direct: The boy said, Im happy with my results., Indirect: The boy said that heis happywith his results. She said to me, Please wait here till I return. Your {{submitTextSingle}} has been submitted. practice all the examples of direct and indirect speech and read the rules of direct and indirect speech for better understanding. Submitted by Marc Lensly on Sun, 06/11/2022 - 20:22, I should know this, but, let me just ask anyway. 11. (Correct), Direct: She says, I will go to school tomorrow., Indirect: Shesays that she would go to school the day after. Please login :). (Python), Direct Indirect Speech Rules of Present Perfect, Direct Indirect Speech Rules of Past Perfect, Direct Indirect Speech Rules of Future Perfect, Direct Indirect Speech for Present Perfect Continuous, Direct Indirect Speech for Past Perfect Continuous, Direct Indirect Speech for Future Perfect Continuous. 3. The verb can be "say" (as in example sentence 1), but it can be other verbs too if the meaning is right (e.g. (Incorrect), Indirect: The boy said that hewas happywith his results. on Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Answers, Exercises, ICAI CA May 2023 Exam Date, Check Schedule, IIT JAM Admit Card 2023 Released, Download Hall Ticket. 'It is too late to go out,' Alice said. b)Indirect:She said that she was happy. b)Indirect:He told me that he had been to Gujarat. Direct Speech to Indirect speech exercises with answers. There are two types of questions that we can report questions that have a yes/no response, and questions that begin with a question word like what, where, who etc. the reporting of speech by using similar words to the speaker. No such email id registered. 5. is was has been 2. Submitted by Peter M. on Thu, 03/11/2022 - 07:42, In reply to Hello, Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the words spoken. 6. Now its time to practice using them yourself and see where you stand. Read on to find out more about these forms and improve your English storytelling skills. Direct speech: "We're quite cold in here." Indirect speech: They say (that) they're cold. Exercises: indirect speech. Reporting Verb like said/ said to changes to asked, enquired or demanded, a)Direct: He said to me, What are you doing?. The pronoun I is changed to she. Father said, I had been working for my family.. Indirect: She said that she had been reading a novel. Direct and Indirect Speech Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Father said that he had been work for his family. Q. Indirect: They said that they might buy a dress. b)Direct: He said to him, Are you coming?. b)Indirect: She said that she would be using the car next Friday. Affirmatives Direct speech: RP +, + S + be2 + V1ing + ROTS German is easy to learn, she said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. I am ruined., Indirect: The old man said that Ah he was ruined! If sentence begins with wh questions then no conjunction is used as the "question-word" itself act as joining clause. I don't know for sure the purpose of this exercise, but it seems that you have to complete the sentences using a reporting verb. View Answer. Glossary of Narration Sentences. Indirect speech - tenses 2. Past Continuous Changes to Past Perfect Continuous. In Indirect Narration, the tag is omitted after the meaning of the sentence (Affirmation or Negation) has been guessed from it. The third person of the reported speech doesn't change. direct speech: 'I love the Toy Story films,' she said. This might happen when the speaker has used a present tense. If sentence begins with auxiliary verb, the joining clause should be if or whether. Yes, that by Kirk, When it comes to the previously provided example: The adverb now is changed to then. Direct speech is when we report the actual words that were spoken. Reported speech - present. Your email address will not be published. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell . 30 seconds. Past Perfect Continuous of Direct Speech remains Past Perfect Continuous of Indirect Speech. has just spoken had just spoken Either could be used here 3. I told my friend that I had been studying for my examination. b)Indirect:The girl enquired where I lived. Direct: I have been to San Francisco, She told me. Class 12 Computer Science TENSES. Newsletter; EFL/ESL Sites; Click here to revoke your choice; FAQ; Sitemap; Press/Advertising; Direct: She said to me, 'I was waiting for my sister.'. Direct: Roshni said, I may meet him here. Bobby will say, "I have already done direct and indirect speech exercises." . Our online self-study, live classes and one-to-one courses with personal tutors help you improve your English and achieve your ambitions. 15. Direct: she said, "I was studying hard". John said, I am very busy now. Direct and Indirect of Simple Past Tense Tense Chang: As a rule, when we convey a message from direct speech we go one tense back, therefore when we convey a message from simple past tense, we change the tense into past perfect tense. (Incorrect), Indirect: He said that all peoplehave equal rights. Direct: Helen said, 'I am glad'. b)Indirect: He said that he had to work hard. The speaker said, Be quiet and listen to my words.. Diego___ many ways to remain motivated during difficult times at work. (Note that the tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant or if it is a universal truth.) The second person of reported speech changes according to the object of reporting speech. As a result of the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Reported speech - questions. The tense does not change in case of past perfect or past perfect continuous. But you can also find other verbs used to indicate direct speech such as ask, reply, and shout. 7. This is called 'backshift'. The mother said, My son had been sleeping all day.. (3) I avoid distraction by not checking my e-mail all day. Then (6) I broke my work down into small parts. The teacher said"I had been watching you". a)Direct:Rafique said to Ahmed, Go away.. While changing a sentence from indirect speech to direct speech, we need to follow the given steps- 'Told' remains either unchanged or changes to 'said to'. Course on Narration. We also may need to change other words that were used, for example pronouns. [> it was a problem at the time; we don't know if it is still or not]. 2. Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Past Tense Exercises ; Direct . 11. Indirect Speech: the message of the speaker is conveyed or reported in our own words. a)Direct: He said, Will you come for the meeting?. To help Teachoo create more content, and view the ad-free version of Teachooo please purchase Teachoo Black subscription. My aunt said that she would gladly go to the cinema with us because she had not seen that film and she wanted to see it very much. a)Direct: "I am reading a book", he explained. When we backshift, past simple usually changes to past perfect simple, and past continuous usually changes to past perfect continuous. Back to: Quiz on Direct and Indirect Speech, Narration Quiz [narration in past perfect], You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}, Direct and Indirect SpeechTensesExercises, Direct and Indirect Speech in Different Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 1, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 2, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 3, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 4, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 5, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 6, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 7, Direct and Indirect Speech Basic Exercises Set 8, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Present Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Past Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Simple Future Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Perfect Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Future Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Assertive Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Interrogative Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Imperative Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Exclamatory Sentences Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech with Let Sentences exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Optative Sentences Exercises. The scientists said, The virus had been killing people. b)Indirect: He tells them that they have completed their job. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Note: Could, Would, Should, Might, and Ought to modal verbs do not change. (example). (Present Tense is changed to Past). We at Adda247 school strive each day to provide you the best material across the online education industry. Conjunction that is added before the indirect statement. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Direct and Indirect Speech Past Perfect Tense Examples If reported verb is in Past Tense & reported speech is in Past Perfect Tense, it will not change. Could you please help by SuzieTaylor. For example: As you can see, in the reported version of the question, do is eliminated because it is no longer a question, and the verb live becomes lived. Step 3: For both the object and the subject, use the correct pronoun. Previous Lesson. For example: To report an order we use tell and the infinitive of the verb. Brian: I need help. Grandma told the doctor, I was feeling sick.. If what the speaker has said is still true or relevant, it's not always necessary to change the tense. Direct: I am happy, he said. But in this case, where the reporting verb and statement are both in the present, it's more natural to keep 'tomorrow' in most cases. Direct: Where do you stay? asked the boy. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech are the two types of speech that are used to explain with examples what other people say (or reported Speech). He asked me if I would listen to him. He said to me, What are you doing? (Incorrect), Indirect: Roshni said that she might meet him there. In this case, the word said is called a reporting verb. However, when we report things in the past, we usually change the tense by moving it one step back. 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